Ripley’s Believe It or Not is excited to present our brand new Twists title, Sharks and Other Scary Sea Creatures. The latest volume in our award-winning series gives a fantastic Ripley’s Believe It or Not! twist on a favorite subject. Meet extraordinary sharks and savage sea creatures in this exciting new Ripley's book. With fun facts, awesome images, and amazing Ripley stories throughout, kids ages 7-10 will love reading about the fearsome, freaky and utterly odd ocean-dwellers on every pa...
Data di rilascio : 2013-10-08 4,49 €
Scopri gli animali della fattoria
Data di rilascio : 2012-06-04 1,99 €
Libro especialmente dedicado al público infantil, que habla de una historia real vivida en familia. El libro poseí audio y animaciones quienes traen un mensaje de formación para los niños, en un lenguaje de fácil comprensión, ayudando y haciendo el niño tener lo gusto por la lectura. Este libro fue hecho con mucho amor y cariño. Las fotos y los vídeos fueron sacados por la autora, en momentos únicos en familia. Espero que ustedes aprovechen este libro y tenga placer en leerlo junto con...
Data di rilascio : 2012-03-23 0,49 €
Chi non ha mai desiderato di avere un cane per amico? Condividere la propria vita con un amico a quattrozampe è un’esperienza unica ed entusiasmante. A patto, però, che anche il nostro cane sia felice… In questo libro Simone Dalla Valle, esperto dog trainer e conduttore di Missione Cuccioli in onda su DeA Kids, ci insegna a conoscere a fondo il migliore amico dell’uomo e a prepararci per accoglierlo nella nostra casa. Con spiegazioni semplici ma accurate, completate da tanti esempi e fot...
Data di rilascio : 2017-10-17 6,99 €
The book, dedicated to children, tells a true story of a boy and his desire to have a dog. The book intention is to portrait this lovely family experience. It contains audio, video and animation to promote the reading experience. The author and mother of the boy narrates the story.
Data di rilascio : 2011-12-12 1,99 €
Impronte di gatto è un'analisi a trecentosessanta gradi del felino domestico. Le prime testimonianze di un rapporto tra uomo e gatto risalgono almeno al 9000 a.C. e da allora si è sviluppata una storia straordinaria, che ha portato i gatti a ricoprire diversi ruoli, spesso in contraddizione tra loro. Il gatto è stato adorato e odiato, accolto o cacciato, è stato considerato divino o demoniaco, in virtù del suo stesso carattere: indipendente, altezzoso, sornione, impertinente, ma anche regal...
Data di rilascio : 2011-05-05 6,99 €
Head out for an African safari! Accompanied by a read-along audio track, more than 70 colorful photos showcase all kinds of safari animals. Meet hippos happily splashing in a lake, or catch a lion prowling in the tall grasses. See how different exotic creatures live, hunt, and play in this wild landscape. Snapshot Picture Library books include a read-along feature: Children can read along with an audio track, following the highlighted words on each page. Perfect for pre-readers and early re...
Data di rilascio : 2011-12-06 0,99 €
‘5 Animals’ is a book made for children which includes splendid pictures and video clips. You can see dynamic pictures of all ‘5 Animals’ in each of the series. To understand and remember each animal, it easily explains the required traits of each animal. If you're not able to take your children to the zoo, you can give this book as a gift! It will bring your children great joy. The animals being introduced in this series. (vol.1) • Elephant • Deer • Polar bear • Tiger • Rhinoc...
Data di rilascio : 2012-08-17 1,49 €
Get ready for an up-close look at rainforests and some of the amazing and rare animals that live in them. Accompanied by a read-along audio track, this collection of more than 70 color photos takes you on a tour of the world’s lush rainforests teeming with life. Slithering snakes, exotic birds, playful monkeys, fierce tigers—all of these animals call the rainforest home. Snapshot Picture Library books include a read-along feature: Children can read along with an audio track...
Data di rilascio : 2011-12-07 0,99 €
Get an up-close peek at fish! Accompanied by a read-along audio track, more than 70 colorful photos showcase all kinds of fish. See fish darting through coral gardens, hiding from predators, and swimming along the ocean floor. These stunning photos capture fish with scales and tails of all colors, shapes, and sizes. There’s never a dull underwater moment, so get ready for a fun, fin-flipping adventure! Snapshot Picture Library books include a read-along feature: Children can read al...
Data di rilascio : 2011-12-07 0,99 €
Explore the beauty and variety of the bird world. Accompanied by a read-along audio track, more than 70 colorful photos showcase all kinds of birds. From cardinals to kingfishers, birds are everywhere: high up in the sky, diving underwater, hiding in the treetops, or hovering right outside your window. Snapshot Picture Library books include a read-along feature: Children can read along with an audio track, following the highlighted words on each page. Perfect for pre-readers and early...
Data di rilascio : 2011-11-30 0,99 €
È l’alba e Lynne, che ha diciassette anni, sta nuotando nell’oceano al largo di Seal Beach, in California. Le manca appena mezzo miglio per completare il suo allenamento mattutino e tornare a casa a fare colazione. L’acqua è gelida, appena tredici gradi, e liscia come ghiaccio nero. All’improvviso, Lynne la sente sussultare. L’oceano sembra carico d’energia, come l’aria appena prima di un violento temporale. Migliaia di piccole alici le sfrecciano accanto come scintille: cercano ...
Data di rilascio : 2010-12-31 6,99 €
Get a closer look at the hidden world of sharks, the ocean’s greatest predators! Accompanied by a read-along audio track, more than 70 colorful photos showcase all kinds of sharks. Meet sharks from the gentle whale shark to the fearsome great white, see sharks swimming through coral reefs, and watch them on the hunt. Snapshot Picture Library books include a read-along feature: Children can read along with an audio track, following the highlighted words on each page. Perfect for pre-...
Data di rilascio : 2011-12-07 0,99 €
Get ready to meet horses up close! Accompanied by a read-along audio track, more than 70 colorful photos showcase horses from all over the world. From racing to helping around the farm, attending horse shows to going for a ride, see horses and humans team up for all sorts of activities. Snapshot Picture Library books include a read-along feature: Children can read along with an audio track, following the highlighted words on each page. Perfect for pre-readers and early readers! Kids w...
Data di rilascio : 2011-11-07 0,99 €
Penne vaporose, piumaggio multicolore e persino una stravagante attitudine… ai balli più scatenati! Un libro pieno zeppo di rivelazioni inaspettate e incredibilmente divertenti sui dinosauri, firmato da una coppia di spericolati paleontologi che ve li racconterà come non li avete mai immaginati prima! Preparatevi a un emozionante viaggio indietro nel tempo per scoprire tutte le bufale e la verità sui rettili che dominarono la terra prima che fosse colpita da un famoso meteorite… Dimentica...
Data di rilascio : 2020-10-27 6,99 €
Nel 2000, mentre veniva condotta al mattatoio di Brooklyn, una mucca scappò per salvarsi la vita. La fuga andò a buon fine. Anche se era previsto che Queenie, come fu poi ribattezzata, dovesse essere riportata al macello, lo sdegno sollevato attorno al caso prevalse, risparmiando alla bestia un terribile destino. Sarat Colling prende in esame le vicende degli animali fuggiti dai macelli e analizza l’impatto che queste storie hanno avuto sull’opinione pubblica. Obiettivo della ricerca è qu...
Data di rilascio : 2017-11-06 9,99 €
- “Addio scogli, sorgenti dall'acqua ed elevati al cielo, noti a chi é cresciuto tra voi e impressi nella sua mente non meno che lo sia l'aspetto de’ suoi piu’ familiari …” - Di chi era quella frase? Perché le era esplosa nella testa proprio in quell'istante? Represse un ultimo singhiozzo e riattacco’ a nuotare con piu’ vigore di prima. La sua vita sarebbe cambiata per sempre ...
Data di rilascio : 2014-09-17 1,99 €
Before there was Max , there was Mike. A true story much like the touching movie, Navy SEAL Dogs explores the incomparable relationship between trainer and military dog. From the author of Team Dog , Trident K9 Warriors gave readers an inside look at the Navy SEAL teams' elite K9 warriors-who they are, how they are trained, and the extreme missions they undertake to save lives. From detecting explosives to eliminating the bad guys, these powerful dogs are also some of the smartest and highest sk...
Data di rilascio : 2013-10-29 8,99 €
See just how much fun a dog’s life can be! Accompanied by a read-along audio track, more than 70 colorful photos showcase all kinds of dogs. Playing or exploring, leaping or lounging, dogs are caught in the act of having a good time. This peek into their world also showcases some of their many different sizes, shapes, coats, and colors. Snapshot Picture Library books include a read-along feature: Children can read along with an audio track, following the highlighted words on each pa...
Data di rilascio : 2011-12-02 0,99 €
Mi Preparo per la Mia Prima Calopsitta è una guida per te e per i tuoi figli che ti aiuterà a capire come prepararti a portare a casa la tua prima calopsitta. Diversamente dalla maggior parte dei libri sulle calopsitte, questo non cerca di coprire tutto, ma rimane focalizzato su ciò di cui hai bisogno per essere pronto alla tua nuova vita con il tuo uccello. Ricco di storie personali e di foto, imparerai a conoscere com'è la vita con le calopsitte da tutt...
Data di rilascio : 2018-08-16 2,99 €
Gechi che insegnano ai robot, merluzzi con proprietà antigelo, farfalle che proteggono le nostre carte di credito, pesci geniali con l’eolico, marmotte che non hanno bisogno di imporsi la dieta… Benvenuto nel Politecnico delle meraviglie, dove i professori di Scienze sono gli animali.Visita in queste pagine i laboratori all’avanguardia, da cui escono tecnologie avanzate e materiali rivoluzionari, e scopri quanto gli esseri più spaventosi o insulsi, microscopici o apparentemente familiari...
Data di rilascio : 2014-01-13 4,99 €
Terry the Terrible Terrier is about the adoption of a Jack Russell Terrier puppy. Like so many children that want a cute puppy after an older family dog has passed away, they usually do not know what they are taking on. Jack Russell Terriers are cute, but they are also very smart, challenging to train, love to run and jump, plus some (like Terry) are very high strung thus bark a lot. This book is an insight to a real familys journey raising a really cute dog that was a big part of their lives un...
Data di rilascio : 2012-10-05 4,99 €
The Great Sea is the first title in the signature series from Chungaboo on animal adventures, taking the reader on a journey to the depths of the ocean and back. Featuring beautiful artwork by acclaimed children's illustrator Mariana Martins, every chapter describes a unique creature of the sea through stunning photos, action videos, and engaging connect-the-dot puzzles. This amazing up-close look at ocean life features "Learn at Your Own Pace" ebook technology that will capture the imagination ...
Data di rilascio : 2012-06-11 4,49 €
Enter the majestic underwater world of whales! Accompanied by a read-along audio track, more than 70 colorful photos showcase all kinds of whales. Learn about the everyday lives of these enormous creatures as you follow their travels through vast oceans. Snapshot Picture Library books include a read-along feature: Children can read along with an audio track, following the highlighted words on each page. Perfect for pre-readers and early readers! Kids will enjoy learning fun facts about whal...
Data di rilascio : 2011-12-07 0,99 €
Meet mysterious creatures of the ocean! Accompanied by a read-along audio track, more than 70 colorful photos showcase all kinds of underwater animals. Discover these wild, wonderful, and sometimes weird animals, who live in a colorful world without humans. Stunning photos introduce creatures large and small, each with its own special place in the depths of the sea. Snapshot Picture Library books include a read-along feature: Children can read along with an audio track, following the highli...
Data di rilascio : 2011-12-02 0,99 €
See cute, cuddly cats in action! Accompanied by a read-along audio track, more than 70 colorful photos showcase all kinds of cats. Enjoy an insider’s view of a cat’s world with this collection of irresistible photos. You can imagine these furry friends’ purrs as they fill their days with exploration, wonder, and many, many naps. Snapshot Picture Library books include a read-along feature: Children can read along with an audio track, following the highlighted words on each page. Perfec...
Data di rilascio : 2011-11-07 0,99 €
Ripley’s Believe It or Not! presents the Twists—an award-winning series bringing a fun, engaging and uniquely Ripley’s approach to a whole range of topics. Each title blends stunning full-color photographs and illustrations with clear explanations and unbelievable-but-true facts. In Dinosaurs you will find key information on everything from a carnivore’s menu to the largest dinosaur tooth, plus intriguing facts and real-life stories—like the man who spent years collecting dinosaur bone...
Data di rilascio : 2011-10-07 4,49 €
Prima o poi arriva un momento in cui tutti ci chiediamo: ma come nascono... i ragni? E gli elefanti? E i cavallucci marini? Come fa il fenicottero a far capire alla sua fenicottera del cuore che lei gli piace? Potrebbe di sicuro chiedere consiglio all’usignolo: per conquistare la sua amata sfodera un repertorio di duecento melodie. E vedeste come litigano i buoi muschiati per fare colpo sulla femmina: una lotta all’ultima testata! Dentro questo libro troverete tutte le risposte alle domande:...
Data di rilascio : 2018-11-27 6,99 €
The first ever picture-book retelling of Charles Darwin's On The Origin of Species . 'A long, long time ago, before humans even existed, the living world looked very different from how it looks today.' For most of human history, people believed that everything in the world was created at once. But scientists started to challenge that idea and in 1859 Charles Darwin, a naturalist and biologist, wrote a famous book called On the Origin of Species that revolutionised the way that we have understood...
Data di rilascio : 2019-02-07 8,49 €
E’ proprio vero! Gli incontri migliori si fanno quando meno te lo aspetti. Lo sa bene Lily, una bambina sensibile e affettuosa, che si trova, in circostanze di vita difficili, sballottata in un viaggio senza meta e senza futuro, strappata via dalla sua terra per colpa di un conflitto crudele e disumano. Ed è lì, nel terminal asettico e freddo di un aeroporto internazionale che un piccolo amico dallo sguardo ammiccante incrocia i suoi occhi di bimba dallscaffale di un negozio di souvenir. È ...
Data di rilascio : 2018-02-14 2,99 €
Welcome to the museum! There are more than 160 animal specimens to be discovered in Animalium, the first in a series of virtual museums. Wander the galleries - open 365 days a year - and discover a collection of curated exhibits on every page, accompanied by informative text. Each chapter features a different branch of the tree of life, from the simple sponge to the enormous elephant.
Data di rilascio : 2017-12-28 7,99 €
Lolek to kudłate stworzenie o wielkim sercu, który ma tylko jedno marzenie: znaleźć swoich ludzi. Ale trafić na nich wcale nie jest łatwo. Szczególnie zimą w okolicach Puszczy Białowieskiej... Piękna, chwytająca za serce opowieść o psie, który nie miał w życiu łatwo. Pierwowzorem głównego bohatera książki jest pies, który pewnego dnia pojawił się w życiu Adama Wajraka i jego żony Nurii i który dziś mieszka z nimi w Teremiskach. „Każdy pies marzy o tym, aby być z j...
Data di rilascio : 2017-05-31 4,99 €
Here is another 12 funny and entertaining cat stories you should enjoy! 1.A Cat Named Max Finds a Cup of Milk. 2.A Cat Named Oliver Rescues 3 Kittens. 3.A Cat Named Angel Finds a New Friend. 4.A Cat Named Samba Finds a Bookstore. 5.Lily and the Blind Cat Sammy. 6.Maggie and His Master John. 7. A Cat Named Sam and His Mom Sassy. 8.Patch Saves His Master from Rats. 9.Princess is a Beautiful Snow White Cat. 10. Jack and His 3 Sons. 1...
Data di rilascio : 2015-09-11 2,99 €
Did you know that in medieval times dogs were known to have accompanied their masters into battle wearing suits of armour? Or that the Rhodesian Ridgeback was first bred to fight lions? This fantastic quick-read eBook featured over one hundred facts about dogs split into categories such as evolution, health, behaviour, record breakers and many more. So if you want to know who the heaviest dog ever to have lived was, or what the wagometer was invented for, then this is the book for you! Find the ...
Data di rilascio : 2014-05-01 3,49 €
Did you know that the courtship dance of some seahorses can last eight hours? Or how the sea serpent myth is thought to have started? This fantastic quick-read eBook features 101 amazing facts split into categories such as record breakers, sharks, unusual fish and many more. So if you want to know which fish the Romans used as a recreational drug, or in which states it is illegal to get a fish drunk, then this is the book for you! Find the information you want, fast.
Data di rilascio : 2013-12-10 3,99 €
Did you know that the combined weight of all the insects in the world is twelve times greater than the weight of the entire human population? Or that it takes the pollen from around two million flowers to make just one pound of honey? This fantastic quick-read eBook features 101 amazing facts split into categories such as amazing arthropods, ants, beetles, spiders and many more. So if you want to know what the most venomous insect in the world is, or how many dustmites are in your mattress, then...
Data di rilascio : 2013-08-14 3,99 €
A little book full of big questions about the animal world! Young readers can discover everything they need to know about reptiles and amphibians from where reptiles lay their eggs to why snakes stick out their tongues. • More than 30 fun questions with clear, simple answers • Fantastic illustrations to help explain things further • Cartoons to keep kids hooked • Extra-special facts to entertain • Activity panels give tips on further learning • Fun quiz pages test childre...
Data di rilascio : 2013-04-15 0,99 €
Data di rilascio : 2012-10-24 0,99 €
Forests are full of fascinating animals! Accompanied by a read-along audio track, more than 70 colorful photos bring forest dwellers, like crafty raccoons and curious hedgehogs, to life. Furry, feathered, spotted, or spiky, forest animals hang out in trees, burrows, logs, and grasses. Spy these forest animals making their homes, searching for food, and protecting their young. Snapshot Picture Library books include a read-along feature: Children can read along with an audio track, following the h...
Data di rilascio : 2011-12-06 0,99 €
Discover amazing polar animals! Accompanied by a read-along audio track, more than 70 colorful photos showcase all kinds of polar animals. With stark landscapes and harsh climates, the poles are unlike any other environments on Earth. Yet so many different animals have found ways to make these places home. From polar bears to puffins, humpback whales to huskies, you'll marvel at the variety of life to be found at the world's extremes. Snapshot Picture Library books include a read-alon...
Data di rilascio : 2011-12-02 0,99 €
Discover the playfulness and intelligence of dolphins! Accompanied by a read-along audio track, more than 70 colorful photos showcase all kinds of dolphins. Learn about the everyday lives of dolphins as these beloved creatures speed through the water, catch fish to eat, and play together. Snapshot Picture Library books include a read-along feature: Children can read along with an audio track, following the highlighted words on each page. Perfect for pre-readers and early readers! Kids...
Data di rilascio : 2011-12-02 0,99 €
Explore the forest world of monkeys and apes! Accompanied by a read-along audio track, more than 70 colorful photos showcase all kinds of monkeys and apes. Meet different species from orangutans to macaques, watch baby monkeys learn and grow, and follow these fascinating animals as they eat, play, and climb from the forest floor to the treetops. Snapshot Picture Library books include a read-along feature: Children can read along with an audio track, following the highlighted words on ...
Data di rilascio : 2011-11-30 0,99 €
Take a colorful, close-up tour of farms and meet the animals that live there. Accompanied by a read-along audio track, more than 70 colorful photos showcase all kinds of farm animals—from ducks to donkeys, horses to hens, cows to pigs. Snapshot Picture Library books include a read-along feature: Children can read along with an audio track, following the highlighted words on each page. Perfect for pre-readers and early readers! Kids will enjoy learning fun facts about farm animals, a...
Data di rilascio : 2011-11-07 0,99 €
Discover rare endangered animals! Accompanied by a read-along audio track, more than 70 colorful photos showcase all kinds of endangered animals. Threatened and endangered species range from the tiny tarsier to the massive polar bear. But all endangered animals have one thing in common: the concern of people who want to help them to survive and thrive. Snapshot Picture Library books include a read-along feature: Children can read along with an audio track, following the highlighted words on...
Data di rilascio : 2011-11-07 0,99 €
Get to know bugs up close! Accompanied by a read-along audio track, more than 70 colorful photos showcase all kinds of insects. From elegant spotted butterflies to hairy hunting wolf spiders, bugs are the most diverse creatures on Earth. Close-up photos capture bugs creeping, crawling, hopping, and flying. Snapshot Picture Library books include a read-along feature: Children can read along with an audio track, following the highlighted words on each page. Perfect for pre-readers and early r...
Data di rilascio : 2011-11-07 0,99 €
WHY DO PUPPIES DO THAT? You and your family are finally getting a puppy. Or, you WISH you could have your own puppy….soon! But there is so much you want to ask. Why do puppies lick your face? Why do puppies play with kittens? Why do puppies yawn and make you yawn? In this multimedia, educational book app for kids, Seymour Simon explains real things that kids love to know, illustrated by photographs of some of the cutest puppies you have ever seen. (Ages 4 – 9) Content available in Read Aloud...
Data di rilascio : 2011-09-02 2,49 €