One by one the boys begin to fall… In 1914 a room full of German schoolboys, fresh-faced and idealistic, are goaded by their schoolmaster to troop off to the ‘glorious war’. With the fire and patriotism of youth they sign up. What follows is the moving story of a young ‘unknown soldier’ experiencing the horror and disillusionment of life in the trenches. All Quiet on the Western Front (German: Im Westen nichts Neues, lit. 'Nothing New in the West') is a novel by Erich Maria Remarque, a...
Date de sortie: 2021-04-08 0,49 €
This Volume, out of four, of the history of the North American Aviation P-51 Mustang and P-82 Twin Mustang, takes you from the first steps of the North American Aviation Corporation to the end of the evolution of those two aircraft, through the British decision to award the development of this exceptional fighter to NAA. It also provides the production history with links between military serials and model blocks. Richly illustrated, this volume gives the background inform...
Date de sortie: 2014-12-01 5,49 €
《华杉讲透《孙子兵法》内容简介:《孙子兵法》6111字,似乎每个字都艰深玄奥,让很多人望而却步;其实,只要抓住兵法的根本思想,就会发现处处豁然开朗、字字明明白白。 本书作者华杉,研究孙子兵法二十余年;在本书中,抓住兵法根本思想,通过155个经典战例,将《孙子兵法》的原意剖析得详尽透彻。同时援引2000多年来,解读《孙子兵法》的传世注家曹操、杜牧等11人的注解,从不同...
Date de sortie: 2015-08-31 2,49 €
L’Art de la guerre ( en chinois: 孙子兵法, littéralement : « Stratégie militaire de maître Sun ») est le premier traité de Stratégie militaire écrit au monde (VIème Vème siècle avant J.C.). Son auteur, Sun TZU , y développe des thèses originales qui s’inspirent de la Philosophie chinoise ancienne. Ouvrage incontournable pour tout pratiquant d’arts martiaux.
Date de sortie: 2020-06-28 4,99 €
Chi è Stanislav Evgrafovich Petrov? Una persona anziana che vive in indigenza nella degradata periferia di Mosca. Ma anche l’uomo che ha salvato il mondo dall’annientamento: il militare russo che, all’alba del 26 settembre 1983, di fronte al segnale inequivocabile di un attacco di missili nucleari americani, decise di non fare la telefonata che avrebbe allertato i vertici, e che avrebbe dato inizio alla risposta sovietica scatenando la Terza guerra mondiale. Un eroe, ma un eroe disubbidie...
Date de sortie: 2017-04-18 9,99 €
POW Escape and Evasion covers everything you need to know about making a successful return to friendly territory. Beginning from the point where a combatant finds himself or herself trapped in enemy territory, the book offers useful tips and solid advice on how to evade capture and, if that fails, how to escape. Key topics include the will to survive; handling stress in captivity; escape techniques; survival in a variety of environments, including urban, rural, jungle and desert; how to forage f...
Date de sortie: 2015-01-29 4,99 €
读酷®出品 书非酷不能读 【编辑推荐】 ★《三十六计》是我国古代卓越兵家的智慧结晶,是世界军事谋略学的宝贵遗产之一。 ★“六六三十六,数中有术,术中有数。阴阳燮理,机在其中。机不可设,设则不中。”你可知道其中的玄妙? ★“瞒天过海”、“声东击西”、“暗度陈仓”……一个成语一个计谋,你可知道它们由何而来,又是怎样被运用,从而改写历史的? ★一本兵书又将如...
Date de sortie: 2012-12-01 5,49 €
Date de sortie: 2009-05-01 4,49 €