Au commencement, Dieu créa les cieux et la terre… Premier livre de la Bible, la Genèse est un récit fondateur du christianisme et du judaïsme. Merveilleux d’images et de poésie, ce texte est aussi un texte sacré pour de nombreuses civilisations. Le lire, c’est découvrir les racines de mythes qui ont nourri notre culture, et apprendre à s’interroger sur le statut des mots, du Verbe à la Tour de Babel.
Date de sortie: 2017-06-14 2,99 €
Il faut réécrire l’histoire de l’humanité ! (et remettre en discussion l'interprétation de la Bible !) Il n’existe aucune divinité, tel qu’on l’entend au sens spirituel, dans l’Ancien Testament. La Bible, en particulier, ne parle ni de Dieu ni d’un culte qui lui serait dédié . C’est la raison pour laquelle j’ai intitulé cet ouvrage La Bible n’est pas un livre sacré ! Mais qui donc est intervenu au fil des siècles pour interpoler le Livre ? Sommes-nous tous victimes ...
Date de sortie: 2019-05-17 11,99 €
Marriage is one of the greatest gifts God ever created for mankind, besides His son Jesus. In the Garden of Eden, God said that it was not good that man was alone, so He created Eve out of Adam's side (Genesis 2). Desiring a counterpart and oneness with another person is built into the deepest and oldest parts of our human nature. God also tells us in His Word to present all of our requests to Him (Philippians 4:6). We want to encourage you and your desire for marriage by urging you to pray for ...
Date de sortie: 2016-11-21 10,99 €
BÜYÜK İSLÂM İLMİHALİ İlmihaller insanların birbirlerine, topluma ve Allah Teâlâ’ya karşı olan davranışlarını, İslâm dininin açıkladığı şekilde anlatan kitaplardır. Günlük yaşantımızı ve ibadetlerimizi düzenleyen temel dinî bilgileri verirler. İslâm’ın inanç, ibadet ve günlük yaşayışa ilişkin hükümlerini bilmek her müslümanın görevidir. Müslümanca bir hayat için gerekli olan hukukî esaslar ilmihal kitapları ile öğrenilegelmiştir. Bu ki...
Date de sortie: 2015-10-11 1,49 €
C'est avec la naissance de l'Islam vers 610 que va éclore l'incroyable civilisation arabomusulmane ! Cet album retrace le destin de Muhammad, l'élaboration du Coran après sa mort, les grandes conquêtes pour porter le message religieux du prophète jusqu'à la constitution d'un immense empire. Là, avec l'administration des califes, ce territoire voit prospérer un art de vivre raffiné, un architecture fabuleuse, des échanges commerciaux intenses, un artisanat exceptionnel et un développem...
Date de sortie: 2020-11-04 9,49 €
Découvrez une version pour enfant richement illustrée du livre le plus lu dans le monde : la Bible Ce sixième épisode de la Bible raconte la vie de Moïse, la création des 10 commandements, le passage du Jourdain ainsi que l'arrivée à Jéricho. Le temps passait et les Hébreux devinrent de plus en plus nombreux en Égypte. Un jour, le Pharaon Ramsès II jugea qu'il y en avait trop. Il décida alors de tuer tous leurs garçons nouveau-nés. Dans une famille hébraïque, une femme venait d...
Date de sortie: 2015-04-01 3,99 €
Comment est-ce mourir? Existe-t-il un programme pour cela? Et après la mort, que se passe-t-il? L'Esprit traverse-t-il les plans matériels pour se fixer quelque part ? Où ? Quels sont les facteurs ayant une influence sur l'adaptation à la Vie nouvelle ? Dans ce livre, vous trouverez les réponses à ces questions, basées sur les informations données par les Esprits qui ont communiqué par le biais de Chico Xavier, et les patients qui sont revenus à la vie physique après avoir vé...
Date de sortie: 2010-08-01 4,99 €
Have you ever thought about praying for your future husband? Will it make a difference? There's only one way to find out… From when we were small girls, most of us dream of “The One,” our future husband. We think about what it would be like to be a bride. We wonder who that special guy is and when we'll find him. The great news is that what you do now can make a difference in your life and the life of your future husband! Authors and good friends Robin Jones Gunn (Christy Mil...
Date de sortie: 2011-05-03 9,99 €
Découvrez une version pour enfant richement illustrée du livre le plus lu dans le monde : la Bible Ce deuxième épisode de la Bible raconte l'épisode de l'arche de Noé. Dieu avait tout donné à l’homme et à la femme, mais ceux-ci, au fil du temps, n’avaient pas réussi à vivre en paix, ensemble. De nombreuses disputes éclatèrent, les gens s’entre-tuèrent, devinrent jaloux des autres, et se mirent à voler les biens de leurs voisins. Ils n’avaient plus aucun respect, plus aucun...
Date de sortie: 2015-04-01 3,99 €
Découvrez une version pour enfant richement illustrée du livre le plus lu dans le monde : la Bible Ce troisième épisode de la Bible raconte l'histoire de la tour de Babel, l'appel et le voyage d'Abraham, la naissance d'Ismaël, Sodome et Gomorrhe, Lot et sa famille. Le monde vivait en paix depuis l’alliance faite entre Dieu et les êtres vivants, à la descente de l’arche de Noé. Mais rapidement, les hommes et les femmes oublièrent cette alliance et trouvèrent une vaste terre inoccup...
Date de sortie: 2015-04-01 3,99 €
Who am I, really? How do I figure out what to do with my life? Does anybody really care about me? Why can't I be as pretty as her? Stasi Eldredge understands the doubts, struggles, and fears you are facing. She has been there! Now Stasi invites you to walk with her as she helps you understand the lies this world tries to sell you, and believe that God sees you as beautiful and worthy—right now. With honesty and grace, Stasi will help you see the hand of God in your story and trust Him with you...
Date de sortie: 2014-10-01 4,99 €
Définir une religion est un exercice plus périlleux qu’il n’y paraît. Une fois sortis de nos sentiers battus – les grandes religions monothéistes – nous sommes bien démunis pour déterminer ce qui fait une religion. Faut-il nécessairement croire en une ou plusieurs divinités ? Les sectes sont-elles fondamentalement différentes des religions ? Et d’ailleurs, comment sont nées les religions ? Pourquoi certaines ont-elles aujourd’hui totalement disparu ? A quels besoins répond...
Date de sortie: 2018-08-29 7,49 €
Découvrez une version pour enfant richement illustrée du livre le plus lu dans le monde : la Bible Ce septième épisode de la Bible raconte la vie de Gédéon, l'histoire de Samson, l'appel de Samuel ainsi que l'arche chez les Philistins. Les Israëlites avaient été répartis par Josué en douze tribus, chacune portant le nom d’un des fils de Jacob. Elles s’installèrent toutes en terre de Canaan, mais à des endroits différents du pays. La plupart des tribus choisirent de vivre dans l...
Date de sortie: 2015-04-01 3,99 €
Découvrez une version pour enfant richement illustrée du livre le plus lu dans le monde : la Bible Ce premier épisode de la Bible raconte la création du monde, le Paradis, Adam et Eve ainsi que la naissance de Caïn et Abel. Au commencement, il n'y avait rien ! Rien qu'un immense vide froid et sombre sans vie. Un jour, il y a très longtemps, Dieu créa le ciel et la terre. On ne sait combien de temps il fallut pour créer la vie sur terre, car, à cette époque, un jour pouvait durer des mi...
Date de sortie: 2015-04-01 3,99 €
In this world you’re surrounded by sexual images that open the door to temptation. They’re everywhere–on TV, billboards, magazines, music, the internet–and so easy to access that it sometimes feels impossible to escape their clutches. Yet God expects his children to be sexually pure. So how can you survive the relentless battle against temptation? Here’s powerful ammunition. Steve Arterburn and Fred Stoeker, the authors of the hard-hitting best-seller Every Man’s Battle, now focus on...
Date de sortie: 2002-03-19 6,99 €
A selection of Bible stories for children, simply retold and wonderfully illustrated. Read about the creation of the world, Noah and the great flood and Abram’s journey to Canaan.
Date de sortie: 2010-10-13 1,99 €
Le peuple juif est essentiellement un peuple historique dont les destinées reflètent ce quil y a dinsondable dans la vie divine et échappent à toute explication matérialiste ou basée sur des faits positifs; la prédominance du «métaphysique» y est on ne peut plus évidente et sa séparation davec l«historique» ayant disparue, aucun obstacle ne soppose à lappréhension du sens interne des événements. Cest la découverte que je fis lorsque, attiré dans ma jeunesse par la conception ...
Date de sortie: 2022-05-15 1,49 €
André Luiz est le nom donné à l'Esprit d'un grand médecin et chercheur de Rio de Janeiro qui, de l'au-delà, écrivit par l'intermédiaire du médium Chico Xavier, une série de livres psychographiés, décrivant le monde spirituel dans lequel il évolue. Ces livres, vendus à 5 millions d'exemplaires, développent et analysent différents sujets à caractère scientifique, tels la biologie, la psychologie, la médecine, la physique, la chimie, l'anthropologie et la s...
Date de sortie: 2019-09-01 5,49 €
Adressée aux jeunes croyants du monde entier en octobre 2018, cette exhortation apostolique post-synodale a pour thème "Les jeunes, la foi et le discernement vocationnel". Le pape va signer à Rome sa nouvelle exhortation apostolique post-synodale qui porte sur la jeunesse. Comme l’a annoncé dimanche 3 mars le directeur ad interim de la Salle de Presse du Saint-Siège : le 25 mars, « en la solennité de l’Annonciation du Seigneur, le Saint-Père François se rendra en visite à Lorette, ...
Date de sortie: 2019-05-24 1,99 €
Le sexe et l'intimité 101 est un livre écrit dans le but d'enseigner aux gens comment jouir agréablement du sexe. Il aborde les questions des préliminaires, de la pénétration, des positions sexuelles, de l'impuissance, et d'autres questions sexuelles importantes. Le plus important est qu'il a été écrit par un pasteur qui nous parle ouvertement de la jouissance sexuelle. PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
Date de sortie: 2018-11-01 3,99 €
En quoi croit-on aujourd’hui ? Peut-on choisir sa religion ? Peut-on être amis si on n’a pas la même religion ? Prophètes, rites, textes sacrés, symboles, fêtes, athéisme… un livre sans jugements ni préjugés pour expliquer la place des religions dans nos vies quotidiennes et l’empreinte qu’elles laissent sur le monde.
Date de sortie: 2018-12-19 4,99 €
Percy versteht die Welt nicht mehr. Jedes Jahr fliegt er von einer anderen Schule. Ständig passieren ihm seltsame Unfälle. Und jetzt soll er auch noch an dem Tornado schuld sein! Langsam wird ihm klar: Irgendjemand hat es auf ihn abgesehen. Als Percy sich mit Hilfe seines Freundes Grover vor einem Minotaurus ins Camp Half-Blood rettet, erfährt er die Wahrheit: Sein Vater ist der Meeresgott Poseidon, Percy also ein Halbgott. Und er hat einen mächtigen Feind: Kronos, den Titanen. Die Götter s...
Date de sortie: 2018-03-21 32,99 €
Exam Board: AQA Level: AS/A-level Subject: Religious Studies First Teaching: September 2016 First Exam: June 2017 AQA Approved Engage students with accessible content that draws out the key theories, ensuring students have a thorough understanding of Christianity and the philosophical and ethical issues; developed by subject specialist John Frye and the leading Religious Studies publisher*. - Confidently teach 'Philosophy and religion' and 'Ethics, religion and society' with comprehensive covera...
Date de sortie: 2017-04-24 21,99 €
Seneler sular seller gibi akıp gitti. Ne istiyorum, isteyecek ne kaldı? Bunalıyorum, tıkandım. Kapana kısıldım. Gönlüm soluyor. Akla güvenim kalmadı. Beni anlamıyorlar. Şaşkınım, küskünüm. Dönüştüm, yabancılaştım, bir Kafka böceği olup çıktım. Umutsuz vakayım. Kararlar veriyor yapamıyorum. Eylemsiz düşünceler zehirliyor beni. Düşünmeden yaşamak istiyorum, olmuyor. Her şey başlıyor ve bitiyor. Dünya doyurmuyor beni. Kuşkular, kuruntu...
Date de sortie: 2016-03-04 3,49 €
God loves who you are! In this 90-day devotional for young women, Stasi Eldredge takes excerpts from her book Free to Be Me and combines them with prayers, scriptures, and positive declarations. Day by day, she turns you back to the truth that God sees you as beautiful beyond measure—and he delights in dreaming big dreams with you for your life!
Date de sortie: 2016-01-01 4,99 €
I HAVE been dead a long time. In fact, I died on March 7, 1274, and my body now rests in the Dominican church in Toulouse, France. But my body is the least important part of me. It is my soul that matters, and my soul has been having a wonderful time for hundreds of years because it is in Heaven. Through the grace and by the gift of God, my soul sees all the boys and girls in the world today. My soul knows each of you very well, the schools you attend, the teachers who instruct you in religion, ...
Date de sortie: 2015-09-12 4,99 €
What's Your Strategy? As kids grow, their prayer lives need to grow too—but how? Stephen Kendrick and Alex Kendrick offer a strategy that kids can use to figure out how prayer works and just how powerful it is. Lots of great explanation is combined with fun activities, illustrations, and journaling prompts to get kids thinking and praying. This companion book to the movie War Room contains 32 perforated journal pages kids can use to write specific prayers and then post them on the ...
Date de sortie: 2015-09-01 6,99 €
You've got battles to fight—on your knees. The teen years can be tough; don't try to make it through without one of your most powerful weapons—prayer. A companion book to the movie War Room, this new kind of journal will get you ready for a new kind of prayer life, one that's strong, growing, and reflects just how powerful prayer is. Each short chapter tackles one of the biggest questions teens have about prayer, questions such as: • Why pray, anyway? • What should I pra...
Date de sortie: 2015-09-01 6,99 €
Kyle and Kelsey Kupecky couldn't have dreamed a better love story for themselves had it been scripted by a bestselling novelist like Kelsey's mom, Karen Kingsbury. In fact, if you asked them, Kyle and Kelsey would name God as the author of their story. And they're glad they trusted him to write it for them. Unfortunately, too many girls hoping for their own happily-ever-after have taken matters into their own hands, chasing after boys when they should be chasing after God. And that inevitably le...
Date de sortie: 2015-09-01 8,49 €
Découvrez une version pour enfant richement illustrée du livre le plus lu dans le monde : la Bible Ce huitième épisode de la Bible raconte la vie de David ainsi que celle de Salomon. Lorsque Samuel devint vieux, il établit ses fils juges en Israël. Son fils aîné s’appelait Joël et son cadet Abia. Mais ses fils ne suivaient pas son exemple: ils étaient attirés par l’argent, acceptaient toutes sortes de cadeaux et ils supprimèrent de nombreuses lois. Samuel était un homme bon et d...
Date de sortie: 2015-04-01 3,99 €
Este es un libro para aquellos que sueñan vivir una vida feliz y plena y no dejarse limitar por el que dirán de la gente ni los prejuicios impuestos por la sociedad.Algunos de los temas del libro:-Cómo desatar al campeón que todos llevamos dentro.- Cómo alimentar la pasión por la excelencia.-Cómo vencer prejuicios.-Cómo superar los malos pronósticos.-La vitalidad del entusiasmo.
Date de sortie: 2015-10-20 5,99 €
Zekâsı ve kabiliyetiyle bütün sahabilerin dikkatini çeken Küçük Zeyd (r.a.), Kur'an-ı Kerim'i ezberlerken, İslam'ı öğrenirken harcadığı gayret ve emeğinin nasıl ödüllendirildiğini şöyle anlatır: "Allah Resulü (a.s.m.) Medine'ye hicret ettikten bir süre sonra sahabiler beni Huzur-u Saadet'e çıkardılar. - Ya Resulallah! Bu Neccaroğulları'nın çocuklarındandır. Sana inen Kur'an'dan on yedi sure ezberledi, dediler. Allah Resulü (a.s.m.) benden Kur'an-ı Kerim okuma...
Date de sortie: 2011-03-01 0,99 €
Enes (r.a.) Sevgili Peygamberimiz ile geçirdiği ilk günleri şöyle anlatır: "Allah Resulü'nün (a.s.m.) bana ilk tavsiyesi şuydu: - Ey oğlum! Sırrımı saklarsan iyi bir mümin olursun. Bu tavsiyeden sonra O'nun sırrını hiç kimseye söylemedim. Allah Resulü'ne (a.s.m.) dokuz-on yıl hizmet ettim. Bana bir kere bile 'öf!' demedi. Yaptığım bir iş hakkında hiçbir zaman 'Niçin böyle yaptın?', yapmadığım iş hakkında ise 'Şöyle yapsaydın ya!' ya da 'Ne kötü yaptın!' ...
Date de sortie: 2008-03-01 0,99 €
LA BIBLIA es el libro de los libros, son las Sagradas Escrituras, es un tesoro que sobrepasa su extraordinario valor literario, de una belleza y una fuerza innegables. A lo largo de breves capítulos, los niños y niñas recorrerán las historias que componen tanto el Antiguo Testamento como el Nuevo Testamento. Las expresivas ilustraciones llenan de emoción y ternura los pasajes, y les permitirán disfrutar como nunca con esta lectura.
Date de sortie: 2013-11-01 8,49 €
LA BIBLIA es el libro de los libros, son las Sagradas Escrituras, es un tesoro que sobrepasa su extraordinario valor literario, de una belleza y una fuerza innegables. A lo largo de breves capítulos, los niños y niñas recorrerán las historias que componen el Nuevo Testamento. Las expresivas ilustraciones llenan de emoción y ternura los pasajes, y les permitirán disfrutar como nunca con esta lectura.
Date de sortie: 2013-11-01 4,49 €
The Big Picture is a gospel-centered book for teenagers and young adults that tells the story of the God who has always been with man and, through his Son and Spirit, always will. Best-selling authors Hayley and Michael DiMarco guide readers to be more aware of God’s presence with us today and better sense His call for us to make disciples of all nations. The gospel didn’t begin in the New Testament. It was there, “In the beginning,” at the genesis of everything. Across the whole of huma...
Date de sortie: 2013-09-01 2,49 €
Sound familiar? 1. You spot a cute boy (we’ll call him Boy A). 2. You dream about Boy A. 3. You do whatever it takes to make Boy A notice you. 4. Even though Boy A doesn’t pursue you, you hang on to your dream of Boy A until he (a) moves to the North Pole with no access to a cell phone or computer, (b) dies and is buried or cremated, or (c) begins dating another girl. 5. You mend your broken heart by hating Boy A and finding another cute boy (Boy B). You replace Boy A with Boy B and begin al...
Date de sortie: 2013-09-01 6,49 €
Ask any girl on the street what womanhood is about, and you'll get a blank stare in return. No one knows. Young women are devoid of vision beyond popularity, material wealth, a cute boyfriend or a dream career. Even in Christian circles, significant questions are often left unanswered: What's the point of purity? Modesty? Femininity? What's biblical womanhood? Most of all, girls wonder at the longing in their souls for something greater. Uncompromising: A Heart Claimed By a Radical L...
Date de sortie: 2011-05-01 2,49 €
Written with uncommon wisdom by a teenager for teens, Hannah Rayne reveals how she opened her heart and allowed God to draw her into an intimate love relationship with Him. She shares how the tender Shepherd revealed His love to her and taught her the value of absolute surrender. iChoose His Way has been written from the heart of a teen to the hearts of other teens. In this book Hannah shares many of her struggles and victories in her relationship with Jesus, and she encourages her readers to fi...
Date de sortie: 2013-01-24 6,99 €
Is Jesus really the Son of God, the Messiah? Lee Strobel wasn't so sure. So, he decided to use his award-winning journalistic skills to investigate Jesus and prove once and for all if all the claims about him are true. The Case for Christ Student Edition adapts Strobel’s New York Times bestselling book to present hard-hitting findings as well as Lee’s journey from skepticism to belief in an easy-to-follow manner so you can make a decision about Jesus for yourself. The Case for Christ Student...
Date de sortie: 2010-12-21 5,99 €
According to Pastor Mark Batterson in his book, The Circle Maker, “Drawing prayer circles around our dreams isn’t just a mechanism whereby we accomplish great things for God. It’s a mechanism whereby God accomplishes great things in us.” Do you ever sense that there’s far more to prayer, and to God’s vision for your life, than what you’re experiencing? It’s time you learned from the legend of Honi the Circle Maker—a man bold enough to draw a circle in the sand and not bud...
Date de sortie: 2012-12-18 7,99 €
2005 Logos Bookstores Award winner for Best Youth Book The author of Walking with Frodo takes readers on an adventure of faith with this devotional that relates themes from J. R. R. Tolkien's The Hobbit to living the Christian life. Unlike the fateful quest Frodo was asked to carry out, Bilbo's journey came as an unexpected adventure. Readers will be reminded that God chooses us to be unlikely heroes in the adventure of life.
Date de sortie: 2012-09-11 8,99 €
Elizabeth George, author of the bestseller A Young Woman After God’s Own Heart (more than 300,000 copies sold), now shows teen women how to make prayer a part of their busy lives. From her own journey through the Bible and the lives of others, Elizabeth shares the difference prayer makes in everyday life. She provides step-by-step guidance and ideas for experiencing an exciting prayer life, highlighting how to— make prayer a realityestablish a regular time for talking with Godpray from the h...
Date de sortie: 2012-09-01 9,49 €
What do you consider a miracle? Jesus performed miracles as a sign - to show people the power of God (and that he actually was God). The miracles of Jesus also serve as a pathway for us to learn more about this God who created us, and to deepen our relationship with him. The miracles Jesus preformed reveal the true nature of God. Along this journey, Tony Myles and Seth McCoy will help you see the Father as we look at Jesus. This devotional will awaken you to God's love and care for you, and the ...
Date de sortie: 2012-08-16 10,99 €
If God were throwing a party, would everyone be invited? Or does God invite some and not others? And if so, how does God decide? Is it what you say? Is it what you do? Is it what you're going to do? Is it who your friends are? Or what your friends do? Or what religion you happened to be born into? Or where you live, or what you look like, or what you believe? What if the idea of heaven and hell that we have been taught is not, in fact, what the Bible teaches? What if Jesus meant something very d...
Date de sortie: 2013-03-12 9,99 €
This inspiring collection of illustrated stories offers an Islamic take on the lives and missions of familiar prophets. Through these Islamic renditions, children are made keenly aware of the importance of certain virtues?steadfastness, patience, and honesty?exhibited by religious role models in the Qur?an, including Abraham, Moses, Noah, and Jesus, and the prophets' willingness to endure hardship as a means to an honest life.
Date de sortie: 2008-10-01 6,99 €
In recent years, "dating" has become a dirty word in many Christian circles. So dirty, in fact, that young believers are now encouraged simply not to date. This position has provoked an open debate among teens, their parents and youth workers, and single adults. For a great number of them, many questions remain unanswered. "Lord, what do I do with this desire to date?" "Can dating be an option for young adults who love the Lord and long to please Him?" Is not dating really the only acceptable op...
Date de sortie: 2009-02-04 5,49 €
Inside Every Young Woman is a Princess…In Search of her Prince In a culture that mocks our longing for tender romance, in a world where fairy tales never seem to come true — do we dare hope for more? For every young woman asking that question, this book is an invitation. With refreshing candor and vulnerability, bestselling author Leslie Ludy reveals how, starting today, you can experience the passion and intimacy you long for. You can begin a never-ending love story with your true Prince. D...
Date de sortie: 2007-05-15 9,99 €
A True Fairy Tale Cinderella is a great story, but after the last page is turned, little girls can’t look forward to the tale coming true when they grow up. It’s just “for pretend.” Now girls ages four to nine can unveil the reality of their royal calling! His Little Princess shows them that they are not pretend princesses…because God is for real! When a grown-up sits down to read out loud these touching love letters, girls will come to understand and embrace how much they are truly lo...
Date de sortie: 2006-02-03 7,49 €
ECPA BESTSELLER • Discover a movement of Christian young people who are rebelling against the low expectations of their culture by choosing to “do hard things” for the glory of God. Foreword by Chuck Norris • “One of the most life-changing, family-changing, church-changing, and culture-changing books of this generation.”—Randy Alcorn, bestselling author of Heaven Combating the idea of adolescence as a vacation from responsibility, Alex and Brett Harris weave together bi...
Date de sortie: 2008-04-15 9,99 €