Avrai sentito nominare il termine Blochchain, ma cosa significa? Grazie al contenuto di questo corso su Blockchain per dirigenti, potrai imparare tutte le implicazioni per manager, consulenti, leader, avvocati, specialisti di marketing, educatori, ecc. in tutto il mondo, per capire e utilizzare concetti di Blockchain con applicazioni nel mondo reale. Questo è il libro su Blockchain per manager più aggiornato sul mercato. Wayne è un Esperto Associato della Nordic Blockchain Association a Copen...
Data di rilascio : 2019-03-18 2,99 €
Questo manuale insegna a comunicare efficacemente utilizzando diverse visualizzazioni grafiche dei dati. Scegliendo la giusta forma, i numeri escono da tabelle e database, prendono vita e raccontano informazioni fino a quel momento celate. Il lettore entra così nel mondo dello storytelling con i dati dove qualsiasi dettaglio, anche lo spazio bianco in un grafico, può determinare la buona comunicazione di un'analisi. L'approccio didattico si appoggia a basi teoriche rafforzate con case study re...
Data di rilascio : 2016-07-28 24,99 €
Questo è l’undicesimo libro digitale di una serie intitolata “Programmazione con Python MySQL e Workbench” costituita complessivamente da 18 ebook che trattano la programmazione con Python, la gestione dei database e la relativa programmazione utilizzando MySQL e l’ambiente di sviluppo Workbench. La collana, pensata e scritta per i ragazzi del Liceo Meli di Palermo frequentanti il corso MiT - Meli Information Technology - Sviluppatori App e Web, è fruibile da tutti coloro i quali fosse...
Data di rilascio : 2019-06-11 0,99 €
Work with data like a pro using this guide that breaks down how to organize, apply, and most importantly, understand what you are analyzing in order to become a true data ninja. From the stock market to genomics laboratories, census figures to marketing email blasts, we are awash with data. But as anyone who has ever opened up a spreadsheet packed with seemingly infinite lines of data knows, numbers aren't enough: we need to know how to make those numbers talk. In The Model Thinker , social scie...
Data di rilascio : 2018-11-27 12,99 €
Questo libro è rivolto a tutti coloro che vogliono imparare a conoscere la stampa 3D, la “nuova” tecnologia che sta spopolando nell’immaginario collettivo e che sta trasformando per sempre il modo in cui pensiamo agli oggetti. Grazie a un’introduzione che ci aiuta a comprenderne la storia e l’ecosistema, vedremo come la stampa 3D stia permeando moltissimi campi di applicazione, alcuni fino a pochissimo tempo fa inimmaginabili se non nelle fantasie dei più visionari. Dopo una presenta...
Data di rilascio : 2014-11-09 20,99 €
Questo libro si rivolge ai programmatori che vogliono entrare nel mondo della scienza dei dati scoprendo come unire competenze che spaziano dalla matematica alle analisi di business attraverso - naturalmente - la programmazione. Lo scopo è insegnare come affrontare dati eterogenei trasformandoli in idee e insight. Nel corso dei vari capitoli vengono presentati gli elementi che un data scientist deve padroneggiare: la definizione del dominio di analisi, il recupero e la pulizia di dati grezzi, i...
Data di rilascio : 2017-06-13 Genere:Computer e internet 24,99 €
Nell’era dei big data e agli albori della data driven economy, emerge una figura professionale in grado di analizzare, gestire, elaborare e comunicare i dati. È il data scientist, lo “scienziato dei dati”, che ha solide competenze in informatica, statistica, economia ed è in grado di far fronte alla sempre crescente complessità dei dati. Questo volume si propone come una guida completa sia per chi intenda intraprendere questa professione emergente, sia per chi, già esperto, de...
Data di rilascio : 2017-06-27 Genere:Computer e internet 22,99 €
Creare, gestire, ottimizzare e riparare il database MySQL di WordPress Il database MySQL è l'elemento più importante del nostro sito WordPress, ma sappiamo veramente cos'è un database? E, soprattutto, siamo in grado di crearlo, gestirlo, ottimizzarlo e ripararlo per migliorare le prestazioni del nostro sito e risolvere i problemi che possono presentarsi nel corso del tempo? Questa guida, servendosi di un linguaggio semplice alla portata di tutti, spiega per la prima volta cos'è un database e...
Data di rilascio : 2014-09-03 2,49 €
I Big Data sono una realtà e la professionalità del data scientist è tanto ambita quanto rara sul mercato del lavoro. All’interno delle aziende, infatti, gli investimenti si concentrano sempre più sull’analisi dei dati, con lo scopo di prendere decisioni efficaci e migliorare prodotti, servizi e vendite. Questo manuale presenta in modo semplice e concreto i Big Data a chi non ha particolare esperienza ma vuole passare velocemente dalla teoria alla pratica. Per questo viene introdotto KNI...
Data di rilascio : 2019-05-01 Genere:Computer e internet 19,99 €
Get the scoop on designing databases for Mac and Windows Use FileMaker Pro design and scripting to quickly, easily build databases that solve real problems FileMaker Pro has grown up, and it's better than ever! This easy-to-use guide shows you how to design a great FileMaker application, build a database that works, add the functionality you need, populate your database, and venture into programming with ScriptMaker. You'll find out how to share and protect your database, too. Discover how to * ...
Data di rilascio : 2011-02-25 20,99 €
Vuoi unirti alla corsa all'oro nel METAVERSO ma non sai da dove cominciare? Non sai nulla di questo universo e vuoi imparare come fare una fortuna investendo nel Metaverso? Allora non perdere questa opportunità...questo libro fa al caso tuo! Con la popolarità del mondo Metaverso che sta esplodendo negli ultimi tempi, sempre più investitori ed imprenditori stanno scoprendo il potenziale unico che i mondi virtuali hanno per il mercato digitale. Ma con così tanti consig...
Data di rilascio : 2022-12-19 Genere:Computer e internet 3,99 €
SQL (Structured Query Language) è un linguaggio di programmazione ideato per gestire e interrogare basi di dati. Questo libro svela gli errori più comuni e i trabocchetti in cui si imbattono gli sviluppatori di software alle prese con i database, spesso considerati a torto come una delle principali fonti di problemi delle applicazioni. Grazie ai suggerimenti pratici e alle tecniche presentate in queste pagine, il lettore avrà in mano gli strumenti per ottenere dai database risultati più effi...
Data di rilascio : 2010-12-01 23,99 €
Questo è il dodicesimo libro digitale di una serie intitolata “Programmazione con Python MySQL e Workbench” costituita complessivamente da 18 ebook che trattano la programmazione con Python, la gestione dei database e la relativa programmazione utilizzando MySQL e l’ambiente di sviluppo Workbench. La collana, pensata e scritta per i ragazzi del Liceo Meli di Palermo frequentanti il corso MiT - Meli Information Technology - Sviluppatori App e Web, è fruibile da tutti coloro i quali fosser...
Data di rilascio : 2019-06-11 0,99 €
Learning FileMaker™ is a lifelong journey and, along the way, we come up with better ways of doing things. We learn to adapt and think outside the box. Written primarily for the novice to intermediate (and especially in-house) developers this book teaches by the use of case studies and walks you through the process of solving each. With lots of videos, expert level tips and tricks plus sample files that you can tear down, this is an essential resource for anybody wanting to reduce their ...
Data di rilascio : 2016-08-23 16,99 €
The new FileMaker 12 allows you to build unparalleled databases for a wide variety of devices, from Windows and Mac desktops to iPhones and iPad. With 10 million registered customers, FileMaker's users are "average Joes" who are knowledge workers, subject matter experts, and business users from all walks of life. The community extends well beyond the pool of professional software developers. FileMaker's legendary ease-of-use has led to its wide adoption and has allowed non-programmers an avenue ...
Data di rilascio : 2012-08-23 20,99 €
Now expanded and updated with modern best practices, this is the most complete guide to Microsoft’s DAX language for business intelligence, data modeling, and analytics. Expert Microsoft BI consultants Marco Russo and Alberto Ferrari help you master everything from table functions through advanced code and model optimization. You’ll learn exactly what happens under the hood when you run a DAX expression, and use this knowledge to write fast, robust code. This edition focuses on examples you ...
Data di rilascio : 2019-07-02 37,99 €
La data analytics è una disciplina sempre più ricercata e acquisire competenze in questo ambito sta diventando essenziale in ogni settore. Questo manuale spiega come muovere i primi passi senza dover imparare un linguaggio di programmazione, ma passando dalla teoria alla pratica attraverso alcuni tutorial mirati. Si parte spiegando le tipologie di analisi possibili e come i dati devono essere preparati prima di essere analizzati. Si passa quindi al visual programming, con strumenti - KNIME e M...
Data di rilascio : 2022-04-20 Genere:Computer e internet 24,99 €
Make your data work for you! Tableau For Dummies brings order to the chaotic world of data. Understanding your data and organizing it into formats and visualizations that make sense to you are crucial to making a real impact on your business with the information that's already at your fingertips. This easy-to-use reference explores the user interface, and guides you through the process of connecting your data sources to the software. Additionally, this approachable, yet comprehensive text shows ...
Data di rilascio : 2015-10-14 22,99 €
This comprehensive and authoritative guide will teach you the DAX language for business intelligence, data modeling, and analytics. Leading Microsoft BI consultants Marco Russo and Alberto Ferrari help you master everything from table functions through advanced code and model optimization. You’ll learn exactly what happens under the hood when you run a DAX expression, how DAX behaves differently from other languages, and how to use this knowledge to write fast, robust code. If you want to leve...
Data di rilascio : 2015-10-15 30,99 €
Hadoop è un progetto open source che permette di analizzare enormi quantità di dati distribuiti su cluster e file system differenti. Progettato per essere scalabile da un singolo server fino a migliaia di macchine, Hadoop si occupa anche di gestire problemi e guasti a livello applicativo - piuttosto che hardware - contribuendo a ottimizzare il mantenimento dei dati archiviati. Questo libro è dedicato a chi vuole entrare nel mondo della gestione e dell'analisi di Big Data. Attraverso l'uso deg...
Data di rilascio : 2015-05-26 Genere:Computer e internet 24,99 €
Authoritative and comprehensive coverage for building Access 2013 Solutions Access, the most popular database system in the world, just opened a new frontier in the Cloud. Access 2013 provides significant new features for building robust line-of-business solutions for web, client and integrated environments. This book was written by a team of Microsoft Access MVPs, with consulting and editing by Access experts, MVPs and members of the Microsoft Access team. It gives you the information and...
Data di rilascio : 2013-08-02 35,99 €
FileMaker® 12 In Depth Do more in less time! FileMaker 12 In Depth is the most comprehensive, coherent, and practical guide to creating professional-quality solutions with the newest versions of FileMaker! Drawing on his unsurpassed real-world experience as a FileMaker user, consultant, and developer, Jesse Feiler helps you gain practical mastery of today’s newest, most advanced FileMaker tools and features. • Use themes to build solutions for FileMaker Pro on ...
Data di rilascio : 2012-05-31 17,99 €
The book follows an unfolding example app, exploring the features and principles of Core Data as they are added to the app. The book is full of step-by-step instructions, clear explanations, and useful quick reference material. If you've already explored iOS development and maybe even dabbled with Core Data, this book will set your data-driven application development on a firm footing.
Data di rilascio : 2011-04-26 20,99 €
Use FileMaker® technologies to create powerful mobile data apps for iPhone®, iPod® touch, and iPad™ Apple’s FileMaker technologies make it easy to create powerful, data-driven apps for iPhone, iPod touch, iPad, and any mobile device’s web browser. In this book, leading FileMaker and iOS expert Jesse Feiler teaches you all the skills and techniques you’ll need, whether you’re a developer, knowledge worker, or manager. Feiler thoroughly reviews each strategy for delivering mobile data...
Data di rilascio : 2011-04-14 17,99 €
This book is written for SQL Server 2008. However, it does maintain roots going back a few versions and looks out for backward compatibility issues with SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2000. These versions are old enough that there is little to no time spent on them except in passing. The book is oriented around developing on SQL server. Most of the concepts are agnostic to what client language you use although the examples that leverage a client language general do so in C#. For those who are mi...
Data di rilascio : 2010-09-29 32,99 €
Influence action through data! This is not a book. It is a one-of-a-kind immersive learning experience through which you can become—or teach others to be—a powerful data storyteller. Let’s practice! helps you build confidence and credibility to create graphs and visualizations that make sense and weave them into action-inspiring stories. Expanding upon best seller storytelling with data ’s foundational lessons, Let’s practice! delivers fresh content, a plethora of new examples, and ove...
Data di rilascio : 2019-10-09 29,99 €
In 25 concise steps, you will learn the basics of blockchain technology. No mathematical formulas, program code, or computer science jargon are used.No previous knowledge in computer science, mathematics, programming, or cryptography is required. Terminology is explained through pictures, analogies, and metaphors.. This book bridges the gap that exists between purely technical books about the blockchain and purely business-focused books. It does so by explaining both the technical concepts that ...
Data di rilascio : 2017-03-14 22,99 €
Distributed ledgers, decentralization and smart contracts explained About This Book • Get to grips with the underlying technical principles and implementations of blockchain. • Build powerful applications using Ethereum to secure transactions and create smart contracts. • Explore cryptography, mine cryptocurrencies, and solve scalability issues with this comprehensive guide. Who This Book Is For This book appeals to those who wish to build fast, highly secure, transactional applications. T...
Data di rilascio : 2017-03-17 37,99 €
A dream come true for those looking to improve their data fluency Analytical data is a powerful tool for growing companies, but what good is it if it hides in the shadows? Bring your data to the forefront with effective visualization and communication approaches, and let Data Fluency: Empowering Your Organization with Effective Communication show you the best tools and strategies for getting the job done right. Learn the best practices of data presentation and the ways that reporting ...
Data di rilascio : 2014-10-10 25,99 €
For those of you who need to quickly ramp up on SQL, but have no time to plow through a 600-page tome, this is for you. SQL in 30 Pages is a brief e-booklet of fewer than 4,000 words, designed to get you into SQL as fast as possible, as easily as possible. There is no bull in this Micro-Manual by popular online teacher U.Q. Magnusson. From the very first page you will learn about the basic concepts of SQL, including the command-line interface, the CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, and Delet...
Data di rilascio : 2012-09-21 2,99 €
Access 2007 VBA Programmer's Reference covers a wide spectrum of programming topics relevant to Access. Although it assumes the reader has some familiarity with VBA programming language, it begins with a brief introduction to VBA. And to help you leverage the tools that Access provides, a chapter highlights the new features in Microsoft Office Access 2007 — including new wizards and GUI (graphical user interface) elements that previously required VBA code, as well as new VBA features. The book...
Data di rilascio : 2011-06-01 27,99 €
Updated to cover all the latest features and capabilities of Access 2007, this resource provides new and inexperienced Access users with eight task-oriented minibooks that cover begininning to advanced-level material Each minibook covers a specific aspect of Access, such as database design, tables, queries, forms, reports, and macros Shows how to accomplish specific tasks such as database housekeeping, security data, and using Access with the Web Access is the world's leading desktop datab...
Data di rilascio : 2011-03-01 20,99 €
The all-in-one reference to all aspects of Microsoft Access 2010 If you want to learn Microsoft Access inside and out, the nine minibooks in this easy-access reference are exactly what you need. Read the book cover to cover, or jump into any of the minibooks for the instruction and topics you need most. Learn how to connect Access to SQL Server, manipulate your data locally, use nifty new features from Office 2010 such as the enhanced Ribbon, create queries and macros like a champ, and much more...
Data di rilascio : 2010-04-09 27,99 €
I Big Data con i relativi processi di Analisi sono una realtà che incombe sul mercato italiano sotto la spinta estera e delle nuove aspettative dei consumatori, e con la quale le Piccole e Medie Imprese dovranno confrontarsi-scontrarsi in termini di concorrenza. Infatti essi costituiscono uno degli emergenti vantaggi competitivi all’interno del Marketing Strategico, e insieme all’Intelligenza Artificiale e al Data Mining stanno cambiando progressivamente le regole del mercato. Alle Piccole ...
Data di rilascio : 2020-12-21 21,99 €
A step-by-step guide that will teach you how to use Elasticsearch in your application effectively KEY FEATURES ● Get familiar with the core concepts of Elasticsearch. ● Understand how the search engine works and how Elasticsearch is different from other similar tools. ● Learn to install Elasticsearch on different operating systems. ● Get familiar with the components of Elastic Stack such as Kibana, Logstash, and Beats, etc. ● Learn how to...
Data di rilascio : 2020-12-09 Genere:Computer e internet 8,49 €
A pattern is a general, reusable solution to a frequent or common challenge. This book is the second edition of the most comprehensive collection of ready-to-use solutions in DAX, that you can use in Microsoft Power BI, Analysis Services Tabular, and Power Pivot for Excel. The book includes the following patterns: Time-related calculations, Standard time-related calculations, Month-related calculations, Week-related calculations, Custom time-related calculations, Comparing different time periods...
Data di rilascio : 2020-07-28 29,99 €
L'era in cui viviamo è caratterizzata da un'ingente produzione di dati e da una gamma sempre più ampia di strumenti per analizzarli. Chiunque lavori con i dati sa però come sia facile commettere errori. A volte accade senza nemmeno accorgersene, per poi rendersene conto quando è troppo tardi. Questo manuale insegna a non cadere in errori imbarazzanti e costosi, mostrando esempi concreti delle trappole in cui è possibile cadere. Nel corso dei capitoli il lettore impara a riconoscere ed evita...
Data di rilascio : 2020-06-08 Genere:Computer e internet 19,99 €
Unravel the mysteries of blockchains Blockchain technologies are disrupting some of the world’s biggest industries. Blockchain For Dummies provides a fast way to catch up with the essentials of this quickly evolving tech. Written by an author involved in founding and analyzing blockchain solutions, this book serves to help those who need to understand what a blockchain can do (and can't do). This revised edition walks you through how a blockchainsecurely records data across independent ...
Data di rilascio : 2019-04-03 20,99 €
In today's world, SQL Injection is a serious security threat over the Internet for the various dynamic web applications residing over the internet. These Web applications conduct many vital processes in various web-based businesses. As the use of internet for various online services is rising, so is the security threats present in the web increasing. There is a universal need present for all dynamic web applications and this universal need is the need to store, retrieve or manipulate information...
Data di rilascio : 2018-07-06 2,99 €
The book is about Kubernetes, a container cluster manager. The book discusses all aspects of using Kubernetes in applications. Starting with installing Kubernetes on a single node, the book introduces Kubernetes with a simple Hello example and discusses using environment variables in Kubernetes. Next, the book discusses using Kubernetes with all major groups of technologies such as relational databases, NoSQL databases, and in the Apache Hadoop ecosystem. The book concludes with...
Data di rilascio : 2016-04-16 54,99 €
Utilize R to uncover hidden patterns in your Big Data About This Book • Perform computational analyses on Big Data to generate meaningful results • Get a practical knowledge of R programming language while working on Big Data platforms like Hadoop, Spark, H2O and SQL/NoSQL databases, • Explore fast, streaming, and scalable data analysis with the most cutting-edge technologies in the market Who This Book Is For This book is intended for Data Analysts, Scientists, Data Engineers, Statisticia...
Data di rilascio : 2016-07-29 Genere:Computer e internet 38,99 €
Unlock deeper insights into Machine Leaning with this vital guide to cutting-edge predictive analytics About This Book • Leverage Python’s most powerful open-source libraries for deep learning, data wrangling, and data visualization • Learn effective strategies and best practices to improve and optimize machine learning systems and algorithms • Ask – and answer – tough questions of your data with robust statistical models, built for a range of datasets Who This Book Is For If you wan...
Data di rilascio : 2015-09-23 Genere:Computer e internet 27,99 €
Make the most of FileMaker Pro 13– without becoming a technical expert! This book is the fastest way to create FileMaker Pro databases that perform well, are easy to manage, solve problems, and achieve your goals! Even if you’ve never used FileMaker Pro before, you’ll learn how to do what you want, one incredibly clear and easy step at a time. FileMaker Pro has never, ever been this simple! Who knew how simple FileMaker® Pro 13 could be? This is the easiest, most practical beginner...
Data di rilascio : 2014-12-04 8,99 €
You're beyond the basics, so dive right in and really put your database skills to work! This supremely organized reference is packed with hundreds of timesaving solutions, troubleshooting tips, and workarounds. It's all muscle and no fluff. Discover how the experts tackle Access 2010 -- and challenge yourself to new levels of mastery! Master essential data management and design techniques Import and link to data from spreadsheets, databases, text files, and other sources Use action queries to qu...
Data di rilascio : 2010-08-15 18,99 €
Learn what it takes to succeed in the the most in-demand tech job Harvard Business Review calls it the sexiest tech job of the 21st century. Data scientists are in demand, and this unique book shows you exactly what employers want and the skill set that separates the quality data scientist from other talented IT professionals. Data science involves extracting, creating, and processing data to turn it into business value. With over 15 years of big data, predictive modeling, and business analytics...
Data di rilascio : 2014-03-24 25,99 €
Helping tech-savvy marketers and data analysts solve real-world business problems with Excel Using data-driven business analytics to understand customers and improve results is a great idea in theory, but in today's busy offices, marketers and analysts need simple, low-cost ways to process and make the most of all that data. This expert book offers the perfect solution. Written by data analysis expert Wayne L. Winston, this practical resource shows you how to tap a simple and cost-effective tool...
Data di rilascio : 2014-01-08 Genere:Computer e internet 32,99 €
Statistical Computation for Programmers, Scientists, Quants, Excel Users, and Other Professionals Using the open source R language, you can build powerful statistical models to answer many of your most challenging questions. R has traditionally been difficult for non-statisticians to learn, and most R books assume far too much knowledge to be of help. R for Everyone is the solution. Drawing on his unsurpassed experience teaching new users, professional data scientist Jared P. Lander has written ...
Data di rilascio : 2013-12-13 23,99 €
Make information memorable with creative visual design techniques Research shows that visual information is more quickly and easily understood, and much more likely to be remembered. This innovative book presents the design process and the best software tools for creating infographics that communicate. Including a special section on how to construct the increasingly popular infographic resume, the book offers graphic designers, marketers, and business professionals vital information on the most ...
Data di rilascio : 2013-10-23 25,99 €
Big Data Analytics will assist managers in providing an overview of the drivers for introducing big data technology into the organization and for understanding the types of business problems best suited to big data analytics solutions, understanding the value drivers and benefits, strategic planning, developing a pilot, and eventually planning to integrate back into production within the enterprise. Guides the reader in assessing the opportunities and value proposition Overview of big data hardw...
Data di rilascio : 2013-08-23 24,99 €
The easy guide to Microsoft Access returns with updates on the latest version! Microsoft Access allows you to store, organize, view, analyze, and share data; the new Access 2013 release enables you to build even more powerful, custom database solutions that integrate with the web and enterprise data sources. Access 2013 For Dummies covers all the new features of the latest version of Accessand serves as an ideal reference, combining the latest Access features with the basics of building usable d...
Data di rilascio : 2013-03-14 17,99 €