A RADIO 4 BOOK OF THE WEEK 'A fascinating account of the psychology of caregiving' Telegraph 'The best book I have ever read that explores the effect on the brain of the carer, when someone has dementia. Unmissable' Professor June Andrews, dementia expert and author of Dementia: The One-Stop Guide 'This book will forever change the way we see people with dementia disorders-and the people who care for them.' Lori Gottlieb, author of Maybe You Should Talk To Someone A husband believes his wife is ...
Date de sortie: 2023-03-02 Genre:Professionnel et technique > Médecine 9,99 €
Des réponses simples aux grandes questions de l'existence. Prologue de David Lynch. «Dans ce livre qui fera date, les idées que développe le Dr Nader ont le pouvoir de changer le monde. Il apporte des réponses fondamentales aux questions qui ont fasciné et intrigué depuis longtemps philosophes et scientifiques. Qu'est-ce que la conscience, sommes-nous libres ? Comment réussir au mieux sa vie, réaliser ses désirs, susciter la paix et l'harmonie entre les êtres humains et les pays ? À ...
Date de sortie: 2023-03-01 8,99 €
Chaque semaine ou presque, on nous explique qu’on peut recâbler, voire «libérer» son cerveau, augmenter sa mémoire ou stimuler sa concentration. Mais quels sont les vrais pouvoirs des neurosciences ? Et comment procéder en pratique ? Vieux rêve de l’humanité, on sait maintenant qu’il est possible d’améliorer son cerveau... mais pas n’importe comment ! Apprendre plus vite, mieux dormir, modifier son humeur, prévenir les maladies neurodégénératives, méditer et se relaxer à...
Date de sortie: 2017-01-18 13,99 €
« Libérer » son cerveau, stimuler sa concentration, augmenter sa mémoire… Grâce aux neurosciences, ces vieux rêves de l’humanité sont désormais à notre portée ! À condition, toutefois, d’employer des techniques qui reposent sur de solides études scientifiques. Avec les progrès spectaculaires de ces dernières années, un champ de recherche inédit est apparu : la neuro-amélioration. Les technologies variées qui en sont issues – casque connecté, stimula...
Date de sortie: 2019-03-13 7,99 €
Saviez-vous qu’un traumatisme crânien peut changer notre personnalité ? Que notre cerveau contrôle aussi bien nos émotions que notre état de sommeil ou notre température ? Qu’on ignore encore où et comment se conservent nos souvenirs ? Que le langage est indispensable à la vie humaine ? Énigmatique organe de 1 400 grammes, à peine 3 % du poids de notre corps, le cerveau est constitué de 100 milliards de neurones et utilise 20 % de notre énergie corporelle. Là résident l’âme,...
Date de sortie: 2015-05-06 14,99 €
The Brain's Way of Healing explores the astonishing advances in the discovery of neuroplasticity, showing that the brain has its own unique way of healing, only recently uncovered. Norman Doidge discusses a series of remarkable recoveries: patients told they would never improve have years of chronic pain alleviated or damage from debilitating strokes undone, and symptoms of multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, brain injury, autism or learning disorders are reversed. He also shows how the ris...
Date de sortie: 2015-01-29 9,49 €
Peur, colère, joie, tristesse, dégoût, surprise, nous commençons tout juste à connaître ces émotions qui structurent pourtant notre subjectivité. Les recherches récentes permettent de savoir quelles sont les structures du cerveau qui nous font avoir peur, être joyeux, mais aussi celles qui sont impliquées dans le contrôle de nos comportements connectés aux valeurs du groupe social.
Date de sortie: 2017-03-14 7,99 €
Les baleines bleues peuvent atteindre 3000 mètres de profondeur et rester sous l'eau plus de deux heures. « Tu ne vis plus, tu survis » m'a dit la psychologue. Je suis allée voir une psychologue car ma tête est un océan où des milliers de créatures vivent. Mais maintenant, ces créatures me tuent. Chaque pensée est froide, et vient heurter ma tête telle une vague engloutissant tout sur son passage. Depuis quelque temps, ces pensées sont si violentes qu'elles heurtent aussi...
Date de sortie: 2023-01-17 Genre:Professionnel et technique > Médecine 5,99 €
'A practical manual for your brain.' - Dr Megan Rossi, author of Eat Yourself Healthy A groundbreaking science-based guide to protecting your brain health for the long term. Whatever your age, having a healthy brain is the key to a happy and fulfilled life. Yet, for both young and old, diseases of the brain and mental health are the biggest killers in the 21st century. We all know how to take care of our physical health, but we often feel powerless as to what we can do to protect our mental well...
Date de sortie: 2020-03-05 Genre:Professionnel et technique > Médecine 4,99 €
No one is immune. For people from champion athletes to desk-bound white-collar professionals, many simple acts of life--a relaxing evening stroll through the neighborhood, an exhilarating run along a sandy beach, just bending down to tie a loose shoelace-are often acts of torture. The walking wounded suffer from torn rotator cuffs, tennis elbow, jogger's knees, bad backs, stiff necks, sore feet, and swollen ankles. It could, without exaggeration, be called a modem epidemic. In this brilliant boo...
Date de sortie: 2011-02-01 Genre:Professionnel et technique > Médecine 8,99 €
'Reading this felt like being at home - I didn't realise how much I masked. What an incredible book that I know will be re-read many times over.' - Dr Camilla Pang, author of Explaining Humans ' Unmasking Autism is at once a most deeply personal and scholarly account of the damage caused by autistic (and all) people leading masked lives, and how unmasking is essential to creating a self-determined, authentic life... This is a remarkable work that will stand at the forefront of the neurodiversity...
Date de sortie: 2022-04-07 Genre:Professionnel et technique > Médecine 9,99 €
Eat for your mental health and learn the fascinating science behind nutrition with this "must-read" guide from an expert psychiatrist (Amy Myers, MD). Did you know that blueberries can help you cope with the aftereffects of trauma? That salami can cause depression, or that boosting Vitamin D intake can help treat anxiety? When it comes to diet, most people's concerns involve weight loss, fitness, cardiac health, and longevity. But what we eat affects more than our bodies; it also affects our bra...
Date de sortie: 2020-08-04 12,99 €
En se fondant sur la neurobiologie, les deux auteurs apportent un nouvel éclairage sur le fonctionnement de l'être social. La morale nous amène à juger les autres et à nous juger nous-mêmes. C'est une acquisition évolutive récente, propre à l'espèce humaine, liée à la capacité d'abstraire la réalité concrète au travers du langage. En portant des jugements, l'homme peut trier ses pensées et choisir un comportement qui lui semble adapté. Mais ces jugements ne nous aident pas à v...
Date de sortie: 2018-02-20 14,99 €
Les grandes questions que pose le cerveau : le développement humain, les comportements et les émotions, le langage et la communication. L’Université de tous les savoirs : une approche contemporaine des différents domaines de la connaissance dans un esprit qui est à la fois celui du bilan encyclopédique et celui du questionnement d’avenir. Contributions, notamment, d’Alain Berthoz, Jean-Pierre Changeux, Marie Darieussecq, Stanislas Dehaene, Oswald Ducrot, Marc Jeannerod, Michel Jouvet...
Date de sortie: 2002-02-02 9,99 €
Des outils pour aider les personnes âgées à affronter la démence et les maladies mentales. Les prédictions concernant le nombre de personnes âgées qui souffriront de démence en 2050 suscitent de fréquentes annonces alarmistes, prévoyant un « tsunami » de cas qui submergerait les familles et les soignants et qui imposerait un fardeau économique insupportable à la société. Afin de prévenir cette « crise de la démence », la position biomédicale dominante considère qu’il faut...
Date de sortie: 2014-10-14 Genre:Professionnel et technique > Médecine 29,99 €
Are you interested in the science behind the nervous system? Do you want to know more about the biological basis of learning, memory, behaviour, perception and consciousness? This book will explain it all in detail! Neuroscience is a complex and challenging science that relates to the functions of our nervous system and combines several strands of other sciences to understand the fundamental and emergent properties of neurons and neural circuits. Of course there are many unexplained aspec...
Date de sortie: 2021-02-24 3,49 €
Da millenni ci consideriamo l'unica specie costituita da un'essenza immateriale e un corpo. Da una parte una natura umana volatile, capace di tutto, pronta a morire per la libertà ma che adora la futilità e coltiva l'eccesso. Dall'altra il corpo, una "macchina" programmata da geni immutabili ereditati dai nostri genitori. Ma la scienza del XXI secolo scopre una materia che "finalmente ci assomiglia, una biologia probabilista, scolpita dalle esperienze, che ci spiega chi siamo e perché facciam...
Date de sortie: 2019-11-05 7,99 €
In Mind Change , Susan Greenfield discusses the all-pervading technologies that now surround us, and from which we derive instant information, connected identity, diminished privacy and exceptionally vivid here-and-now experiences. In her view they are creating a new environment, with vast implications, because our minds are physically adapting: being rewired. What could this mean, and how can we harness, rather than be harnessed by, our new technological milieu to create better alternatives and...
Date de sortie: 2014-08-21 11,99 €
Exactions, genocides, guerres doivent nous interroger sur les dysfonctionnements cérébraux qui conduisent à de telles actions. Les neurosciences cognitives nous apportent des réponses sur le développement de la personnalité, sur la part génétique et celle de l’environnement et de l’éducation. Cet ouvrage de vulgarisation permettra au lecteur de mieux comprendre que nous ne sommes pas tout à fait maîtres de nos comportements et que notre marge de manœuvre est limitée.
Date de sortie: 2022-07-01 3,99 €
Conocer el cerebro es el gran reto de la neurociencia, y se podría decir que es uno de los grandes retos de nuestro tiempo. La autora de este ensayo nos invita a hacerlo a través de su experiencia científica en laboratorios y su continua búsqueda de conocimiento en áreas, todas interconectadas, como la medicina, la filosofía o la espiritualidad. Este libro recoge los resultados de la neurociencia de la meditación donde se muestran los cambios cerebrales que suceden cuando tenemos u...
Date de sortie: 2021-04-07 5,99 €
Ce livre s’articule autour de l’idée que les oscillations neuronales du cerveau forment le fondement du mouvement et de la pensée. Il démontre que la majorité des fonctions cérébrales peut être pilotée à partir d’une gamme étendue d’oscillations pouvant produire des états mentaux différents allant de l’éveil au sommeil, au rêve, au passage de la sensation à l’action, à la réflexion, à l’émotion et à la créativité. Différentes expériences fondamentales en neu...
Date de sortie: 2020-08-31 3,99 €
Nella consistente letteratura generata dalla sua scoperta a oggi, l'LSD è sempre stato presentato come una via d'accesso privilegiata - e niente affatto spiacevole - a dimensioni della coscienza che generalmente ci sono precluse. Negli ultimi anni, tuttavia, la ricerca scientifica più avanzata lavora su virtù molto diverse degli «acidi», a cominciare dalla loro efficacia contro patologie infide quali le dipendenze, l'emicrania, le fasi acute della depressione. È una materia densa e al temp...
Date de sortie: 2019-06-27 7,99 €
'I loved it. She is in my view the best science writer around - a true descendant of Oliver Sacks' Sathnam Sanghera, author of The Boy with the Topknot The brain is the most complex structure in the universe. In Brainstorm the Wellcome Prize-winning author of It’s All in Your Head uncovers the most eye-opening symptoms medicine has to offer. ‘Powerfully life-affirming... Brainstorm is testament to O'Sullivan's unshowy clarity of thought and her continued marvelling at the mysteries of the br...
Date de sortie: 2018-04-05 Genre:Professionnel et technique > Médecine 9,49 €
This book provides a fascinating introduction to the main issues and findings in current brain research. It describes the historical developments behind our understanding of what the brain is and what it does, and explores the key questions neuroscientists face concerning the relationship between the brain and thought, memories, perceptions, and actions.
Date de sortie: 2005-12-08 11,99 €
This series of reflective accounts explores the benefits that Buddhist practice can bring for autistic individuals, and outlines how Dharma teachers, centre directors and meditation group leaders can help ensure sessions are truly autism sensitive. Including a wide range of international contributors discussing aspects of their autistic experience and the impact of Buddhism on their lives, this is a thought-provoking and often moving portrayal of the intersect between the lived experience of aut...
Date de sortie: 2022-12-21 Genre:Professionnel et technique > Médecine 18,99 €
Being autistic, you might come across more challenges than others around you, such as dealing with ableism, discrimination in employment or difficulties in your relationships. Learning to successfully self-advocate will help you to build confidence, strengthen your relationships and ensure your needs are met. Written by two autistic activists, this book will give you the tools and strategies to advocate for yourself in any situation. It covers specific scenarios including work, school, and famil...
Date de sortie: 2022-02-21 Genre:Professionnel et technique > Médecine 16,99 €
Ideal for on-the-go reference and review, Easy EMG, 3rd Edition , covers fundamental principles, how to perform, and how to interpret electromyography (EMG) and nerve conduction studies (NCS)—all in an easy-to-read, well-organized resource. This unique, pocket-sized manual offers expert guidance on the most common conditions encountered in daily practice, with clear illustrations showing the correct needle placement for each condition. Presents “just the f...
Date de sortie: 2021-12-07 Genre:Professionnel et technique > Médecine 62,99 €
Constitué de deux volets, cet ouvrage fait état de l'apport de l’art-thérapie dans la prise en charge des personnes présentant une maladie neurodégénérative. À PROPOS DE L'AUTEURE Iléna Lescaut est née en 1966. Elle est auteure de plusieurs ouvrages dont Par la fenêtre du temps , Le troisième œil - Voir en soi pour voir le monde et Ballades solitaires/Loners’Ballad .
Date de sortie: 2021-06-28 Genre:Professionnel et technique > Médecine 7,99 €
Известный нейрохирург, который регулярно проводит сложные операции и знает мозг изнутри, рассказывает о последних научных открытиях и дает советы, которые помогут улучшить его работу
Date de sortie: 2021-06-01 8,99 €
National Geographic's riveting narrative explores the world of placebos, hypnosis, false memories, and neurology to reveal the groundbreaking science of our suggestible minds. Could the secrets to personal health lie within our own brains? Journalist Erik Vance explores the surprising ways our expectations and beliefs influence our bodily responses to pain, disease, and everyday events. Drawing on centuries of research and interviews with leading experts in the field, Vance takes us on a fascina...
Date de sortie: 2016-11-08 10,99 €
In collaboration with Consulting Editor, Randolph W. Evans, Dr. Joseph Jankovic has put together an issue of Neurologic Clinics devoted to Treatment of Movement Disorders. Topics include, but are not limited to, Clinical Rating Scales and Quantitative Assessments of Movement Disorders, Pharmacologic Treatment of Motor Symptoms Associated with Parkinson’s Disease, Treatment of Non-Motor Symptoms Associated with Parkinson’s Disease, Surgical Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease, Emerging Medica...
Date de sortie: 2020-05-11 Genre:Professionnel et technique > Médecine 87,99 €
This powerful, easy-to-use resource—available in print and e-book format—presents the essentials of neuroanatomy in the popular Board Review Series outline format that highlights the most tested topics for the USMLE Step 1. Packed with concise descriptions, clinical correlation boxes, radiographs, full-color illustrations and over 575 board-style questions with complete answers and explanations, BRS Neuroanatomy, Sixth Edition provides everything needed for course success and board exam...
Date de sortie: 2019-05-20 Genre:Professionnel et technique > Médecine 48,99 €
Los apuntes de este libro se contemplan en Español de España y están relacionados con: Genetics and Neurosciences The scientific goal of the GNP is to understand genetic and molecular basis of development, function and disease of the Nervous System. The program covers three main areas: Developmental Neurobiology, focussing on the study of cellular and molecular mechanisms that operate very early during embryonic development to ensure patterning and cell fate specification in the nervous syste...
Date de sortie: 2020-01-05 9,99 €
The Neuroscience of Meditation: Understanding Individual Differences explores the individual differences in learning and practicing meditation, while also providing insights on how to learn and practice effectively. The book comprehensively covers the research in brain areas and networks that mediate the positive effects of meditation upon physical and mental health. Though it examines how people differ in how they learn and practice meditation, it underscores how underlying mechanisms differ in...
Date de sortie: 2020-02-21 89,99 €
We live in a time in which more than 100 million Americans suffer from a neurological illness. Not only is that number expected to rise and the annual cost to care for people with neurological disorders expected to surpass 1 trillion dollars, but the impact of these illnesses on our lives is unlike any other. Neurological disorders affect every fiber of our being. They cause physical, psychological, emotional, and cognitive impairments. They rob us of our lives and families in a way that disease...
Date de sortie: 2019-04-23 Genre:Professionnel et technique > Médecine 8,49 €
Part of the ALL-NEW LADYBIRD EXPERT SERIES. ____________ Are other animals, or even plants, conscious? Can we create conscious robots? Are we able to assume the consciousness of someone else? We all experience the world differently. REALITY is shaped by our individual memories. So we respond to THE WORLD in our own ways. Our UNIQUE EXPERIENCE underpins what it means to be CONSCIOUS. This raises so many questions such as where does consciousness live? And what is it for? Discover the answers and ...
Date de sortie: 2018-06-14 6,99 €
Perfect for fans of The Salt Path and The Outrun , this book is a life-affirming exploration of wild landscapes, what it means to be different and, above all, how we can all learn to make peace within our own unquiet minds. 'A windswept tale, beautifully told' Raynor Winn - The Salt Path 'A manifesto for the value of difficult people. I loved it' Amy Liptrot - The Outrun In August 2015, Katherine May set out to walk the 630-mile South West Coast Path. She wanted to understand why she had stopped...
Date de sortie: 2018-04-19 Genre:Professionnel et technique > Médecine 5,49 €
Da dove vengono i nostri pensieri? In che modo prendiamo le decisioni e come formuliamo i giudizi nella vita di tutti i giorni? Che ruolo ha l'inconscio, in questo? C'è una reale distinzione tra le scelte istintive e quelle ponderate? In che cosa differisce il ragionamento di un bambino da quello di un adulto? Quali sono i confini di ciò che definiamo "identità"? E di che cosa è fatta davvero quella che il nostro cervello processa come "realtà esterna"? Che cosa la distingue dalla sostanza ...
Date de sortie: 2017-11-14 9,99 €
Get on the fast track to understanding neuroscience Investigating how your senses work, how you move, and how you think and feel, Neuroscience For Dummies, 2nd Edition is your straight-forward guide to the most complicated structure known in the universe: the brain. Covering the most recent scientific discoveries and complemented with helpful diagrams and engaging anecdotes that help bring the information to life, this updated edition offers a compelling and plain-English look at how the brain a...
Date de sortie: 2016-04-14 19,99 €
Un testo di riferimento fondamentale e di facile lettura per chiunque desideri lavorare nel campo della psiche. Un Dizionario psicoanalitico che cerca di racchiudere l’intero apparato concettuale della psicoanalisi (rigorosamente descritto sia nella sua fondamentale impalcatura freudiana che nell’articolazione delle ulteriori importanti concezioni ferencziane, kleiniane, winnicottiane, lacaniane ecc.), arrivando a comprendere gli sviluppi più recenti di psicoanalisti contemporanei come Gabb...
Date de sortie: 2013-12-09 32,99 €
Le multilinguisme progresse partout. En Afrique, en Asie et dans d’autres parties du monde, le multilinguisme est la règle, et non une exception. En marge de ce phénomène culturel, certains font le choix d’apprendre plusieurs langues étrangères. Adieu Babel est le premier livre consacré à ces super-apprenants, également nommés hyperpolyglottes (des polyglottes qui parlent plus de 6 langues). Avec cet essai, Michael Erard part à la recherche des plus grands apprenants en langues ét...
Date de sortie: 2016-10-10 15,99 €
Ideal for students of neuroscience and neuroanatomy , the new edition of Netter's Atlas of Neuroscience combines the didactic well-loved illustrations of Dr. Frank Netter with succinct text and clinical points, providing a highly visual, clinically oriented guide to the most important topics in this subject. The logically organized content presents neuroscience from three perspectives: an overview of the nervous system, regional neuroscience, and systemic neuroscience, enabling you to review com...
Date de sortie: 2015-09-28 Genre:Professionnel et technique > Médecine 54,99 €
Newly revised and updated, A Textbook of Neuroanatomy, Second Edition is a concise text designed to help students easily master the anatomy and basic physiology of the nervous system. Accessible and clear, the book highlights interrelationships between systems, structures, and the rest of the body as the chapters move through the various regions of the brain. Building on the solid foundation of the first edition, A Textbook of Neuroanatomy now includes two new chapters on the brainstem and refle...
Date de sortie: 2016-02-16 82,99 €
Many people believe that pleasure and desire are obstacles to reasonable and intelligent behavior. In The Pleasure Center, Morten Kringelbach reveals that what we desire, what pleases us--in fact, our most base, animalistic tendencies--are actually very important sources of information. They motivate us for a good reason. And understanding that reason, taking that reason into account, and harnessing and directing that reason, can make us much more rational and effective people. In exploring the ...
Date de sortie: 2008-11-14 30,99 €
The gripping and revelatory story of the dramatic race to merge the human brain with machines Leading neuroscience researchers are racing to unlock the secrets of the mind. On the cusp of decoding brain signals that govern motor skills, they are developing miraculous technologies to enable paraplegics and wounded soldiers to move prosthetic limbs, and the rest of us to manipulate computers and other objects through thought alone. These fiercely competitive scientists are vying for Defense Depart...
Date de sortie: 2015-10-20 10,99 €
*Nominated for the 2016 PEN/E.O. Wilson Literary Science Writing Award* *An NBC News Notable Science Book of 2015* *Named one of Publishers Weekly 's Best Books of 2015* *A Book of the Month for Brain HQ/Posit Science * *Selected by Forbes as a Must Read Brain Book of 2015* *On Life Changes Network ’s list of the Top 10 Books That Could Change Your Life of 2015* In the tradition of Oliver Sacks, a tour of the latest neuroscience of schizophrenia, autism, Alzheimer’s disease, ecstatic epileps...
Date de sortie: 2015-08-04 7,49 €
From the author of Emergence and The Ghost Map , Steven Johnson's Mind Wide Open: Why You Are What You Think takes us on a journey to the frontiers of brain science and reveals exactly how we're hardwired to think and feel. 'You are part reptile, part mammal, part primate. You are a dopamine fiend. You are a walking assembly of patterns and waves, clusters of neurons firing in sync with one another...' Experimenting with the latest technology, Stephen Johnson discovers (among other things) that ...
Date de sortie: 2014-09-04 9,49 €
In this fascinating book, Jacques Balthazart presents a simple description of the biological mechanisms that are involved in the determination of sexual orientation in animals and also presumably in humans. Using scientific studies published over the last few decades, he argues that sexual orientation, both homosexual and heterosexual, is under the control of embryonic endocrine and genetic phenomena in which there is little room for individual choice. The author begins with animal studies of th...
Date de sortie: 2011-12-02 59,99 €
What produces emotions? Why do we have emotions? How do we have emotions? Why do emotional states feel like something? What is the relation between emotion, and reward value, and subjective feelings of pleasure? These are just some of the question considered in this book, written by a leading neuroscientist in this field.
Date de sortie: 2013-10-31 64,99 €
This book provides eloquent support for the idea that spontaneous neuron activity, far from being mere noise, is actually the source of our cognitive abilities. In a sequence of "cycles," György Buzsáki guides the reader from the physics of oscillations through neuronal assembly organization to complex cognitive processing and memory storage. His clear, fluid writing-accessible to any reader with some scientific knowledge-is supplemented by extensive footnotes and references that make ...
Date de sortie: 2006-08-03 64,99 €