O trekking entrou de vez na rota dos viajantes brasileiros, um mundo cheio de possibilidades. Caminhar em meio a natureza é uma válvula de escape para aqueles cuja rotina e realidade tornam a "mochila" pesada. No Sobre Trilhas, Eduardo Pontes, guia de turismo especializado em trekking, irá trazer informações sobre destinos, boas práticas em ambientes naturais e atividades ao ar livre, enfim, tudo para que você fique um pouco mais preparado para realizar suas atividades na natureza, com o ...
Data de lançamento: 2023-02-27
On the Downtime Podcast, we speak to athletes, trainers, mechanics, brands and many others, to take us behind the scenes of the world of downhill and enduro mountain biking, inspire you and give you some hints and tips to help you improve your own MTB riding. Give it a listen and we're confident you'll find something to help you go faster and have more fun on your mountain bike! Don't forget to subscribe, give us a review, and follow us on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter to keep up to date with n...
Data de lançamento: 2023-04-04
Bikes or Death is a podcast centered around the growing sport of bikepacking, adventure cycling, and the outdoors. The show features the amazing people who participate in these activities and contribute so greatly to the cycling community. The Bikes or Death Podcast is dedicated to sharing the stories and experiences of these individuals with the hopes that it inspires others to get outside, get on their bikes, and experience what our natural world has waiting for them. At its heart Bikes or Dea...
Data de lançamento: 2023-04-07
Alex Honnold and co-host Fitz Cahall share stories from the people who define the sport of climbing by pushing the boundaries and challenging the status quo of the previous generation. In season three, we dive deep into the art of risk taking. How do we get better at it? Why do we accept risk we don’t have to take? Can you reconcile your dreams with the reality that they could kill you? Each of us must ask when is the right time to walk away.
Data de lançamento: 2022-12-16
Dave from the Wet Fly Swing Fly Fishing Blog interviews the biggest names in fly fishing and fly tying today. He digs out all of the best fly fishing tips and tricks to help you understand how to choose the right gear, find fish, present the fly, discover new patterns and much more. Find out about new rods, lines, techniques, knots, tying tools and unheard of tips along with great stories about life and the times of some of the most knowledgeable guides, shop owners, and fisherman from around ...
Data de lançamento: 2023-04-06
Welcome to The Waterpeople Podcast, a gathering for our global ocean community to dive into the critical conversations of our culture -- through storytelling. Listen with Lauren L. Hill and Dave Rastovich as they begin each episode with a simple question: “Tell us about a time or experience after which you were never the same…” Sit with some of the most adept waterpeople on the planet to explore common themes of aquatic lives lived well: ecology, adventure, community, activism, science, eg...
Data de lançamento: 2023-02-20
Listen to the best shotgun shooters in the world. From Olympians to World Champions and everything in between. We focus on Sporting Clays, FITASC, Trap Shooting, and Skeet Shooting. Hear from World-class coaches, gun clubs, vendors, Industry-leading companies that fuel the sport, and a lot more!
Data de lançamento: 2023-03-29
What every sporting clay shooter wants to hear! The Dead Pair project is a family oriented, informative and entertaining podcast aimed at providing valuable “real-world” information for both recreational and competitive clay shooters. Our content will benefit all skill levels, featuring discussions from some of the sport’s best shooters and coaches, as well as product and service specialists. Sporting clays, Trap, Skeet, FITASC, AFS, American Field Sporting, COMPAC, Ball Trap, shotgun s...
Data de lançamento: 2023-04-06
The Training For Mountaineering Podcast is created to help mountaineers and alpinists best train, prepare and conquer their mountain adventures. Rowan shares with you the simple and proven training strategies to get you fit, strong and resilient for the mountain. Inside he dives into training, injury prevention, nutrition, mental strength and much much more. So you can have the best chance of a safe, enjoyable and successful adventure!
Data de lançamento: 2020-10-18
Conversas sobre montanhismo e escalada. Entrevistas com personalidades do cenário esportivo brasileiro
Data de lançamento: 2021-06-16
From the Appalachian Trail to the Pacific Crest and everything in between. Backpacker Radio is a show all about the wonderful world that is thru-hiking and long distance backpacking. Co-hosts, Zach "Badger" Davis and Juliana "Chaunce" Chauncey muse on the backpacking life and the latest from the trail every other week. Topics include but are not limited to news, trail culture, interviews, gear, advice, and all you can eat buffets.
Data de lançamento: 2023-03-27
Take your running to the next level with these podcasts designed for graduates of the NHS Couch to 5K programme. Each podcast provides a structured run with music and coaching to develop your running technique, speed and stamina. The Couch to 5K+ podcasts were produced with sports music experts AudioFuel, who specialise in making music to run to. For those who want to build some variety into their routine, another great podcast series to try is NHS Strength and flexibility.
Data de lançamento: 2012-07-31
Aventures entrepreneuriales, exploits sportifs, expériences personnelles marquantes, découvrez les parcours exceptionnels et les enseignements de ces hommes et femmes, ces Frappés, qui inspirent de par leurs capacités à se dépasser, leur résilience et leur détermination ! Rencontrez-les aux côtés de Loïc Blanchard, ancien sportif de haut niveau en judo aujourd’hui athlète d’endurance, coach, préparateur mental et entrepreneur.
Data de lançamento: 2023-04-02
The guys from Fieldcraft Survival host this informative series in survival, tactics, defense, gear, fitness, overlanding, mobility, military, and more. All things preparedness and survival from Fieldcraft Survival.
Data de lançamento: 2023-03-30
Focado em esportes e atividades outdoor e direcionado para qualquer público, o Natrilha é um podcast que compartilha informações, técnicas básicas e avançadas de forma leve e de fácil entendimento para o público praticante e não praticante de atividades esportivas. Também tem experiências, dicas, entrevistas, indicações e entretenimento para seus ouvintes. Assine o Natrilha e faça desse podcast a sua aventura.
Data de lançamento: 2023-03-18
1. Atrasado, porém gostando muitoooooo - Renan e Lúcia parabéns pelo projeto. Bem, estou apenas alguns anos atrasados em relação a curtir o natrilha... kkkk. Confesso que conheço à mídia PCast a mais de anos , mas recentemente estou mais afinco curtindo-a. Sempre gostei dos esporte outdoor e com vocês estou descomplicando o que sempre achei complicado....kkk Ainda estou no episódio , mas correndo para ouvir todos... PS: Acho que vou começar a ouvir um recente é um antigo para poder ouvir o mais rapidamente todos. Abraços, Evandro L. Figueiredo
2. Vem você também pra Trilha! - Se você quer ouvir sobre esportes outdoor, de aventura, escalada e muito mais, o Na Trilha é simplesmente indispensável! O podcast é ótimo, os entrevistados sempre sabem do que estão falando, e o Renan e o Rafael conduzem o papo com as perguntas certas, mas sempre com tranquilidade e bom humor! Mais do que recomendado!
3. Um pouquinho de sanidade na correria - O Na Trilha me lembra que para fora da correria do dia a dia existe algo que te move para fora e te faz olhar para cima e seguir em frente. Parece meio filosófico, mas esse podcast preenche meu coração com um tanto de nostalgia, já que os episódios me fazem lembrar de uma fase mais aventureira, além de me motivar a continuar praticando atividades outdoor, viagens, acampamentos e outras coisas que mantém a minha sanidade, já que o contato com a natureza é realmente uma troca de experiência fantástica.
4. O podcast que faz ate gordo achar que pode - Prometi pra mim mesmo que quando houvesse um episodio sobre motorcicles eu ia avaliar esse pessoal, estou atrasado porque nao sei mexer no iTunes, inclusive n sei se to avaliando no lugar certo.
Acredito que a magica deste podcast e fazer tudo parecer simples e divertido, gracas a ele eu ja sai pulando o muro da minha casa, fazendo trilhas em picos e vales, tentei rafting e acampei no quintal de casa p cozinhar no lampiao de querosene. Gracas a deus n tenho dinhero pra uma moto pq me machuquei fazendo quase td isso!
Parabens pelo trabalho
5. Excelente! - Um podcast sobre esportes e sobre a vida ao ar livre, aborda de maneira acessível temas que despertam a curiosidade na maior parte das pessoas. Garantia de diversão,motivacional, boa interação e convidados sempre pertinentes ao tema, com certeza é algo diferenciado (e com uma qualidade acima da média) que você vai ter orgulho de ter no seu feed.
6. Histórias fabulosas - Renan e Lúcia estão fazendo um excelente trabalho! Esporte, curiosidades e histórias que beiram o surreal! Outra coisa que dou muito valor é na trilha sonora. E vocês estão combinando isso muito bem com os episódios, pelo menos na minha humilde opinião... hehe. Para o alto e avanteeeee !!! ;-)
Hosted by Neely Quinn, The TrainingBeta Podcast is a weekly conversation with rock climbing's best and brightest. Pro rock climbers, climbing trainers, and other insightful members of the climbing community offer their experiences with training for climbing, the best diet for climbing, and their personal stories with climbing. Whether you're a beginner climber or a seasoned pro, you'll learn something new from these conversations.
Data de lançamento: 2023-03-15
Tu es passionné(e) de sport ? Tu es au bon endroit ! 😉 Le podcast Extraterrien est le 1er podcast de sport en français. Nous allons à la rencontre de sportifs inspirants et hors du commun pour leur faire raconter leur histoire et avoir leur conseil. Au travers de chaque interview, tu découvriras un sport, un(e) athlète, une passion, une histoire, et tu ressortiras avec une dose d'inspiration ainsi que des conseils concrets pour améliorer tes performances, tes entrainements ou ta pré...
Data de lançamento: 2023-04-09
Outside’s longstanding literary storytelling tradition comes to life in audio with features that will both entertain and inform listeners. We launched in March 2016 with our first series, Science of Survival, and have since expanded our show and now offer a range of story formats, including reports from our correspondents in the field and interviews with the biggest figures in sports, adventure, and the outdoors.
Data de lançamento: 2023-04-06
1. Excellent story telling - I am an avid podcast listener, with subscriptions to a couple dozen shows. I listen to episodes daily, and have quite a few favorites. I recently heard about Outside on Snap Judgement, or maybe it was Radolab, I can't remember. Anyhow, it was from a show I know and trust, so I took a chance. Wow. I have to say it really surprised me: the technical quality is great, but many podcasts have achieved this. What is surprising is the story telling quality, the narrative and the content. I thought I had somehow been connected to all great stories on the pod-sphere and Outside just proved me wrong. Great to "have" a new show to listen to at this level of honesty, seriousness and quality. I'm going through the archives and downloading everything, enjoying a new episode everyday. I couldn't recommend it more.
Do you want to advance up the levels without sacrificing your horse's welfare and your relationship with him? Do you find it confusing trying to reconcile competitive training techniques with methods that prioritize partnership? Get ready for some fresh insights and a deeper understanding of how to progress with your horse. This podcast invites an evolution in your training and learning experience. Karen Rohlf will give you specific techniques and exercises, ‘outside the box’ concepts, and ...
Data de lançamento: 2023-04-07
The best climbers in the world share their struggles and breakthroughs in Training, Nutrition, Tactics, and Mental Game. Hosted by Ryan Devlin.
Data de lançamento: 2023-03-31
Presented by Matt Barr, Looking Sideways is a podcast about the best stories in skateboarding, snowboarding, surfing, and other related endeavours. lookingsideways.substack.com
Data de lançamento: 2023-03-12
Deep dives on the art of seam'nship. Technical discussions and lessons learned from all aspects of sailing, from leadership & preparation to sail trim, navigation and more. Hosted by professional skippers Andy Schell, Nikki Henderson & August Sandberg. Produced by 59º North Sailing. A podcast about leadership, sailing & seam'nship.
Data de lançamento: 2023-03-17
Um podcast semanal para falar sobre raças de cachorro com quem conhece do assunto. Siga o podcast aqui no Spotify, se inscreva no nosso canal no YouTube e acompanhe no instagram @OAssuntoPod
Data de lançamento: 2020-07-14
Love to talk about sailing? Sailor talk from the Chesapeake Bay from blue collar sailors who love cruising, racing, and telling "And there we were" stories.
Data de lançamento: 2023-03-11
Considered to be one of the books that changed the world and how we view ourselves, On The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin was met with incredulous horror when it was first published in 1859. The revolutionary, almost blasphemous ideas it described were seen as antithetical to the existing ideas of Creation contained in the Bible and other religious texts. It was mocked, reviled and the author was personally subjected to vicious persecution by the establishment and theologians. In the years...
Data de lançamento: 2022-12-29
Ever wondered what life is like as a professional cyclist? Australian ex-professional cyclist Mitch Docker takes you inside the world of Professional Cycling. Bringing you the stories behind the individuals in the sport - from the pros in the peloton to staff behind the teams, to commentators & legends, plus training insights & debriefs on major races throughout the year. It’s all here! Newly retired from the professional peloton, Mitch is exploring his new pelotons - all the pelotons that e...
Data de lançamento: 2023-03-29
With a passion for storytelling, Mill House is more than a fishing podcast. Comprised of in-depth conversations with innovators, legends, and pioneers of the outdoors, we expose untold and compelling stories from industry leaders.
Data de lançamento: 2023-03-13
This is what adventure sounds like. Climb. Ski. Hike. Bike. Paddle. Run. Travel. Whatever your passion, we are all dirtbags. Outdoor writer Fitz Cahall and the Duct Tape Then Beer team present stories about the dreamers, athletes and wanderers.
Data de lançamento: 2023-03-24
This is about cruising Sailing in the Mediterranean but we do venture outside of the Mediterranean as well. The topics intended to be covered are about the cruising lifestyle and cruising sailor. Sailors, dreamers and armchair sailors should enjoy the great stories that are told. We will talk about sailing adventures, sailing tips, sailing gear, chartering and charter bases, local knowledge related to specific geographical areas in the Mediterranean and interviews with fellow sailors.If you hav...
Data de lançamento: 2023-04-01
An outdoor-inspired, seasonal, topic-driven podcast hosted by Thru-Hikers Jennifer Mabus and Dyana Carmella where they interview people way cooler than they'll ever be.
Data de lançamento: 2023-03-29
Long Range Pursuit Podcast, presented by Gunwerks, is the authoritative podcast on all things surrounding the science and techniques of long range hunting and shooting. Aaron Davidson and the Gunwerks crew along with a variety of industry expert guests discuss long range and precision rifle topics from hunting to competition tactics, ballistics, gun setup, gear selection, product design, gunsmithing, bullet performance, and a whole lot more.
Data de lançamento: 2023-03-22
BushCast é o Podcast oficial do grupo Guerreiros Bushcraft e visa trazer temas interessante e relevantes sobre um tema selecionado no meio de Bushcraft, Sobrevivência, Preparação e demais atividades outdoor.
Data de lançamento: 2023-04-01
Host Dave Brinker's life was saved by his passion for the outdoors/hunting, making music, and through his entrepreneurial spirit. Dave brings his diverse background and unique perspective to the Altitude Show via interview style deep dives into the background stories of inspiring people, and provocative discussions about life's greatest challenges. This podcast is for those who crave more adventure, want to innovate their future, simply grow as a human, and push the Altitude of what they are ca...
Data de lançamento: 2023-03-27
What’s it like to hike and live in the backcountry for 5 months? Host and thru-hiker Kyle O’Grady, who has completed every last step of the Appalachian Trail, interviews other thru-hikers, peak-baggers, and backpackers who are almost as crazy as him. Is life on the trail really as glamorous as the social media stars make it out to be? Is pooping in the woods really that big of a deal? Find out these answers and more on Trail Tales.
Data de lançamento: 2023-03-15
How to save some sailing money for your cruising kitty and earn a living while traveling. Interviews and practical strategies from sailors who are enjoying a cruising lifestyle. Teddy J from the Sail Loot website shares sailing stories as well as tips and best practices for web-commuting, online business, and internet marketing. We love chatting about peoples' adventures and learning about how they've been able to pull it off.
Data de lançamento: 2019-04-12
Randulf Valle prater om friluftsliv i ordets videste forstand. Ofte sammen med en gjest eller to. Noen ganger helt alene. Nye episoder kommer normalt på fredager, men kanskje ikke hver eneste fredag... Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Data de lançamento: 2023-03-31
O podcast onde o assunto é bike, não importa qual seja a sua!
Data de lançamento: 2020-06-25
Professional mountain biker Payson McElveen sits down with some of the biggest names in sports and adventure to get an inside look at what sets them apart. With no script, the casual conversations are as diverse as the guests, with topics ranging from harrowing tales of survival, to debates on current events, to everyday tips and tricks and everything in between. As Payson travels the world for his two-wheeled day job, listen in as he rubs shoulders with and learns from some of the most inspirin...
Data de lançamento: 2023-03-26
As a former World Champion and veteran World Cup cross-country ski racer, Kershaw provides an unfiltered look at elite level cross-country ski racing. Tune in after every World Cup weekend.
Data de lançamento: 2023-03-27
Listen to in-depth interviews twice a week with adventure sports enthusiasts from around the globe. You'll hear from athletes, adventurers, explorers, guides, authors, business owners, and many more who live their lives pursuing fulfillment through adventure and the outdoors.
Data de lançamento: 2023-04-04
Building on the belief that a deeper understanding of the natural world enriches all of our lives, host Steven Rinella brings an in-depth and relevant look at all outdoor topics including hunting, fishing, nature, conservation, and wild foods. Filled with humor, irreverence, and things that will surprise the hell out of you, each episode welcomes a diverse group of guests who add their own expertise to the vast world of the outdoors. Part of The MeatEater Podcast Network.
Data de lançamento: 2023-04-05
Mochileros, el podcast de senderismo y aventura, para todos los que disfrutamos de las maravillas de la naturaleza.
Data de lançamento: 2023-04-02
This is the GRITTY podcast where we talk about ALL things GRITTY. Life isn’t fair and a little GRIT can make all the difference.
Data de lançamento: 2023-04-06
They're known by many names; Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Yowie, Yeti, Almas and the list goes on. For centuries, eyewitnesses have reported seeing them in forests all over the world. You might wonder what's it like to have an encounter with a Sasquatch. Well, listen to the show and you'll hear eyewitnesses tell you what it was like for them when they encountered a Sasquatch.
Data de lançamento: 2023-04-08
Tales from the high seas, told week by week. Hosted by Lee Cumberland & Andy Schell. Produced by 59 North, Ltd.
Data de lançamento: 2019-12-03
A LIVE podcast with Austin Paz & Billy O'Neill
Data de lançamento: 2023-03-23
INSIDE THE WORLD OF DUOTONE IS A BRAND NEW AUDIO FORMAT PODCAST SHARING INTERESTING CONVERSATIONS WITH PEOPLE OF THE DUOTONE FAMILY - R&D - The future of Kiteboarding gear! Come have a look into the future and listen to the newest ideas and visions of our R&D team! - The Insiders! Here you'll find interesting conversations with extraordinary people directly or indirectly connected to Duotone Kiteboarding! - The International Team! Serious talks and a bit of chit chat with members of the inter...
Data de lançamento: 2023-03-11
Since 2002 Alpinist has striven to push creative boundaries with everything we do, from award-winning climbing journalism and creative writing to photography and art. Now, with the Alpinist podcast, we aim to extend our conversations with climbers and community members into interviews and oral histories that will entertain and educate our listeners with everything from dramatic and humorous adventure tales to in-depth discussions of the most significant issues in the climbing world today. More a...
Data de lançamento: 2023-03-29
High Definition videos of the underwater world for your computer, iPad, iPhone, iPod, and HDTV! Showcasing some of the best high definition underwater short films being produced today from all over the world. Featuring beautiful images of the underwater world, marine life large and small, interviews with interesting people, and updates on underwater imaging. Produced in association with Wetpixel.com.
Data de lançamento: 2017-08-26
The Orvis Fly Fishing Guide Podcast provides weekly tips from acclaimed fly fishing author and lifelong fly fishing enthusiast, Tom Rosenbauer. Get the most from your time on the water!
Data de lançamento: 2023-03-31