Familie Schmieger - das sind Mauzi und Mizzi mit ihren Kindern Luiselotte und Miäzi und außerdem Blasius und Christiane mit ihrem Sohn Klein-Christiansen. Eine bunte Schar zum Teil von Mutter selbstgenähter Plüschtiere, die nun in Form dieses Malbuches auch Einzug in andere Kinderzimmer halten soll. Im ersten Buch begleitet Ihr Kind mit Ihnen die Familie Schmieger bei ihrem Besuch im Zoo. Da wollen Löwen, Stachelschweine und Giraffen ausgemalt und wild umherflatternde Papageien gezählt wer...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2011-04-29 2,99 €
Das Kuck-Kuck Spiel ist ein neuartiges interaktives Lern- und Spaßspiel das mit Kindern im Alter von 0 bis 3 Jahren gespielt wird. Es basiert auf dem Effekt dass das kurzfristige Verstecken oder Verdecken von dem Kind bekannten Gesichtern bzw. Teilen davon und das plötzliche Wiederzeigen des vorher verdeckten Gesichts zusammen mit einem "Kuck-Kuck" Ausruf einen erstaunten Moment mit hoher Aufmerksamkeit beim Kind hervorruft, der die Kinder in der Regel zum Lachen bringt. Durch Variatio...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2014-09-05 1,99 €
Art Lab for Kids is a refreshing source of wonderful ideas for creating fine art with children. This step-by-step book offers 52 fun and creative art projects set into weekly lessons, beginning with drawing, moving through painting and printmaking, and then building to paper collage and mixed media. Each lesson features and relates to the work and style of a contemporary artist and their unique style. The labs can be used as singular projects or to build up to a year of hands-on fine art e...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2012-02-01 Genre:Kinder > Kultur und Unterhaltung 12,99 €
Ein Buch für die Gestaltung kindgerechter Yogastunden. Es richtet sich gleichermaßen an Eltern und Großeltern, die mit ihren Kindern und Enkeln üben wollen, wie auch an Yogalehrende, Grundschullehrer*innen und alle, die mit Kindern zwischen 6 und 10 Jahren arbeiten. Auch Betreuer "kindlich" Gebliebener, also Menschen mit geistig/körperlichen Einschränkungen (z.B. bei Down Syndrom), können das Buch zum Vorlesen nutzen und zum körperlichen Üben anleiten.
Erscheinungsdatum: 2022-05-05 11,99 €
Get creative with The Moomin Craft Book , a stylish Scandinavian craft book featuring over twenty-six beautiful projects, all inspired by the wonderful world of Tove Jansson's Moomins. Make some Moomin mittens, learn how to crochet a Moomintroll and get creative with stylish Moomin jewellery and Moomin-themed decorations and flowers! This book is packed with craft techniques and activities including: sewing, knitting, crochet, paper craft, painting, jewellery-making and needle felt, all with ste...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2020-05-28 9,99 €
From cows and horses to the farmyard cat, you'll be amazed at how many animals you can make with a few sheets of origami paper. Clear illustrations and easy-to-follow instructions guide you through every step. Whether you are a complete beginner or want to improve your origami skills, this book will show you how to make a whole herd of farm animals.
Erscheinungsdatum: 2020-04-03 1,99 €
Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! Drawing AlphaToons is as easy as 1, 2, 3...or A, B, C! Turn letters and numbers into animals, pets and crazy characters. Step-by-step pictures show you how to draw everything from pigs, sloths and piranhas to cuddly kittens and zany cartoon people using different letters and numbers as a starting point. • Learn how to draw more than 130 funny alphabet and number-based cartoons • Make your 'toons wacky by adding ...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2019-05-28 Genre:Kinder > Kultur und Unterhaltung 5,99 €
Learn to draw more 130 imaginary creatures using letters and numbers as the starting point! From kooky monsters to silly ghouls and goofy aliens, you can draw any kind of crazy creature in just a few simple steps. Practicing your letters and numbers is fun when you can turn them into characters from your imagination! • Easy-to-follow guided drawings • 130+ characters • Reinforce alphabet and counting skills
Erscheinungsdatum: 2018-12-25 Genre:Kinder > Kultur und Unterhaltung 5,99 €
From creating artificial pearls to building a steam boiler, these vintage projects for indoors and outdoors offer a tremendous range of possibilities. Over 250 classic plans and instructions explain how to make model airplanes, greeting cards, a motion-picture camera, a radiophone, a cipher code, motor-driven sleds, and other projects. Drawn from the best of Popular Mechanics magazines from the 1910s and '20s, they combine the excitement and satisfaction of building and creating with the lasting...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2013-09-11 6,49 €
Step by step easy-to-follow picture instructions on how to fold cicada, mushroom, penguin, roster, tortoise and pigeon. This is an activity eBook with 84 1024 x 1365 pixels picture files by Twinkie Artcat. A good materials for preschoolers and kindergarteners in their developing of picture reading skills. Some children may need a little more help from their parents. For preschool and above.
Erscheinungsdatum: 2014-01-14 1,99 €
Packed with 52 fun and colorful exercises geared toward 3- to 6-year-olds, this book offers parents and teachers an outstanding source of creative art activities to inspire and enrich this wide-eyed and open-hearted age group. Activities are organized by medium and designed to encourage self-expression . Each Lab also features the work of a prominent artist for inspiration. Gorgeous photography shows different results from different people using the same lesson, exemplifying the w...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2013-05-01 Genre:Kinder > Kultur und Unterhaltung 12,99 €
Love to sew? Want to share than enthusiasm with a child in your life? Images of sewing equipment with simple titles pop from each page of this picture book. Designed with young children in mind, this book is a perfect way to introduce your baby or toddler to the beautiful craft of sewing. Used as a jumpstart for interaction, Discover Series Picture Books are a great way to introduce new images, words and concepts to kids.
Erscheinungsdatum: 2012-04-05 2,49 €
These boats don't just look nice on a shelf--they're made to move! Build your own fleet of Origami Sailboats that actually float and sail in water. These step-by-step instructions offer young crafters all they need to create floating and fully functional paper folded sailboats. All of the models in this how to orgami book catch wind currents, float and retain their shape in water. Believe it or not, these paper boats hold up in water for several hours, or even several days if they're made from f...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2002-02-09 10,99 €