„Bruuuummmm“ macht der große LKW und fährt langsam los. Wo fährt er hin? Und da, schau! Dort kommt das große Müllfahrzeug um die Ecke. Und diese Straße ist ja voller Schnee. Die Schneefräse und der Schneepflug machen sie wieder frei. Es gibt viele tolle Fahrzeuge, die wir häufig auf der Straße sehen und auch solche, die man nur ganz selten zu Gesicht bekommt. Den Kindern wird in 14 kurzen realen Filmen eine große Zahl toller Spezialfahrzeuge gezeigt. Sie können alles in Ruhe ansch...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2016-03-01 7,99 €
Wer wollte nicht schon immer mal in einem Feuerwehrauto mitfahren? Bei einem Einsatz so richtig nah dabei sein? Die Feuerwehr in ihrer Wache besuchen und schauen, was dort alles passiert? Mit dem eBook „Nochmaaal - Bei der Feuerwehr“ ist das möglich, mit 16 Geschichten aus insgesamt 90min Film werden Kinder ab 3 Jahren durch die Welt der Feuerwehr geführt. Gezeigt wird das Leben in der Feuerwache, Feuerwehrautos, und verschiedene Übungen, z.B. im Wasser, an einem Auto und an einem r...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2015-01-28 9,99 €
1. Sehr süße Filme - Lohnenswert und wohltuend ruhig, auch für kleine Kinder interessant. Mir gefällt die ganze Reihe mit den kurzen Filmen über Feuerwehrmann André, Jochen und Co. Die langsamen Filmschnitte und das wenig aufregende Erzähltempo erlauben auch Jüngsten einen wissenserweiternden Fernsehgenuss, der in der realen Welt verarbeitet werden kann. Empfehlenswert.
„NOCHMAAAL“ und immer wieder nochmal wollen Kinder Sachen sehen, erkennen und verstehen. Wo fährt das Polizeiauto hin? Was passiert mit einem Dieb? Was macht ein Polizeihund?“ Kinder sind mit einer natürlichen Neugierde ausgestattet sie wollen – und sie sollen auch – alles sehen, erkennen, verstehen und wissen. Wer aber hat die Möglichkeit, mit seinem Kind die Polizei zu besuchen und bei der Arbeit zu beobachten? Dieses einfache Buch besteht aus zehn jeweils bis zu 7 Minuten langen ...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2014-02-20 6,99 €
Besuche Oskar, den Astronauten, in seiner Raumstation im Weltall und erlebe zusammen mit ihm ungewöhnliche Abenteuer. Weitere Geschichten in dieser Reihe: - Valentino Glitzerzahn - Prinzessin Adele - Gespenst Elfriede - Stadt der Tiere
Erscheinungsdatum: 2013-06-27 0,99 €
Eine Straße voller Schotter ist zu sehen. Lärm ertönt. „ Was kommt denn da um die Ecke? Das sind ja zwei Augen und ein großer Mund?? Aahhh, das ist ein Gräder, der macht den Schotter für die Straße gerade.“ „Schau da, der Bagger baggert das Loch für das Haus. Siehst du, wie schnell der den Laster vollschaufelt?“ Zwei Männer baggern ein Loch. Der Bagger dreht sich schnell hin und her. „Schau, da sind Karl und Gateano, die reparieren ein Rohr unter der Straße“. Bei dies...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2016-02-22 6,99 €
Wer fragt bekommt die Antwort! Wo ist im Weltall oben und unten? Kinder stellen viele Fragen, gute und verblüffende. Doch wer weiß eine Antwort? Die Reihe „Was Kinder wissen wollen" stellt spannende Fragen und liefert die Antwort gleich mit: in kinderleichten Texten und mit lustigen Illustrationen, die zeigen, was Sache ist. • Wie werden Sterne geboren? • Wie ist der Mond entstanden? • Wie gehen Astronauten aufs Klo? • Was ist ein schwarzes Loch? • Haben Astronauten am Wochenende f...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2012-08-08 3,99 €
“Hörst du das dort oben? Da brummt ein Flugzeug über den Himmel! Toll, ich wollte auch schon immer mal mit so einem Flugzeug mitfliegen! Komm wir schauen uns die Flugzeuge genau an“! Mit „Nochmaaal – In der Luft“ werden viele verschiedene Flugzeuge für Kinder und viele Geschichten rund ums Fliegen vorgestellt: Ein kleines Propellerflugzeug schleppt ein Segelflugzeug in den Himmel, wir reisen mit einem Airbus von Frankfurt nach Spanien, und in einem Geschäftsflugzeug fliegen wir von...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2019-01-30 9,99 €
Wer fragt bekommt die Antwort! Wie kommt der Fisch in die Stäbchen? Kinder stellen viele Fragen, gute und verblüffende. Doch wer weiß eine Antwort? Die Reihe „Was Kinder wissen wollen" stellt spannende Fragen und liefert die Antwort gleich mit: in kinderleichten Texten und mit lustigen Illustrationen, die zeigen, was Sache ist. Warum sind unsere Finger verschieden lang? • Wie wird Kaugummi gemacht? • Warum sind Eiswürfel in der Mitte trüb? • Warum schläft uns manchmal ein Fuß ein?...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2012-08-08 3,99 €
Learn all about over 200 of your favourite Star Wars vehicles, from the A-wing to the Y-wing. Want to know how the Millennium Falcon made the Kessel Run in such a short distance? Don't know your X-wing from your Y-wing? Not sure what type of craft Slave I is? Look no further than the Star Wars Encyclopedia of Starfighters and Other Vehicles . From the swamps of Kashyyyk to the deserts of Jakku, from inner-city Coruscant to the vastness of hyperspace, Star Wars Encyclopedia of Starfighters and Ot...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2018-06-28 6,99 €
KINDERLEICHT PROGRAMMIEREN LERNEN *** NOMINIERT FÜR DEN KINDERSOFTWAREPREIS TOMMI 2020 *** "Einfaches Handling, eine sehr sympathische Hintergrundgeschichte und anschauliche Erklärungen - das macht "Einfach Programmieren lernen mit Scratch" zu einem spielerischen Einsteigerwerk mit Bildungsanspruch." (Begründung der Fachjury) Dieses E-Book erklärt Jungs und Mädchen, wie sie mit der visuellen Programmiersprache Scratch schnell eigene Spiele programmieren können, und unterstü...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2020-04-01 9,99 €
Programmieren lehrt logisches Denken und hilft Kindern dabei, in einer zunehmend digitalen Welt erfolgreich zu sein! Mit diesem E-Book lernen Jungs und Mädchen spielerisch und innovativ Programmieren. Unterschiedlichste Übungen bilden ein tiefes und grundlegendes Verständnis über die Grundlagen und Konzepte des Programmierens, z. B. Algorithmen, Variablen, if-else-Bedingungen. Auf jeder Seite wird der gerade erlernte Lerninhalt in spannenden App-Spielen abgefragt und somit vertieft. Da...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2020-02-13 7,99 €
The definitive collection of Star Wars™ incredible cross-sections - updated with brand new vehicles Star Wars™ Complete Cross Sections of Vehicles is the complete guide to the spacecraft and vehicles of the Star Wars™ six-film saga. It features 55 giant cross-section pictures and hundreds of smaller pieces of artwork and photographs that highlight engine details, weapons and lots more. Discover four brand new cross-sections inside, as well as sneak-peek looks at how the artists create thes...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2013-08-01 11,99 €
Learn the art of redstone and become a master engineer with the Minecraft Guide to Redstone, and put theory into practice to construct intricate contraptions in Minecraft. Pick up the basics of the redstone components and their uses, discover how to make working circuits, and create incredibly complex builds using your new skills. With insider info and tips from the experts at Mojang, this is the definitive guide to engineering in Minecraft. About the author Mojang is a games studio based in Sto...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2018-09-20 6,99 €
Get into Creative Mode with this official Minecraft book from Mojang. Learn the finer points of architecture, art and other creative disciplines with Minecraft Guide to Creative, and put theory into practice to build incredible constructions in Minecraft. Find out how to combine colours and textures to create different themes, devise intricate plans for complex builds, and discover secret hacks to use blocks in clever ways. With insider info and tips from the experts at Mojang, this is the defin...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2018-09-20 6,99 €
The official Minecraft: Guide to Farming will teach you about everything form basic crop farming and animal breeding to hostile mob and block farming. In Survival mode you're constantly in need of food and other useful items, and true survivors know the importance of setting up their own farming systems. ]With insider info and tips from the experts at Mojang, this is the definitive guide to becoming self-sufficient in Minecraft. About the author Mojang is a games studio based in Stockholm, Swede...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2018-11-01 6,99 €
This user-friendly book introduces the essential topic of coding and the Python computer language to beginners of all ages. After reading this book readers will learn to plan and create programs, including building games, drawing shapes, creating text adventures and more.
Erscheinungsdatum: 2017-03-01 4,49 €
Now that you've mastered the Overworld, the time has come to brave the perilous Nether and End dimensions. But survival will be even more difficult here and you'll need to up your game if you want to make it back to the Overworld in one piece. The official Minecraft Guide to the Nether and the end will help you survive as you navigate new terrain, discover new hostile mobs and attempt to collect unique materials. Learn how to kill fire-resistant mobs in the Nether and repurpose Nether fortresses...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2018-09-20 6,99 €
Discover the history behind the amazing machines that power our world, and the inventors that created them, in this mini children's encyclopedia to the story of inventions. Did you know that the machine that makes candy floss was invented by a dentist? Or that Thomas Edison tried using human hair as the filament for his light bulb? Whether it is the plough, the paper clip, or the PlayStation, this fact-packed inventions book profiles everything from simple everyday objects to cutting edge future...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2019-05-02 3,49 €
In Minecraft, danger lurks around every corner and you'll need powerful tools and equipment if you want to survive. The official Minecraft Guide to Enchantments and Potions will teach you how to improve your chances of survival. You'll learn how to enchant your tools, weapons and armour with the right effect for every dangerous situation, and discover how to brew all manner of potions to improve your performance and to weaken your opponents. And once you're an enchantments and potions expert, yo...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2018-11-01 6,99 €
Programmieren ist langweilig? Nicht mit dem neuen Calliope mini! Du benutzt jeden Tag Computer, Tablet, Smartphone und Co. und willst dich endlich mal mit dem befassen, was dahinter steckt? Wenn du selbst coole Lichteffekte oder ein richtiges Spiel programmieren möchtest, bist du mit dem Calliope mini und diesem Buch genau richtig, denn hier erfährst du, jenseits aller trockenen Lehrpläne, was das Programmieren mit der neuen Platine so faszinierend macht. Kleine Platine mit großer Wirkung! E...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2017-09-18 14,99 €
Lass die Roboter für dich tanzen! Roboter übernehmen immer öfter Aufgaben in unserem Alltag und in der Industrie - und auch du hast bestimmt einen Roboter zu Hause, ob es der Staubsauger ist oder ein Spielzeug. Spannend wird es, wenn du deine Roboter selber baust! Ob es ein kleiner Zahnbürstenroboter ist oder sogar ein autonomer Roboter, der auf Eindrücke von außen reagiert: Richtig Spaß macht es, wenn man weiß, wie der Roboter funktioniert! Sei Ingenieur! Lerne alles über Motoren, Getr...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2015-12-21 14,99 €
From the origin of the Universe to the future of space rockets, this ebook about space for kids has it all. Did you know that the moon was once a piece of the Earth, and that a day on Venus is longer than one year? First published in 2015, Knowledge Encyclopedia: Space! has been completely revised and updated for 2021, with new images and information on all things space-related to send you rocketing to the furthest reaches of the cosmos. Newly updated with the latest scientific discoveries and i...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2021-12-09 8,99 €
Minecraft's oceans are teeming with colourful life and rare treasures, but new dangers lurk beneath the surface of the water and survival can prove difficult for even the bravest adventurer. The official Minecraft Guide to Ocean Survival will teach you how to breathe underwater, find valuable sunken loot and fight off guardians and other menacing mobs of the deep. With insider info and tips from the experts at Mojang, this is the definitive guide to underwater survival for aquatic adventurers. A...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2020-11-12 5,99 €
Eric in Action! Für die beliebte ZDF-Kinderwissenssendung PUR+ hat Eric einen Parabelflug überstanden, das Essen der Zukunft probiert, sich in einen Raumanzug gequetscht und vieles mehr. Eric probiert's aus und geht den Dingen auf den Grund! Jetzt hat der Abenteurer, Fakten-Erklärer und Reporter seine Erlebnisse aufgeschrieben: Er berichtet von spannenden Missionen, erzählt uns von seinen persönlichen Gedanken und Gefühlen und ergänzt all das mit fundierten Informationen. D...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2020-10-01 6,99 €
The mysterious world of Minecraft is just waiting to be explored. But danger lurks around every corner and survival can prove difficult for even the bravest adventurer. The official Minecraft Guide to Exploration from Mojang will help you to survive and thrive. You’ll learn how to find resources, craft equipment and protect yourself from hostile mobs. Discover which biomes to avoid when starting out, how to build a mob-proof shelter and where to look for naturally-generated structures laden wi...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2018-09-20 6,99 €
Ein Abenteuer aus der Welt von Among Us Allein im Weltall – mit einem Verräter an Bord! Ein kleines Raumschiff im endlosen Weltall. Alles scheint friedlich. Doch plötzlich geschehen immer mehr seltsame und beunruhigende Dinge an Bord. Jemand muss das Raumschiff vorsätzlich sabotieren! Aber es kommt noch schlimmer: Ein Crewmitglied wird tot aufgefunden. Die Besatzung muss dringend herausfinden, wer hinter den dunklen Machenschaften steckt, bevor es zu spät ist – denn es gibt kein Entkomme...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2021-10-13 8,99 €
F ans of Chris Ferrie's ABCs of Economics , ABCs of Space , and Organic Chemistry for Babies will love this introduction to neural networks for babies and toddlers! Help your future genius become the smartest baby in the room! It only takes a small spark to ignite a child's mind. Neural Networks for Babies by Chris Ferrie is a colorfully simple introduction to the study of how machines and computing systems are created in a way that was inspired by the biological neural networks in animal and hu...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2019-03-01 4,99 €
When it comes to making minigames for Minecraft, the only limit is your imagination. The official Minecraft Guide to PVP Minigames is full of inspiring games for you to recreate in your own world. Whether you prefer non-PVP combat games like arrow golf and elytra ace or games that let you battle other players like spleef and sky wars, there's something for everyone. With insider info and tips from the experts at Mojang, this is the definitive guide to PVP Minigames for Minecraft. About the autho...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2018-11-01 6,99 €
The bestselling scientific series is expanding! With scientific and mathematical information from an expert, this is the perfect book for enlightening the next generation of geniuses. Introduce your baby to programming and computer basics in this must-have board book for nerdy babies! Written by industry experts, Quantum Computing for Babies is a colorfully simple introduction to the magical world of quantum computers. Babies (and grownups!) will discover the difference between bits and qubits a...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2018-04-03 4,99 €
A project-filled introduction to coding that shows kids how to build programs by making cool games. Scratch, the colorful drag-and-drop programming language, is used by millions of first-time learners worldwide. Scratch 3 features an updated interface, new programming blocks, and the ability to run on tablets and smartphones, so you can learn how to code on the go. In Scratch 3 Programming Playground , you'll learn to code by making cool games. Get ready to destroy asteroids, shoot hoops, and sl...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2021-01-06 14,99 €
Did you drink a glass of water today? Did you turn on a light? Did you think about how miraculous either one of those things is when you did it? Of course not--but you should, and New York Times bestselling author Steven Johnson has. This adaptation of his adult book and popular PBS series explores the fascinating and interconnected stories of innovations--like clean drinking water and electricity--that changed the way people live. Innovation starts with a problem whose solution sets in motion a...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2018-10-16 6,99 €
As the cyber world continues to grow it is becoming increasingly important for children to stay safe online and learn what sort of things to avoid or report. This book provides clear and helpful guidelines to internet safety, covering a wide range of topics that children and adults should be aware of.
Erscheinungsdatum: 2016-11-01 4,49 €
This space-soaring adventure lets young children glimpse what it would be like to fly into outer space, walk on the moon, and look back at Earth from a very long way away. Part of the Usborne Reading Programme developed with reading experts at the University of Roehampton, specially written for children just starting to read alone. This ebook includes audio and reading-related puzzles. "Crack reading and make confident and enthusiastic readers with this fantastic reading programme." - Julia Eccl...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2015-11-01 1,49 €
From multi-million-copy selling author Francesca Simon, and David Walliams' illustrator, Tony Ross, comes the intriguing tenth Horrid Henry's Factbook about all things outer space. What sound does the sun make? How long would it take to travel there in a car? And how do astronauts go to the toilet? Bursting with out-of-this-world facts and cosmic trivia, this is the perfect guide to everything a Horrid Henry fan has ever wanted to know about outer space, ideal for budding scientists and astronau...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2015-02-12 Genre:Kinder 1,99 €
This is a story about a young girl named Alice who discovers the magic of artificial intelligence. She creates her own AI, named Sparkle, and together they go on adventures and use their combined knowledge to make the world a better place. The story explores the incredible abilities of AI and the importance of using them for good. It is a tale of friendship and exploration, filled with magic and wonder. This book was also co-created using AI tools to both aid in writing and illustration and is t...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2022-12-04 3,49 €
In this book from the critically acclaimed, multimillion-copy best-selling Little People, BIG DREAMS series, discover the life of Neil Armstrong, the first person to walk on the moon. Little Neil’s dreams took flight when he rode on his first airplane as a child. After studying aeronautical engineering and time spent in the Navy, he became a pilot. From there, he was selected to take a trip to where no human had gone before—the moon! Along with his team, Buzz and Mike, he was the capt...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2022-06-28 10,99 €
AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate (SAA-C02) The AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate examination is intended for individuals who perform a solutions architect role and have one or more years of hands-on experience designing available, cost-efficient, fault-tolerant, and scalable distributed systems on AWS. Abilities Validated by the Certification Effectively demonstrate knowledge of how to architect and deploy secure and robust applications on AWS technologies Define a solutio...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2021-01-08 7,49 €
How to Build a Castle in Minecraft is just what it sounds like. Everyone wants to build a cool castle in Minecraft for young kids or beginners. But it can be frustrating for little ones to build something that is too big. Our book contains illustrated instructions that are simple, kid-safe, and leave plenty of room for creativity. Kids will learn to build a small castle with a throne room and towers. They’ll also get some ideas for decorating the inside. Then they can play king of the castle! ...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2020-06-03 1,49 €
How to Build a Tower in Minecraft is just what it sounds like. A tower is a great starter project in Minecraft for young kids or beginners. But it can be frustrating for little ones to build something that is too big or elaborate. Our book contains illustrated instructions that are simple, kid-safe, and leave plenty of room for creativity. Kids will learn to build a small simple tower that still has some flourishes! They’ll also get some ideas for decorating the inside. Then they can play king...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2020-07-16 1,49 €
How to Build a House in Minecraft is just what it sounds like, a guide to building a house in Minecraft! The instructions are simple, kid-safe, and leave plenty of room for creativity. Kids will learn to build a simple house, a crenelated roof, a slanted roof, and get some ideas for decorating the inside! Do you have a young child who is getting into Minecraft? Are they frustrated by the other guides that are either too vague or too difficult to follow? They’re not quite patient enough to buil...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2020-04-22 1,49 €
The ScratchJr Coding Cards are a deck of 75 activity cards covering fun and exciting projects designed to educate young children with the visual programming language, ScratchJr. ScratchJr is a free, introductory computer programming language that runs on iPads, Android tablets, Amazon tablets, and Chromebooks. Derived from Scratch, the wildly popular programming language used by millions of kids worldwide, ScratchJr helps even younger children (5 to 7 years old) create their own playful animatio...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2020-11-24 14,99 €
Fans of Chris Ferrie's Organic Chemistry for Babies , Rocket Science for Babies , and Quantum Physics for Babies will love this introduction to the technology behind Bitcoin for cryptologists of all ages! Help your future genius become the smartest baby in the room! It only takes a small spark to ignite a child's mind. Full of scientific information from notable experts, this is the perfect book to teach complex concepts in a simple, engaging way. Blockchain for Babies is a colorfully simple int...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2019-01-01 4,99 €
For the 50th anniversary of the Boeing 747’s first commercial flight, a picture book about the development of the iconic passenger plane and how it changed the history of air travel. In 1968, the biggest passenger jet the world had ever seen premiered in Everett, Washington. The giant plane was called the Boeing 747, but reporters named it “the Jumbo jet.” There was only one problem. It couldn’t fly. Yet. Jumbo details the story of the world’s first wide body passenger jet, which could...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2020-08-04 10,99 €
Step into Leonardo da Vinci's workshop, relax on board Hideo Shima's speedy bullet train, and join movie star Hedy Lamarr to bounce ideas around in between takes. Inventors looks at the towering achievements of more than 50 inventors in great detail. From Lizzie Magie, who came up with the idea for the game Monopoly, but had it stolen, to the ancient Turkish polymath Ismail al-Jazari, who decided the best way to power a clock was with a model elephant, to Richard Turere, the Maasai inventor who ...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2020-05-28 7,99 €
Techy kids will getting to grips with Scratch 3.0 using this beginner's guide to coding. Difficult coding concepts become easy and fun to understand as budding programmers build their own projects using Scratch 3.0, the latest software from the world's most popular programming language for beginners. Make a Dino Dance Party or create your own electronic birthday cards. Build games, simulations and mind-bending graphics as you discover the awesome things computer programmers can do with Scratch 3...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2019-08-01 6,99 €
Meet Katherine Johnson, the mathematical genius who helped make the historic Apollo 11 moon landings possible and made sure that Apollo 13 returned home safely when the mission was in critical danger. Counting on Katherine is a beautiful biography, sure to inspire young readers. Winner of the information book category of the UKLA Book Awards 2020. As a child, Katherine loved to count. She counted the steps on the road, the number of dishes and spoons she washed in the kitchen sink, everything! B...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2019-05-16 3,99 €
Are you mad about space? From astronauts and asteroids to rockets and robots, this book is packed with fascinating facts and key information for all young space enthusiasts. Ladybird's Mad About series is all about giving its readers all the facts they could possibly need about their favourite subjects. Get ready to impress all your friends with all your new knowledge!
Erscheinungsdatum: 2019-02-21 3,49 €
WINNER OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY'S YOUNG PEOPLE'S BOOK PRIZE 2019 Welcome to the museum that is always open to explore... Step inside the pages of this beautiful book to discover galleries of galactic matter, expertly curated to bring you the experience of a fascinating exhibition from the comfort of your own home. Planetarium features all aspects of space, from the Sun and our Solar System, to the lives of stars, the Milky Way and the Universe beyond. With stunning artwork from Chris Wormell and inf...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2018-09-06 7,99 €
Twelve thrilling and terrifying space-mission failures, told by the bestselling author of Apollo 13 ! There are so many amazing, daring, and exciting missions to outer space that have succeeded. But for every success, there are mistakes, surprises, and flat-out failures that happen along the way. In this collection, bestselling author and award-winning journalist Jeffrey Kluger recounts twelve such disasters, telling the stories of the astronauts and the cosmonauts, the trials and the errors, th...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2019-05-07 6,99 €
How did somebody come up with the idea for bridges, skyscrapers, helicopters, and nightlights? How did people figure out how to build them? In 3D Engineering: Design and Build Your Own Prototypes , young readers tackle real-life engineering problems by figuring out real-life solutions. Kids apply science and math skills to create prototypes for bridges, instruments, alarms, and more. Prototypes are preliminary models used by engineers—and kids—to evaluate ideas and to better understand how t...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2015-11-16 13,99 €