Join a little boy as he tries to find out if he likes the same things as others do. His curiosity takes him around asking his family members, his friends, his teacher and even a little crab he finds on his way home “What do you like?” In this lovely book children will explore each character’s favorite things and will learn to put into words their favorite things too. This is a fantastic story book with bright, colorful illustrations for young children that promotes their curiosity and thei...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2020-08-01 4,49 €
((飛び出す絵本)) どうぶつマラソン かつのはだあれ? 今日は動物たちのマラソン、かけっこの大会です。さあ、かつ のはだあれ? この本は2種類の動物をさがします。 1は、マラソンに勝つ動物を見つけること。2は、この本のい ろんな場所に隠れている、たくさんの動物を見つけることです。 画面のどこかをタップすると「おうえんだん」の動物が飛び出 します。え...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2017-07-29 2,99 €