Un livre spécial fille pour affronter sereinement tous les changements physiques et émotionnels de la puberté. Croissance physique, apparition des premières règles, développement du système pileux et des organes sexuels, achat du premier soutien-gorge, sautes d'humeur, etc. Comprend aussi quelques informations sur les changements chez les garçons. Écrit simplement et clairement, avec plein de conseils et des schémas explicatifs. Un livre spécial fille pour affronter sereinement tous l...
Date de sortie: 2015-11-26 4,99 €
Que d'aventures extraordinaires vivent les déesses et les dieux de la mythologie grecque ! Zeus, Athéna, Poséidon, Aphrodite... Ils sont généreux, tempétueux, terrifiants et fascinants. 12 chapitres pour découvrir les secrets des plus célèbres d'entre eux : pour chacun, une fiche d'identité et un récit légendaire magnifiquement illustré pour mêler savoir et merveilleux.
Date de sortie: 2016-04-19 4,99 €
Inspiré par l’émission du même nom diffusée sur Arte, Imaginez ! explore avec brio et humour des thèmes universels tels que la vie en société, l’identité, la sagesse, la vérité, le langage, la mort ou encore la justice, dans des récits qui dialoguent idéalement avec les illustrations de Chen Jiang Hong. Entre profondeur et légèreté, ces courtes histoires philosophiques aident à vivre et à penser différemment le quotidien.
Date de sortie: 2019-08-20 8,99 €
Une analyse concise pour comprendre rapidement tout l’intérêt du livre Le point de bascule de Malcolm Gladwell Le point de bascule , ouvrage rédigé par le journaliste britannique Malcolm Gladwell, spécialiste en psychologie et sociologie, a rencontré un franc succès dès sa parution en 2012. L’écrivain y propose une analyse originale du déclenchement et de la propagation des phénomènes sociaux, basée sur sa théorie personnelle du « point de bascule » qu’il a développée en ...
Date de sortie: 2016-05-02 4,99 €
« Qui es-tu, merveilleuse apparition ? demanda Narcisse, incapable de comprendre qu’il s’adressait à son propre reflet. Plus il avançait sa main, plus l’objet de son amour se refusait à lui, impossible à palper. » Avez-vous déjà rencontré votre « sosie » ? Avez-vous été « médusé », ou « paniqué » ? Peut-être connaissez-vous quelqu’un qui est « riche comme Crésus »… Savez-vous que toutes ces expre...
Date de sortie: 2019-10-23 5,49 €
'Malala is an inspiration to girls and women all over the world.' - J.K. Rowling I Am Malala tells the remarkable true story of a girl who knew she wanted to change the world - and did. Raised in the Swat Valley in Pakistan, Malala was taught to stand up for her beliefs. When terrorists took control of her region and declared girls were forbidden from going to school, Malala fought for her right to an education. And, on 9 October 2012, she nearly paid the ultimate price for her courage when she ...
Date de sortie: 2014-08-19 4,99 €
Cambodge, 1975. Quand les soldats arrivent à Battambang, sa ville natale, Arn n’est qu’un gamin de 11 ans qui danse au son d’Elvis Presley et vend des glaces avec son frère. Arrivés au pouvoir, les Khmers rouges envoient tous les habitants du village en longues marches forcées vers des camps de travail. Séparé de sa famille, Arn travaille dans les rizières sous une chaleur accablante et rongé par la faim. Autour de lui, des enfants meurent d’épuisement, des ouvriers sont assassi...
Date de sortie: 2014-10-16 7,99 €
Recunoscut ca un împătimit al pescuitului și vânatului, Mihail Sadoveanu adună în această carte cu măiestria-i cunoscută mai multe povestiri vânătorești și pescărești pe care el însuși, se pare că le-a trăit.
Date de sortie: 2015-03-21 3,49 €
À Athènes, Socrate n’est pas du goût de tout le monde.Lorsqu’ils le voient déambuler sur l’Agora, la barbe mal taillée et les pieds nus, ses contemporains retiennent leur souffle. Il faut dire que le philosophe ne les laisse jamais tranquilles. La démocratie, le travail, la société de consommation, la bonne moralité : avec lui, tout y passe ! Il interroge, il questionne, il provoque. Qu’est-ce que la liberté ? Qu’est-ce qu’une vie réussie ? Comment résister...
Date de sortie: 2017-11-03 11,99 €
The inspiring autobiography from Gabrielle Douglas—the first African-American gymnast in Olympic history to become the individual All-Around champion—revealing her journey from the time she first entered a gym to her gold-medal-winning performances. In the 2012 London Olympics, US gymnast Gabrielle Douglas stole hearts and flew high as the All-Around Gold Medal winner and the brightest star of the US gold-medal-winning women’s gymnastics team. That same year, Gabrielle was also named the 2...
Date de sortie: 2012-11-27 8,99 €
Moramos num país tropical e plural. Somos brasileiros, com toda a diversidade que isso significa. Comemos feijoada, mas também pato ao tucupi, churrasco, tambaqui... Dançamos samba, e ainda rock, forró, funk... Somos católicos, dizem as estatísticas. No entanto não despregamos o olho das divindades que vagam em outros domínios. Como será que tudo se mistura e acaba dando em brasilidade? Esta é a pergunta que se faz o antropólogo Roberto DaMatta neste livro, e, para respondê-la, focal...
Date de sortie: 2004-02-01 2,99 €
Alucina con las aventuras de héroes y heroínas de todo el planeta. Con todo el humor y las ilustraciones desternillantes de Pascu y Rodri, de Destripando la historia. ¿Conoces a los héroes más increíbles y épicos? Hay miles de leyendas de héroes invencibles y perfectos por todo el mundo… Pero también vamos a contarte que hay héroes con historias muy locas y desconocidas. Desde la valerosa y divina Juana de Arco, hasta el apuesto y melenudo Cú Chulainn, pasando por Hércules, Rama o ...
Date de sortie: 2021-06-03 6,99 €
Qui est susceptible de nous trahir ? D'où viennent les trahisons qui déchirent une relation et nous laissent dans une grande détresse ? De nos proches bien sûr, de ceux en qui nous avons placé toute notre confiance. Pour qu'il y ait trahison, il faut d'abord qu'il y ait eu de la confiance. Alors forcément la question se pose : faut-il décider une fois pour toutes de ne plus jamais faire confiance pour se protéger de l'éventualité d'une trahison et de l'atroce douleur qui l'accompagne ?...
Date de sortie: 2018-08-22 5,99 €
Max Weber: Politik als Beruf || Erstmals als eBook – Voll verlinkt, mit Anmerkungen und Fußnoten | Max Webers berühmter Aufsatz, ›Politik als Beruf‹ ist zu einem unverzichtbaren Klassiker der Politikwissenschaft geworden. Weber gibt hier eine zentralen Definition des Staates: Dieser sei eine Gemeinschaft, welche innerhalb eines bestimmten Gebietes das Monopol legitimer physischer Gewalt in Anspruch nimmt. Damit dies funktionieren kann, müssen sich die ›beherrschten Menschen‹ dieser ...
Date de sortie: 2018-02-15 0,99 €
A New York Times Bestseller This was one of my most anticipated 2018 books and I was not disappointed. A must read." -Angie Thomas, author of The Hate U Give 'tender, timely ... surprising and hopeful' - Observer A heartbreaking and powerful story about a black boy killed by a white police officer, drawing connections with real-life, from award-winning author Jewell Parker Rhodes. ALIVE Twelve-year-old Jerome doesn't get into trouble. He goes to school. He does his homework. He takes care of his...
Date de sortie: 2018-04-19 3,49 €
Que de créatures extraordinaires dans le folklore du monde entier ! Dracula le vampire, Finn le géant, Jehan le loup-garou… Ils ont subi de terribles malédictions, affronté des monstres encore plus effroyables qu’eux, échappé à l’emprise de leur maître… et terrorisé la population. 12 chapitres pour découvrir les secrets des plus célèbres d’entre eux : à chacun sa fiche d’identité et son récit légendaire magnifiquement illustré, pour mêler savoir et merveilleux !
Date de sortie: 2017-06-08 4,99 €
"What is insanity?" "Can we trust our memories?" "Who needs parents, anyway?" The answers to these and many other burning questions lie in the world of psychology. It is all around us, influencing advertising, politics, and product development, and Heads Up Psychology explains it all. Using engaging graphics, this book explores the big ideas from all areas of psychology, including psychoanalysis, intelligence, and mental disorders, as well as offering biography spreads of key psychologists and c...
Date de sortie: 2016-06-16 4,49 €
Ce livre raconte l'histoire d'un vieux pays (que nous nommerons la Gaule) qui aime à se raconter des histoires. Ce pays se trouve aujourd'hui dans la situation d'un enfant qui ne veut pas grandir dans l'espoir de conserver indéfiniment les privilèges merveilleux dont il bénéficie. L'infantilisme y est une idéologie, l'infantilisation des masses une tradition savamment entretenue par les élites. Si ce pays veut demeurer ou redevenir un pays libre, il lui faut aujourd'hui faire sa révoluti...
Date de sortie: 2013-11-08 10,99 €
#CiPensoOggi. Il sindaco più popolare tra i giovani ci ispira a partecipare al cambiamento Una scatola custodisce delle lettere speciali. Lettere dal futuro. Le hanno scritte i ragazzi del domani, e ci raccontano come si vive nelle città che verranno. Ciao! Io mi chiamo Beppe Sala e mentre scrivo queste righe sono il sindaco della città di Milano. Ultimamente mi è successa una cosa parecchio strana e bella, e vorrei raccontartela. Sì, proprio a te: lo sai tenere un segreto? Devi sapere che ...
Date de sortie: 2021-01-26 6,99 €
Part history, part spellbook, this magical compendium gives young witches a fascinating insight into the lives and practices of witches throughout time and from all over the world. Since ancient times, magic and witchcraft have inspired both fear and fascination. More recently, witchcraft has become a popular symbol for feminist empowerment . Everything a beginning witch needs to know is contained in Secrets of the Witch . Uncover the meaning and history behind magical tools and symbols such as ...
Date de sortie: 2020-08-04 11,99 €
Joseph Campbell’s collected writings on dance and art, edited and introduced by Nancy Allison, CMA, the founder of Jean Erdman Dance, and including Campbell’s unpublished manuscript “Mythology and Form in the Performing and Visual Arts,” the book he was working on when he died. Dance was one of mythologist Joseph Campbell’s wide-ranging passions. His wife, Jean Erdman, was a leading figure in modern dance who worked with Martha Graham and had Merce Cunningham in her first company. When...
Date de sortie: 2020-04-30 9,49 €
What is populism? Is socialism the same in China and Cuba? What makes a democracy? If you're not sure, this is the book for you! Look inside to find out why politics matters, and how ideas shape our world. How do ideas make the world go round? What are the political left and right? What's the difference between capitalism and communism, or democracy and dictatorship? Who really holds the power? Can activism stop climate change, and can pacifism prevent wars? Can everyone have freedom of speech? ...
Date de sortie: 2020-07-16 5,99 €
This classic work by the Russian philosopher and literary theorist Mikhail Bakhtin (1895—1975) examines popular humor and folk culture in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, especially the world of carnival, as depicted in the novels of François Rabelais. In Bakhtin's view, the spirit of laughter and irreverence prevailing at carnival time is the dominant quality of Rabelais's art. The work of both Rabelais and Bakhtin springs from an age of revolution, and each reflects a particularly open ...
Date de sortie: 2015-04-02 8,99 €
These essays reveal Mikhail Bakhtin (1895-1975)—known in the West largely through his studies of Rabelais and Dostoevsky—as a philosopher of language, a cultural historian, and a major theoretician of the novel. The Dialogic Imagination presents, in superb English translation, four selections from Voprosy literatury i estetiki (Problems of literature and esthetics), published in Moscow in 1975. The volume also contains a lengthy introduction to Bakhtin and his thought and a glossary of termi...
Date de sortie: 2015-04-02 8,99 €
Cuando fuimos árabes es una declaración de principios. Un libro al servicio de un consejo: que debemos habitar nuestra historia. El autor parte de la consideración de España como un territorio más antiguo que el concepto de estado-nación, y más acorde con la idea de nación-cultura de Menéndez Pelayo; es decir, un territorio habitado por sus textos y ajeno a las cristalizaciones jurídicas de sus habitantes. En esta ocasión, González Ferrín retoma su idea de la historia como continuid...
Date de sortie: 2019-10-20 6,99 €
Identify dragons in the wild with the Dracopedia Field Guide ! Have you ever stumbled upon a dragon egg and thought to yourself, "I wonder which type of scaly beast will burst forth from this delicate and dappled shell?" Well, wonder no more. This fantasy field guide is required reading--and required packing--for both budding and expert dragon enthusiasts. Don’t leave home without it. This comprehensive and elucidating manual identifies the dragons of the world from Amphipteridae through Wyver...
Date de sortie: 2019-05-07 9,99 €
The majority of the civil rights movement in the United States occurred in three stages. The first stage began with the slaves in America fighting for their freedom. Frederick Douglass was a key player from the very beginning. Born a slave, Douglass escaped and went on to become one of the most respected abolitionist leaders. After the Civil War, freed slaves fought to overcome the still-prevailing prejudice and persecution. During this phase, Marcus Garvey led the Back to Africa movement, promo...
Date de sortie: 2016-01-26 10,99 €
This book contains now several HTML tables of contents that will make reading a real pleasure! Ten Days in a Mad-House is a book by newspaper reporter Nellie Bly. It was initially published as a series of articles for the New York World. Bly later compiled the articles into a book, which was published by Ian L. Munro in New York City in 1887.[1][2] The book comprised Bly's reportage for the New York World while on an undercover assignment in which she feigned insanity at a women's boardi...
Date de sortie: 2018-08-27 0,99 €
Fourteen-year-old Stevie lives in Lewes with her beloved vinyl collection, her mum ... and her mum's depression. When Stevie's mum's disability benefits are cut, Stevie and her mother are plunged into a life of poverty. But irrepressible Stevie is determined not to be beaten and she takes inspiration from the lyrics of her father's 1980s record collection and dreams of a life as a musician. Then she meets Hafiz, a talented footballer and a Syrian refugee. Hafiz's parents gave their life savings ...
Date de sortie: 2018-08-02 7,49 €
C'est quoi la politique ? Pourquoi le drapeau français est-il bleu-blanc-rouge ? C'est quoi la nationalité française ? C'est quoi une manifestation ? C'est quoi la laïcité ? À quoi sert le Sénat ? À quoi sert un président de la République ? Quel est le travail du ministre de la Justice ? Qui était Jean Jaurès ? Pourquoi on a créé l'Europe ? En 4 grandes parties (Les valeurs et les symboles de la République, Les acteurs de la République, L'organisation du territoire, La France dan...
Date de sortie: 2017-03-08 5,99 €
Qui décide que l'école est obligatoire ? Qui décide que les enfants n'ont pas le droit de travailler ? Qui décide que je dois avoir 12 ans pour ouvrir un compte bancaire et 13 ans pour m'inscrire sur Facebook ? Qui décide que je suis français ? Famille, école, réseaux sociaux, commune, qui prend les décisions ? Un ouvrage indispensable pour devenir un citoyen averti !
Date de sortie: 2016-10-31 4,99 €
You should be happy being a wife and mother! This was the message American women heard constantly until the early 1960s. But growing numbers of women felt that being a wife and mother was not fulfilling or stimulating enough. Something had to change. Women like Betty Freidan, Martha Griffiths, Pauli Murray, Esther Peterson, Gloria Steinem, Frances Beal, and Bella Abzug dedicated themselves to securing equal rights and opportunities for women in the workplace, in education, and under the law. The...
Date de sortie: 2014-09-02 9,99 €
With more than 170 million people, Nigeria is Africa's most populous country. Military leaders have ruled Nigeria for much of its history as an independent country, and it was not until 1999 that a civilian government was restored. However, this has not ensured peace. Conflicts have broken out between Muslim extremists and other Nigerians over the imposition of sharia, a series of religious rules and laws that Muslims are supposed to follow. Sharia carries penalties that most observers consider ...
Date de sortie: 2014-09-02 9,99 €
Over the past four decades, Afghanistan has been form apart by social unrest and civil war. Most recently, the harsh government of the Taliban, which ruled according to a strict interpretation of Islamic law, was overthrown by a U.S.-led invasion of the country in 2001. Since then foreign assistance has helped Afghanistan begin rebuilding, and the country has taken important steps toward democracy. Yet difficult problems remain. In parts of the country, for example, the elected government must s...
Date de sortie: 2014-10-21 9,99 €
Located on the westernmost point of Africa, Senegal is a land of stunning coastlines, semi-desert sands, fertile river valleys, grassland plains, and tropical rainforests. Since winning independence from France in 1960, Senegal has gained a reputation as one of Africa's most modern and progressive countries. Senegal is also one of the few states on the continent that has continued to see peaceful transfer of governmental powers through democratic elections. Although mostly rural, the former Fren...
Date de sortie: 2014-09-02 9,99 €
If your child is struggling with social science, then this book is for you; the short book covers the topic and also contains 10 discussion questions, 10 activities, and 20 quiz style questions. This subject comes from the book “Third Grade Social Science (For Homeschool or Extra Practice)”; it more thoroughly covers more Third grade topics to help your child get a better understanding of Third grade social science. If you purchased that book, o...
Date de sortie: 2014-12-19 2,99 €
Come and spend some time with us at Bawaka. Get a taste of what it is like at different times of the year, and listen to our stories. Laklak Burarrwanga and family invite you to their Country, centred on a beautiful beach in Arnhem Land. Its crystal waters are full of fish, turtle, crab and stingray, to hunt; the land behind has bush fruits, pandanus for weaving, wood for spears, all kinds of useful things. This country is also rich with meaning. 'We can go anywhere and see a river, hill, tree, ...
Date de sortie: 2013-08-01 6,49 €
This new adaptation of Dee Brown's multi-million copy bestseller, Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee , is filled with photographs and maps to bring alive the tragic saga of Native Americans for middle grade readers. Focusing on the Sioux nation as representative of the entire Native American story, this meticulously researched account allows the great chiefs and warriors to speak for themselves about what happened to the Sioux from 1860 to the Massacre of Wounded Knee in 1891. This dramatic story is ...
Date de sortie: 2014-10-07 8,99 €
On March 23, 1900, Arthur John Evans and his staff began to excavate on Crete, looking for the fabled site of Knossos, where an extraordinary civilization, a precursor to classical Greece, was rumored to have existed. Almost from the first shovel stroke, artifacts began to emerge. Evans realized that here was "an extraordinary phenomenon, nothing Greek, nothing Roman. A wholly unexplored world." The Palace of Minos at Knossos recounts the exciting story of uncovering a remarkable society lost to...
Date de sortie: 2003-11-09 9,99 €
Nous sommes au XVIème siècle, en Angleterre. Thomas More imagine une île conquérante où la population vit en harmonie avec la nature et où les lois sont justes. Les hommes sont libres et soumis à une organisation sans faille, chacun a sa place et une place pour chacun, les hommes sont bons, généreux, heureux et disicplinés... ensuite vînt l'Union soviétique...
Date de sortie: 2014-02-02 1,49 €
With the rise in international trade, communication and travel, the world appears to be shrinking. While some people argue that free trade around the world is necessary for the economy, others believe the current trade rules allow rich countries to take advantage of workers in developing countries. This book looks at the impact of globalisation and the debate surrounding global trade. The information comes from a variety of sources, including government reports and statistics, newspapers ...
Date de sortie: 2009-11-12 6,99 €
The inspirational story of the Japanese national campaign to build the Children's Peace Statue honoring Sadako and hundreds of other children who died as a result of the bombing of Hiroshima. Ten years after the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, Sadako Sasaki died as a result of atomic bomb disease. Sadako's determination to fold one thousand paper cranes and her courageous struggle with her illness inspired her classmates. After her death, they started a national campaign to build the Child...
Date de sortie: 2001-01-09 4,49 €
Africa is brought to life in this imaginative look at the plants, animals, and people that make it such a fascinating continent. Studies of both traditional tribes and modern African cities showcase Africa's diversity, and authentic activities allow kids to dive into the rich culture by making a Maasai bivouac shelter, writing a fable in the African style, working as a field biologist, making a ritual elephant mask, and learning to tie an African Kanga dress. This cross-cultural study also shows...
Date de sortie: 2006-08-01 13,99 €