Il manuale si propone di fornire uno strumento di facile comprensione per iniziare a utilizzare Unity in pochissimo tempo. Tecniche di importazione e gestione del 3D, rendering in real time e uso del linguaggio C-Sharp (C#) per creare applicativi sorprendenti. Unity è lo strumento indispensabile per creare videogame e applicativi multipiattaforma. In particolare è irrinunciabile per progetti di realtà aumentata e virtuale. I contenuti sono frutto dell’esperienza diretta dell’autore e alcu...
Data di rilascio : 2018-11-09 12,99 €
Dopo 40 anni di dominio televisivo due fenomeni hanno rivoluzionato le nostre vite creando nuovi scenari e nuovi business: internet e lo smartphone. A partire dal 2018 inizieremo a VIVERE - ed è il caso di scriverlo in maiuscolo - nuove, profonde esperienze ‘immersive’: quella della realtà virtuale (VR) e della realtà aumentata (AR). VR e AR hanno la stessa portata rivoluzionaria della tv, del pc e dello smartphone di cui sono la naturale evoluzione, e il prossimo passaggio tecnologico sa...
Data di rilascio : 2018-02-13 16,99 €
Sono anni che sentiamo questi termini, eppure fino a ora tutto quello che abbiamo visto è stato qualche divertente effetto speciale e poco di più. Si tratta solo di qualche fuoco d’artificio digitale? O possiamo aspettarci di meglio? Assolutamente sì! Oggi finalmente i tempi sono maturi per andare oltre “l’effetto WOW” e per iniziare a progettare soluzioni che entrino davvero nei processi aziendali generando valore. Manutenzione industriale, formazione tecnica, scienza forense, protot...
Data di rilascio : 2020-03-23 15,99 €
The 2013 edition of the bestselling vSphere book on the market Virtualization remains the hottest trend in the IT world, and VMware vSphere is the industry's most widely deployed virtualization solution. The demand for IT professionals skilled in virtualization and cloud-related technologies is great and expected to keep growing. This comprehensive Sybex guide covers all the features and capabilities of VMware vSphere, showing administrators step by step how to install, configure, operate, manag...
Data di rilascio : 2013-10-16 38,99 €
Written in Packt’s Beginner’s Guide format, you can easily grasp the concepts and understand the techniques to perform wireless attacks in your lab. Every new attack is described in the form of a lab exercise with rich illustrations of all the steps associated. You will practically implement various attacks as you go along. If you are an IT security professional or a security consultant who wants to get started with wireless testing with Backtrack, or just plain inquisitive about wireless se...
Data di rilascio : 2011-09-09 23,99 €
Covers Ansible 2! Ansible is a simple, but powerful, server and configuration management tool (with a few other tricks up its sleeve). This book helps those familiar with the command line and basic shell scripting start using Ansible to provision and manage anywhere from one to thousands of servers. The book begins with fundamentals, like installing Ansible, setting up a basic inventory file, and basic concepts, then guides you through Ansible's many uses, including ad-hoc commands, basic and ad...
Data di rilascio : 2020-08-05 10,99 €
In questo manuale lo sviluppatore si mette alla prova con il mondo delle app mobile, attraverso un framework molto versatile, che consente di creare delle applicazioni partendo da zero: dai concetti di base all’utilizzo dei diversi elementi per costruire un’app robusta, accattivante e cross-platform. Ionic è uno strumento estremamente utile per chi ha già sviluppato applicazioni web, ma anche per chi ha poche basi e vuole cimentarsi nello sviluppo di un’app senza dover gestire due divers...
Data di rilascio : 2020-08-28 19,99 €
L’email è morta? Davvero ci credi? Hai mai pensato che al giorno d’oggi l’email è, invece, la chiave di accesso a qualsiasi cosa? Il mio obiettivo è spiegare l’email marketing agli imprenditori. Mi piace definire l’email come “il collante di tutte le strategie di marketing” focalizzate all’acquisizione di clienti. L’email è a tutti gli effetti uno strumento di vendita. Ed è il più importante che abbiamo. In questo libro ti spiego passo passo come sfruttarla al meglio per ...
Data di rilascio : 2016-03-22 16,99 €
Get up to speed on the new features of Outlook 2010 with this fun and friendly guide Although Microsoft Outlook is the number one most popular e-mail and productivity tool, many utilize only a fraction of its true potential. This easy-to-understand guide walks you through an abundance of often-overlooked tips and tricks so that you can take advantage of all that Outlook has to offer. Outlook 2010 For Dummies introduces you to the user interface, and explains how to use the To-Do bar, filter junk...
Data di rilascio : 2010-04-09 17,99 €
**New, updated version!** **Oct 14, 2019 with new examples and Catalina notes** **(see version history for details)** The essential introduction for system administrators to using, analyzing and building installation package files (pkg) on macOS. In this book you will learn: - How to work with packages, analyze them without installing and install them from the command line and remotely - How to inspect packages with the tools built into macOS and third party tools - How to build your own p...
Data di rilascio : 2016-11-14 17,99 €
Finding out more about an organization using the Zachman Framework for Enterprise Architecture, explains the need for, and the reasons behind, the use of the Framework. It helps the reader see things from several angles, explaining things in a very readable way. It is suitable both for management and technology professionals, and for students who wish to understand the link between technology and business.
Data di rilascio : 2012-10-01 0,49 €
Written in the cookbook style, this book offers learning and techniques through recipes. It contains step-by-step instructions for administrators and developers to manage databases on PostgreSQL. The book is designed in such a way that you can read it chapter by chapter or refer to recipes in no particular order. This book is for Sysadmins, Database Administrators, Architects, Developers, and anyone with an interest in planning for or running live production databases. This book is most suited t...
Data di rilascio : 2010-10-26 23,99 €
Implement real-world DevOps and cloud deployment scenarios using Azure Repos, Azure Pipelines, and other Azure DevOps tools Key Features • Improve your application development life cycle with Azure DevOps in a step-by-step manner • Apply continuous integration and continuous deployment to reduce application downtime • Work with real-world CI/CD scenarios curated by a team of renowned Microsoft MVPs and MCTs Book Description Developing applications for the cloud involves changing developmen...
Data di rilascio : 2020-12-11 20,99 €
macOS Catalina FileVault administration guide for macOS administrators or System Engineers. Non MDM-vendor specific and up to date with macOS 10.15.4 (19E266).
Data di rilascio : 2020-03-25 9,99 €
Gli amministratori di rete si trovano di fronte a sfide differenti. Impostare un server di posta, erogare aree file condivise, regolamentare l’accesso a Internet, gestire gli indirizzi IP, organizzare backup sono solo alcuni esempi. Questo manuale, giunto alla sesta edizione e aggiornato ai moderni approcci alle infrastrutture IT, è una guida alla gestione di questi problemi, organizzata per attività. Ogni capitolo analizza un'esigenza fornendo soluzioni pratiche che possano essere messe in ...
Data di rilascio : 2019-04-08 26,99 €
*** Updated November 2019 for macOS Catalina *** The guide for “post-imaging” deployment of macOS High Sierra. With the introduction of macOS High Sierra Apple and Secure Boot on the iMac Pro has profoundly changed the workflows for installing and deploying macOS on a large scale. In addition new technologies and services like MDM, DEP and VPP need to be configured and used correctly. This books explains all the different terms, services and technologies and suggests workflows for Administra...
Data di rilascio : 2018-05-31 12,99 €
The standard reference on SSH, newly revised and updated! Secure Shell (SSH) lets sysadmins securely manage remote systems. It’s powerful, complicated, and confusing. Lose the confusion. SSH Mastery: OpenSSH, PuTTY, Tunnels and Keys rescues you from sifting through decades of obsolete online tutorials and quickly makes you an SSH journeyman. You’ll learn to: • eliminate passwords • manage access by users, groups, addresses, and more • securely move files around your network • forward...
Data di rilascio : 2018-02-07 10,99 €
Property Lists, Preferences and Profiles for Apple Administrators (New Update, June 2018!) These three topics seem minor, but can be a major headache for Apple Administrators. Mastering them will make you a better Apple Administrator. Property Lists are a common configuration file format on macOS and iOS. Learn about the file structure, file formats and the tools and scripting languages that you can use to read and edit Property Lists. Preferences are special use case of property lists. Learn ab...
Data di rilascio : 2017-03-20 9,49 €
VMware 2V0-620 and 2V0-621 exams retired in 2019. We are continuing to make this content available for those who wish to use it to study the foundational information it contains. vSphere 6 Foundations Exam Official Cert Guide (Exam #2V0-620) vSphere 6 Foundations Exam Official Cert Guide (Exam #2V0-620) presents you with an organized test-preparation routine through the use of proven series elements and techniques. “Do I Know This Already?” quizzes open each chapter and enable you to d...
Data di rilascio : 2016-08-26 43,99 €
ZFS, the fast, flexible, self-healing filesystem, revolutionized data storage. Leveraging ZFS changes everything about managing FreeBSD systems. With FreeBSD Mastery: ZFS, you’ll learn to: select hardware for ZFS systems arrange your storage for optimal performance configure datasets that match your enterprise’s needs repair and monitor storage pools expand your storage use compression to enhance performance determine if deduplication is right for your data understand how copy-on-write chang...
Data di rilascio : 2015-05-21 10,99 €
Master your virtual environment with the ultimate vSphere guide Mastering VMware vSphere 6 is the fully updated edition of the bestselling guide to VMware's virtualization solution. With comprehensive coverage of this industry-leading toolset, this book acts as an informative guide and valuable reference. Step-by-step instruction walks you through installation, configuration, operation, security processes, and much more as you conquer the management and automation of your virtual environment. Wr...
Data di rilascio : 2015-03-24 40,99 €
A Cookbook full of practical and applicable recipes that will enable you to use the full capabilities of OpenStack like never before. This book is aimed at system administrators and technical architects moving from a virtualized environment to cloud environments with familiarity of cloud computing platforms. Knowledge of virtualization and managing linux environments is expected.
Data di rilascio : 2012-09-25 23,99 €
A shell script is a computer program designed to write a series of commands for the shell to execute. It can combine lengthy and repetitive sequences of commands into a single and simple script that can be stored and executed anytime which, reduces programming efforts. Bash Shell Script is a perfect tool for that, and this book will help you to learn how to write shell scripts like a pro, solve real-world problems, or automate repetitive and complex tasks. You will be able to create shell script...
Data di rilascio : 2022-01-17 4,49 €
Sudo: You’re Doing It Wrong Unix-like operating systems use a rudimentary access control system: the root account can do anything, while other users are peasants with only minimal access. This worked fine in UNIX’s youth, but now that sysadmin responsibilities are spread among many people and applications, many people need a tiny slice of root’s power. Sudo lets you divide root’s monolithic power between the people who need it with accountability and auditability. Sudo Mastery will teach...
Data di rilascio : 2019-09-03 10,99 €
Em Logística interna lean: método para avaliação de práticas lean na logística interna de empresas industriais, os autores elaboram um método para avaliação do grau de desenvolvimento de práticas lean na logística interna de empresas industriais. Atualmente, as organizações buscam formas de tornar os seus processos logísticos cada vez mais eficientes, visando a manterem-se competitivas no mercado, o qual vem apresentando desafios constantes. Não basta apenas fazer o trivial nas op...
Data di rilascio : 2019-07-10 10,99 €
CONFINE YOUR SOFTWARE Jails are FreeBSD’s most legendary feature: known to be powerful, tricky to master, and cloaked in decades of dubious lore. Deploying jails calls upon every sysadmin skill you have, and more—but unleashing lightweight virtualization is so worth it. FreeBSD Mastery: Jails cuts through the clutter to expose the inner mechanisms of jails and unleash their power in your service. You will: •Understand how jails achieve lightweight virtualization •Understand the bas...
Data di rilascio : 2019-03-24 10,99 €
This book is written for those people who want to hack systems to test identify the security holes and vulnerabilities of those systems. This book outlines different tricks and techniques that an ethical hacker can use to assess the security of the systems, identify vulnerabilities and fix those vulnerabilities. This is done to prevent any malicious attacks against the system. The hacking we talk about in this book is professional, above board and is a legal type of testing. It is for this reaso...
Data di rilascio : 2018-11-20 2,99 €
Help your organization join the DevOps revolution About This Book • Helps you skill up your DevOps knowledge without a strong set of prerequisites • Deliver continuously improved software by showcasing the most advanced tools and techniques • Acquire a deeper insight into implementing DevOps in your organization and deliver results from day 1 Who This Book Is For This book is written for engineers and companies that want to learn the minimum set of required technologies and processes to be...
Data di rilascio : 2017-10-04 30,99 €
Windows has a powerful command prompt. But most of the Windows admins are stangers to the command line. In this book, you start appreciating the power of it. You can do almost everything in the command prompt. And some operations can only be done in the command prompt.
Data di rilascio : 2016-11-24 0,99 €
FreeBSD includes many special-purpose filesystems. FreeBSD Mastery: Specialty Filesystems takes you through these filesystems, helping you solve problems you didn’t know you have. These filesystems underlie everything from application servers to jails. You’ll learn to manage: removable media MSDOS and Linux filesystems -CD, DVD, and Blu-Ray disks -devfs -process filesystems -the file descriptor filesystem -the POSIX message queue filesystem ...
Data di rilascio : 2016-01-28 11,99 €
Gather detailed statistics and data while monitoring the performance and availability of network devices and applications using the all-new Zabbix 3.0 About This Book • Monitor your network and deploy impressive business solutions with Zabbix 3.0 • Manage hosts and system maintenance to keep your network performing for the people who use it • A step-by-step guide to smarter network monitoring Who This Book Is For If you're new to Zabbix look no further than this book. It will show you how ...
Data di rilascio : 2016-08-10 41,99 €
Learn how to monitor your large IT environments using Zabbix with this one-stop, comprehensive guide to the Zabbix world About This Book • Create a tailor-made monitoring solution based on your specific needs • Learn advanced techniques of Zabbix to monitor networks, performances, and other critical features in large environments • Integrate, customize, and extend your monitoring solutions with external components and software Who This Book Is For This book is intended for system administr...
Data di rilascio : 2015-09-15 30,99 €
This book is intended for virtualization administrators who want to learn VMware vSphere quickly. It is assumed that you have some basic knowledge of virtualization and the vSphere environment.
Data di rilascio : 2015-05-29 27,99 €
FreeBSD is one of the oldest and most featureful open-source Unix-like operating systems. FreeBSD Mastery: Storage Essentials takes you on a deep dive into FreeBSD’s disk management systems. You’ll learn about: * identifying your storage hardware * the Common Access Method * GEOM–FreeBSD’s powerful and flexible stackable storage system * GUID Partition Tables, the modern disk partitioning standard * MBR/disklabel partitioning, used by older and embedded systems * avoiding common partitio...
Data di rilascio : 2014-11-23 10,99 €
Conoscere e apprendere le potenzialità di Windows 8, grazie alla ricchezza di informazioni e alle procedure passo passo fornite in questo manuale, permette alle aziende, ai sistemisti e ai programmatori di sfruttare appieno le funzionalità dell’ultimo sistema operativo Microsoft, migliorando i processi produttivi e la gestione sistemistica aziendale. Il manuale illustra tutte le peculiarità e le potenzialità di Windows 8 più interessanti per le aziende e i professionisti IT, dal deploymen...
Data di rilascio : 2014-09-01 2,99 €
The bestselling guide to Exchange Server, fully updated for the newest version Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 is touted as a solution for lowering the total cost of ownership, whether deployed on-premises or in the cloud. Like the earlier editions, this comprehensive guide covers every aspect of installing, configuring, and managing this multifaceted collaboration system. It offers Windows systems administrators and consultants a complete tutorial and reference, ideal for anyone installing Excha...
Data di rilascio : 2013-10-29 40,99 €
This book is written in a friendly and practical style with numerous tutorials centred on common as well as atypical Hyper-V cluster designs. This book also features a sample cluster design throughout to help you learn how to design a Hyper-V in a real-world scenario.Microsoft Hyper-V Cluster Design is perfect for the systems administrator who has a good understanding of Windows Server in an Active Directory domain and is ready to expand into a highly available virtualized environment. It only e...
Data di rilascio : 2013-10-22 37,99 €
A Cookbook full of practical and applicable recipes that will enable you to use the full capabilities of OpenStack like never before.This book is aimed at system administrators and technical architects moving from a virtualized environment to cloud environments with familiarity of cloud computing platforms. Knowledge of virtualization and managing linux environments is expected.
Data di rilascio : 2013-10-18 23,99 €
This book is a Packt tutorial, walking the administrator through the steps needed to create real solutions to the problems and tasks faced when ensuring that their data is protected. This book is for network administrators, system administrators, backup administrators, or IT consultants who are looking to expand their knowledge on how to utilize DPM to protect their organization’s data.
Data di rilascio : 2013-07-11 23,99 €
A step-by-step tutorial covering all components of the View Horizon suite in detail, to ensure that you can utilize all features of the platform, and discover all of the possible ways that it can be used within your own environment.If you are a newcomer in system administration, and you wish to implement a small to midsized Horizon View environment, then this book is for you. It will also benefit individuals who wish to administrate and manage Horizon View more efficiently or are studying for th...
Data di rilascio : 2013-05-17 30,99 €
Go-to guide for using Microsoft's updated Hyper-V as a virtualization solution Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V offers greater scalability, new components, and more options than ever before for large enterprise systems and small/medium businesses. Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V Installation and Configuration Guide is the place to start learning about this new cloud operating system. You'll get up to speed on the architecture, basic deployment and upgrading, creating virtual workloads, designing and...
Data di rilascio : 2013-03-12 38,99 €
Filled with practical, step-by-step instructions and clear explanations for the most important and useful tasks. Get the job done and learn as you go. Easy-to-follow, step-by-step recipes which will get you started with Varnish Cache. Practical examples will help you to get set up quickly and easily.This book is aimed at system administrators and web developers who need to scale websites without tossing money on a large and costly infrastructure. It’s assumed that you have some knowledge of th...
Data di rilascio : 2013-01-25 13,99 €
This book groups features into logical chapters by topic. Each feature is fully explained, with relevant background information, and simple examples. Administrators or power users looking to quickly learn and explore the new features of PowerShell 3.0 will find this book handy. Prior experience of Powershell is not required but may make some topics easier to understand.
Data di rilascio : 2012-10-03 13,99 €
This developer’s guide for designers and programmers of mass-storage devices that use the Universal Serial Bus (USB) interface provides developers with information on how to choose storage media, interface the media to a microcontroller or other CPU, and write device firmware to access the media and perform USB communications. Comparisons of popular storage-media options to help users choose a media type for a project are included, and the types described cover hard drives and flash-memory car...
Data di rilascio : 2006-07-15 26,99 €
This guide is for you if you control a mail gateway and either: 1. Are sick of spam getting to your Inbox or your user's Inboxes 2. Are sick of paying top dollar for a 'black-box' solution that only works for a couple of months 3. Want to know more about how Postfix can be used with other software to combat Spam Note that this is a guide and should be treated as such. Read the guide, understand it and use the bits that meets your needs.
Data di rilascio : 2012-06-30 0,99 €
A practical tutorial containing clear, step-by-step explanations of all the concepts required to understand the technology involved in virtualizing your application infrastructure. Each chapter uses real-world scenarios so that the readers can put into practice what they learn immediately and with the right guidance. Each topic is written defining a common need and developing the process to solve it using Microsoft App-V. This book is for system administrators or consultants who want to master a...
Data di rilascio : 2012-03-26 34,99 €
Unlike many v-server or root-server from other providers, Linux AMIs do not have any default installation of web server or database server running. This guide will show you how to get a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) system running in no time.
Data di rilascio : 2012-02-05 8,99 €
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the 5th International Workshop of the Initiative for the Evaluation of XML Retrieval, INEX 2006, held at Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, in December 2006. The 49 revised full papers presented were carefully selected for presentation at the workshop and went through a subsequent round of careful reviewing and revision. The papers are organized in topical sections on methodology, and 7 additional tracks on ad-hoc, natural language process...
Data di rilascio : 2007-08-22 69,99 €
This book is a practical, step-by-step tutorial to planning deployment, installing, configuring, and troubleshooting Data Protection Manager 2010. It will take you through all the steps required to use DPM to effectively back up your business data. If you are a Network Administrator, System Administrator, Backup Administrator, Storage Administrator or IT consultant who wants to effectively back up your business data using Microsoft Data Protection Manager 2010, then this book is for you. A good ...
Data di rilascio : 2011-05-23 28,99 €
Windows Server 2008 R2 Unleashed is the most comprehensive and realistic guide to planning, design, prototyping, implementation, migration, administration, and support. Based on the authors’ unsurpassed experience working with Windows Server 2008 R2 since its earliest alpha releases, it offers indispensable guidance drawn from hundreds of production environments. Microsoft MVP Rand Morimoto and his colleagues systematically introduce Windows Server 2008 R2 to IT professionals, identifying R2...
Data di rilascio : 2010-01-07 25,99 €