O papo sobre o universo dos jogos que você não sabia que precisava ouvir!
Data de lançamento: 2023-04-01
Gente eu fiz esse podcast de noite então vc já deve saber
Data de lançamento: 2021-01-06
Welcome to Critical Role, home of a bunch of nerdy-ass voice actors playing tabletop roleplaying games! Enter a world of glorious imagination and improvisation with a group of the finest collaborative storytellers around. Here you’ll find our TTRPG and adjacent shows, including Critical Role, Exandria Unlimited, 4-Sided Dive, and a growing selection of one-shots.
Data de lançamento: 2023-03-30
Rustage hosts Tekking101, Lost Pause, 2Spooky & Briggs in a One Piece themed Dungeons and Dragons campaign. Set in the South Blue a few years after the execution of Gol D. Roger, a rookie pirate crew washes up on the shore of an unknown island.....
Data de lançamento: 2023-03-16
The complete podcast of Sly Flourish, the Lazy Dungeon Master. Building the better D&D dungeon master.
Data de lançamento: 2023-04-03
Diretamente das Masmorras de Brasília um podcast sobre RPG, Jogos, Encontros, e coisas nerds.
Data de lançamento: 2022-12-07
"I listen to the Tavern Chat podcast every morning, sometimes I think its NPR, till the F bomb drops then I remember I am in geek heaven instead!" Enjoy a daily chat with your Old School Gaming Bartender :) Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/tavernchat/support
Data de lançamento: 2021-12-27
The Old School Renaissance (OSR) is overflowing with creative people reexamining classic ideas and inventing new ones. So many people, writing so many wonderful blogs, and so little time to actually read them all. Blogs on Tape endeavors to make the OSR more accessible by recording readings of individual posts. That way you can catch up during your commute, while you exercise, or while you do just about anything else.
Data de lançamento: 2022-11-24
Welcome to Keep off the Borderlands. A podcast documenting my return to table top roleplaying and adventure gaming following a thirty-year hiatus. You can leave me an audio message here or via Speakpipe at https://www.speakpipe.com/KeepOffTheBorderlands Email me at spencer.freethrall@gmail.com You can also follow me on Twitter https://twitter.com/FreeThrall and join the podcast Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/FreeThrall/
Data de lançamento: 2023-03-19
Twice a week (nominally) podcast about tabletop role playing games, exploitation movies, board games, miniature war games, and whatever else attracts my interest. You can leave me a message here on Anchor, US based callers can call my Google Voicemail Box at (540) 445-1145, callers outside the US can use my Speakpipe account https://www.speakpipe.com/NerdsRPGVarietyCast you can send an email to nerdsrpgvarietycast 'at' gmail 'dot' com or find me on a variety of discords including the ...
Data de lançamento: 2023-04-07
Roll to Save is a monthly podcast dedicated to RPGs from yester-year. Episodes will cover the history of old roleplaying games, their backgrounds and their systems, as well as round table discussions where we prattle on about our fondest memories.
Data de lançamento: 2022-11-22
Discussions about the various aspects of making both physical and electronic Table Top RPG products. We talk with artists, writers, editors and game designers about their process, what they do, and how to hire them. We also look at the details of making your products available to your audience, including a look at printing your own products, how to publish on DriveThru RPG, as well as running a KickStarter. Along the way we will ramble about other things of interest or hot topics.
Data de lançamento: 2023-04-01
Did you used to play roleplaying games back in the day, delving dungeons with funny dice in hand? Why’d you stop? Find out how to reclaim your RPG hobby as a working adult. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Data de lançamento: 2023-04-01
Welcome to the Monsters and Treasure podcast where Kevin and Daniel talk way too long about a subject and just give you the best parts. We started this podcast with the idea of talking about D&D, but we also plan on talking books, movies and other media - let us know what you’d like to hear. Daniel @Bandit’s Keep started playing back in 1981 with the B/X set KR @DDHomebrew started with the boxed set and now runs 5E, and specializes in homebrewing campaign settings.
Data de lançamento: 2023-03-30
Welcome to High Rollers, a live-play Dungeons & Dragons podcast! Join Dungeon Master Mark Hulmes and his players as they explore the world of Aerois on Europe's biggest RPG stream! Episodes go live Mondays and Thursdays! Watch live every Sunday at 5pm UK Time on twitch.tv/highrollersdnd or catch up on missed episodes on youtube.com/highrollersdnd!
Data de lançamento: 2023-04-04
1. Incredible DnD podcast - I never comment or rate anything I see or listen, however I really feel a duty to compliment Tom on the amazing job he does on editing this Podcast. I enjoy the way he cuts some parts off, but leaves the jokes and everything else. Also enjoy the fact that the cast members always bother to explain everything to the podcast audience. I understand that is impossible not to compare High Rollers to Critical Role and understand that the proposition of both are different, but High Rollers really care about their podcast audience and that matters a lot. Will not be talking about the content of the DnD story, let's leave it at the fact that I started listening to it on May and am now up to date.
Welcome to The Poker Coaching Podcast, hosted by Two-time WPT Champion and Player of the Year, coach, and 14-time best-selling author Jonathan Little. This podcast is a mix of in-depth strategy content and inspirational life advice, including episodes of Weekly Poker Hand, A Little Coffee, and Little Poker Advice. Connect on twitter @JonathanLittle. Get your free trial membership to PokerCoaching.com today!
Data de lançamento: 2023-03-31
→ RPG Next Podcast (feed contendo todos os podcasts publicados) O RPG Next produz Podcasts de comédia, ação e um pouco de drama das partidas de jogo com o RPG. Também ajudam pessoas carentes com o Guerreiros do Bem. Feed URL - RPG Next Podcast: https://rpgnext.com.br/feed/podcast/ URL de Assinatura no iTunes - RPG Next Podcast: https://itunes.apple.com/br/podcast/rpg-next-posdcast/id992659744?l=en Stitcher Listing URL - RPG Next Podcast: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/rpg-next-p...
Data de lançamento: 2023-04-04
1. Voltei a jogar RPG - Depois de muito tempo acompanhando somente o rpg do jovem nerd, finalmente encontrei um podcast tão bom que me fez voltar a jogar. Atualmente estou mestrando uma mesa de Pathfinder com jogadores!
Obrigado por reacender a chama do rpg no meu coração! Obrigado Rolling Stones e R!
2. Um dos podcasts mais divertidos de RPG - Um bando de aventureiros, explorando essa selva de tanto conteúdos e conseguindo no processo impactar a vida de algumas pessoas. Um Podcast com uma mesa de RPG e uma aventura de D&D que te faz sentir aquelas coisas que só o pessoal mordido pelo bichinho do RPG sabe como é. Dê uma chance a esses aventureiros e descubra quanto pode ser divertido jogar RPG. Enquanto não posso apadrinhar, ficam meus registros e forte recomendações. Fazia tempo que eu não me divertia tanto ouvindo uma história. E aqui tem os trabalhos paralelos, com a explicação de regras e outros programas.
3. Melhor podcast - Acho que nunca opinei e nem fiz avaliação de nada na internet. Mas aqui eu não poderia deixar de fazer.
Um dos melhores podcasts que acompanho. Vale muito a pena. Obrigado pelas diversas horas de diversão e entretenimento.
Belo trabalho, continuem assim e sempre melhorem. Espero que continuem por muito tempo. Abraços.
Voice actor Matthew Mercer leads a group of fellow voice actors on epic Dungeons & Dragons campaigns. These familiar voices bring the audience into the full experience of D&D, allowing imaginations to soar as the characters embark on adventures. This is Critical Role!
Data de lançamento: 2022-01-13
New podcast weblog
Data de lançamento: 2021-12-22
Café com Dungeon é um podcast de RPG diário oferecido pelo canal Regra da Casa
Data de lançamento: 2022-05-08
1. Melhor companhia para um cafezinho - Sou professor de ensino superior, trabalho em outra cidade e sempre acompanho o podcast. As viagens e o cafezinho antes de entrar em sala de aula ficam muito melhores adoçados com esse pó de dados. Ótimos debates, dicas, reviews, humor, algumas pouquíssimas doses de treta (que é sempre bom) e uma abordagem filosófica necessária ao crescimento do hobby enquanto linguagem de/para diversão. Vocês estão de parabéns! O goblin de ouro foi mais do que merecido.
2. Melhor podcast de RPG - O podcast comandado por Balbi é excelente. Em primeiro lugar, porque traz um insight diário. Todo dia um XP novo. Em segundo, porque o ideal rpgístico do podcast é muito valioso, trazendo influências das mais diversas matizes. RPG não é apenas um jogo, que sequer é divertido. RPG é muito mais que isso e Balbi te mostra o porquê. Em terceiro lugar, porque o podcast ainda tem sua dose certa de humor. Recomendo recomendo recomendo.
3. Podcast de RPG inacreditavelmente bom! - É o podcast de RPG mais frequente da HISTÓRIA! Ele sai de segunda a sexta e NUNCA FALTA ASSUNTO! O Balbi e o resto da equipe falam de forma leve e descontraída sobre RPG, apresentam sistemas novos, discutem teoria de RPG, boas práticas para jogadores e mestres, e as vezes só jogam conversa fora. É impressionante, ouço todos os dias e me sinto muito bem por estar na companhia de pessoas que também amam o RPG, esse jogo fantástico.
4. Um trabalho bem feito! - O podcast faz muito bem o que se propõe, trazendo conteúdo e entrevistas muito boas. A captação de alguns dos convidados poderia melhorar, mas nunca é nada que atrapalhe a escuta ou desvalorize a coisa como um todo. O host é muito bem informado e raramente a coisa fica num monólogo, tornando a experiência de escuta muito boa.
5. Sua dose diária de RPG - Cara por recomendação de um amigo comecei a ouvir o café com dungeon bem no comecinho, e não parei de ouvir todos os dias. Me trouxe de volta para o mundo do rpg que eu amo tanto, me fez jogar novamente, aprendi a mestrar e juntei um grupo daora de pessoas pra jogar. Que o café com dugeon viva por eras!
6. Passei a escutar basicamente só vocês todos os dias - Tem uma ou duas semanas que comecei a escutar o podcast do Café com Dungeon e viciei no conteúdo. Todo dia escuto o episódio novo e volto pra escutar os antigos. O objetivo é ouvir tudo, porque sei que tenho o que aprender. Já melhorei meu estilo de narração com as dicas que vocês deram e até resolvi um problema de confiança que tava me travando pra começar a narrar.
Vocês são demais, galera.
7. Simplesmente o melhor! - Fazer um podcast já é uma tarefa árdua. Fazer diariamente é uma tarefa hercúlea. Ao longo de sua jornada o Café com Dungeon se consolida como o maior expoente em áudio para conteúdo de RPG. Comparo o show àquelas assinaturas de jornal, que de forma quase mágica, surgia à sua porta todo dia pela manhã. Assim é o CcD, que já faz parte do nosso cotidiano e o qual esperamos ansiosos para começar bem o dia.
8. Aventura no podcast - Por que não uma aventura narrada exclusiva pros ouvintes do podcast? Poderia ser um dia fixo da semana ou mesmo uma vez por mês, mas seria interessante! Pelo menos pra mim que tenho mais facilidade ouvindo o podcast do que vendo ao vivo ou no YouTube. Apenas uma sugestão! O conteúdo é excelente!
9. CAFEZINHO e RPG no melhor estilo! - Regra da Casa e o Café com Dungeon são tudo o que o RPG e os RPGistas sempre sonharam. Além de todas as nerdices que todos que jogam já conhecem: centenas de jogos, milhares de regras, escritores, cenários, módulos, aventuras, conhecimento geral útil, conhecimento geral inútil, etc, os caras do Regra da Casa tiram o RPG e toda a sua cultura do porão e tacam ela na cara da sociedade da forma mais cool que poderiam. Todos que conhece o RPG ficam sabendo que você não precisam mais ser os estranhões e estranhonas que não sabem se comunicar e que podem ter uma vida social muito positiva. Todos que não sabem o que é o RPG olham essa galera e ficam com a percepção correta do que ela é: um monte de gente legal jogando um puta jogo, trocando idéias, fazendo planos, desenvolvendo projetos e sendo feliz! Parabéns caras, é um orgulho ver vocês crescendo como estão e poder dizer que a gente tá na parceria, mesmo que eu vá ser um eterno fã! Roquenrou e RPG pra geral! \m/
A D&D podcast from Rooster Teeth! Our brave adventurers have answered the call...to be interns for the super hero group, the Infinights! Little do they know that the Infinights are in danger and our hapless interns may be their only hope for salvation. Can the interns save the Infinights AND master a triple shot vanilla almond latte with extra foam?
Data de lançamento: 2023-03-29
1. Awesome and wholesome! - This podcast is great for people who don’t know much about DnD os for experienced players!
I use it as entertainment but it also helps me guide my own campaigns as a DM.
Every episode is a different surprise: sometimes I cry, sometimes I laugh, sometimes both! I Can’t wait for the next season! SmarshIsKing
Welcome to Dragon Talk, the official D&D podcast. Hosts Shelly Mazzanoble and Greg Tito interview guests from the Dungeons & Dragons community on how they got started playing the world’s greatest roleplaying game, what creative endeavors D&D has inspired, and what tips they might have playing characters or weaving stories as the Dungeon Master. Check out Greg and Shelly’s book, Welcome to Dragon Talk, available everywhere now!
Data de lançamento: 2023-04-06
3d6 DTL is a tabletop roleplaying game actual play series, with a focus on the Old School Revival (OSR) of classic Dungeons & Dragons and its simulacra. We have none of the ego-facing, performative aspects, but all of the easy rapport displayed naturally by a group of old friends. Listen to how D&D is actually played!
Data de lançamento: 2023-03-20
We are a daily podcast that talks about Role-Playing games, books, and zines. We get into old school and indy games. We love a lot of what gets classified as OSR and NSR and anything innovative and new in gaming, especially independent creators. We try to talk to an indy creator at least once a week right now and try to talk about at least one zine a week. We play C&C, S&W, Cairn, Naive, AS&SH, Mothership, OSE, Palladium, Year Zero Engine games and much more. Everyone has their slant and we are ...
Data de lançamento: 2023-03-30
A podcast about old school roleplaying games. Typically short commentary on OSR and D&D style games.
Data de lançamento: 2023-03-17
Dicas de RPG, Dicas para Escritores e Cultura Nerd! O Podcast do Tio Nitro - Newton Nitro!
Data de lançamento: 2023-02-07
Random thoughts on RPGs - - - There’s a blog: https://goblinshenchman.wordpress.com RSS feed: https://anchor.fm/s/7d26480/podcast/rss
Data de lançamento: 2023-02-05
The GROGNARD RPG files is a podcast that looks at RPGs from 'back in the day and today'. Each episode concentrates on the original rules of a featured game, our experiences of playing the game, PLUS excellent contributions from @dailydwarf selecting highlights from the halcyon days of White Dwarf magazine.
Data de lançamento: 2023-03-31
An Appendix N literary podcast for players of the Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG. Reviewing classic fantasy and helping to bring it to life at the gaming table.
Data de lançamento: 2023-03-01
Hi! I'm Michael "Chgowiz" and I podcast about my love for running fantasy role playing campaigns using older versions of Dungeons & Dragons! Leave me a voice message and let me know what you think! (312) 625-8281 (US/Canada) or on Anchor: https://anchor.fm/the-dungeon-masters-handbook/message Find episode posts and other D and D content at my blog here: https://chgowiz-games.blogspot.com (Artwork by Mark Allen - http://www.marjasall.com/)
Data de lançamento: 2023-02-18
A podcast about dark & grim tabletop RPGs
Data de lançamento: 2023-02-28
Welcome to Playing It Wrong, the They Might Be Gazebos podcast. about D&D, RPG's and the people who play. Remember: Roll dice. Kill Monsters. Take their stuff. And HAVE FUN! Find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Theymightbegazebos/ Visit the Blog: https://theymightbegazebos.blog/ And you can support the podcast at https://www.patreon.com/theymightbegazebos Or visit our page on Drivethrurpg; https://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse/pub/8395/Magic-Pig-Media Or on Lulu: http://www.lulu.com/spot...
Data de lançamento: 2020-10-18
Welcome to We Speak Common - a podcast network about Dungeons and Dragons. Discover the world of D&D and learn alongside people just like you. Join this community of likeminded people and trade game tales, rules and tips to enjoy D&D even more. Discovery new mechanics and story telling techniques through our 3 core shows Tinker's Toolbox, Table Fables and Legends & Lore, and many other shows along the way. To get involved in the conversation follow us on twitter at @WeSpeakCommon. You can suppo...
Data de lançamento: 2023-03-02
A big pot of old school RPG stew. Cover art photo provided by Mathew Schwartz on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@cadop
Data de lançamento: 2023-03-03
The Halberds & Helmets podcast by Alex Schroeder.
Data de lançamento: 2023-03-24
Hi! I'm Mark CMG Clover, host of The Okay Grognard Show (podcast, videos, and more). I live in beautiful Lake Geneva, the birthplace of D&D, and I'm the Owner/Author/Publisher at Creative Mountain Games. I run regular 1E AD&D games and play lots of other wargames, boardgames, and card games, too! Let's talk games and be positive as we promo our hobby in every way we can. Thanks for being a part of this!
Data de lançamento: 2019-03-21
This is a podcast dedicated to exploring creative forays of the tabletop roleplaying game as a hobby and a craft. I will discuss personal experiences and opinions about the game as well as offer creative insights and experiences related to gameplay, writing, and game mastery; some hijinks and humor are sure to accompany the ramblings.
Data de lançamento: 2023-03-31
Discussion about all things tabletop role-playing, including OSR retroclones like Basic Fantasy and Swords & Wizardry.
Data de lançamento: 2020-04-17
Role playing, D&D, Table top gaming, miniature games, wargames
Data de lançamento: 2023-02-14
We're a general chat and talk crap podcast from a group of 5 British friends who get together every week and put the world to rights, catch up on our lives, talk politics, films, games, current affairs... oh and we play tabletop roleplaying games while we do it! Currently playing the Dungeons & Dragons official published adventure The Curse Of Strahd. You can follow us on: Twitter: @showdnd Facebook: @showdnd Instagram: @diceanddie. Want to chat to us and other fans of the show? Why n...
Data de lançamento: 2021-10-31
On a quest for the perfect RPG session and some decent coffee.
Data de lançamento: 2023-04-01
Web DM are lifelong friends and roleplayers who want to help you make your games the best they can be! Our shows offer advice, interviews, and other fun TTRPG goodness beamed directly into your ears! Want more? We've got another weekly podcast on patreon.com/webdm, videos every week on youtube.com/webdm, and livestreams of our podcasts on twitch.tv/webdm.
Data de lançamento: 2022-07-15
Dragon Mind is a TTRPG discussion podcast where we look through the infinite lenses of TTRPGs to discover our best selves through gaming. Blending elements of personal growth and development, game design, and philosophy, each episode brings a unique lens to creating more fulfilling experiences at the table.
Data de lançamento: 2023-03-31
The Podcast where we roleplay as smart people who pretend to know what we are talking about when it comes to all things tabletop! systems, mechanics, News, Reviews and rants
Data de lançamento: 2023-03-27
A show parsing the finer details of DnD rules. Is that allowed, what about rules as written, when should the rules be replaced or homebrewed. Nothing is off the table as we dive into minute differences and other tribulations.
Data de lançamento: 2023-03-24
Hello Internet! Welcome to GAME THEORY! If you’re like us, then you’ve probably wondered about the secrets hidden in your favorite games. We explore the vast lore of Minecraft, piece together the craziest FNAF conspiracies, and cover the whole world of indie gaming on this channel. Join the ORIGINAL Team Theorist and Level Up by Following our podcast!
Data de lançamento: 2023-04-07
Discussões em podcasts semanais sobre as principais novidades do universo Nintendo.
Data de lançamento: 2023-04-03
Este podcast é o resultado da vontade de 3 amigos (Cristielle, Bruno e Fernando) de conversar sobre um hobby em comum: os boardgames. Feito com todo carinho para aqueles adoradores de jogos de tabuleiro que desejam conhecer um pouco mais, ou ainda mesmo, iniciar a sua jornada por esse mundo maravilhoso da jogatina.
Data de lançamento: 2023-04-08
O Podcast criado para os amantes de RPG Eletrônico. Uma vez ao mês nos reunimos para falar desse grandioso gênero e seus jogos. Nosso objetivo é fomentar a comunidade de RPGs, falando de jogos clássicos, apresentando novos jogos e discutindo assuntos que permeiam o gênero.
Data de lançamento: 2023-03-29
Do you like a good book? Do you like Dungeons & Dragons? Fancy combining them? Us too! Come join Fiona & Hamilton for ‘The DM’s Book Club’: a weekly podcast where we read about some Dungeons and Dragons and discuss how we might include it in our role-playing campaigns!
Data de lançamento: 2023-03-29