'You are not simply the sum output of your genome. You are the user and inventor of your genome.' For years it was accepted knowledge that genes were fixed components of our bodies, and that we as individuals were incapable of altering our genetic make-up. Yet groundbreaking research suggests that changes in lifestyle and diet can greatly influence our genetic predispositions to disease and certain physical and psychological behaviours. Moreover, the adoption of ancient Vedic practices such as y...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2015-11-05 10,99 €
¿Cómo está el consumo abusivo de antibióticos avivando la aparición y la propagación de plagas modernas? En este libro, el doctor Blaser nos invita a explorar el enmarañado universo del microbioma humano, en el que las bacterias y las células humanas llevan cientos de miles de años coexistiendo en una armoniosa simbiosis responsable del equilibrio y la salud de nuestro cuerpo. Hoy, nuestra desmesurada dependencia de los antibióticos está comprometiendo este Edén imperceptible al ojo ...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2019-04-25 9,99 €
La dignidad humana en todas las fases del ciclo vital está cada vez más amenazada por corrientes utilitaristas, por más que se alegue que los últimos adelantos fruto de las investigaciones biomédicas y biotecnológicas únicamente pretenden contribuir al bienestar de las personas. En este verdadero Credo de un genetista, Nicolás Jouve describe los últimos avances en el campo de la Biología en relación al inicio y el desarrollo de la vida humana y analiza, desde la perspectiva de una bio...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2020-11-01 Género:Técnicos y profesionales > Medicina 9,99 €
Recommended by Bill Gates and included in GatesNotes "Elaborating on the science as well as the business behind the fight against cystic fibrosis, Trivedi captures the emotions of the families, doctors, and scientists involved in the clinical trials and their 'weeping with joy' as new drugs are approved, and shows how cystic fibrosis, once a 'death sentence,' became, for many, a manageable condition. This is a rewarding and challenging work." — Publishers Weekly Cystic fibrosis was once a myst...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2020-09-08 11,99 €
Genome Chaos: Rethinking Genetics, Evolution, and Molecular Medicine transports readers from Mendelian Genetics to 4D-genomics, building a case for genes and genomes as distinct biological entities, and positing that the genome, rather than individual genes, defines system inheritance and represents a clear unit of selection for macro-evolution. In authoring this thought-provoking text, Dr. Heng invigorates fresh discussions in genome theory and helps readers reevaluate their current understandi...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2019-05-25 134,99 €
La quarta edizione di Genetica umana e medica si rivolge principalmente agli studenti del corso di laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia, agli studenti dei corsi di laurea in Professioni sanitarie e di Scienze biologiche oltre che agli specializzandi in genetica medica. Questa nuova edizione nasce per dar voce alle recenti scoperte e avanzamenti della materia che è una delle discipline in cui negli ultimi anni si sono osservati più sviluppi, sia a livello di metodiche di investigazione sia di pratica...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2017-09-20 40,99 €
È convinzione comune che il nostro destino genetico sia fissato una volta per tutte al momento del concepimento. Dovremo ricrederci! Il dottor Moalem, che ha scalato le classifiche del “New York Times”, in questo libro illuminante e pionieristico ci spiega che il genoma umano è molto più mutevole, e più sorprendente, di quanto si sia mai immaginato. Infatti i geni che costituiscono il nostro Dna sono come migliaia di piccoli interruttori, che si accendono o si spengono in risposta a ciò...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2017-05-11 6,99 €
«Este libro sobre enfermedades raras es un libro raro. Pocos autores disponen de conocimientos lo suficientemente amplios para abarcar la disciplina de las enfermedades raras. Jules J. Berman, muy conocido en el ámbito de la informática médica, guía al lector a través de una combinación de historia, genética, medicina y comentarios sociales sobre trastornos frecuentes que se comparan con otros raros. Es un libro fácil de leer, interesante e increíblemente entretenido. No es un tratado ...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2015-06-18 Género:Técnicos y profesionales > Medicina 45,99 €
¿Qué es un ser humano? ¿Cuál es el origen de la unidad que lo determina? En 1953, estando en Cambridge, los científicos James D. Watson y Francis Crick fueron fotografiados para una revista neoyorkina. Entre ellos, se encontraba la estructura del ADN, que habían resuelto en los días anteriores. Sin embargo, en aquel momento aún no vislumbraran sus aplicaciones y consecuencias. Con éste, y con el trabajo de otros científicos de la época, se inició un proceso de investigación para sec...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2015-04-28 Género:Técnicos y profesionales > Medicina 2,99 €
In questo nuovo millennio, in cui le scienze sembrano espandersi ed occupare sempre piu` gli ambiti che prima erano propri di altre discipline, le conoscenze genetiche di base risultano essere di primaria importanza per poter comprendere i fenomeni che ci circondano, molecolari o filosofici non ha importanza. In quest'ottica e` stato preparato questo volume che tenta di chiarire i concetti basilari della genetica classica muovendosi sia sotto un profilo teorico sia piu` strettamente pratico. Il ...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2013-12-03 27,99 €
This book introduces readers to Next Generation Sequencing applications in medical genetics. The authors discuss the direct application of next-generation sequencing to medicine, specifically, laboratory medicine or molecular diagnostics. The first part of the book contains chapters on sanger sequencing, NGS technologies, targeted-amplification and capture, and exome sequencing. The second part of the book focuses on genetic disorders diagnoses by NGS, prenatal diagnosis, muscular dystrophies, m...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2013-10-16 54,99 €
In uno stile semplice e chiaro uno dei più brillanti scienziati del nostro tempo spiega come funziona la perfetta macchina del nostro corpo, tesa a preservare quelle molecole "egoiste" chiamate geni.
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2013-07-02 7,99 €
In recent years, owing to the fast development of a variety of sequencing technologies in the post human genome project era, sequencing analysis of a group of target genes, entire protein coding regions of the human genome, and the whole human genome has become a reality. Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) or Massively Parallel Sequencing (MPS) technologies offers a way to screen for mutations in many different genes in a cost and time efficient manner by deep coverage of the target seq...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2013-05-31 214,99 €
Nine out of every ten human beings are naturally right-handed. Those who were not right-handed were feared, shunned, or forcibly retrained in many periods and cultures. Indeed, some members of fundamentalist sects still regard left-handers as in league with the devil, and prejudices against left-handers are reflected in the multiple associations of right with good and left with bad that have become enshrined in everyday language and folklore. A “left-handed compliment” is actually an insult,...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2012-12-25 Género:Técnicos y profesionales > Medicina 15,99 €
We are in the midst of a medical revolution: in just a few years, we will be able to have our complete DNA sequenced at an affordable cost. Analysing the content of our genomes will allow a powerful estimate of our future risks of illness - from cystic fibrosis and Huntington's disease, to cancer and diabetes - which will help us devise our own personalised blueprint of preventive medicine. This will have enormous implications on everything from our day-to-day choices like diet and exercise, to ...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2010-12-09 6,99 €