Vous aimeriez arrêter de fumer ? Vous avez peur de ne pas y arriver ? Comme beaucoup de fumeurs, vous doutez. Normal : arrêter de fumer, ce n’est pas une simple question de volonté. C’est un véritable changement. Le Dr Nadjari a développé au cours de ses nombreuses années de pratique les outils dont vous avez besoin. • Un programme détaillé, semaine après semaine, adapté à votre personnalité. • Des tests, des conseils et des exercices pour apprendre à déjouer l...
Date de sortie: 2008-03-20 9,99 €
Qu’est-ce que l’inspiration ? Que nous apportent les états de conscience altérés ? Que cherche-t-on au-delà des perceptions rationnelles ? Dans la lignée de Michaux, Burroughs, McKenna ou de la Chemical Generation, Tao Lin, expérimente et explore, d’un psychotrope à l’autre et de façon inédite, les effets des stupéfiants sur le corps et la psyché humains.
Date de sortie: 2019-10-16 12,99 €
Dans ce récent ouvrage révolutionnaire, Peter C. Gotzsche lève le voile sur les comportements frauduleux de l'industrie pharmaceutique dans les domaines de la recherche et de la commercialisation et sur son mépris moralement répugnant pour la vie humaine. L'auteur établit des rapprochements convaincants entre l'industrie pharmaceutique et l'industrie du tabac et révèle l'extraordinaire vérité derrière les efforts déployés pour semer la confusion et détourner l'attention du public e...
Date de sortie: 2021-02-09 Genre:Professionnel et technique > Médecine 27,99 €
Le présent ouvrage constitue à la fois une référence et un outil de travail précieux. Il propose une approche par pathologies classées par systèmes , selon un plan précis : les généralités, les critères de choix et la stratégie thérapeutique, l'optimisation thérapeutique, « ce qu'il faut retenir » et des études de cas cliniques pour l'application des connaissances. Les généralités regroupent la physiopathologie et les médicaments utilisés dans la pathologie. Les critères ...
Date de sortie: 2012-10-19 89,99 €
« Que faire avec les toxicomanes ? Attendre que ça passe, les mettre en prison, les pousser vers la psychanalyse ? Parce que nous constations tous les jours que les pratiques officielles ne marchaient pas, nous, cinq médecins, une courte bande, un vrai gang, nous nous sommes indignés, nous avons résisté. Ce livre raconte l’histoire de cette obstination, de cette volonté commune de ne pas rejeter les toxicomanes dans les ténèbres de leurs pratiques. Aucun d’entre nous n’est adepte ...
Date de sortie: 2018-05-23 14,99 €
Le mot alcoolisme désigne tout à la fois les manifestations individuelles de l'intoxication par l'alcool éthylique et les problèmes sociaux que posent à la collectivité qui doit les gérer les phénomènes psychologiques, pathologiques et accidentologiques résultant de cette intoxication...
Date de sortie: 2015-10-28 3,99 €
Pharmacologie médicale est un ouvrage qui offre une synthèse des notions essentielles de pharmacologie utiles pour les étudiants, les enseignants et les professionnels du médicament. Cette nouvelle édition aborde la pharmacologie thérapeutique et en couvre tous les domaines importants. Dans cette 7e édition, un chapitre sur les médicaments immunosuppresseurs et antirhumatismaux a été rajouté. L'originalité de cet ouvrage est de présenter sur deux pages se faisant face, un schéma il...
Date de sortie: 2021-06-17 17,99 €
¿Y si el consumo de marihuana no tuviera nada que ver con una predisposición psicológica individual, como algunos todavía creen, ni mucho menos con algún problema psíquico, y fuera simplemente el resultado de un aprendizaje grupal, social? Esto es lo que viene a decirnos Howard Becker, sociólogo y músico de jazz, el primer estudioso que ya en los años cincuenta habló del "uso recreativo" de la marihuana cuando todos se referían al consumo como "abuso". Las sensaciones producidas por e...
Date de sortie: 2016-07-26 5,99 €
The most comprehensive guide to the botany, history, distribution, and cultivation of all known psychoactive plants • Examines 414 psychoactive plants and related substances • Explores how using psychoactive plants in a culturally sanctioned context can produce important insights into the nature of reality • Contains 797 color photographs and 645 black-and-white illustrations In the traditions of every culture, plants have been highly valued for their nourishing, healing, and transformativ...
Date de sortie: 2005-04-25 82,99 €
Pharmacovigilance is the science and activities relating to the detection, assessment, understanding and prevention of adverse effects or any other drug-related problems. This introductory guide is designed to aid the rapid understanding of the key principles of pharmacovigilance. Packed full of examples illustrating drug safety issues it not only covers the processes involved, but the regulatory aspects and ethical and societal considerations of pharmacovigilance. Covering the basics step-by-st...
Date de sortie: 2017-02-14 31,99 €
Les médias sont capables d’altérer notre santé. Les preuves dans ce sens abondent. Mais comment et pourquoi ? Aujourd’hui, nous sommes en permanence informés, inondés même, de tout ce qui se passe sur la planète, et ce n’est évidemment pas sans conséquence. Les médias, les journaux, Internet, la télévision, par le flux d’informations catastrophes qu’ils diffusent, auraient-ils le pouvoir de nous rendre physiquement malades, sans parler de la dépression, de l’insomn...
Date de sortie: 2011-03-02 14,99 €
A comprehensive guide to optimizing the lifecycle management of pharmaceutical brands The mounting challenges posed by cost containment policies and the prevalence of generic alternatives make optimizing the lifecycle management (LCM) of brand drugs essential for pharmaceutical companies looking to maximize the value of their products. Demonstrating how different measures can be combined to create winning strategies, Pharmaceutical Lifecycle Management: Making the Most of Each and Every Brand ex...
Date de sortie: 2012-04-16 92,99 €
Equal parts true crime, twentieth-century history, and science thriller, The Poisoner's Handbook is "a vicious, page-turning story that reads more like Raymond Chandler than Madame Curie." — The New York Observer “The Poisoner’s Handbook breathes deadly life into the Roaring Twenties.” — Financial Times “Reads like science fiction, complete with suspense, mystery and foolhardy guys in lab coats tipping test tubes of mysterious chemicals into their own mouths.” —N...
Date de sortie: 2010-02-18 9,99 €
La consommation d’alcool est à l’origine de graves problèmes de santé publique et de la première des addictions. Première par la mortalité — 45 000 décès par an —, par les problèmes médicaux et par les conséquences sociales, en particulier les violences intrafamiliales. Première dans l’histoire de l’Occident avant l’arrivée du tabac et des autres drogues, elle est la cause d’ivresses temporaires dangereuses et d’une maladie chronique. Il est cependant possibl...
Date de sortie: 2021-06-30 19,99 €
A NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER New York Times 100 Notable Books of 2019 New York Public Library Best Books of 2019 Kirkus Reviews Best Health and Science Books of 2019 Science Friday Best Books of 2019 New postscript by the author From an award-winning journalist, an explosive narrative investigation of the generic drug boom that reveals fraud and life-threatening dangers on a global scale—The Jungle for pharmaceuticals Many have hailed the widespread use of generic drugs as one ...
Date de sortie: 2020-06-23 10,99 €
This book explains how current medicines against cancer work and how we find new ones. It provides an easy-to-understand overview of current options to treat patients with cancer, which includes Surgery, Radiation therapy, Chemotherapy, Targeted therapy and Immunotherapy. The efficiency of all these treatments is limited by the capacity of cancer cells to escape therapy. This book explains the mechanisms of anti-cancer drug resistance and strategies to overcome it. The discovery and development ...
Date de sortie: 2019-09-10 Genre:Professionnel et technique > Médecine 52,99 €
Completely revised and updated, Cobert's Manual of Drug Safety and Pharmacovigilance, Third Edition, is a how-to manual for those working in the fields of drug safety, clinical research, pharmacology, regulatory affairs, risk management, quality/compliance, and in government and legal professions. This comprehensive and practical guide discusses the theory and the practicalities of drug safety (also known as pharmacovigilance), and provides essential information on drug safety and regulation...
Date de sortie: 2019-04-09 46,99 €
Cet ouvrage procède à un examen critique de la médicalisation excessive de nos sociétés et de l'impératif de la réussite et du succès à tout prix qu'elles ont adoptés. Il brosse ainsi un inventaire accablant des interventions biomédicales et biotechnologiques destinées à améliorer la performance sportive, la performance scolaire et la performance professionnelle, et en met en évidence les effets pervers, le détournement qu'il s'y produit souvent du thérapeutique au dopage. Dans ...
Date de sortie: 2014-05-07 Genre:Professionnel et technique > Médecine 18,99 €
Toxicology’s gold-standard text - completely updated to reflect the latest breakthroughs and discoveries A Doody’s Core Title for 2021! Casarett & Doull’s Toxicology: The Basic Science of Poisons, Ninth Edition equips you with an unsurpassed understanding of modern toxicology, including the key principles, concepts, mechanisms, chemical-specific toxicity, and modes of thought that are the foundation of the discipline. This trusted classic not only delivers a comprehensive review of the...
Date de sortie: 2018-11-23 139,99 €
A comprehensive compendium of all commonly used antibiotics, including indications, side effects, dosage information, and drug/food interactions Antibiotics Manual : A Guide to Commonly Used Antimicrobials, Second Edition is a unique, user-friendly guide made for all who prescribe antibiotics. It’s the only book available that takes a 100% drug-listed approach to 200 of the most common antibiotics prescribed to patients each day. Presented in full color, it’s also a convenient reference for ...
Date de sortie: 2017-08-10 77,99 €
L’épreuve des Q.C.M reste une épreuve incontournable pour la préparation du concours de spécialité en pharmacie. Malgré son importance, dans toutes les disciplines pharmaceutiques il n’existe pas d’ouvrage pédagogique dédié à la pharmacognosie. Cet ouvrage rassemble 150 Q.C.M, et constitue un outil pédagogique pour aider à réviser efficacement le programme de pharmacognosie des études pharmaceutiques. Il reprend les Q.C.M des dix années d’expérience de l'auteur à la facu...
Date de sortie: 2018-03-05 19,99 €
The gold-standard of pharmacology texts – completely updated to reflect the latest research and developments A Doody’s Core Title for 2022! Goodman & Gilman’s: The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics , Thirteenth Edition represents the pinnacle of authority and accuracy in describing the actions and uses of therapeutic agents in relation to physiology and pathophysiology. Goodman & Gilman’s careful balance of basic science and clinical application has guided thousands of practi...
Date de sortie: 2017-10-26 174,99 €
The Fifth Edition of Luellmann's Color Atlas of Pharmacology has been extensively revised to include all recent advances and new drugs, and the illustrations have been optimized and updated. Each two-page spread presents concise text on the left complemented by detailed full-color illustrations on the right to help users quickly digest important facts and concepts. Color-coded sections provide readers with a helpful framework with which to approach the latest developments in pharmacology. Part 1...
Date de sortie: 2017-11-15 49,99 €
One of the most important books written on the effects of LSD on the human psyche. • Its authoritative research has great relevance to the current debate on drug legalization. • Prolific authors Robert Masters and Jean Houston are pioneer figures in the field of transpersonal psychology and founders of the Human Potentials Movement. The Varieties of Psychedelic Experience was published in 1966, just as the first legal restrictions on the use of psychedelic substances were being enacted. Unfo...
Date de sortie: 2000-04-01 14,99 €
In this second edition, Les Iversen presents an introductory account of what drugs are, how they work, and the advances made over the past 100 years in the field of pharmacology. Looking at pharmaceutical drugs and both legal and illegal recreational drugs, Iversen reflects on how twentieth-century drugs have changed our lives.
Date de sortie: 2016-06-16 11,99 €
Questo volume affronta lo studio della Chimica Farmaceutica con una visione originale e unica, ponendo l’accento sui principi generali che guidano la progettazione di farmaci e analizzandone il loro meccanismo d’azione da un punto di vista chimico organico. L’intento di questo volume è far adottare al lettore/studente un approccio razionale ai processi chimici che regolano l’azione dei farmaci in modo da comprendere il funzionamento dei farmaci a livello molecolare.
Date de sortie: 2015-07-01 5,99 €
Enfoque orientado a la comprensión de los conceptos fundamentales mediante la resolución de problemas . Cada capítulo comienza con un repaso teórico de esquemas y ecuaciones, seguido de problemas resueltos paso a paso. Nueva estructura en cinco secciones con cinco capítulos nuevos . Amplio equipo de colaboradores , integrado por profesores e investigadores de distintos ámbitos. Dirigida a los alumnos de Farmacia y a distintos especialistas sanitarios, de la industria farmacéuti...
Date de sortie: 2014-02-24 44,99 €
This guide provides an easy-to-use desk reference for diagnostic information on commonly used hematology, clinical chemistry, and urinalysis parameters. Additional reference materials are provided as an aid in evaluating clinical pathology data. For many toxicologists, the evaluation of hematology, clinical chemistry, and urinalysis data can be the most challenging aspect of animal toxicity studies. In a typical toxicity study, dozens of parameters are measured several times over the course of t...
Date de sortie: 2015-03-25 59,99 €
Chelation Therapy in the Treatment of Metal Intoxication presents a practical guide to the use of chelation therapy, from its basic chemistry, to available chelating antidotes, and the application of chelating agents. Several metals have long been known to be toxic to humans, and continue to pose great difficulty to treat. These challenges pose particular problems in industrial settings, with lead smelting known to be associated with hemopoietic alterations and paralyses, and the inhalation of m...
Date de sortie: 2016-04-18 114,99 €
Prescribing at a Glance The market-leading at a Glance series is used world-wide by medical students, residents, junior doctors and health professionals for its concise and clear approach and superb illustrations. Each topic is presented in a double-page spread with clear, easy-to-follow diagrams, supported by succinct explanatory text. Covering the whole medical curriculum, these introductory texts are ideal for teaching, learning and exam preparation, and are useful throughout medical school a...
Date de sortie: 2014-09-18 27,99 €
This Handbook mirrors the leading national guides to prescribing. The safe and effective use of medicine requires a sound knowledge of pharmacology. As readers use this practical book, they will increase their knowledge.
Date de sortie: 2011-11-10 45,99 €
ÍNDICE: Introducción. Prácticas corrientes de higiene: personal, edificios e infraestructuras, equipos y utensilios. Prevención de riesgos: peligro y riesgo, historia, fundamento, metodología previa a la aplicación del sistema APPCC. Formación del equipo APPCC, Descripción del producto. Descripción del consumidor. Elaboración del diagrama de flujo. Verificación in situ del diagrama de flujo. Realizar un análisis de peligros. Identificar los puntos críticos de control. Establecer los...
Date de sortie: 2012-12-19 5,99 €
Sets forth the state of the science and technology in plasma protein production With contributions from an international team of eighty leading experts and pioneers in the field, Production of Plasma Proteins for Therapeutic Use presents a comprehensive overview of the current state of knowledge about the function, use, and production of blood plasma proteins. In addition to details of the operational requirements for the production of plasma derivatives, the book describes the biology, developm...
Date de sortie: 2012-12-06 149,99 €
Drug discovery increasingly requires a common understanding by researchers of the many and diverse factors that go into the making of new medicines. The scientist entering the field will immediately face important issues for which his education may not have prepared him: project teams, patent law, consultants, target product profiles, industry trends, Gantt charts, target validation, pharmacokinetics, proteomics, phenotype assays, biomarkers, and many other unfamiliar topics for which a basic un...
Date de sortie: 2010-07-07 69,99 €
The third edition of this innovative work again provides a unique perspective on the clinical discovery process by providing input from experts within the NIH on the principles and practice of clinical research. Molecular medicine, genomics, and proteomics have opened vast opportunities for translation of basic science observations to the bedside through clinical research. As an introductory reference it gives clinical investigators in all fields an awareness of the tools required to ensure rese...
Date de sortie: 2012-07-10 97,99 €
Malaria has defeated previous efforts at eradication and remains a massive global public health problem despite being readily preventable and treatable. It is a devastating disease that also extracts huge economic costs from the poorest countries in endemic regions. Starting with an overview of the disease and its current political, financial and technical context, this Milestones in Drug Therapy volume describes the history, chemistry, mechanisms of action and resistance, preclinical and...
Date de sortie: 2012-01-05 119,99 €
Clinical Trials: Study Design, Endpoints and Biomarkers, Drug Safety, and FDA and ICH Guidelines is a practical guidebook for those engaged in clinical trial design. This book details the organizations and content of clinical trials, including trial design, safety, endpoints, subgroups, HRQoL, consent forms and package inserts. It provides extensive information on both US and international regulatory guidelines and features concrete examples of study design from the medical literature. This book...
Date de sortie: 2011-10-25 Genre:Professionnel et technique > Médecine 62,99 €
A simple and systematic guide to the planning and performance of investigations concerned with health and disease and with health care Offers researchers help in choosing a topic and to think about shaping objectives and ideas and to link these with the appropriate choice of method Fully updated with new sections on the use of the Web and computer programmes freely available in the planning, performance or analysis of studies
Date de sortie: 2011-08-24 72,99 €
The definitive book on the neutralization of recombinant biopharmaceuticals Recombinant biopharmaceuticals are an important tool for treating a range of illnesses; however, their efficacy can be severely impaired by their immunogenicity. When introduced into the body, these pharmaceuticals can cause the immune system to produce anti-drug antibodies (ADAs) that neutralize their effects. The first and only book to cover neutralization in connection with biopharmaceuticals and the measurement and a...
Date de sortie: 2011-07-12 124,99 €
This book describes, with references to key source materials, the background to, and conduct of, the principal nonclinical studies that are central to drug development. The chapters provide an understanding of the key components of the preclinical phase of drug development with a hands-on description, with core chapters addressing study conduct, types, and reporting. As such, it is a practical guide through toxicology testing and an up-to-date reference on current issues, new developme...
Date de sortie: 2011-03-31 97,99 €
Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Portfolio Management in a Changing Global Environment explores some of the critical forces at work today in the complex endeavour of pharmaceutical and medical product development. Written by experienced professionals, and including real-world approaches and best practice examples, this new title addresses three key areas – small molecules, large molecules, and medical devices - and provides hard-to-find, consolidated information relevant to and needed by ph...
Date de sortie: 2011-01-06 109,99 €