“Batti le mani e si accendono le luci”: questa la sintesi della domotica fatta da mio padre ormai dieci anni fa, quando cercai di spiegargli di cosa mi occupavo. Sintesi, inutile a dirsi, abbastanza lontana dalla realtà. Non credo che nel frattempo la sua percezione sia cambiata molto. E lo stesso vale per la maggior parte delle persone, inclusi alcuni addetti ai lavori. Ma cosa è la domotica? È un sistema digitale integrato di gestione degli impianti in ambito domestico, ossia un sistema...
Data di rilascio : 2015-07-23 18,99 €
A Financial Times BEST BOOKS OF 2021 'Engaging, authoritative and very timely. Marco Alverà spells Hydrogen's critical role as an energy store in the clean power transition' - Mike Berners-Lee, author of THERE IS NO PLANET B Picture this: It's 2050. The looming shadow of climate change is finally receding. The planet's temperature is stabilising. Rainforests and coral reefs beginning to thrive once more. We are returning to equilibrium with nature. This isn't wishful thinking; it can be our rea...
Data di rilascio : 2021-08-26 Genere:Professionali e tecnici > Ingegneria 3,99 €
«Il nostro Paese è davvero un caso a sé nel panorama energetico del continente. Da che detenevamo un primato nel mondo nel campo del nucleare, siamo diventati ultimi, per incapacità politica, paure esagerate, interessi occulti e ipocrisie ambientali». Compriamo energia nucleare fatta a pochi chilometri dal confine anziché produrla noi. Confondiamo tossicità con radioattività, i rischi di una centrale atomica con quelli di una bomba atomica. Crediamo che i rifiuti e le scorie siano due co...
Data di rilascio : 2022-06-11 12,99 €
Questa è una guida pratica a disposizione di chiunque vuol capire come utilizzare gli impianti di energia rinnovabile (fotovoltaico in primis e tutte le rinnovabili collegate) per creare energia per la propria casa. Il linguaggio veloce, concreto e immediato ti porterà a capire velocemente tutti i passi che devi fare per diventare energicamente autonomo e liberarti dalla schiavitù delle bollette energetiche.
Data di rilascio : 2015-11-09 Genere:Professionali e tecnici > Ingegneria 6,49 €
1. Poche informazioni solo pubblicità al loro sito! - Sono interessato a questo argomento e speravo di trovare informazioni utili ma in realtà si dice poco e spesso si rimanda il lettore al loro sito o al contatto con un loro "Energy Marker"! Farsi pubblicità con un libro venduto a , è un comportamento alquanto scorretto.
Quella di Energy manager è una professione manageriale in cui a fare la differenza è la capacità di coniugare le competenze tecniche con quelle relazionali e organizzative. Una professione entusiasmante che ha bisogno di visione e di attitudine alla pratica; di efficacia nella comunicazione e di competenze tecniche avanzate. Per insegnare alle imprese e alle Pubbliche amministrazioni come usare l'energia in modo efficiente e produrre dal sole una quota crescente del fabbisogno di elettricità...
Data di rilascio : 2015-01-22 5,99 €
Quali sono le prospettive sull’utilizzo dell’energia nucleare? Il dibattito sulla transizione ecologica e sulle strategie per combattere i cambiamenti climatici ha riportato d’attualità, in Italia, il tema del nucleare. Contrariamente a quanto pensano molti osservatori, l’energia nucleare, o meglio la produzione di energia elettrica generata dal calore della fissione nucleare, non è affatto superata. Oltre alle centinaia di reattori nucleari in esercizio nel mondo, molti progetti innov...
Data di rilascio : 2022-01-24 9,99 €
Le elevate prestazioni di calcolo raggiunte oggi da workstation e personal computer rendono possibile la modellazione numerica di problemi fisici anche molto complessi, sia per le equazioni e le condizioni al contorno che ne descrivono il comportamento, sia per la geometria che ne costituisce il campo di definizione. Questo “approccio numerico” è ormai ampiamente diffuso sia in ambito industriale sia in campo accademico e si basa spesso sull’utilizzo di programmi commerciali. Tra i softwa...
Data di rilascio : 2013-01-01 18,99 €
'A remarkably hopeful and useful book...The climate crisis leaves us no choice but to build a new world and as Sanderson makes clear, we are capable of making it a better one than the dirty and dangerous planet we’ve come to take for granted.' Bill McKibben, Observer book of the week We depend on a handful of metals and rare earths to power our phones and computers. Increasingly, we rely on them to power our cars and our homes. Whoever controls these finite commodities will become rich beyond ...
Data di rilascio : 2022-07-28 16,99 €
World acclaimed scientist Vaclav Smil reveals everything there is to know about nature's most sought-after resource Oil is the lifeblood of the modern world. Without it, there would be no planes, no plastic, no exotic produce, and a global political landscape few would recognise. Humanity’s dependence upon oil looks set to continue for decades to come, but what is it? Fully updated and packed with fascinating facts to fuel dinner party debate, Professor Vaclav Smil's Oil: A Beginner's Guide ex...
Data di rilascio : 2017-11-02 Genere:Professionali e tecnici > Ingegneria 6,99 €
The pursuit of nuclear fusion as an energy source requires a broad knowledge of several disciplines. These include plasma physics, atomic physics, electromagnetics, materials science, computational modeling, superconducting magnet technology, accelerators, lasers, and health physics. Nuclear Fusion distills and combines these disparate subjects to create a concise and coherent foundation to both fusion science and technology. It examines all aspects of physics and technology underlying the major...
Data di rilascio : 2018-10-15 52,99 €
Stiamo vedendo scomparire il ghiaccio al Polo Nord; gli uragani producono conseguenze sempre più drammatiche; le siccità prolungate causano roghi che durano intere stagioni e che bruciano luoghi come la Napa Valley; nel 2050, secondo la Ellen McArthur Foundation, il peso della plastica negli oceani supererà quello di tutti i pesci; perfino lo spazio si sta trasformando in un’enorme pattumiera che crea problemi di sicurezza aerospaziale. L’impatto di questi fenomeni sta diventando sempre p...
Data di rilascio : 2017-11-27 11,99 €
1. Lucida analisi di chi opera sul campo - Una lucida analisi di chi opera sul campo, suffragata da dati e statistiche pre pandemia, ed accompagnata da una visione circolare delle cose, in tempi nei quali ancora il grande pubblico dei non addetti ai lavori non possedeva ancora la completa contezza delle dimensioni del problema.
This comprehensive and up-to-date ebook provides a unique guide to natural gas vehicles, compiling ten official documents with details of every aspect of the issue: CNG and LNG designs, success stories, references, information on safety and refueling issues, and much more. Contents include: Part 1: UPS CNG Truck Fleet Final Results, Alternative Fuel Truck Evaluation Project * Part 2: Clean Cities 2010 Vehicle Buyer's Guide - Natural Gas, Propane, Hybrid Electric, Ethanol, Biodiesel * Part 3: Nat...
Data di rilascio : 2013-08-15 9,49 €
Our planet's resources are running out. The media bombards us with constant warnings of impending shortages of fossil fuels, minerals, arable land , and water and the political Armageddon that will result as insatiable global demand far outstrips supply. But how true is this picture? In Winner Take All , Dambisa Moyo cuts through the misconceptions and noise surrounding resource scarcity with a penetrating analysis of what really is at stake. Examining the operations of commodity markets and the...
Data di rilascio : 2012-06-28 9,49 €
This book is especially useful for electrical engineers to maintain a power plant. This book will give you information about: testing, commissioning, operation & maintenance of electrical equipment includes questions and answers of testing, operation, protection, installation, maintenance, and trouble-shooting of electrical equipment. In this book, you will gain the necessary skills and knowledge to understand the requirements to complete the testing and commissioning of complex equipment wi...
Data di rilascio : 2022-01-14 4,49 €
From an engineer and futurist, an impassioned account of technological stagnation since the 1970s and an imaginative blueprint for a richer, more abundant future The science fiction of the 1960s promised us a future remade by technological innovation: we’d vacation in geodesic domes on Mars, have meaningful conversations with computers, and drop our children off at school in flying cars. Fast-forward 60 years, and we’re still stuck in traffic in gas-guzzling sedans and boarding the same type...
Data di rilascio : 2021-11-30 10,99 €
Do you size, design, or sell solar and storage systems? Would your customers consider those systems 100 percent successful? Pick up The Battery-Powered Home and turn your solar and storage customers into the best lead generators you could ask for. Written by a solar-and-storage technical trainer with more than thirteen years of experience, The Battery-Powered Home identifies the most common industry mistakes that lead to unhappy customers, lost revenue, and diminished reputation. Learn how to av...
Data di rilascio : 2021-06-01 3,49 €
This book is a reality check of where energy will come from in the future. Today, our economy is utterly dependent on fossil fuels. They are essential to transportation, manufacturing, farming, electricity, and to make fertilizers, cement, steel, roads, cars, and half a million other products. One day, sooner or later, fossil fuels will no longer be abundant and affordable. Inevitably, one day, global oil production will decline. That time may be nearer than we realize. Some experts predict oil ...
Data di rilascio : 2021-03-29 72,99 €
This book presents a detailed analysis of Power-to-Gas, a promising energy storage technology. It discusses the main mechanisms involved, and presents two Power-to-Gas and carbon capture hybridizations. The book begins by providing an introduction to energy storage technologies. It then reviews a number of Power-to-Gas projects now in progress, highlighting the current barriers to commercializing the technology. Moreover, the book presents two novel Power-to-Gas hybridizations, which improve the...
Data di rilascio : 2020-05-09 74,99 €
With growing concerns over climate change and air pollution, the need to switch from fossil fuels to clean and renewable sources of energy has become pressing. Here, Nick Jelley describes the main renewables, explains how wind and solar farms can provide the cheapest energy in many parts of the world, and calls for urgent action.
Data di rilascio : 2020-02-27 11,99 €
Il volume aggiornato nel 2018 riporta tutte le sintesi degli argomenti generali oggetto di esame. Il volume raccoglie più di 300 test con risposte e diversi temi svolti per l'esame di certificazione di Esperto in Gestione dell' Energia in ambito del settore civile.
Data di rilascio : 2018-03-31 18,99 €
Power Plant Fundamentals: Fuels and Combustion , is the eighth in a fourteen–book series by nHance Technologies. Fuels and Combustion begins with an introduction to the basic characteristics of fuels and combustion. Additional chapters discuss heat losses, practical applications for the reduction of these losses, and factors involved in achieving combustion efficiency. The book concludes by discussing the specifics of coal, fuel oil, and gas equipment as well as their storage and t...
Data di rilascio : 2016-08-25 Genere:Professionali e tecnici > Ingegneria 4,49 €
The book focuses on the solid-state physics, chemistry and electrochemistry that are needed to grasp the technology of and research on high-power Lithium batteries. After an exposition of fundamentals of lithium batteries, it includes experimental techniques used to characterize electrode materials, and a comprehensive analysis of the structural, physical, and chemical properties necessary to insure quality control in production. The different properties specific to each component of the batteri...
Data di rilascio : 2015-09-28 164,99 €
A contemporary evaluation of switching power design methods with real world applications • Written by a leading author renowned in his field • Focuses on switching power supply design, manufacture and debugging • Switching power supplies have relevance for contemporary applications including mobile phone chargers, laptops and PCs • Based on the authors' successful "Switching Power Optimized Design 2nd Edition" (in Chinese) • Highly illustrated with design examples of real world applica...
Data di rilascio : 2015-06-17 114,99 €
This volume is focused on solar-to-fuel conversion using algae and cyanobacteria for advanced generation biofuels. Production of biofuels needs to rely on cheap and renewable resources, in order to be economically viable and environmentally sustainable in the long term. Solar energy is an abundant and renewable resource, and strategies for solar-to-fuel conversion have the potential to sustain our energy demands in the long term and to be carbon-dioxide neutral. First generation bio...
Data di rilascio : 2015-04-17 42,99 €
Focusing on technical, policy and social/societal practices and innovations for electrified transport for personal, public and freight purposes, this book provides a state-of-the-art overview of developments in e-mobility in Europe and the West Coast of the USA. It serves as a learning base for further implementing and commercially developing this field for the benefit of society, the environment and public health, as well as for economic development and private industry. A fast-growing, interdi...
Data di rilascio : 2015-04-27 87,99 €
Depleting fossil fuel reserves and adverse effects of fluctuating oil prices have renewed interest in alternative and sustainable sources of energy. Bioenergy: Biomass to Biofuels takes on this topic and examines current and emerging feedstocks and advanced processes and technologies enabling the development of all possible alternative energy sources: solid (wood energy, grass energy, and other biomass), liquid (biodiesel, algae biofuel, ethanol), and gaseous/electric (biogas, syngas, bioelectri...
Data di rilascio : 2014-11-10 94,99 €
“A gripping, suspenseful page-turner” ( Kirkus Reviews ) with a “fast-paced, detailed narrative that moves like a thriller” ( International Business Times ), Fukushima teams two leading experts from the Union of Concerned Scientists, David Lochbaum and Edwin Lyman, with award-winning journalist Susan Q. Stranahan to give us the first definitive account of the 2011 disaster that led to the worst nuclear catastrophe since Chernobyl. Four years have passed since the day the world watched in...
Data di rilascio : 2015-02-10 19,99 €
Critical Aspects of Safety and Loss Prevention reflects the author's managerial experience and safety operations experience. This book is a collection of almost 400 thoughts and observations on safety and loss prevention, illustrated by accounts of accidents. The items, mostly short, are arranged alphabetically and cross-references are provided. The accident reports in this volume highlight the ignorance, incompetence and folly but also originality and inventiveness in the cause of accident prev...
Data di rilascio : 2014-06-28 57,99 €
Servo Motors and Industrial Control Theory is the only text focused on the fundamentals of servo motors and control theory. Graphical methods for classical control theory have been augmented with worked examples using MatLab and Mathcad to reflect the reality of the way engineers solve control problems in the field today. State variable feedback control theory is introduced clearly and simply, with practical examples that help students approach what can be seen as complicated problems with confi...
Data di rilascio : 2014-08-06 42,99 €
Soft-switching PWM full-bridge converters have been widely used in medium-to-high power DC-DC conversions for topological simplicity, easy control and high effi ciency. Early works on soft-switching PWM full-bridge converter by many researchers included various topologies and modulation strategies. However, these works were scattered, and the relationship among these topologies and modulation strategies had not been revealed. This book intends to describe systematically the soft-switching techni...
Data di rilascio : 2014-04-03 114,99 €
The book helps readers understand key concepts in standalone and grid connected wind energy systems and features analysis into the modeling and optimization of commonly used configurations through the implementation of different control strategies. Utilizing several electrical machinery control approaches, such as vector control and direct torque control 'Wind Power Electric Systems' equips readers with the means to understand, assess and develop their own wind energy systems and to evalua...
Data di rilascio : 2014-04-16 87,99 €
Magnetic Fusion Technology describes the technologies that are required for successful development of nuclear fusion power plants using strong magnetic fields. These technologies include: • magnet systems, • plasma heating systems, • control systems, • energy conversion systems, • advanced materials development, • vacuum systems, • cryogenic systems, • plasma diagnostics, • safety systems, and • power plant design studies. Magnetic Fusion Technology will be useful to students...
Data di rilascio : 2014-02-10 184,99 €
Using circuit diagrams, PCB layouts, parts lists and clear construction and installation details, this book provides everything someone with a basic knowledge of electronics needs to know in order to put that knowledge into practice. This latest collection of Maplin projects are a variety of power supply projects, the necessary components for which are readily available from the Maplin catalogue or any of their high street shops. Projects include, laboratory power supply projects for which there...
Data di rilascio : 2013-10-22 25,99 €
This book provides readers with an introductory understanding of Inertial Electrostatic Confinement (IEC), a type of fusion meant to retain plasma using an electrostatic field. IEC provides a unique approach for plasma confinement, as it offers a number of spin-off applications, such as a small neutron source for Neutron Activity Analysis (NAA), that all work towards creating fusion power. The IEC has been identified in recent times as an ideal fusion power unit because of its ability to burn an...
Data di rilascio : 2013-12-12 149,99 €
Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is a commercially attractive phase of the commodity that facilitates the efficient handling and transportation of natural gas around the world. The LNG industry, using technologies proven over decades of development, continues to expand its markets, diversify its supply chains and increase its share of the global natural gas trade. The Handbook of Liquefied Natural Gas is a timely book as the industry is currently developing new large sources of supply and the technol...
Data di rilascio : 2013-10-15 72,99 €
Energy is directly related to the most critical economic and social issues which affect sustainable development such as mobility, food production, environmental quality, regional and global security issues. Two-thirds of the new demand will come from developing nations, with China accounting for 30%. Without adequate attention to the critical importance of energy to all these aspects, the global, social, economic and environmental goals of sustainability cannot be achieved. Indeed the magnitude ...
Data di rilascio : 2012-12-31 79,99 €
This up-to-date encyclopedia of official documents and publications on the risks and rewards of shale gas, with over a thousand pages of content, provides vital information on the ongoing controversy over hydraulic fracturing for shale gas production. Contents include: Content: Regulatory Updates and Reports * Section 1: Natural Gas Subcommittee of the Secretary of Energy Advisory Board - Safety of Shale Gas Development * Section 2: Blueprint for a Secure Energy Future * Section 3: Secretary of ...
Data di rilascio : 2012-10-19 9,49 €
Working Guide to Petroleum and Natural Gas Production Engineering provides an introduction to key concepts and processes in oil and gas production engineering. It begins by describing correlation and procedures for predicting the physical properties of natural gas and oil. These include compressibility factor and phase behavior, field sampling process and laboratory measurements, and prediction of a vapor-liquid mixture. The book discusses the basic parameters of multiphase fluid flow, various f...
Data di rilascio : 2009-09-16 Genere:Professionali e tecnici > Ingegneria 84,99 €
From upstream to downstream, heat exchangers are utilized in every stage of the petroleum value stream. An integral piece of equipment, heat exchangers are among the most confusing and problematic pieces of equipment in petroleum processing operations. This is especially true for engineers just entering the field or seasoned engineers that must keep up with the latest methods for in-shop and in-service inspection, repair, alteration and re-rating of equipment. The objective of this book is to pr...
Data di rilascio : 2012-07-23 77,99 €
The transformation of vibrations into electric energy through the use of piezoelectric devices is an exciting and rapidly developing area of research with a widening range of applications constantly materialising. With Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting , world-leading researchers provide a timely and comprehensive coverage of the electromechanical modelling and applications of piezoelectric energy harvesters. They present principal modelling approaches, synthesizing fundamental material related to...
Data di rilascio : 2011-04-04 119,99 €
The bestselling alternative energy reference book in North America—now in an updated edition Want to take advantage of solar power in your home? Whether you’re looking to save on your energy costs by adding a few solar components or you want to build a solar-powered house from the ground up, Solar Power For Dummies, 2nd Edition takes the mystery out of this energy source and shows you how to put it to work for you! This new edition gives you hands-on tips and techniques for making your home ...
Data di rilascio : 2010-03-05 16,99 €