Which vegetables should you eat raw? How do you make the perfect poached egg? And should you keep your eggs in the fridge? Food scientist Dr Stuart Farrimond answers all these questions - and many more like them - equipping you with the scientific know-how to take your cooking to new levels. In The Science of Cooking , fundamental culinary concepts sit side-by-side with practical advice and step-by-step techniques, bringing food science out of the lab and into your kitchen. Find the answers to y...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2017-10-05 2,49 €
Cocina sin complicaciones contiene las mejores recetas que el bloguero Miguel Ángel Roque ha publicado en la web de la revista Cuina. Un libro lleno de recetas fáciles, muy sabrosas y con unas fotografías que transmiten lo que sintió el autor al cocinarlas y comerlas.
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2013-08-01 Género:Cocina, gastronomía y vinos 4,99 €
A kitchen classic for over 35 years, and hailed by Time magazine as "a minor masterpiece" when it first appeared in 1984, On Food and Cooking is the bible which food lovers and professional chefs worldwide turn to for an understanding of where our foods come from, what exactly they're made of, and how cooking transforms them into something new and delicious. For its twentieth anniversary, Harold McGee prepared a new, fully revised and updated edition of On Food and Cooking . He has rewritten the...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2007-03-20 38,99 €
El té en nuestras casas es algo que no debe faltar, ya sea como una deliciosa bebida caliente o para gozar de algunos de sus tan atribuidos beneficios para nuestro cuerpo. Pero no sabemos sus principios ni toda la historia que hay detrás de esta bebida la cual dio origen al teísmo, este culto basado en la adoración de la belleza pero no solo en una belleza física, una belleza espiritual. En este libro con audio encontrará muchísimo más acerca del té esta bebida tan representativa de ori...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2017-07-31 1,99 €
INCLUDING RECIPES FROM JAMIE'S HIT CHANNEL 4 TV SHOW KEEP COOKING FAMILY FAVOURITES Make everyday meals more exciting with the No. 1 bestselling cookbook, featuring 120 exciting and tasty new recipes _______ Jamie has done his research to find out exactly what we, as a nation, love to eat. He's taken 18 of our favourite ingredients and created 7 new, easy and delicious ways to cook them. We're talking about those meal staples we pick up without thinking - chicken breast, salmon fillet, mince, eg...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2020-08-20 Género:Cocina, gastronomía y vinos 17,99 €
Fäviken is an essential insight into one of the world's most pioneering restaurants, Fäviken Magasinet. Situated on a remote farm in northern Sweden, using only locally-sourced ingredients prepared within the immediate vicinity, head chef Magnus Nilsson is creating some of the most unique and inspirational food available in restaurants today. Narrative texts, photographs and recipes explain how Magnus creates a seasonal cycle of menus, using only natural methods. In addition, ...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2012-10-01 13,99 €
Combining meticulously-researched fact with refreshing opinion and wit, this Companion presents almost 4,000 entries on every wine-related topic imaginable, from regions and grape varieties to the owners, connoisseurs, growers, and tasters in wine; from viticulture and oenology to the history of wine, from its origins to the present day.
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2015-09-17 62,99 €
Cuina sense complicacions conté les millors receptes que el blocaire Miguel Ángel Roque publica a la web de la revista Cuina. Un llibre amb receptes fàcils, molt saboroses i amb unes fotografies que transmeten el que va sentir l'autor en cuinar-les i menjar-les.
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2013-07-30 Género:Cocina, gastronomía y vinos 4,99 €
¿Quién dijo que la cocina es cara, difícil o aburrida o que está destinada solo a cocinillas y amas de casa? Juan Pozuelo, el chef de la eterna sonrisa, nos demuestra todo lo contrario: para cocinar y comer bien no hace falta gastarse un dineral ni elaborar platos complicados o poco saludables. Solo hay que saber cúales son los alimentos de cada temporada y seguir recetas sencillas que dejarán a tus comensales con la boca abierta y el estómago más que satisfecho. Por ello, y como si de V...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2013-06-01 5,99 €
The timeless guide to culinary creativity and flavor exploration, based on the wisdom of the world's most innovative chefs Eight years in the making, The Flavor Bible is a landmark book that will inspire the greatest creations of innovative cooks and chefs by serving as an indispensable guide to creativity and flavor affinities in today's kitchen. Cuisine is undergoing a startling historic transformation: With the advent of the global availability of ingredients, dishes are no ...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2008-09-16 Género:Cocina, gastronomía y vinos 11,99 €
Auguste Escoffier fut un des plus grands cuisiniers du siècle dernier, son livre phare « Ma cuisine » édité en 1934 est toujours la bible de référence des professionnels de la cuisine. Attention ceci n’est pas un livre de cuisine ordinaire, c’est un morceau d’histoire gastronomique, les prémices de notre cuisine moderne, j’ai ajouté des illustrations, car l’édition originale en était dépourvue, certains savoirs faire, méthodes ou matériels sont désuets, je les ai expliqu...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2014-04-30 5,99 €
Discover super-indulgent, show-stopping food for the weekend with Jamie Oliver, featuring the very best recipes from the hugely popular Channel 4 TV series Friday Night Feast - back on our screens this December! With behind-the-scenes action shots of the famous café on Southend pier, Jamie is beside the seaside, cooking and eating fantastic food, along with his celebrity guests. It'll be that 'love at first bite' feeling when you treat your family and friends to: · FEARNE COTTON's Mexican fish...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2018-11-15 Género:Cocina, gastronomía y vinos 14,99 €
Un cuiner allunyat dels estereotips de l’altra gastronomia i un restaurant que va passar per les pàgines de la història de Barcelona com un estel fugaç. L’Àlex Montiel i el restaurant L’Aram són peces imprescindibles per entendre la nostra cultura gastronòmica i, tanmateix, han viscut fins ara en una penombra buscada. Comptant amb el testimoni d’Àlex Montiel, la seva família, i d’alguns dels noms més importants de la cuina catalana i europea —Adrià, Santamaria, Gagnaire, Ab...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2023-02-06 11,99 €
C’est le livre qui est considérée comme une « Bible » de la cuisine moderne, et est toujours une lecture obligatoire dans chaque école de cuisine sérieuse, presque 100 ans après sa première publication. Peut-être le plus important livre de cuisine française du 20e siècle, c’est la quatrième (et actuelle) édition, publiée à Paris en 1921. Il contient plus de 5000 recettes ! Le livre de Chef Escoffier codifié et rationalisé la haute cuisine de la vieille cuisine française, en...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2015-03-11 Género:Cocina, gastronomía y vinos 12,99 €
Auguste Escoffier fut un des plus grands cuisiniers du siècle dernier, son livre phare "Ma cuisine" édité en 1934 est toujours la bible de référence des professionnels de la cuisine. Il n'était pas aisé de reproduire intégralement ce livre de 700 pages et 2500 recettes, j'ai fait le choix de le sortir en volumes thématique. En voici le Tome V Recettes de Hors-d’oeuvre d’Auguste Escoffier, recette originale tirée du livre "Ma cuisine". Disponible dans la même collection : Tome 1 Re...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2013-02-08 0,99 €
In this indispensable volume of kitchen wisdom, Julia Child gives home cooks the answers to their most pressing cooking questions—with essential information about soups, vegetables, eggs, baking breads and tarts, and more. How many minutes should you cook green beans? What are the right proportions for a vinaigrette? How do you skim off fat? What is the perfect way to roast a chicken? Here Julia provides solutions for these and many other everyday cooking queries. How are you going to cook tha...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2000-11-14 Género:Cocina, gastronomía y vinos 4,49 €
Una nueva entrega del encuentro entre la ciencia y la cocina, donde se develan, tenedor en mano, los secretos de los platos que preparamos a diario y las técnicas que la ciencia aporta a nuestras recetas. Mariana Koppmann demuestra una vez más que nuestras cocinas son verdaderos laboratorios de química, física y biología. De entrada, lleva al extremo una de las verdades de la gastronomía al proponer que la comida no sólo entra por los ojos, sino por los cinco sentidos. Desentraña su func...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2014-07-10 9,99 €
A NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER From the endlessly inventive imaginations of star Spanish-American chef José Andrés and James Beard award-winning writer Matt Goulding, Vegetables Unleashed is a new cookbook that will transform how we think about—and eat—the vast universe of vegetables. Andrés is famous for his unstoppable energy—and for his belief that vegetables are far sexier than meat can ever be. Showing us how to creatively transpose the flavors of a global pantry onto the pr...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2019-05-21 Género:Cocina, gastronomía y vinos 25,99 €
Larousse Gastronomique is the world's classic culinary reference book, with over 35,000 copies sold in the UK alone. Larousse is known and loved for its authoritative and comprehensive collection of recipes. Here it is brought up to date for 2009 in an attractive edition containing over 900 new colour and black and white photographs. All chapters have been read and edited by field specialists, and 85 biographies of chefs have been added. Entries have also been regrouped for increased accessibili...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2018-08-02 Género:Cocina, gastronomía y vinos 43,99 €
El término veganismo hace referencia tanto a la práctica de abstenerse por motivo propio, de la utilización y consumo de productos de origen animal, particularmente en la dieta; así mismo también indica seguir la filosofía asociada que rechaza la condición de mercancía de los animales en tanto sensibles. Un seguidor del veganismo se autodenomina como vegano(a). La ética que rodean el veganismo, se encuentra no sólo en la abstinencia de la carne, sino en cualquier producto que se deriva...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2016-05-18 Género:Cocina, gastronomía y vinos 2,99 €
Throughout time, people have chosen to adopt a vegetarian or vegan diet for a variety of reasons, from ethics to economy to personal and planetary well-being. Experts now suggest a new reason for doing so: maximizing flavor -- which is too often masked by meat-based stocks or butter and cream. The Vegetarian Flavor Bible is an essential guide to culinary creativity, based on insights from dozens of leading American chefs, representing such acclaimed restaurants as Crossroads and M.A.K.E. in Los ...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2014-10-14 11,99 €
Retrouvez dans le Tome XXII Recettes de Cuisine Traditionnelle de Rotis (Viandes, Gibiers, Volailles), les meilleures façon de préparer et cuire vos rotis de Boeufs, porcs, veaux, Agneaux, faisans, poulardes, chevreuils, marcassins... L'auteur est un des plus grand cuisinier du XXe siècle, un livre indispensable dans sa cuisine pour découvrir ou redécouvrir ses recettes. Certaines recettes sont illustrées et annotées. Note sur l'édition : Auguste Escoffier fut un des plus grands cuisinie...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2013-11-29 0,99 €
With this fourth edition of the classic that launched his career, Parker strives to maintain his unprecedented independence, objectivity, clarity, and enthusiasm in reporting on the vintages of Bordeaux. Parker has not only added tastings for the vintages in the intervening years since the last edition, but he has also retasted and reevaluated a majority of the earlier vintages. His accessible and direct style welcomes both the seasoned wine collector and the eager beginner to the pleasures of f...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2013-02-05 Género:Cocina, gastronomía y vinos 33,99 €
A descriptive compendium of just about everything we eat and how we cook it—selected as “one of the greatest cookbooks of all time” ( Waitrose Food Illustrated ). Arranged alphabetically from Abalone to Zampone, Cook’s Encyclopedia covers the majority of foods and processes used in cooking. Hundreds of ingredients are described, with English and foreign synonyms and scientific names; recipes are given in many cases to illustrate the use of the foodstuff in question. Cooking proces...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2016-11-22 12,99 €
Revered as a chef throughout the culinary world, Simon Rogan has a brilliant reputation for artistry, innovation and excellence, and is renowned for the talent, vision and clarity of ethos he brings to his different restaurants. Simon is the chef and restaurateur of L’Enclume, the two-Michelin-star restaurant in Cumbria which has won The Good Food Guide’s Best Restaurant for the past four years. He was a winner on BBC2’s Great British Menu and a mentor on MasterChef, and is the winner of G...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2018-09-06 Género:Cocina, gastronomía y vinos 21,99 €
El chef erudito, el aprendiz, el gourmet, el ama de casa o el simple aficionado a la buena cocina encontrarán aquí un completo diccionario que lo paseará por la inmensa geografía gastronómica de Venezuela. Influencias indígenas, colonizadoras y africanas, sumadas a las incorporaciones posteriores de la inmigración europea, formaron el crisol de sabores venezolanos que conforma hoy la cocina venezolana. Sin embargo a la cita no acudieron solo ingredientes y mezclas: también hubo un interc...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2005-04-01 Género:Cocina, gastronomía y vinos 6,99 €
La birra artigianale raccontata da chi, della propria passione, ha fatto un lavoro. Birra dal carattere preciso e un alto livello di creatività che nasce dalla fantasia e dalle mani capaci dell’artigiano. La scelta delle materie prime utilizzate, le fasi di produzione, le diverse scuole di birra, il bon ton della degustazione, tante curiosità, aneddoti e una poesia sulla birra da leggere d’un fiato. Per scoprire le sensazioni impossibili che può regalare la birra artigianale. Anche in cuc...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2015-12-12 Género:Cocina, gastronomía y vinos 3,49 €
Bestselling author Mark Bittman anthologizes his popular Matrix series in a boldly graphic new cookbook featuring 400 recipes that emphasize creativity, improvisation, and simplicity as the keys to varied cooking. For years, Mark Bittman has shared his formulas, recipes, and kitchen improvisations in his popular New York Times Eat column, in which an ingredient or essential technique is presented in different variations in a bold matrix. Accompanied by striking photographs and brief, straightfor...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2015-10-27 Género:Cocina, gastronomía y vinos 8,99 €
Retrouvez dans le Tome XXIII Recettes de Cuisine de Champignons et Truffes, les meilleures façon de préparer vos champignons (Girolles, Cépes, Champirgnons de Paris...). L'auteur est un des plus grand cuisinier du XXe siècle, un livre indispensable dans sa cuisine pour découvrir ou redécouvrir ses recettes. Certaines recettes sont illustrées et annotées. Note sur l'édition : Auguste Escoffier fut un des plus grands cuisiniers du siècle dernier, son livre phare "Ma cuisine" édité en 1...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2013-12-02 0,99 €
Whether you’re interested in molecular gastronomy or just want a perfect chicken recipe for dinner tonight, the authors of Ideas in Food deliver reliable techniques and dishes—no hard-to-find ingredients or break-the-bank equipment required—for real home cooks. On the cutting edge of kitchen science, Kamozawa and Talbot regularly consult for restaurants to help them solve cooking conundrums. And yet they often find it’s the simplest tips that can be the most surprising—and the o...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2013-10-08 8,99 €
Recree los auténticos y sabrosos platos de Bongos Cuban Café—en la mismísima cocina de su casa—con esta colección de platillos caseros provenientes directamente de las recetas de la familia Estefan. “El tener la oportunidad de abrir las puertas de nuestra cocina y de compartir las recetas de nuestra familia y cultura es una sueño hecho realidad, no solo para nosotros, sino también para nuestros padres y abuelos. ¡Buen provecho!”—Gloria y Emilio Estefan
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2011-08-31 10,99 €
Alex Talbot and Aki Kamozawa, husband-and-wife chefs and the forces behind the popular blog Ideas in Food , have made a living out of being inquisitive in the kitchen. Their book shares the knowledge they have gleaned from numerous cooking adventures, from why tapioca flour makes a silkier chocolate pudding than the traditional cornstarch or flour to how to cold smoke just about any ingredient you can think of to impart a new savory dimension to everyday dishes. Perfect for anyone who loves food...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2010-12-28 10,99 €
Welcome to the first comprehensive bilingual culinary dictionary created specifically for food, wine, and travel aficionados. Teacher, translator, and author Lourdes Castro deftly explains the differences—subtle and otherwise—among the cuisines of Spanish-speaking regions and offers a pronounciation for each term. Eat, Drink, Think in Spanish features 2,000 entries for ingredients, cooking methods, condiments, traditional dishes, kitchen equipment, and beverages. The Spanish-English portion ...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2009-11-10 10,99 €
Cakeballs are the Solution to your Dessert Making Dilemmas Tiny balls of cake &frosting dipped in chocolate not only taste great but are portable and easy to serve. Cakeballs look like you spent hours in the kitchen and taste sinfully good. From Tiramisu & RootBeer Floaties to Chocolate Madness and Mocha Chip,your favorite cakeball recipe is in this great collection of over 70 original recipes.
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2010-03-17 3,49 €
In The Elements of Cooking, New York Times bestselling author Michael Ruhlman deconstructs the essential knowledge of the kitchen to reveal what professional chefs know only after years of training and experience. With alphabetically ordered entries and eight beautifully written essays, Ruhlman outlines what it takes to cook well: understanding heat, using the right tools, cooking with eggs, making stock, making sauce, salting food, what a cook should read, and exploring the most important skill...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2007-11-06 14,99 €
VIAJA A LOS PARQUES DISNEY Y SABOREA LAS RECETAS DE TUS PERSONAJES FAVORITOS ¡SIN MOVERTE DE CASA! «Tan delicioso como estar en una película Disney.» USA Today Los personajes más entrañables nos traen las recetas más deliciosas del universo Disney para que un suculento festín salga mágicamente de tu cocina: los macarons de Mickey Mouse, las patatas Hakuna Matata, los pastelitos de arándanos de Buzz Lightyear, el templo del hummus de Indiana Jones, el batido azul intergaláctico de los ...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2021-10-25 9,99 €
The complete Milk Street TV show cookbook, featuring each dish from every episode and more -- nearly 400 dishes in all, including 65+ new recipes from the 2020-2021 fourth season. Christopher Kimball's James Beard and Emmy Award-winning Milk Street TV show and cookbooks give home cooks a simpler, bolder, healthier way to eat and cook. Now featuring nearly 400 tried-and-true recipes, including every recipe from every episode of the TV show , this book is the ultimate guide to high-quality, low ef...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2019-10-01 Género:Cocina, gastronomía y vinos 14,99 €
THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER 'For bung-it-in-the-oven cooks everywhere, this is a must-have book: Diana Henry has a genius for flavour.' - Nigella Lawson - The Sunday Times Best Cookbooks of the Year 'This might be Henry's most useful book yet, which is saying something.' - The Sunday Times - Guardian 's Best Cookbooks and Food Writing of the Year 'The shining star is Diana Henry's From the Oven to the Table , in which she faultlessly delivers highly achievable, boldly flavoured dishes.' - Meera ...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2019-09-19 Género:Cocina, gastronomía y vinos 8,99 €
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • From the New York Times food editor and former restaurant critic comes a cookbook to help us rediscover the art of Sunday supper and the joy of gathering with friends and family “A book to make home cooks, and those they feed, very happy indeed.”—Nigella Lawson NAMED ONE OF THE BEST COOKBOOKS OF THE YEAR BY NPR • Town & Country • Garden & Gun “People are lonely,” Sam Sifton writes. “They want to be part of something, even w...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2020-02-18 Género:Cocina, gastronomía y vinos 7,49 €
'Jamie should be given the Victoria Cross' The Times With over 100 delicious recipes, Jamie shows that anyone can learn to cook beautiful food based on simple principles and techniques. Divided into chapters on different techniques: Cracking Salads, Cooking without Heat, Poaching & Boiling, Steaming & Cooking in the Bag, Stewing & Braising, Frying, Roasting, Pot-roasting & Pan-roasting, Grilling & Chargrilling and Baking & Sweet Things, you'll soon be cooking up a storm. ...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2019-04-11 Género:Cocina, gastronomía y vinos 17,99 €
Get cooking simple, comforting food with a twist, with Happy Days with the Naked Chef This cookbook is all about creating simple and homely food, but which is still packed full of flavour and fun. Jamie shows readers that with just a little planning, it is possible to create meals that friends and families will talk about for years to come. As well as loads of delicious recipes, Jamie also gives you some handy tips for getting kids excited about food, and how to have a healthy and balanced diet....
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2019-04-11 Género:Cocina, gastronomía y vinos 17,99 €
A notoriously restrictive diet, it can seem the end of exciting food, but Phil uses his Michelin-starred cooking talents and simple, honest ingredients to create dishes that everyone in the family can eat - including the pizza, bread, pasta, cakes and biscuits that you thought you would never enjoy again Since Phil Vickery published his first gluten-free book in 2009, the number of people opting to go gluten-free has risen dramatically - 13% of the UK population now say they avoid gluten; in Fin...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2018-12-27 Género:Cocina, gastronomía y vinos 3,99 €
Take your cooking skills to the next level while developing a knockout repertoire of 200 essential, satisfying dishes—from simple meals to dinner-party centerpieces We’ve made improvements to well-loved dishes by incorporating innovative techniques in recipes such as Butter-Basted Rib-Eye Steak and added modern classics such as Vegetable Bibimbap and Olive Oil-Yogurt Bundt Cake. In this book, you’ll find the perfect roast chicken and a killer banana bread but also a Turkish-inspired toma...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2018-09-25 20,99 €
En este libro podrá encontrar las recetas para elaborar los mejores cocteles clasificados por licores, se realiza una clasificación de los más famosos, sus ingredientes y mezcla para que usted en su hogar este a la altura de los más exclusivos sitios elaborando selectas mezclas para su placer y el de sus invitados.
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2017-07-14 1,99 €
The definitive cookbook on refined Italian Cuisine by the celebrated chef at Mario Batali's and Lidia Bastianich's award-winning destination restaurant in New York City. Mark Ladner, the Chef at Del Posto, redefines what excellent Italian Cooking in America can be. With a focus on regional Italian ingredients and tradition, Ladner has chosen recipes that bring together flavors from the old country, but in sophisticated new ways, like: Fried Calamari with Spicy Caper Butter Sauce; Red Wine Risott...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2016-11-01 Género:Cocina, gastronomía y vinos 5,49 €
Dieses Kochbuch widmet sich der perfekten Zubereitung von Gemüse - mit mehr als 150 Rezepten, vielen Fotos und Illustrationen sowie Einblicken in die beste Zubereitung von Eiern, Käse und die Verwendung von Kräutern. Wie bleibt Gemüse beim Garen knackig und bunt? Welche Kartoffelsorte eignet sich am besten für welches Gericht? Wie gelingt das ideale Salatdressing? Im zweiten Teil der dreibändigen Reihe "Perfektion - Die Wissenschaft des guten Kochens" führen auf wissenschaftlicher...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2016-03-15 24,99 €
Der Klassiker der Kleinkind-Ernährung neu aufgelegt: Kinderernährungsexpertin Dagmar von Cramms völlig neues Kochen für Kleinkinder. Für die gesunde Entwicklung Ihres Kindes spielt die Ernährung in den ersten Lebensjahren eine entscheidende Rolle. Auch das Essverhalten wird jetzt positiv geprägt: Beim gemeinsamen Essen lernt Ihr Kind schmecken und Neues probieren, und es entwickelt seine eigenen Gewohnheiten und Vorlieben. Es ist also in mehr als einer Hinsicht wichtig, den gemeinsamen Ma...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2016-02-01 11,99 €
Jamie Oliver's Food Tube presents The Family Cookbook , packed with 50 wholesome, hearty and everyday recipes to please the whole family 'Kerryann is a big character with a tone and style that's warm, motherly and gentle - with these recipes and her thrifty family tips and tricks, you'll have a bunch of recipes that'll serve you well for years to come' Jamie Oliver Kerryann's no-nonsense approach to creating comforting family meals show that it's not hard to eat delicious food on a tight budget....
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2015-07-02 Género:Cocina, gastronomía y vinos 6,99 €
"Da mamma di ben tre giovani pulzelle, so perfettamente quanto sia difficile piazzarsi quotidianamente ai fornelli e sfornare idee sempre appetitose e nuove, che soddisfino il palato degli adulti e invoglino i piccoli a mangiare qualcosa che non rientri per forza nella malefica triade della goduria (vale a dire cibi unti, fritti o dolci)." Con Guarda che buono! Sonia Peronaci ci mette a tavola direttamente nella cucina di casa sua, quella di famiglia, il luogo dove ha sperimentato le ricette arr...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2014-10-07 9,99 €
These are recipes that I have shared with many friends on our boat. It started with the Apple Crisp. This is one of my first well known recipe's. Delicious, warm and the smell as it cooks in your oven is enough to put you right over the edge. The perfect combination for a dessert, all you need is a scoop of vanilla ice cream or some fresh whipped cream! We have taken many of these recipes to “Sun Downer” parties. What is a “Sun Downer Party” you ask? It's when we get together with a bunc...
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2014-05-23 3,99 €