Una propuesta fascinante para salvar el planeta. Un título que toma especial relevancia en el Día mundial del medioambiente. La cuenta atrás es un libro audaz, inteligente y provocador, que nos explica cuáles son los efectos de nuestro desmesurado crecimiento demográfico y plantea la alternativa más rápida y razonable para restaurar el equilibrio. Una investigación de conclusiones revolucionarias que cambiará la manera en que vemos nuestras vidas y nuestro destino. El crecimiento de la ...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2014-04-03 11,99 €
Recycling is good, isn’t it? In this visionary book, chemist Michael Braungart and architect William McDonough challenge this status quo and put forward a manifesto for an intriguing and radically different philosophy of environmentalism. "Reduce, reuse, recycle”. This is the standard “cradle to grave” manufacturing model dating back to the Industrial Revolution that we still follow today. In this thought-provoking read, the authors propose that instead of minimising waste, we should be ...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2009-01-29 9,49 €
La verdadera historia de 28.800 patitos de goma y otros muñecos perdidos en el mar y de los oceanógrafos, ecologistas y demás lunáticos que salieron en su busca. Una odisea accidental. El 10 de enero de 1992 una tormenta sorprendió a un carguero que cruzaba el Pacífico de Hong Kong a Washington. Doce contenedores cayeron al mar. Uno de ellos se abrió y liberó 28.800 bolsitas de juguetes de plástico al mar. 7.200 patitos amarillos, 7.200 ranas verdes, 7.200 castores rojos y 7.200 tortuga...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2012-02-08 6,99 €
This book presents novel concepts in the development of high-temperature superconducting (HTS) devices and discusses the technologies involved in producing efficient and economically feasible energy technologies around the world. High-Temperature Superconducting Devices for Energy Application covers the application of high-temperature superconductors in clean energy production and allied cooling technologies. In addition, it presents the compatibility of other materials involved in the construct...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2020-10-20 44,99 €
The Science of Water: Concepts and Applications, Fourth Edition, contains a wealth of scientific information and is based on real-world experience. Building on the third edition, this text applies the latest data and research in the field and addresses water contamination as a growing problem. The book material covers a wide range of water contaminants and the cause of these contaminants and considers their impact on surface water and groundwater sources. It also explores sustainability and the ...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2020-10-05 74,99 €
A unified framework for analyzing urban sustainability in terms of cities' inflows and outflows of matter and energy. Urbanization and globalization have shaped the last hundred years. These two dominant trends are mutually reinforcing: globalization links countries through the networked communications of urban hubs. The urban population now generates more than eighty percent of global GDP. Cities account for enormous flows of energy and materials—inflows of goods and services and outflows of ...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2013-08-30 23,99 €
Calentamiento global, cambio climático, alteración de ecosistemas estratégicos, sobreexplotación de nuestros recursos naturales y sobreacumulación de residuos, son frases que escuchamos a diario en diversos medios de comunicación. Sin embargo, muchas veces, esos medios desconocen la verdadera esencia de los conflictos ambientales a los que actualmente nuestro planeta está siendo sometido por diversas causas: intereses económicos y políticos, sobrepoblación y hasta la ignorancia misma. ...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2018-06-07 7,49 €
„Jahrhundertdürre in Australien“, „Die Flüsse trocknen aus“, „Die Grundwasservorräte schwinden“: Eine Ära weltumspannender Wasserknappheit scheint angebrochen zu sein. Wasserkrisen gehören mittlerweile zu den größten globalen Risiken für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, Zusammenhänge mit Nahrungsmittelknappheit und mangelnder Anpassung an den Klimawandel sind offenkundig. Der Autor, Experte des weltweit renommierten Potsdam-Instituts für Klimafolgenforschung (PIK), analysiert d...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2018-02-15 10,99 €
Managing nuclear power emergencies is significantly different from managing other types of emergencies, including fire, flood, and other disasters because nuclear disaster management requires special technical skills and a rigid protocol which outlines detailed steps and procedure before an evacuation announcement could be made. It was evident that the impacts from a nuclear power core-meltdown accident were immerse, irreversible, and inevitable, as evident by evaluating the three historic core-...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2017-01-28 119,99 €
This book covers water quality indices (WQI) in depth – it describes what purpose they serve, how they are generated, what are their strengths and weaknesses, and how to make the best use of them. It is a concise and unique guide to WQIs for chemists, chemical/environmental engineers and government officials. Whereas it is easy to express the quantity of water, it is very difficult to express its quality because a large number of variables determine the water quality. WQIs seek to resolve the ...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2012-03-10 104,99 €
Wind energy is the fastest growing source of energy in the world, and by the year 2020 it is projected to supply at least 12 percent of global electrical demand. Wind Power Basics provides a clear understanding of wind and wind energy systems, including turbines, towers, inverters and batteries, site assessment, installation, and maintenance requirements. Whether you’re considering your own small-scale wind energy system or just want a straightforward, detailed introduction to the benefits and...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2010-06-01 11,99 €