THE TOP TEN SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER 'Bristles with pure, crystalline intelligence, deep knowledge and human sympathy' Richard Dawkins Is modernity really failing? Or have we failed to appreciate progress and the ideals that make it possible? If you follow the headlines, the world in the 21st century appears to be sinking into chaos, hatred, and irrationality. Yet Steven Pinker shows that this is an illusion - a symptom of historical amnesia and statistical fallacies. If you follow the trendlines...
Data di rilascio : 2018-02-13 Genere:Saggistica > Filosofia 9,49 €
Should we pay children to read books or to get good grades? Is it ethical to pay people to test risky new drugs or to donate their organs? What about hiring mercenaries to fight our wars, outsourcing inmates to for-profit prisons, auctioning admission to elite universities, or selling citizenship to immigrants willing to pay? Isn't there something wrong with a world in which everything is for sale? In recent decades, market values have crowded out nonmarket norms in almost every aspect of life-m...
Data di rilascio : 2012-04-26 Genere:Saggistica > Filosofia 9,49 €
This beautifully written book by one of the world's leading moral philosophers argues that the key to a fulfilled life is to pursue wholeheartedly what one cares about, that love is the most authoritative form of caring, and that the purest form of love is, in a complicated way, self-love. Harry Frankfurt writes that it is through caring that we infuse the world with meaning. Caring provides us with stable ambitions and concerns; it shapes the framework of aims and interests within which we lead...
Data di rilascio : 2009-01-13 Genere:Saggistica > Filosofia 19,99 €
Ci sono già tanti libri sulla saggezza di Gandhi, direte voi: perché scriverne un altro? Nella sua idea, un mondo civile sarebbe stato un pianeta di armonia universale, improntato alla compassione e al senso di unità. Alcuni potranno liquidare la sua visione come un’utopia impossibile. Invece, come disse Gandhi, la civiltà di una nazione o di un popolo non si misura in base alla sua ricchezza, ma dal suo atteggiamento rispetto ai meno fortunati. Nel 150° anniversario della sua nascita ho ...
Data di rilascio : 2019-09-17 Genere:Saggistica > Filosofia 8,99 €
Michael Sandel's Justice: What's the Right Thing to Do? invites readers of all ages and political persuasions on a journey of moral reflection, and shows how reasoned debate can illuminate our lives. Is it always wrong to lie? Should there be limits to personal freedom? Can killing sometimes be justified? Is the free market fair? What is the right thing to do? Questions like these are at the heart of our lives. In this acclaimed book Michael Sandel - BBC Reith Lecturer and the Harvard professor ...
Data di rilascio : 2009-09-24 Genere:Saggistica > Filosofia 9,49 €
'A landmark contribution to humanity's understanding of itself' The New York Times Why can it sometimes feel as though half the population is living in a different moral universe? Why do ideas such as 'fairness' and 'freedom' mean such different things to different people? Why is it so hard to see things from another viewpoint? Why do we come to blows over politics and religion? Jonathan Haidt reveals that we often find it hard to get along because our minds are hardwired to be moralistic, judge...
Data di rilascio : 2012-03-29 Genere:Saggistica > Filosofia 9,49 €
In 1999 His Holiness The Dalai Lama published the bestselling Ancient Wisdom: Modern World , which addressed the question of ethics for the new millennium. A decade later, His Holiness enters the contemporary debate about religion vs atheism, and returns to the theme of ethics with a major new work: Beyond Religion: ethics for a whole world. In this thought-provoking new book he argues that religion is not a necessity for pursuing a spiritual life. Rather, focusing on tolerance and understanding...
Data di rilascio : 2012-01-05 Genere:Saggistica > Filosofia 10,99 €
From the bestselling coauthor of Wittgenstein's Poker , a fascinating tour through the history of moral philosophy A runaway train is racing toward five men who are tied to the track. Unless the train is stopped, it will inevitably kill all five men. You are standing on a footbridge looking down on the unfolding disaster. However, a fat man, a stranger, is standing next to you: if you push him off the bridge, he will topple onto the line and, although he will die, his chunky body will stop the t...
Data di rilascio : 2013-10-06 Genere:Saggistica > Filosofia 12,99 €
Non ci sarebbe bisogno di leggi, di regole, di comandamenti, se non ci fossero uomini e donne disposti all’imbroglio, alla menzogna, al furto, al falso giuramento e all’omicidio. Eppure – sostiene Ágnes Heller – fino a quando la capacità di distinguere il bene dal male prevale sugli altri princìpi, resta valido un punto centrale di riferimento morale. «Certamente ogni persona retta lo è in modo diverso, ciascuno a suo modo, ma l’uomo e la donna retta rimangono sempre colui o colei...
Data di rilascio : 2015-11-10 3,99 €
A #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER One of the most salient features of our culture is that there is so much bullshit. Everyone knows this. Each of us contributes his share. But we tend to take the situation for granted. Most people are rather confident of their ability to recognize bullshit and to avoid being taken in by it. So the phenomenon has not aroused much deliberate concern. We have no clear understanding of what bullshit is, why there is so much of it, or what functions it serves. And we la...
Data di rilascio : 2009-01-10 Genere:Saggistica > Filosofia 8,99 €
ll treno e la filosofia formano una bella coppia. I treni ci portano dove vogliamo, e lo fanno alla velocità del pensiero. Eppure treni e filosofia hanno un vago sentore di muffa: oggi, potendo scegliere, sono pochi a prendere il treno, e nessun genitore fa studiare filosofia ai figli, se può evitarlo; la filosofia, come i viaggi in treno, è qualcosa che la gente faceva prima di conoscere altro. Ma treni e filosofia ci offrono qualcosa di molto prezioso: la possibilità di vedere il mondo da ...
Data di rilascio : 2023-01-11 Genere:Saggistica > Filosofia 14,99 €
Meditations is One of the world's most famous and influential books and remains one of the greatest works of spiritual and ethical reflection ever written. Written by the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius (A.D. 121–180), incorporates the stoic precepts he used to cope with his life as a warrior and administrator of an empire. Ascending to the imperial throne in A.D. 161, Aurelius found his reign beset by natural disasters and war. In the wake of these challenges, he set down a series of private re...
Data di rilascio : 2020-04-05 0,99 €
A bracingly provocative challenge to one of our most cherished ideas and institutions Most people believe democracy is a uniquely just form of government. They believe people have the right to an equal share of political power. And they believe that political participation is good for us—it empowers us, helps us get what we want, and tends to make us smarter, more virtuous, and more caring for one another. These are some of our most cherished ideas about democracy. But Jason Brennan says they ...
Data di rilascio : 2017-09-26 Genere:Saggistica > Filosofia 16,99 €
Epictetus was born into slavery about 55 ce in the eastern outreaches of the Roman Empire. Once freed, he established an influential school of Stoic philosophy, stressing that human beings cannot control life, only their responses to it. By putting into practice the ninety-three witty, wise, and razor-sharp instructions that make up The Art of Living, readers learn to meet the challenges of everyday life successfully and to face life's inevitable losses and disappointments with grace.
Data di rilascio : 2013-02-05 Genere:Saggistica > Filosofia 8,99 €
Is justice an ideal, forever beyond our grasp, or something that may actually guide our practical decisions and enhance our lives? In this wide-ranging book, Amartya Sen presents an alternative approach to mainstream theories of justice which, despite their many specific achievements have taken us, he argues, in the wrong direction in general. At the heart of Sen's argument is his insistence on the role of public reason in establishing what can make societies less unjust. But it is in the nature...
Data di rilascio : 2010-07-01 Genere:Saggistica > Filosofia 10,99 €
Provocative essays on real-world ethical questions from the world's most influential philosopher Peter Singer is often described as the world's most influential philosopher. He is also one of its most controversial. The author of important books such as Animal Liberation , Practical Ethics , Rethinking Life and Death , and The Life You Can Save , he helped launch the animal rights and effective altruism movements and contributed to the development of bioethics. Now, in Ethics in the Real World ,...
Data di rilascio : 2017-09-05 Genere:Saggistica > Filosofia 15,99 €
Philosophical wisdom and practical advice for overcoming the problems of middle age How can you reconcile yourself with the lives you will never lead, with possibilities foreclosed, and with nostalgia for lost youth? How can you accept the failings of the past, the sense of futility in the tasks that consume the present, and the prospect of death that blights the future? In this self-help book with a difference, Kieran Setiya confronts the inevitable challenges of adulthood and middle age, showi...
Data di rilascio : 2017-09-22 Genere:Saggistica > Filosofia 14,99 €
'The book that changed my life... a constant companion' Bill Bailey 'Extraordinary and beautiful...the most exciting and ambitious work of non-fiction I have read in more than a decade' The Daily Telegraph This extraordinarily wide-ranging study looks at the dilemmas of life today and shows how they need not have arisen. Portraits of living people and historical figures are placed alongside each other as Zeldin discusses how men and women have lost and regained hope; how they have learnt to have...
Data di rilascio : 2012-12-31 Genere:Saggistica > Filosofia 10,99 €
Das unverzichtbare Buch für alle, die Ratgebern misstrauen, aber trotzdem endlich wissen wollen, was es mit der Liebe auf sich hat! Unzählige Ratgeber sind über die Liebe geschrieben worden, in allen Facetten wurde das unordentliche Gefühl, das wir Liebe nennen, beleuchtet. Wir haben erfahren, wie wir unsere Liebe jung halten, wie wir feurige Liebhaber werden und warum Männer nicht zuhören können. Hat es uns weitergeholfen? Nicht wirklich, denn in der Tat ist es nicht damit getan, das ric...
Data di rilascio : 2009-05-05 Genere:Saggistica > Filosofia 9,99 €
Charles Handy is one of the giants of contemporary thought. His books on management – including Understanding Organizations and Gods of Management – have changed the way we view business. His work on broader issues and trends – such as Beyond Certainty and The Second Curve – has changed the way we view society. In his new book, Handy builds on a life's work to glimpse into the future and see what challenges and opportunities the next generation faces. How will people cope with change in ...
Data di rilascio : 2019-06-27 Genere:Saggistica > Filosofia 9,49 €
How can Stoicism inspire us to lead more enjoyable lives? In the past few years, Stoicism has been making a comeback. But what exactly did the Stoics believe? In Lessons in Stoicism , philosopher John Sellars weaves together the key ideas of the three great Roman Stoics -- Seneca, Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius -- with snapshots of their fascinating lives, to show us how their ideas can help us today. In vivid prose, Sellars shows how the works of these three Stoics have inspired readers ever sin...
Data di rilascio : 2019-09-05 Genere:Saggistica > Filosofia 6,99 €
The story of the greatest of all philosophical friendships—and how it influenced modern thought David Hume is widely regarded as the most important philosopher ever to write in English, but during his lifetime he was attacked as “the Great Infidel” for his skeptical religious views and deemed unfit to teach the young. In contrast, Adam Smith was a revered professor of moral philosophy, and is now often hailed as the founding father of capitalism. Remarkably, the two were best friends for m...
Data di rilascio : 2017-08-28 Genere:Saggistica > Filosofia 16,99 €
This landmark work challenges the separatist doctrines which have come to dominate our understanding of the world. Appiah revives the ancient philosophy of Cosmopolitanism, which dates back to the Cynics of the 4th century, as a means of understanding the complex world of today. Arguing that we concentrate too much on what makes us different rather than recognising our common humanity, Appiah explores how we can act ethically in a globalised world.
Data di rilascio : 2015-09-24 Genere:Saggistica > Filosofia 9,49 €
The Epicureans, Skeptics, and Stoics practiced philosophy not as a detached intellectual discipline but as a worldly art of grappling with issues of daily and urgent human significance. In this classic work, Martha Nussbaum maintains that these Hellenistic schools have been unjustly neglected in recent philosophic accounts of what the classical "tradition" has to offer. By examining texts of philosophers such as Epicurus, Lucretius, and Seneca, she recovers a valuable source for current moral an...
Data di rilascio : 2013-06-06 Genere:Saggistica > Filosofia 20,99 €
The original self-help book: bestselling The Prophet takes the reader on an unparalleled spiritual and philosophical journey The time has come for the revered Prophet to leave Orphalese. Before he departs, people gather around him and ask him to speak his wisdom. Divided into twenty-eight chapters covering sprawling topics such as love, marriage, children and friendship, The Prophet forms a collection of poetic essays that are philosophical, spiritual and inspirational. The book was an instant b...
Data di rilascio : 2013-09-05 Genere:Saggistica > Filosofia 6,49 €
Warum wir uns so schwer tun, gut zu sein Ist der Mensch gut oder schlecht? Ist er in der Tiefe seines Herzens ein Egoist oder hilfsbereit? Und wie kommt es eigentlich, dass sich fast alle Menschen mehr oder weniger für die »Guten« halten und es trotzdem so viel Unheil in der Welt gibt? Das Buch stellt keine Forderung auf, wie der Mensch zu sein hat. Es untersucht – quer zu unseren etablierten Weltbildern – die Frage, wie wir uns in unserem täglichen Leben tatsächlich verhalten und warum...
Data di rilascio : 2010-10-11 Genere:Saggistica > Filosofia 8,99 €
Taking the form of a dialogue between Socrates, Gorgias, Polus and Callicles, GORGIAS debates perennial questions about the nature of government and those who aspire to public office. Are high moral standards essential or should we give our preference to the pragmatist who gets things done or negotiates successfully? Should individuals be motivated by a desire for personal power and prestige, or genuine concern for the moral betterment of the citizens? These questions go to the heart of Athenian...
Data di rilascio : 2004-01-29 Genere:Saggistica > Filosofia 8,49 €
'One of the greatest books of a very great thinker' Michael Tanner Beyond Good and Evil confirmed Nietzsche's position as the towering European philosopher of his age. The work dramatically rejects traditional Western thought with its notions of truth and God, good and evil. Nietzsche seeks to demonstrate that the Christian world is steeped in a false piety and infected with a 'slave morality'. With wit and energy, he turns from this critique to a philosophy that celebrates the present and deman...
Data di rilascio : 2003-02-27 Genere:Saggistica > Filosofia 8,49 €
Traduits par Séraphin Couvreur au XIXe siècle, les Quatre Livres de Confucius (La Grande Étude, L'invariable Milieu, les Entretiens et les oeuvres de Meng Tzeu) restent une référence en matière de sagesse et de méditation. Ils sont aussi un exemple à suivre pour celles et ceux qui désirent obtenir bonheur et sérénité. Les Quatre Livres sont quatre livres sélectionnés et commentés par Zhu Xi (1130 - 1200) durant la dynastie des Song pour servir d'introduction à la philosop...
Data di rilascio : 2022-07-23 Genere:Saggistica > Filosofia 6,99 €
A NEW YORKER AND THE ECONOMIST BEST BOOK OF 2022 " Life Is Hard is a humane consolation for challenging times. Reading it is like speaking with a thoughtful friend who never tells you to cheer up, but, by offering gentle companionship and a change of perspective, makes you feel better anyway" The New York Times Book Review ' An eloquent, moving, witty and above all useful demonstration of philosophy's power to help us weather the storms of being human ' Oliver Burkeman, author of FOUR THOUSAND W...
Data di rilascio : 2022-10-06 Genere:Saggistica > Filosofia 12,99 €
'Witty and learned ... Hershovitz intertwines parenting and philosophy, recounting his spirited arguments with his kids about infinity, morality, and the existence of God' Jordan Ellenberg, author of Shape A funny, wise guide to the art of thinking, and why the smallest people have the answers to the biggest questions 'Anyone can do philosophy, every kid does...' Some of the best philosophers in the world can be found in the most unlikely places: in preschools and playgrounds. They gather to deb...
Data di rilascio : 2022-05-03 Genere:Saggistica > Filosofia 14,99 €
Why the tools of philosophy offer a powerful antidote to today’s epidemic of irrationality There is an epidemic of bad thinking in the world today. An alarming number of people are embracing crazy, even dangerous ideas. They believe that vaccinations cause autism. They reject the scientific consensus on climate change as a “hoax.” And they blame the spread of COVID-19 on the 5G network or a Chinese cabal. Worse, bad thinking drives bad acting—it even inspired a mob to storm the U.S. Capi...
Data di rilascio : 2021-08-31 Genere:Saggistica > Filosofia 16,99 €
Friedrich Nietzsche (Born: 15 October 1844 – Died: 25 August 1900) was a German philosopher, cultural critic, composer, poet, and philologist whose work has exerted a profound influence on modern intellectual history. He began his career as a classical philologist before turning to philosophy. He became the youngest person ever to hold the Chair of Classical Philology at the University of Basel in 1869 at the age of 24. Nietzsche resi...
Data di rilascio : 2020-10-06 Genere:Saggistica > Filosofia 0,49 €
From Pulitzer Prize-finalist Steven Nadler, an engaging guide to what Spinoza can teach us about life’s big questions In 1656, after being excommunicated from Amsterdam’s Portuguese-Jewish community for “abominable heresies” and “monstrous deeds,” the young Baruch Spinoza abandoned his family’s import business to dedicate his life to philosophy. He quickly became notorious across Europe for his views on God, the Bible, and miracles, as well as for his uncompromising defense of free...
Data di rilascio : 2020-09-22 Genere:Saggistica > Filosofia 15,99 €
Should we believe in God? In this new book, written for a new generation, the brilliant science writer and author of The God Delusion, explains why we shouldn't. Should we believe in God? Do we need God in order to explain the existence of the universe? Do we need God in order to be good? In twelve chapters that address some of the most profound questions human beings confront, Dawkins marshals science, philosophy and comparative religion to interrogate the hypocrisies of all the religious syste...
Data di rilascio : 2019-09-19 Genere:Saggistica > Filosofia 9,49 €
One of the most important philosophical works of all time, in a new Penguin Classics translation by Adam Beresford 'Right and wrong is a human thing' What does it mean to be a good person? Aristotle's famous series of lectures on ethical topics ranges over fundamental questions about good and bad character; pleasure and self-control; moral wisdom and the foundations of right and wrong; friendship and love in all their forms - all set against a rich and humane conception of what makes for a flour...
Data di rilascio : 2020-04-30 Genere:Saggistica > Filosofia 9,49 €
◆习近平:“不论时代发生多大变化,我们都要重视家庭建设,注重家庭、注重家教、注重家风。”掀起公务员和政府机关订购热潮!近百种王阳明传记中销量领先的读本。 ◆中纪委监察部专题力荐王阳明家训:《浙江余姚王阳明:家训,一盏不灭的心灯》。 ◆迄今为止唯一一部王阳明家训、家书、家规整理解读本。 ◆王阳明写给家人的心学课。 ◆于修身、持家、教子、读书、立业中...
Data di rilascio : 2016-04-01 3,49 €
Why philosophers have advocated simple living for 2,500 years—and why we ignore them at our peril From Socrates to Thoreau, most philosophers, moralists, and religious leaders have seen frugality as a virtue and have associated simple living with wisdom, integrity, and happiness. But why? And are they right? Is a taste for luxury fundamentally misguided? If one has the means to be a spendthrift, is it foolish or reprehensible to be extravagant? In this book , Emrys Westacott examines why, for ...
Data di rilascio : 2016-09-20 Genere:Saggistica > Filosofia 18,99 €
How to live meaningfully in the face of the unknowable We human beings had no say in existing—we just opened our eyes and found ourselves here. We have a fundamental need to understand who we are and the world we live in. Reason takes us a long way, but mystery remains. When our minds and senses are baffled, faith can seem justified—but faith is not knowledge. In Ultimate Questions , acclaimed philosopher Bryan Magee provocatively argues that we have no way of fathoming our own natures or fi...
Data di rilascio : 2016-03-01 Genere:Saggistica > Filosofia 11,99 €
From the author of the #1 New York Times bestseller On Bullshit , the case for worrying less about the rich and more about the poor Economic inequality is one of the most divisive issues of our time. Yet few would argue that inequality is a greater evil than poverty. The poor suffer because they don't have enough, not because others have more, and some have far too much. So why do many people appear to be more distressed by the rich than by the poor? In this provocative book, the #1 New York Tim...
Data di rilascio : 2015-09-29 Genere:Saggistica > Filosofia 12,99 €
This classic exploration of the intellectual life has fully retained its unique value since initial publication in 1904, and is a valuable addition to any discerning reader's collection. No subsequent work fully compares to this rare mixture of personal insight, ethics, taste, psychology, and common sense. Philip Gilbert Hamerton bestowed upon it his long experience as a writer and artist, his enviable breadth of knowledge, and his elegance of literary style. The result is a remarkable work, exp...
Data di rilascio : 1996-11-15 Genere:Saggistica > Filosofia 3,49 €
Questions of ethics - about how we should act, our responsibilities to one another, the difference between right and wrong - have long been debated by philosophers the world over and form the foundations of government, culture and religion. Here, in concise, easy-to-read chapters, Ben Dupré explains the fundamentals of this discipline and how it is relevant to our lives today. Covering essential ethical concepts, including relativism, the golden rule and utilitarianism, as well as high-profile ...
Data di rilascio : 2013-09-26 Genere:Saggistica > Filosofia 3,99 €
Daß wir moralisch sein sollen, ist jedem von uns (hoffentlich) klar. Aber es dürfte manchem schwerfallen, eine klare Antwort auf die Frage zu geben, warum wir es sein sollen. Eine solche Antwort gibt dieses Buch.
Data di rilascio : 2014-09-15 Genere:Saggistica > Filosofia 10,99 €
Why the West must overcome its guilty conscience to foster a better global future Fascism, communism, genocide, slavery, racism, imperialism—the West has no shortage of reasons for guilt. And, indeed, since the Holocaust and the end of World War II, Europeans in particular have been consumed by remorse. But Pascal Bruckner argues that guilt has now gone too far. It has become a pathology, and even an obstacle to fighting today's atrocities. Bruckner, one of France's leading writers and public ...
Data di rilascio : 2010-02-01 Genere:Saggistica > Filosofia 18,99 €
The hidden value of some of our everyday vices Are there times when it's right to be rude? Can we distinguish between good and bad gossip? Am I a snob if I think that NPR listeners are likely to be better informed than devotees of Fox News? Does sick humor do anyone any good? Can I think your beliefs are absurd but still respect you? In The Virtues of Our Vices , philosopher Emrys Westacott takes a fresh look at important everyday ethical questions—and comes up with surprising answers. He make...
Data di rilascio : 2011-10-03 Genere:Saggistica > Filosofia 19,99 €
A searching examination of the moral limits of political compromise When is political compromise acceptable—and when is it fundamentally rotten, something we should never accept, come what may? What if a rotten compromise is politically necessary? Compromise is a great political virtue, especially for the sake of peace. But, as Avishai Margalit argues, there are moral limits to acceptable compromise even for peace. But just what are those limits? At what point does peace secured with compromis...
Data di rilascio : 2009-10-12 Genere:Saggistica > Filosofia 16,99 €
Previously unpublished writings from one of the most important political philosophers of recent times G. A. Cohen was one of the leading political philosophers of recent times. He first came to wide attention in 1978 with the prize-winning book Karl Marx's Theory of History: A Defence . In subsequent decades his published writings largely turned away from the history of philosophy, focusing instead on equality, freedom, and justice. However, throughout his career he regularly lectured on a wide ...
Data di rilascio : 2013-10-27 Genere:Saggistica > Filosofia 37,99 €
The companion book to Beyond Good and Evil , the three essays included here offer vital insights into Nietzsche's theories of morality and human psychology. Nietzsche claimed that the purpose of The Genealogy of Morals was to call attention to his previous writings. But in fact the book does much more than that, elucidating and expanding on the cryptic aphorisms of Beyond Good and Evil and signalling a return to the essay form. In these three essays, Nietzsche considers the development of ideas ...
Data di rilascio : 2013-11-07 Genere:Saggistica > Filosofia 9,49 €
'Poverty does not consist in the want of money,' I answered, 'nor is begging to be deplored. Poverty consists in the desire to have everything, and through violent means if necessary' From their founding in the fifth century BC and for over 800 years, the Cynic philosophers sought to cure humanity of greed and vice with their proposal of living simply. They guaranteed happiness to their adherents through freedom of speech, poverty, self-sufficiency and physical hardiness. In this fascinating and...
Data di rilascio : 2012-12-06 Genere:Saggistica > Filosofia 10,99 €
“My Philosophy” is a 1949 work by Benedetto Croce containing many of his essays on philosophy together with various writings on the subjects of morality ad politics. Contents include: “Discourses on Philosophy”, “Philosophy of Politics”, “Problems of Ethics and Aesthetics”, “Philosophy of History”, and “Various Thoughts”. Benedetto Croce (1866–1952) was an Italian historian, philosopher, and politician. A prolific writer, he who wrote on many different subjects includin...
Data di rilascio : 2011-10-12 Genere:Saggistica > Filosofia 8,99 €