Gabriella si è innamorata del fratellastro Rufus il giorno in cui sua madre si è risposata. Tuttavia il suo amore è stato freddato dalle parole di lui: “Non tentare di sedurmi per i miei soldi.” Da quel momento fra i due è divampato l’odio. Cinque anni più tardi, il padre adottivo di Gabriella è morto lasciando dietro di sé un insolito testamento. Se vogliono ereditare, Gabriella e Rufus dovranno vivere insieme per sei mesi come marito e moglie! Riuscirà Gabriellla a vivere con un ...
Data di rilascio : 2019-01-01 0,99 €
La timida e minuscola Hiyori si è innamorata del vicino di banco, il lungo ed estroverso Hirose. Per lei è già una conquista essergli diventata amica… ma cosa accadrà all’inizio del secondo anno di liceo, quando i due dovranno cambiare classe?
Data di rilascio : 2018-09-01 Genere:Narrativa a fumetti 2,99 €
Nonostante provenga da una ricca famiglia greca, Alesia vive una vita umile insieme alla madre dopo essere state cacciate di casa dallo spietato nonno. Poi, per la prima volta in 15 anni, Alesia viene convocata dal nonno solo per essere data in sposa ad un uomo da lui scelto, Sebastien Fiorukis, il primogenito di un'altra ricca famiglia greca. Tra le due famiglie, però, c'è in corso una faida da generazioni. Cosa starà tramando il vecchio nonno? D'altra parte, se accetterà la proposta, sua m...
Data di rilascio : 2017-12-06 0,99 €
La minuta Hiyori è da tempo innamorata del suo altissimo compagno Yushin, ma finora si è limitata a essergli amica visto che, a quanto si dice, il cuore di lui appartiene già alla vicina di casa Tominaga. Ma cosa prova veramente Yushin per quest’ultima?
Data di rilascio : 2018-10-05 Genere:Narrativa a fumetti 2,99 €
Yushin è innamorato dell’amica d’infanzia Tominaga? Di certo le è molto legato, tanto che a scuola si dice che i due stiano insieme. Ma lui non ha mai confermato né smentito la voce… e Hiyori non sa cosa pensare. Ma sta infatti per accadere qualcosa che chiarirà una volta per tutte i sentimenti dei tre!
Data di rilascio : 2018-11-03 Genere:Narrativa a fumetti 2,99 €
Hiyori è timida, molto timida. Così finora non è mai riuscita a dire a Yushin che è innamorata di lui. È stata solo in grado di diventare amica del ragazzo, a di più. Ma sta per accadere qualcosa che le darà addirittura il coraggio di invitare Yushin a uscire con lei! E poi… cosa succederà?
Data di rilascio : 2018-12-03 Genere:Narrativa a fumetti > Manga 2,99 €
La giovane Lisa viene investita da un'auto proprio mentre sta per partire per una vacanza. Il colpevole, il ricco Angus Hamilton, la porta in ospedale. In seguito all'incidente, Lisa non riuscirà più a togliersi dalla testa Angus, che per farsi perdonare la inviterà in crociera. Ed è proprio durante la villeggiatura che avviene un altro incidente: Lisa rimane incinta. A complicare questo incantesimo ci penserà Caroline, l'amica di Angus. Lisa, venendo a conoscenza del piano di Angus, sposar...
Data di rilascio : 2018-07-01 0,99 €
Sedotta da Matteo, un attore famoso in tutto il mondo, l'ingenua ma talentuosa Jennifer sposa la superstar e inizia la sua carriera da attrice. Ma le loro vite indaffarate portano a un tradimento che farà avviare le pratiche di divorzio. Sul tappeto rosso del Festival di Cannes, però, capiscono che tra loro non è finita e, bloccati in ascensore, fanno l'amore. Poche settimane dopo, Jennifer inizia a notare dei cambimenti nel proprio corpo..
Data di rilascio : 2018-05-01 0,99 €
Victoria è stata scelta come assistente personale dall’erede di El Deharia, un regno nel deserto. Allora perché la Guardia Imperiale fa irruzione nella sua stanza e la trascina via quasi nuda in negligée? Quel buono a nulla di suo padre ha già avuto guai ai tavoli da gioco ma chi avrebbe immaginato che si sarebbe messo a barare proprio con il Principe Kateb, fratello dell’erede. Kateb ha un temperamento brutale che ricorda la cicatrice che ha in faccia. Se l’è procurata quando hanno t...
Data di rilascio : 2018-12-01 6,49 €
Amelia è il tipico topo da biblioteca che vive con le vecchie zie zitelle. La notte però, si veste provocante e lavora come cameriera all'Old South, sotto l'identità di Amber. Una sera incontra Tyler, l'uomo più affascinante della città. Tyler le si avvicina e insiste per uscire con lei. Non sa che in realtà lei è Amelia...! Tyler si innamorerà di Amelia o di Amber? Amelia gli dirà la verità?
Data di rilascio : 2018-04-23 0,99 €
Christina Howard se l'è sempre cavata da sola. Quindi, quando un affascinante sconosciuto si offre di aiutarla, non può che essere sospettosa. I suoi sospetti aumentano quando inizia a lavorare sulla nave di una famiglia reale, e il misterioso Luc Henri riappare. Vuole veramente lei, o vuole usarla per arrivare alla famiglia reale? E se quest'uomo, che lei è così determinata ad evitare, fosse l'uomo giusto per lei?
Data di rilascio : 2018-03-07 0,99 €
Futaba Yoshioka has encountered her first love again in high school, but he seems different from the boy she once knew. Futaba feels that the distance between her and Kou has grown since he and Yui have started keeping in touch. Then something unexpected happens between Futaba and Kou at the school festival.
Data di rilascio : 2019-08-06 Genere:Narrativa a fumetti > Manga 6,99 €
Futaba Yoshioka has encountered her first love again in high school, but he seems different from the boy she once knew. Kou asks Futaba to go on a date with him to the summer festival. But as the two grow closer, fellow student Toma Kikuchi sets his sights on Futaba.
Data di rilascio : 2019-06-04 Genere:Narrativa a fumetti > Manga 6,99 €
Il rapporto tra Hiyori e Yushin procede a gonfie vele. Non può dirsi lo stesso per quello tra la protagonista e la sua amica Ricchan… la quale ha iniziato a comportarsi in modo strano.
Data di rilascio : 2019-05-03 Genere:Narrativa a fumetti > Manga 2,99 €
Il tanto atteso giorno di Natale è finalmente arrivato! Hiyori ha fatto i salti mortali per comprare il regalo adatto a Yushin, ma un imprevisto rischia di rovinare il magico giorno! Riusciranno i nostri protagonisti ad avere il loro romantico appuntamento?
Data di rilascio : 2019-08-22 Genere:Narrativa a fumetti 2,99 €
Le Industrie Petrakos sono una nota compagnia greca di trasporti marittimi internazionali. Il proprietario, Giannis Petrakos, è famoso per la sua indole spietata negli affari. Ma è anche l’uomo che Maddy, un’impiegata precaria delle Industrie Petrakos, ama segretamente. Il destino di Maddy sembra avverso: durante un’importante riunione d’affari commette un grosso sbaglio incorrendo nell’ira di Mr. Petrakos. Salita nel suo ufficio con l’intento di scusarsi, lo trova a torso nudo, ap...
Data di rilascio : 2019-05-01 6,99 €
Futaba Yoshioka has encountered her first love again in high school, but he seems different from the boy she once knew. Futaba does her best to let Kou out of her heart. Toma and Futaba grow closer, and Kou realizes he doesn’t have much time to win her back…
Data di rilascio : 2020-02-04 Genere:Narrativa a fumetti > Manga 6,99 €
Futaba Yoshioka has encountered her first love again in high school, but he seems different from the boy she once knew. Wanting closure, Futaba decides to confess to Kou and hear his response. Meanwhile, Toma has decided it’s time for him to pursue Futaba.
Data di rilascio : 2019-12-03 Genere:Narrativa a fumetti > Manga 6,99 €
Futaba Yoshioka has encountered her first love again in high school, but he seems different from the boy she once knew. At the cultural festival, Futaba and Kou kiss by accident and then for real. Futaba is on top of the world until she sees Yui in Kou’s arms…
Data di rilascio : 2019-10-01 Genere:Narrativa a fumetti > Manga 6,99 €
C’è un ragazzo con cui la timida Hiyori si sente molto a suo agio: Ko. Malgrado lui la prenda spesso in giro, è sempre pronto ad aiutarla. Niente di strano, del resto fanno entrambi parte della “lega dei timidi e diffidenti”, no? Ma sarà davvero per questo che Ko sta così vicino a Hiyori?
Data di rilascio : 2019-06-19 Genere:Narrativa a fumetti > Manga 2,99 €
In the desert country of Zulan, Katrina, a visiting natural sciences researcher, is mesmerized by a man she meets one day in the marketplace. His eyes shine a brilliant amber, and he exudes the strength of one who lives in the desert. Chased by armed soldiers, he approaches Katrina, and pretending to be lovers so that he may make his escape, leaves her with a passionate kiss. Even though it was just an act, why does her heart beat so anxiously?
Data di rilascio : 2007-08-01 4,49 €
Billionaire Chrysander Anetakis is known to the world as a rich Greek hotel magnate, but Marley Jameson knows him differently. They made passionate love whenever business took him to New York, but Marley's hopes for future happiness are dashed when he tells her, "This isn't a relationship. You're just my mistress," and kicks her out of his penthouse. Still reeling in shock, she fails to notice the kidnappers trailing her on that shadowy New York street. Chrysander thinks she has left him for goo...
Data di rilascio : 2011-12-27 3,49 €
Jewel thinks she's found paradise when she lands a job working as an executive assistant on a picturesque land resort. The man she meets in the hotel bar that night proves just as alluring. He is gorgeous and powerful. Intoxicated by her good fortune, that chance encounter turns into a night of sultry passion, and drives her to ecstasy in the arms of a man whose name she does not know. Two days later, Jewel comes to work, excited to meet her new boss, the hotel's owner. Little does she know that...
Data di rilascio : 2012-04-11 3,49 €
Victoria was handpicked to be an assistant by the crown prince of the desert kingdom of El Deharia. So then why would the Imperial Guard suddenly break into her room and drag her away wearing nothing but a negligee? Her good-for-nothing father has been in trouble for gambling before, but to think he would have tried to cheat at cards against Prince Kateb... The prince's personality is as fierce as his scarred face. He earned the scars amid a failed kidnapping, during which they say he killed a m...
Data di rilascio : 2011-07-30 3,49 €
Futaba Yoshioka has encountered her first love again in high school, but he seems different from the boy she once knew. With the help of his friends, Kou lets go of painful memories from his past. Futaba wants to get closer to Toma, but she ends up spending time with Kou.
Data di rilascio : 2020-06-02 Genere:Narrativa a fumetti > Manga 6,99 €
Futaba Yoshioka has encountered her first love again in high school, but he seems different from the boy she once knew. Futaba starts dating Toma, and they kiss. Now what will happen when everyone is grouped together on a class trip to Nagasaki?
Data di rilascio : 2020-04-07 Genere:Narrativa a fumetti > Manga 6,99 €
Mallory è una brillante avvocatessa convinta che l’efficienza sia tutto nella vita. Per questo nessuno nel suo ufficio riesce a scorgere il suo lato femminile. Ma Mallory ha un debole per qualcuno: Carter Compton, soprannominato ‘Il Casanova del Ventunesimo secolo’, l’oggetto dei suoi desideri segreti fin dai tempi della facoltà di Legge, quando erano compagni di corso. Nel prossimo caso, Mallory e Carter dovranno lavorare insieme, fianco a fianco, a New York. Ed è lì che Mallory dec...
Data di rilascio : 2019-06-01 6,99 €
After Sarah hurts her leg falling from a horse, she quits her modeling career in search of a new life—being employed in the royal palace of Morocco. She’s greeted at the airport by a man whose blue eyes light up as if they were on fire. He claims to be a servant of the Berber sheikh Zain Hassan, and immediately spirits her off into the desert. Sarah quickly realizes that she’s at his mercy; even if she tries to escape, his intense blue eyes see through her every move. But what does he want...
Data di rilascio : 2010-02-27 4,49 €
Rou is a psychologist looking for a bride for the sheik of the Kingdom of Sarq. No matter how charming she finds Sheik Zayed Fehr, she has to come up with a woman who fits his strict requirements perfectly within a week, which she admits is impossible! But Zayed seems not to care about the difficulties she's having, and when she finally produces a list of women, he rejects them all point-blank. On top of that, when he steals a kiss from her, she's overwhelmed by the heat of his intense passion. ...
Data di rilascio : 2013-02-28 4,49 €
Julia, a girl from a noble family, is kidnapped by the Visigoths, who have attacked the Roman Empire, and is turned into a slave. Between the customs of the savage tribe and heavy labor she is not used to, she is on the verge of despair. Her master, Wulfric, the King of Wolves, speaks to her with arrogance—until she turns into a totally different girl from who she initially was. A wild kiss stolen in the bath lights up the flame of love in her heart for the first time in her life. All she thin...
Data di rilascio : 2012-08-06 3,49 €
The beginning of the fifth century—the flourishing Roman Empire has been attacked by the Visigoths and is becoming a lawless state. Julia, the daughter of an aristocrat, escapes the chaos and conflagration that fills the town—but is then captured by the mob. A strong Visigoth man accompanied by a wolf saves her at the last minute. The man with the long blond hair is Wulfric, the King of Wolves! Julia thanks him, but he only takes her in his arms and says, “Rome is ours. And so are you.” ...
Data di rilascio : 2012-07-21 3,49 €
They were once the beautiful immortal warriors created by the hands of gods. But now, "love" is for them the greatest "sin," their punishment for breaking a great taboo. Before he realizes it, Maddox has fallen deeply in love with Ashlyn. However, his fellow warriors suspect that Ashlyn is a trap sent by their enemies and doubt her motives, watching her every action carefully. With the allegations that have surfaced against Ashlyn, it's looking truer than ever that love between an immortal warri...
Data di rilascio : 2011-01-01 3,49 €
Futaba Yoshioka has encountered her first love again in high school, but he seems different from the boy she once knew. Futaba wonders what happened between Kou and Yuri, but she’s still determined to find out more about Kou’s past and why he won’t allow others to get close to him.
Data di rilascio : 2019-04-02 Genere:Narrativa a fumetti > Manga 6,99 €
Cassandra was twelve years old when she first met Vincent, and still remembers the dashing older boy that helped her and her kitten down from a tree. Eight years later, Vincent pledges to honor his dying friend’s last wish—for Vincent to marry his sister…Cassandra! Curious about the woman that the little girl he once knew has grown up to be, Vincent invites Cassandra to his house to get to know his would-be bride…all over again.
Data di rilascio : 2013-09-30 5,49 €
Rachel is on the verge of making her fashion dreams a reality when her financial backing is suddenly pulled out from under her. She quickly discovers that it's thanks to the dealings of her estranged lover, the newly wealthy Alessandro Vallini. Years ago, he was the gardener, and she his master. But now she must become his housekeeper in order to keep her business afloat. Will Alessandro always see her as his poor little rich girl, or will both their lives be quickly and irrevocably altered by t...
Data di rilascio : 2012-06-01 5,49 €
Natasha closes her lips tightly, determined to block his passionate kiss, as she gives her defenseless bare body to Alex Mandrakis. She'd carelessly signed that contract to save her adoptive family, but she had no idea it contained such a pitfall! In essence, she has sold herself. Sold herself as security for a loan, in the name of marriage, to the cold-blooded, vain and handsome-as-the-devil Alex. Ignoring her silent pleas for mercy, Alex cruelly steals her purity. For Natasha, it's the beginni...
Data di rilascio : 2011-12-06 5,49 €
In order to pay back her late father’s debts, Alesha must marry the famous shipping magnate Loukas. Living up to his regal name, he sports an exquisite physique and jet-black eyes, and gazes hungrily at his newly purchased bride like he’s stripping off her clothes, layer by layer. His indecent stare rekindles in Alesha’s mind a past she’d much rather forget: memories of lovemaking that felt like rape, and being abused like some plaything. She will never be able to tell Loukas that the br...
Data di rilascio : 2011-05-21 4,49 €
Eleanor, beautiful red-haired witch. I'll give you a kiss so you'll never forget this day—or me.... Eleanor has come to the kingdom of Quaram as an English tutor for the royal family. At the royal party she's invited to, on her twenty-first birthday, she's asked to dance by Jasim, the kingdom's second prince. His gorgeous black hair, his hungry that dreamlike moment spent in his embrace, she falls for him before she realizes it. But little does Eleanor know, even as Jasim passionatel...
Data di rilascio : 2010-12-29 4,49 €
Angel Olivia appears out of nowhere in front of Dark Warrior Aeron. She claims that she went through numerous obstacles just to come to see Aeron. Aeron, who had no interest in women before, is shaken after spending time with Olivia, who conveys her love to him with her purest heart. Aeron can’t accept her love since he is a sinner, and he does not think he is a match for an angel. At the same time, demon Legion becomes very jealous to see Aeron being so stirred by Olivia and eventually makes ...
Data di rilascio : 2012-11-11 4,49 €
Claudia is a hardworking personal secretary, working 24/7 for her arrogant boss, Samir, the CEO of a shipping company. The only reason she is so devoted to her work is that she is in love with her boss, who, despite his arrogance, is very charming. One day, Samir gives an unexpected gift to Claudia, who has been working so hard that she forgot her own birthday. The gift is an order to join him on a business trip to his home country in the desert. Is it going to be a romantic getaway for just the...
Data di rilascio : 2009-12-21 3,49 €
Sienna Cummings is out on an expedition in Montana. She is with her university crew to research a canyon owned by a man named Jesse Blackwolf—an ultrarich hero of the Vietnam War who suddenly fell off the radar in the mid-1970s. What exactly happened? The truth remains unknown. Just when Sienna dazes off, lost in her thoughts about the mysterious hero, she blacks out in the sudden presence of green lightning. Meanwhile, Jesse Blackwolf is twisting his head in confusion. He finds Sienna knocked...
Data di rilascio : 2012-05-11 3,49 €
Isabella has been carefully cultivating her love for the Anetakis family's middle son, Theron, since she was a little girl. Their fathers had been close friends, but when they passed away, she found that her wealthy Greek love had inherited responsibility of her well-being. Now she has her chance. She’s determined that he will never treat her like a little girl again. She tosses all her innocent clothes aside and transforms herself into a woman too sexy to resist. Seeing Theron flustered after...
Data di rilascio : 2012-01-21 3,49 €
Gabriella fell in love with her stepbrother, Rufus, on the day her mother remarried. However, her love for him was shot down by Rufus’s words: “Don’t try to seduce me for my money.” Since then, hatred has flared between the two. Five years later, Gabriella’s stepfather has passed away, leaving behind a strange will. Gabriella and Rufus are to live together for six months as husband and wife in order to inherit the fortune! Gabriella will live with a man who accuses women of being money...
Data di rilascio : 2012-05-01 3,49 €
“You won’t leave this game until every part of you belongs to me.” Sergio Torrente, an Italian businessman, is surprised at who he sees in the surveillance camera. The mysterious person making moves every night against his challenging chess display at the office turns out to be a cleaner clad in a shabby uniform. But how could such a beautiful woman be just a cleaner? Drawn to the mysterious woman, Sergio summons her and declares that she will play a game of chess with him every night, sta...
Data di rilascio : 2011-01-04 3,99 €
Maribel has a crush on her cousin’s boyfriend, Leonidas, the Greek billionaire who constantly makes the tabloid headlines. She has a passionate one night stand with him, the day her cousin dies in a car crash! Maribel is convinced that she is nothing but a poor replacement for her cousin, yet she can’t help feeling hopelessly destroyed by Leonidas’s cold goodbye the morning after their tryst. Two years later, she is unexpectedly reunited with Leonidas, but she has a secret that she can nev...
Data di rilascio : 2011-01-03 3,99 €
Those crimson eyes look like they want nothing more than to turn this whole world to ash.... But I would die happy if he killed me right now. Ashlyn has a strange power: she hears the voices of the past that linger in this world. Since she was a child, she's lived a noisy and lonesome life. But when she hears the rumors of angels living in an ancient castle in Budapest, she can't help but venture into their forest. There, she sees a muscular man covered in fresh blood, a man who advances on her ...
Data di rilascio : 2011-01-01 3,49 €
Abducted off the street, Kosuke is whisked away to a mysterious prison--where every single warden is a totally smoking hot babe! What's more, all those jailers will do anything they can to tempt Kosuke and his fellow inmates to throw away their virginity. It’s the ultimate battle of the sexes, where giving in to your desires just might mean deadly consequences. How will the inmates withstand a freezing cold night, when the warmth of passion is less than an arm's reach away?
Data di rilascio : 2020-02-25 Genere:Narrativa a fumetti > Manga 10,99 €
Photographer Daisy worked a wedding at an earl’s castle, but by the time she was ready to leave, her car was completely snowed in! She had only until midnight to upload the day’s photos and didn’t know how she’d be able to pull it off now. Luckily a man showed up and invited Daisy into the castle. Once she successfully uploaded the photos, she noticed how very attractive the man who helped her was. They proceeded to spend a dreamy night together, but they didn’t yet know how that night...
Data di rilascio : 2019-02-09 6,49 €
After graduating from college, Rachel is returning to her hometown. She’d lost her parents when she was young, and when she was still a child, her aunt and uncle decided to murder her for the insurance money. Fortunately, a beautiful man saved her life, promising her that she was not alone, that she had him. The man shared his name with a legendary vampire from the area, and when she grew up, Rachel decided she would seek out the enigmatic man who’d saved her life.
Data di rilascio : 2018-11-01 6,49 €
Morgan was called to Da Silva's, one of her clients, by its CEO, Luca da Silva, who abruptly told her she would be fired. He suspected her of having an affair with Joseph, his brother-in-law, and ordered her to break up with him immediately. Morgan bristled at his arrogant and high-handed manner, but she couldn't tell him what her true relationship with Joseph was. They were father and daughter, a fact they must not let anyone know. As she stood there unable to defend herself, Luca unexpectedly ...
Data di rilascio : 2018-07-15 6,49 €