Did you know that the Mayans used saunas for healing purposes? In the past decade or two, there has been an upsurge of interest in Maya history. This was partly fueled by the mythical Maya prediction of the end of the world in 2012, which for a short period of time put this civilization under the media spotlight. But there is much more to their culture than the common misconception about their calendar. You see, this is one of the most important and most influential civilizations of the whole Me...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2022-10-16 3,49 €
Der weltweite Ruhm Eduardo Galeanos gründet auf einem Buch, das er "in neunzig Nächten" geschrieben hat: das unorthodoxe Geschichtswerk "Die offenen Adern Lateinamerikas". Scharfsinnig, schonungslos und sprachlich brillant zeigt der Autor, dass es keinen Reichtum gibt, der unschuldig ist und formuliert das große Paradoxon seines Kontinents: "Wir Lateinamerikaner sind arm, weil der Boden, auf dem wir gehen, reich ist." "Der Autor bedauert, dass diese Seiten nicht an...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2009-09-01 18,99 €
»Fesselnd und wichtig! Dieses Buch hilft zu verstehen, warum viele NS-Verbrecher nach Argentinien flüchteten.« Olivier Guez, Autor des Bestsellers »Das Verschwinden des Josef Mengele« Adolf Eichmann, der die Vernichtung der europäischen Juden organisierte, setzte sich nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg ebenso nach Argentinien ab wie Josef Mengele, der KZ-Arzt von Auschwitz. Hunderte NS-Verbrecher taten es ihnen gleich. Auf den sogenannten Rattenlinien gelangten sie in ein Land, das sie mit offenen...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2021-08-16 9,99 €
The incredible bestselling true story of the rise and reign of the most wanted criminal in history, told by the one man who was with him every step of the way - his brother Roberto. Murderer, philanthropist, drug dealer, politician, devil, saint: many words have been used to describe Pablo Escobar, but one is irrefutable - legend. For the poor of Colombia, he was their Robin Hood, a man whose greatness lay not in his crimes, but in his charity; for the Colombian rich he was just a bloodthirsty g...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2012-03-15 Genre:Geschichte 3,99 €
The #1 New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller, named one of the best books of the year by The Boston Globe and National Geographic: acclaimed journalist Douglas Preston takes readers on a true adventure deep into the Honduran rainforest in this riveting narrative about the discovery of a lost civilization -- culminating in a stunning medical mystery. Since the days of conquistador Hernán Cortés, rumors have circulated about a lost city of immense wealth hidden somewhere in the Hondu...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2017-01-03 Genre:Geschichte 10,99 €
Die Maya kamen von einem Ort, an dem das Wasser den Quell der Weisheit verschlungen hatte, von Atlantis. Ihre Kultur richtete sich an Kalendern aus, die das Leben der Menschen auf den großen Pulsschlag des Kosmos abstimmten. Sie verehrten Hunab K'u, das göttliche Prinzip des Weltganzen, das alles mit allem und jeden mit jedem verbindet. Bisher war unbekannt, welchen enormen Einfluss die Kultur der Maya vor 11.600 Jahren auf die gesamte Zivilisation ausübte. Erstmals wird auch der Plejadenkale...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2011-09-21 14,99 €
Überraschend leicht gelang es 1532 dem Spanier Francisco Pizarro, den Inka-Herrscher Ata Wallpa in der Schlacht von Cajamarca zu besiegen. Seinen Anfang hatte das Reich in den Anden um 1200 genommen, als die Angehörigen der Inka-Sippe ihrem Ahnherrn Manqu Khapaq als Kind des Sonnengottes eine unnahbare Stellung schufen. Die Schattenseiten dieses in seiner Verwaltung mustergültigen Königreichs waren unfähige Thronanwärter, königlicher Inzest, Machtkämpfe, die bis zum Mord eskalierten, und...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2016-09-26 7,49 €
Erst in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten haben Wissenschaftler die politische Geschichte der Maya und ihre Religion mit den oft blutigen Ritualen entschlüsselt. Nichts mehr von der angeblich friedlichen und beschaulichen Geschichte dieser Indianer hat Bestand. Im Mittelpunkt des Buches steht die politische und kulturelle Entwicklung der Maya und die Darstellung der Dynastien der bedeutenden Stadtstaaten von Tikal, Yaxchilán, Copán und Palenque anhand der bildlichen und hieroglyphenschriftlichen Qu...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2018-09-18 7,49 €
Detailliert und spannend erzählt Schurig die Geschichte von der Eroberung Mexikos durch die Spanier und gibt speziell Auskunft über Person und Charakter des gnadenlosen Cortez.
Erscheinungsdatum: 2012-12-13 Genre:Geschichte 0,99 €
Esta nueva edición comentada del Diario de Bolivia, a cargo de su nieto Canek Sánchez Guevara, contiene nuevas reflexiones sobre la última etapa de la vida del Che y aclara al máximo las identidades de los implicados en su guerrilla y las situaciones que provocaron aquellos acontecimientos. Esta edición tiene cerca de 400 notas al pie con abundante información histórica, fragmentos de los diarios de otros guerrilleros, declaraciones de ex agentes de la CIA y de las fuerzas armadas bolivia...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2010-06-29 3,99 €
¿Qué historias vienen a la mente al pensar en las mujeres en Paraguay? ¿Dónde han estado, qué hacían, qué roles desempeñaron a lo largo de la historia del Paraguay? Con esta obra esperamos incentivar reflexiones que desafíen aquellas ideas a veces muy fijas sobre ellas, otras veces borrosas o, incluso, inexistentes. Más que gloriosas tomo I y tomo II buscan alentar la institucionalización y el desarrollo de la investigación histórica con perspectiva de género. El planteamiento no e...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2023-03-11 6,49 €
Anna Seghers Jahre im mexikanischen Exil – fulminant erzählt. 1941: Als Anna Seghers endlich die Flucht aus Europa gelingt, ahnt sie nicht, dass die Jahre in Mexiko ihr Leben entscheidend prägen werden. Hier wird sie mit der Veröffentlichung von „Das siebte Kreuz“ in den USA über Nacht berühmt. Sie schreibt ihre wichtigsten Werke und erfährt sowohl den Verlust der Mutter, die sie nicht mehr aus Nazi-Deutschland retten kann, als auch die eigene Endlichkeit, als sie bei einem schweren ...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2020-09-22 9,99 €
Unter dem Titel »La historia me absolverá«, in Anlehnung an den letzten Satz seines Plädoyers, wurde die ausführliche Verteidigungsrede bekannt, die Fidel Castro am 16. Oktober 1953 hielt, bei der vorletzten Gerichtsverhandlung in Santiago de Cuba gegen die Beschuldigten des Angriffs auf die Moncada-Kaserne in ebendieser Stadt und auf die Kaserne Carlos Manuel des Céspedes in Bayamo, jeweils am 26. Juli desselben Jahres. Sie ist ein programmatisches Manifest, Anklageschrift...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2016-03-22 5,99 €
O maior fenômeno de vendas do mercado editorial brasileiro na categoria não-ficção é agora relançado em versão atualizada e ampliada pela Globo Livros. 1808, de Laurentino Gomes, já vendeu mais de 1 milhão de exemplares, e nessa nova edição traz um capítulo inédito com informações até hoje pouco conhecidas a respeito da criação do Reino Unido de Brasil, Portugal e Algarves, que completa duzentos anos em 2015. Saiba como nasceu o Brasil de hoje.
Erscheinungsdatum: 2014-08-26 4,49 €
Das Buch mit packendem Stoff ruft das unvergesslich schwere Schicksal des Kulturvolkes der Mexikaner zur Zeit des Einbruchs der Abendländer in die Erinnerung Das vorliegende Pizarro-Buch war von vornherein als Gegenstück zum Cortes-Buche geplant. Es stützt sich im ersten Drittel vor allem auf den zuerst 1534 in Sevilla gedruckten Bericht: 'Verdadera relacion de la conquista del Peru' von Francisco de Xerez, dem Geheimschreiber Francisco Pizarros in den Jahren 1530 bis 1534. Ergänzungen und F...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2013-09-09 0,99 €
The Battle for the Falklands is a thoughtful and informed analysis of an astonishing chapter in modern British history from journalist and military historian Sir Max Hastings and political editor Simon Jenkins. Ten weeks. 28,000 soldiers. 8,000 miles from home. The Falklands War in 1982 was one of the strangest in British history. At the time, many Britons saw it as a tragic absurdity - thousands of men sent overseas for a tiny relic of empire - but the British victory over the Argentinians not ...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2012-03-22 Genre:Geschichte 7,49 €
Samba, Fußball, Karneval: die Speerspitzen des Klischees. Die harten Fakten: fünftgrößtes Land der Erde, sechstgrößte Volkswirtschaft (vor Großbritannien!), inzwischen demokratischer Wortführer in den politischen Organisationen der lateinamerikanischen Staaten, eine Gesellschaft im Ringen um eine Loslösung aus ihrer Gewaltgeschichte, aus Diktatur, Rassismus, Korruption und Kriminalität. Der Lateinamerika-Historiker Hans-Joachim König schildert die Geschichte Brasiliens als eine Geschi...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2014-03-26 8,99 €
The National Book Award–winning epic chronicle of the creation of the Panama Canal, a first-rate drama of the bold and brilliant engineering feat that was filled with both tragedy and triumph, told by master historian David McCullough. From the Pulitzer Prize–winning author of Truman , here is the national bestselling epic chronicle of the creation of the Panama Canal. In The Path Between the Seas, acclaimed historian David McCullough delivers a first-rate drama of the sweeping human underta...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2001-10-27 Genre:Geschichte 14,99 €
Corrían los años cincuenta, Chimbote se convirtió, al poco tiempo, en una ciudad de migrantes de todo el país, pero sobre todo de la zona de sierra norte.La fauna marina era muy variada en nuestro mar, todo parecía ser que la Corriente de Humboldt favoreciera una ictiología muy pródiga para la pesca de consumo e industrial hasta que se descubrió las bondades de la anchoveta, un pez que tiene como característica desplazarse en cardúmenes por todo el mar de la costa peruana que, a su vez...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2020-01-11 29,99 €
Die berühmteste Grenze der Welt seit der Berliner Mauer. 1950 Meilen vom Pazifik bis zum Golf von Mexiko. Donald Trump will hier eine Mauer bauen. Dabei sind in dieser Grenzregion die Menschen schon immer und überall in beiden Richtungen unterwegs gewesen. Ehe es Übergänge wie die von Tijuana oder Lukeville gab, wo keine Maus mehr ohne gültigen Pass von Süden nach Norden kommt, oder in Ciudad Juárez, wo es lebensgefährlich ist, war die Grenze ein Strich im Sand. Er zog sich durch spekt...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2018-09-11 19,99 €
'Engrossing ... eye-opening ... an enormously refreshing treat' Dominic Sandbrook, Sunday Times Since Europeans first reached Brazil in 1500 it has been an unfailing source of extraordinary fascination. More than any other part of the 'New World' it displayed both the greatest beauty and grandeur and witnessed scenes of the most terrible European ferocity. Its native people both revolutionized Europe's ideas of itself and were then subject to extermination. For white settlers Brazil's opportunit...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2018-07-26 11,99 €
Die Inka faszinieren bis heute. Das Buch stellt ihre einzigartige Geschichte von den Anfängen bis zur Eroberung durch die Spanier im 16. Jahrhundert dar. Hierbei werden auch die Quellen und die Forschungsmethoden vorgestellt. Es wird ein umfangreicher Einblick in die staatlichen, sozialen und religiösen Strukturen sowie in das Leben des Alltags und der Feste gegeben. Die vielen Forschungserkenntnisse der letzten Jahre, besonders zu den Provinzen des Inkareiches werden eingearbeitet und damit a...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2013-09-05 16,99 €
Dos bastidores do descobrimento à crise de 2015 em 200 páginas! Ilustrado e didático, um livro essencial para todos que procuram um ponto de partida para se aprofundar na história do Brasil. Diz o poeta alemão Bertold Brecht: "De nada vale partir das coisas boas de sempre, mas sim das coisas novas e ruins. " Seguindo tais conselhos, A História do Brasil para Quem Tem Pressa faz uma digressão sobre a história do país para tentar compreender o tempo presente e responder a algumas ...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2016-09-13 5,49 €
For decades, Colombia was the 'narcostate'. Now travel to Colombia and South America is on the rise, and it's seen as one of the rising stars of the global economy. Where does the truth lie? Writer and journalist Tom Feiling, author of the acclaimed study of cocaine The Candy Machine , has journeyed throughout Colombia, down roads that were until recently too dangerous to travel, to paint a fresh picture of one of the world's most notorious and least-understood countries. He talks to former guer...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2012-08-30 9,49 €
Drawing on newly discovered sources and writing with brilliance, drama, and profound historical insight, Hugh Thomas presents an engrossing narrative of one of the most significant events of Western history. Ringing with the fury of two great empires locked in an epic battle, Conquest captures in extraordinary detail the Mexican and Spanish civilizations and offers unprecedented in-depth portraits of the legendary opponents, Montezuma and Cortés. Conquest is an essential work of history from on...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2013-04-16 14,99 €
In an astonishing work of scholarship that reads like an adventure thriller, historian Buddy Levy records the last days of the Aztec empire and the two men at the center of an epic clash of cultures. “I and my companions suffer from a disease of the heart which can be cured only with gold.” — Hernán Cortés It was a moment unique in human history, the face-to-face meeting between two men from civilizations a world apart. Only one would survive the encounter. In 1519, Hernán Cortés arriv...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2008-06-24 7,99 €
In 1791, inspired by the ideals of the French Revolution, the slaves of San Domingo rose in revolt. Despite invasion by a series of British, Spanish and Napoleonic armies, their twelve-year struggle led to the creation of Haiti, the first independent black republic outside Africa. Only three years later, the British and Americans ended the Atlantic slave trade. In this outstanding example of vivid, committed and empathetic historical analysis, C. L. R. James illuminates these epoch-making events...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2001-05-31 10,99 €
In November 1519, Hernando Cortés walked along a causeway leading to the capital of the Aztec kingdom and came face to face with Moctezuma. That story--and the story of what happened afterwards--has been told many times, but always following the narrative offered by the Spaniards. After all, we have been taught, it was the Europeans who held the pens. But the Native Americans were intrigued by the Roman alphabet and, unbeknownst to the newcomers, they used it to write detailed histories in thei...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2019-10-04 20,99 €
Una crónica sobre la vida política y social en Chile durante la dictadura militar y sus repercusiones vigentes. ¿Cuál fue el origen de la división política que llevó al golpe de Estado de 1973? ¿Cuándo y de qué manera se gestó el bombardeo a La Moneda? ¿Cuál fue la agenda oculta para refundar Chile durante la dictadura de Pinochet? ¿Cuáles fueron las operaciones del régimen militar y de la resistencia que marcaron los destinos del país? Con su distinguible estilo narrativo y el ...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2018-09-10 9,99 €
Is the world coming to an end in 2012? According to the Mexica calendar, which is less known than the Mayan calendar, but dates back to the same period, this is - of course - actually not the case. The calendar carries on for another 13,250 years, and describes some cycles of time bigger than the ones mentioned in the Mayan version. These cycles are based upon the revolution of our Sun around the Pleiades, and are formed by smaller cycles called “the Suns”, each lasting 6,625 years. During t...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2012-06-01 15,99 €
In Lateinamerika ist Simón Bolívar politisches Idol und Symbolfigur. Bis heute leben die Legenden über ihn weiter, ist er Thema staatstragender Reden, Stoff für Kunst und Literatur. Michael Zeuske untersucht die reale Person Simón Bolívars sowie die Dimensionen seines Kultes und Mythos. Er korrigiert die Geschichtsschreibung zum »Befreier Südamerikas« am Beispiel Alexander von Humboldts und beweist eindrucksvoll, dass das legendenumwobene Treffen zwischen dem Libertador und dem deutsch...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2016-03-24 7,99 €
Com linguagem fluente, acesso a documentação inédita e profundo rigor na pesquisa, Lilia Moritz Schwarcz e Heloisa Murgel Starling traçam um retrato de corpo inteiro do país, e mostram que o Brasil bem merecia uma nova história. Edição com novo pós-escrito das autoras. Aliando texto acessível e agradável, vasta documentação original e rica iconografia, Lilia Moritz Schwarcz e Heloisa Starling propõem uma nova (e pouco convencional) história do Brasil. Nessa travessia de...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2015-04-27 7,49 €
In 1982, the average Briton didn't know the Falkland Islands existed, let alone their status as a disputed British territory just off the coast of Argentina. That changed when the Argentinians invaded the islands and overwhelmed the small defending force. Both nations claimed the islands were theirs, but now Argentina thought the British would give them up without a fight. They were wrong. Britain sent a task force into the South Atlantic to re-take the islands, and the short, intense war that f...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2015-01-23 2,99 €
Barbara Tuchman's The Zimmerman Telegram is one of the greatest spy stories of all time. Nothing can stop an enemy from picking wireless messages out of the free air - and nothing did. In England, Room 40 was born . . . In January 1917, with the First World War locked in terrible stalemate and America still neutral, German Foreign Secretary Arthur Zimmerman gambled the future of the conflict on a single telegram. But this message was intercepted and decoded in Whitehall's legendary Room 40 - and...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2014-06-05 Genre:Geschichte 9,49 €
Minimanual Of The Urban Guerrilla (Portuguese: Minimanual do Guerrilheiro Urbano) is a book written by Brazilian guerrilla fighter Carlos Marighella in June 1969. It consists of advices on how to disrupt and overthrow an authoritarian regime aiming a revolution. The text has been banned in many countries, but remains in printing and bookshelves in several others, including the United States. This book was written to be short and concise. It gives support to transform Brazil into a Socialist coun...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2013-01-07 0,49 €
#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • From the author of Killers of the Flower Moon comes a masterpiece of narrative nonfiction that unravels the greatest exploration mystery of the twentieth century—the story of the legendary British explorer who ventured into the Amazon jungle in search of a fabled civilization and never returned. “Reads with all the pace and excitement of a movie thriller...At once a biography, a detective story and a wonderfully vivid piece of travel writing.” — The ...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2009-02-24 Genre:Geschichte 9,99 €
This is a comprehensive history of Portugal that covers the whole span, from the Stone Age to today. An introduction provides an understanding of geographical and climatic issues, before an examination of Portugal's prehistory and classical Portugal, from the Stone Age to the end of the the Roman era. Portugal's history from ad420 to the thirteenth century takes in the Suevi, Visigoths and Moors. Then, a look at medieval Portugal, covers the development of Christian Portugal culminating with the...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2020-04-02 Genre:Geschichte 3,99 €
Valendo-se de uma ampla reunião de dados estatísticos, Lilia M. Schwarcz examina algumas das raízes do autoritarismo brasileiro, bastante antigas e arraigadas, embora frequentemente mascaradas pela mitologia nacional. Os brasileiros gostam de se crer diversos do que são. Tolerantes, abertos, pacíficos e acolhedores são alguns dos adjetivos que habitam frequentemente a mitologia nacional. Neste livro urgente e necessário, Lilia M. Schwarcz reconstitui a construção dessa narrativa oficial...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2019-05-24 6,49 €
A fascinating persuasive history of how sugar has shaped the world, from European colonies to our modern diets In this eye-opening study, Sidney Mintz shows how Europeans and Americans transformed sugar from a rare foreign luxury to a commonplace necessity of modern life, and how it changed the history of capitalism and industry. He discusses the production and consumption of sugar, and reveals how closely interwoven are sugar's origins as a "slave" crop grown in Europe's tropical colonies with ...
Erscheinungsdatum: 1985-06-12 5,99 €
Brasilien: 500 Jahre komplexe und spannende Kulturgeschichte. Fußball, Copacabana, Karneval, Favelas, Amazonas - was steckt hinter den üblichen Bildern? Die Geschichte Brasiliens ist viel umfassender - von der portugiesischen Kolonialherrschaft bis zur aufstrebenden Großmacht. Der Band liefert erstmals eine umfassende Kulturgeschichte des vielfältigen Landes, das seit 200 Jahren eine Sonderstellung beansprucht. Er hinterfragt offizielle Erzählungen und bietet ungeschönte Einblicke. Sie zei...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2014-03-31 21,99 €
From award-winning historian Hugh Thomas, Cuba: A History is the essential work for understanding one of the most fascinating and controversial countries in the world. Hugh Thomas's acclaimed book explores the whole sweep of Cuban history from the British capture of Havana in 1762 through the years of Spanish and United States domination, down to the twentieth century and the extraordinary revolution of Fidel Castro. Throughout this period of over two hundred years, Hugh Thomas analyses the poli...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2013-03-14 14,99 €
A brilliant look at colonialism and its effects in Antigua--by the author of Annie John "If you go to Antigua as a tourist, this is what you will see. If you come by aeroplane, you will land at the V. C. Bird International Airport. Vere Cornwall (V. C.) Bird is the Prime Minister of Antigua. You may be the sort of tourist who would wonder why a Prime Minister would want an airport named after him--why not a school, why not a hospital, why not some great public monument. You are a tourist and you...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2000-04-28 8,99 €
Mexico is in a state of siege. Since President Felipe Calderon declared a war on drugs in December 2006, more than 38,000 Mexican have been murdered. During the same period, drug money has infused over $130 billion into Mexico's economy, now the country's single largest source of income. Corruption and graft infiltrate all levels of government. Entire towns have become ungovernable, and of every 100 people killed, Mexican police now only investigate approximately five. But the market is booming:...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2011-06-28 16,99 €
On the evening of 30 March, 1982, Commander David Hall, chief engineer of the British nuclear submarine HMS Conqueror received a telephone call giving him the order to 'store for war'. At first he didn't believe it. In the early hours of 2 April, Argentine forces invaded the Falkland Isles. The sinking of the Belgrano was one of the most dramatic moments of the Falklands conflict. For many it signalled Britain's entry into the war and it has been seen as a politically motivated decision delibera...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2009-11-10 Genre:Geschichte 12,99 €
“In this fascinating book, Madeleine Albright weaves together history, personal experiences, and brilliant analysis in exploring how religion can be a force for liberty and tolerance rather than oppression and terror." -- Walter Isaacson, author of The Code Breaker The New York Times bestselling author and former secretary of state Madeleine Albright offers a provocative and very personal look at the role of religion in America’s foreign policy Traditionally, America’s foreign policy profe...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2009-03-17 9,99 €
A Revolução de 1930 conta como a insatisfação popular, a crise econômica, o descontentamento de parte do Exército e uma corrente de notícias falsas formam um cenário propício a grandes mudanças na história. Esse conjunto de fatores foi o que deu origem ao movimento que tirou Washington Luís da presidência da República e abriu espaço para o governo Getúlio Vargas. O escritor e historiador Rodrigo Trespach reúne aqui informações cuidadosamente pesquisadas para mostrar como a che...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2021-05-13 Genre:Geschichte 5,49 €
The past decade has seen major political upheaval in Latin America--from Brazil to Chile to Venezuela to Bolivia--but to understand what happened, ask first where your quinoa and lithium batteries came from... The 21st century began optimistically in Latin America. Left-leaning leaders armed with programs to reduce poverty and reclaim national wealth were seeing results—but as the aughts gave way to the teens, they began to fall like dominos. Where did the dreams of this "pink tide" go? Look n...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2021-08-17 15,99 €
WINNER OF THE PULITZER PRIZE IN HISTORY WINNER OF THE LOS ANGELES TIMES BOOK PRIZE IN HISTORY “Full of…lively insights and lucid prose” ( The Wall Street Journal ) an epic, sweeping history of Cuba and its complex ties to the United States—from before the arrival of Columbus to the present day—written by one of the world’s leading historians of Cuba. In 1961, at the height of the Cold War, the United States severed diplomatic relations with Cuba, where a momentous revolution had take...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2021-09-07 11,99 €
Contundente retrato do Brasil durante a pandemia de gripe espanhola, A bailarina da morte investiga a doença mortal que há um século assombrou a humanidade e revela trágicas semelhanças com a covid-19. No início do século XX, uma doença chegou ao Brasil a bordo de navios vindos da Europa. A gripe espanhola, como ficou conhecida a explosão pandêmica de uma mutação particularmente letal do vírus H1N1, matou dezenas de milhares de pessoas no país e cerca de 50 milhões no mundo inteir...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2020-10-09 5,49 €
A military logistics expert analyzes the detailed coordination employed by the British during the Falklands War in 1982. While many books have been written on the Falklands War, this is the first to focus on the vital aspect of logistics. The challenges were huge: the lack of preparation time, the urgency, the huge distances involved, and the need to requisition ships from trade to name but four. After a brief discussion of events leading to Argentina’s invasion, the book details the rush to r...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2016-08-15 Genre:Geschichte 4,99 €