Spinning-off of her beloved Morgan Ranch series, New York Times bestselling author Kate Pearce launches a new contemporary Western romance series about a neighboring ranching family trying to lasso love . . . It might be the pride of hard work on rugged terrain, the welcoming community, or the memories—but wherever the folks of Morgantown may roam, they have a way of coming back to the ranch . . . There’s a reason Jackson Lymond left the Air Force, but he’s not telling a soul...
Data de lançamento: 2019-05-28 R$ 14,90
Penelope Mathews é fascinada por C.C. Tremayne desde a adolescência. Até que uma noite ele bebe demais e parte para o México em busca de confusão. Para impedir que C.C. termine na cadeia, Pepi se casa com ele! Quando o porre passa, o caubói cai na realidade e fica indignado. A última coisa que ele precisa é de uma noiva virgem. C.C. exige anulação imediata! Contudo, quanto mais tempo passam juntos, mais ele percebe que não quer o divórcio… ele deseja Pepi!
Data de lançamento: 2013-12-02 Gênero:Romance R$ 12,90
*Este livro foi publicado pela primeira vez na coleção Projetos Especiais, vol. 3 Irmãos MacKade 3/4 O coração do xerife Devin MacKade sempre batera mais forte quando se tratava de Cassie. Havia doze anos que ele cuidava dela e de seus filhos a distância. Doze anos em que ocupava o lugar do amigo sincero e confiável com quem ela poderia contar nos momentos difíceis. Principalmente quando seu marido virava uma fera e destruía sua beleza e sua alegria de viver. Doze anos de puro infe...
Data de lançamento: 2017-03-26 R$ 12,90
1. Bleh - A impressão que eu tenho é que a autora usa uma receita para todos os seus livros e que ficou repetitivo e sem graça.
Depois de ou livros, todos ficam iguais.
O pior é que o livro tem vários erros de edição, palavras erradas e faltando, parágrafos no meio de frases e erros de gramática.
Rasguei meu dinheiro e perdi meu tempo
Como um perfeito caubói, o rancheiro Mallory Kirk sabe muito bem o que é trabalho árduo. Mas sua nova vaqueira vai conseguir suportar a pressão? Ele tem dúvidas sobre a capacidade física dela, ainda que a delicada jovem demonstre muita disposição. Conforme surgem problemas no presente, vêm à tona manchas do passado, e as esperanças de um Futuro melhor se tornam distantes.
Data de lançamento: 2013-02-01 R$ 12,90
*Este livro foi publicado pela primeira vez na coleção Projetos Especiais, vol. 4 Irmãos MacKade 4/4 Shane MacKade amava as mulheres. Porém, ainda não havia aparecido uma que o fizesse assobiar a marcha nupcial! Até Rebecca Knight se instalar em Antietam com a missão de realizar uma pesquisa histórica sobre a cidade. Apesar de já ter conhecimento acerca do lendário charme dos irmãos MacKade, ela estava muito mais focada em fazer outras descobertas. Por isso, se Shane quisesse atr...
Data de lançamento: 2017-03-21 R$ 12,90
Arabella Craig tinha 18 anos quando Ethan Hardeman abriu o coração dela para a paixão…E depois se casou com outra. Quatro anos depois, uma tragédia o traz de volta à vida de Arabella. Ele continua alto e lindo, porém amargurado após o divórcio. Ethan controla o império de criação de gado da família com mão de ferro e peito aberto. Menos no que se refere a Arabella… A convivência reacende o desejo e a dor que ela ainda sente. Ethan está tão perto, mas, ao mesmo tempo, sua alma...
Data de lançamento: 2013-09-02 Gênero:Romance R$ 14,90
Ela corria perigo, por isso ele lutou para protegê-la. Porém, aquela mulher doce e bela ansiava por muito mais. Sally Johnson sonhava com o abraço forte de Ebenezer Scott e uma vida repleta de amor ao lado dele. Mas se quisesse se tornar sua noiva, Sally antes teria de derrubar todas as barreiras que Ebenezer havia erguido em seu coração.
Data de lançamento: 2013-01-01 R$ 12,90
Filho ilegítimo de um fazendeiro rico, o xerife Slade Barlow foi criado somente pela mãe, sem jamais ser reconhecido pelo pai…Até receber uma notícia inesperada. De uma hora para outra Slade se tornou herdeiro de metade da fazenda Whisper Creek, uma das mais prósperas em Parable, Montana. Mas seu meio-irmão, Hutch, não fica feliz com a novidade. Afinal, ele sempre gozou de todos os privilégios de pertencer à família Carmody, incluindo a afeição de Joslyn Kirk, a mais aclamada Rainh...
Data de lançamento: 2013-01-01 R$ 14,90
Dylan Creed é um verdadeiro talento para domar touros e mulheres, mas quando sua filha é abandonada pela mãe aos seus cuidados, ele se vê totalmente perdido em meio a fraldas, mamadeiras e todas as outras manhas de uma garotinha de 2 anos. Não demora muito para que ele perceba que existe somente um lugar onde poderá criar Bonnie: seu rancho em Montana. Mas só isso não basta! É preciso encontrar uma mãe para sua menina e rápido! Kristy Madison, a bibliotecária da cidade, perde a fala ...
Data de lançamento: 2021-05-19 R$ 12,90
Desde ganhar prêmios como caubói até negociar patrocínios com agentes de Hollywood, Tyler Creed, ex-estrela dos circuitos de rodeio, pode dar conta de qualquer coisa... exceto partilhar um pedaço de terra com seus irmãos cabeças-duras. Mesmo assim, ele vai parar em Stillwater Springs, e, apesar de quase não conversar com Dylan e Logan, ajuda na restauração do rancho e dos laços de família. Lily Kenyon conhece muito bem brigas entre irmãos e segredos do passado. Ela também resolveu ...
Data de lançamento: 2021-06-23 R$ 12,90
Tempo presente : Lissi Drum sonha em ter uma família. Um marido e filhos que a amem e que juntos possam viver em uma bela casa, cercada por flores, em um pequeno bosque. Aquela era a imagem que ela tinha do seu futuro. Enquanto seu marido trabalhava em sua empresa, ela trabalharia em seu salão de cabeleireiro, que poderia ser em sua casa, para que pudesse cuidar dos filhos também. A vida toda dela estava planejada em sua cabeça, mas o que ela não sabe é que tudo isso mudará, quando, um di...
Data de lançamento: 2018-02-20 R$ 14,90
Cowboys Online Series 1. Cowboys para o Natal 2. Cowboys em seu Bolso 3. O Amor de seus Cowboys 4. Cowboys em seu Coração 5. Sempre seus Cowboys Depois de passar dez anos em uma prisão de segurança máxima, JJ recebe uma liberdade condicional inesperada e um trabalho em um rancho canadense servindo jantares deliciosos e muito amor quente para três dos caubóis mais sexy que ela já conheceu. Jennifer Jane "JJ" Watson nunca foi tão feliz. Ela vai ter um bebê! Felizment...
Data de lançamento: 2018-10-28 R$ 8,90
Na sua volta para a fazenda, Laura se deparou com um Miguel frio, arrogante selvagem como os cavalos que ele costuma domar. Muito diferente de quando ela o deixou. Sua vontade era de esmurrá-lo, de bater em seu peito e derrubá-lo no chão. Ele lhe provocava emoções violentas e mais para frente o amor. Mas Miguel é apenas o capataz da fazenda e ela a filha do patrão. Sua resolução e afastá-la dói mais que uma chicotada. Como negar o desejo que a consome como uma chama ardente? A garotin...
Data de lançamento: 2020-01-10 R$ 9,90
New York Times –bestselling author: Colorado winters are rugged and cold, but there’s nothing like a cowboy’s warm kiss to ignite the spirit of the season . . . Originally published in the collection Christmas with My Cowboy Meadow Dawson needs Santa to deliver a solution to her management of the enormous Colorado ranch she’s inherited. YouTube videos just aren’t going to cut it. Too bad she’s not on speaking terms with the one man who can help her out...
Data de lançamento: 2018-09-25 R$ 19,90
1. Booooring - My god! Dal is the most horrible hero I ever met. Not a single good thing to say about him. And Meadow is just so boring and annoying. I have no idea what possessed the authoress to write such bad characters.
Plus: this book needs a good editor to fix the many holes in the story (like calling his cat Jasper and Jarvis), the typos and grammar mistakes. A lot of tell, not enough show. A lot of past scenes retold when it wasn’t necessary. Really not at the Authoress’ peak.
Discover the magic of Melissa Foster’s writing and see why millions of readers have fallen in love with the Bradens. "You can always rely on Melissa Foster to deliver a story that's fresh, emotional and entertaining. Make sure you have all night, because once you start you won't want to stop reading. Every book's a winner!" NYT Bestselling Author Brenda Novak "With her wonderful characters and resonating emotions, Melissa Foster is a must-read author!" New York Times Bestseller Julie Kenner "M...
Data de lançamento: 2013-11-08 R$ 17,90
Michael Crichton, autor da obra que deu origem ao lendário filme Jurassic Park , volta ao campo da paleontologia neste livro recém-descoberto, uma aventura emocionante ambientada no Velho Oeste durante a era de ouro da caça a fósseis. "Um dos melhores romances de Crichton: perfeitamente elaborado, cientificamente instigante, absolutamente fascinante." – Booklist Em 1876, no inóspito cenário do Oeste americano, os famosos paleontólogos e arquirrivais Othniel Marsh e Edwin Cope saqueiam o...
Data de lançamento: 2018-07-13 R$ 24,90
Ferozmente independente, Elizabeth Bowcock – "Doc Liz" como é conhecida por todos- jura educar sua sobrinha órfã, como se fosse sua própria filha. Infelizmente, o avô da criança considera a doutora solteira uma guardiã imprópria e se recusa a entregá-la aos cuidados de Liz, até que ela encontre um marido... Cutter McKenzie, cabelo escuro, olhos ...
Data de lançamento: 2021-01-21 R$ 27,90
Hailey Taylor, campeã de esqui alpino, tem a sua carreira interrompida após sofrer um grave acidente. Por sorte, seus machucados não deixaram sequelas tão pesadas, mas, agora, ela tem de decidir se volta ou não ao circuito profissional. Conhecer Lucas Mills, um ex-soldado, definitivamente, torna tudo mais fácil; a conexão entre eles foi imediata; e tudo ainda melhora quando a ideia dos dois em adicionar uma terceira pessoa à diversão é bem aceita pelo melhor amigo dele, o cowboy Cy Sea...
Data de lançamento: 2020-04-24 R$ 32,90
The New York Times bestselling author of the Marked Men series delivers an "emotional, unforgettable" (Lori Wilde) romance about a rugged Texas sheriff who must protect the woman who was once his sworn enemy... Case Lawton comes from a family of criminals. So as the sheriff of Loveless, Texas, he's determined to do everything by the book--until he's called to Aspen Barlow's office after a so-called break-in. The last thing he wants to do is help the woman who cost him custody of his son. But Asp...
Data de lançamento: 2019-06-25 R$ 32,90
Three-time world champion bull rider Rhett Allen has never been afraid to get his hands dirty. Hard work, sweat, and determination have gotten him where he is today—and that’s holed up in a hospital room, wondering how he let that damn bull buck him off. He’s also wondering why he thought it was a good idea to let his twin brother talk him into returning home to heal. Rhett has a million reasons to come home to Heaven, Texas, and only one reason to stay away. That reason comes in the form ...
Data de lançamento: 2018-03-21 R$ 14,90
Welcome to Heart Falls, where there's more at stake than the future of the Silver Stone ranch. A standalone novel by New York Times bestselling author Vivian Arend. With the ranch teetering on the brink of disaster, accepting an invitation to the gala of the year is a top business priority for Luke Stone . Having a significant other on his arm isn’t merely a good idea, it’s a necessity. Doesn't matter that he’s currently single—there’s a logical solution. Kelli is easy company, a vital...
Data de lançamento: 2018-11-20 R$ 5,90
Discover the magic of New York Times bestseller Melissa Foster's writing, and see why millions of readers have fallen in love with the Bradens. The Bradens are a series of stand-alone romances that may also be enjoyed as part of the larger series. "You can always rely on Melissa Foster to deliver a story that's fresh, emotional and entertaining. Make sure you have all night, because once you start you won't want to stop reading. Every book's a winner!" NYT Bestselling Author Brenda Novak In FRIE...
Data de lançamento: 2013-11-21 Gênero:Romance R$ 17,90
After leaving his hometown seven years ago, Payton hasn’t returned. One heartbreak was enough to turn him off relationships forever. As soon as he arrived at the Circle B Ranch, they treated him like family—something he’s never had—and he met the one woman he shouldn’t want. He’s put her in the friend zone, but after agreeing to her proposition, he can’t hold back anymore. Kaitlyn Bishop is the only woman on the ranch without a husband and kids. A family is all she’s ever wanted,...
Data de lançamento: 2022-08-23 R$ 24,90
Ter um QI tão alto poderia ter ajudado Samantha Smythe a queimar etapas na educação acadêmica e ser uma médica cirurgiã tão jovem. No entanto, isso não lhe rendeu traquejo em convívio social, especialmente em relação aos homens. Ao confundir um paciente num tipo de exame tão delicado, após um turno cansativo, ela torna-se objeto de desejo de não um, mas dois homens que se aplicariam ao máximo a ensiná-la a intensa arte entre corpos sedentos de volúpia. Mac teve seu primeiro cont...
Data de lançamento: 2020-06-01 R$ 32,90
Can two people, perpetually moving in opposites directions, ever end up in the same place? Or will love just keep giving them the runaround? Webb Bryant is intimately acquainted with every type of trouble there is. Trouble s all he's ever known and the only constant in his life. Webb's a man constantly on the move. He's a drifter. A wanderer. He bolts from one bad choice to the next, never able to put enough distance between himself and the ghosts from his past. He lives hard and fast, until eve...
Data de lançamento: 2019-07-02 Gênero:Romance R$ 22,90
Chasing Him is filled with angst, sexual tension, and plenty of forbidden temptation! Let Kennedy Fox take you to the South for a hot, captivating adventure that’ll surely leave your eReader on fire! John Bishop isn’t your typical single dad. Reserved, impatient, and utterly clueless. Running the family’s bed and breakfast has many perks. Working long hours, picking up after the guests, and hearing couples going at it all night long aren’t any of them. Hooking up with girls who com...
Data de lançamento: 2018-06-28 R$ 24,90
Can love help a champion bull rider face his fears and find his future? Welcome to Heart Falls, a new series from New York Times bestselling author Vivian Arend. Ivy Field ’s heart nearly broke when she left Heart Falls, but her high school sweetheart insisted she follow-through on her dream of becoming a teacher. She thought that meant putting their relationship on hold briefly, but it’s taken ten years to return. Now she’s back, no longer a painfully shy young girl but a co...
Data de lançamento: 2018-05-15 R$ 5,90
Welcome to Farraday Country, a heartwarming contemporary romance series set in cattle-ranching west Texas, with all the friends, family and fun that fans have come to expect from USA TODAY Bestselling author Chris Keniston. This collection includes books 1-3 of the series. Adam - On a barren road in the pre-dawn hours, Adam Farraday happens upon a secretive redheaded beauty searching for a disappearing dog. Runaway bride Meg O’Brien is stranded in Tuckers Bluff with no money and nowhere to go....
Data de lançamento: 2017-08-09 Gênero:Romance R$ 5,90
In this second of the sultry, Western-set Coming Home series from New York Times bestselling author Harper Sloan, Quinn Davis might finally have a shot at her own happily-ever-after—but will she let love in, or will she tell it to go ahead and kiss her boots? Quinn Davis prefers to live her life quietly. She’s the stereotypical tomboy with two overprotective big brothers who have always been there to protect her, especially from devilishly handsome cowboys with silver tongues. That is, until...
Data de lançamento: 2017-07-18 R$ 29,90
In Lost Rider , the first Western romance in New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author Harper Sloan’s Coming Home series, an injured rodeo star encounters an old flame but will she be just what he needs to get back in the saddle? Maverick Austin Davis is forced to return home after a ten-year career as a rodeo star. After one too many head injuries, he’s off the circuit and in the horse farming business, something he’s never taken much of a shine to, but now that it’s his late fath...
Data de lançamento: 2017-04-25 R$ 29,90
Discover the magic of New York Times bestseller Melissa Foster's writing, and see why millions of readers have fallen in love with the Bradens. All Braden books can be enjoyed as stand-alone novels or as part of the series "You can always rely on Melissa Foster to deliver a story that's fresh, emotional and entertaining. Make sure you have all night, because once you start you won't want to stop reading. Every book's a winner!" New York Times Bestselling Author Brenda Novak "Melissa ...
Data de lançamento: 2014-04-22 R$ 17,90
Discover the magic of New York Times bestseller Melissa Foster's writing, and see why millions of readers have fallen in love. All Love in Bloom novels are written to stand alone without any unresolved issues or cliffhangers, so dive in and enjoy the fun, sexy ride! "You can always rely on Melissa Foster to deliver a story that's fresh, emotional and entertaining. Make sure you have all night, because once you start you won't want to stop reading. Every book's a winner!" NYT Bestselling Author B...
Data de lançamento: 2014-01-18 Gênero:Romance R$ 34,90
In the first novel of this steamy contemporary Western romance series by two blockbuster authors, a cowboy and a woman on the run take a stand and fight for love. Carlin Reed lives in fear, off the grid, moving from place to place. So Battle Ridge, Wyoming, a small town in the middle of nowhere, seems like a good place to lie low for a while. But after becoming cook and housekeeper to cattle rancher Zeke Decker, Carlin suspects that she’s made her first mistake. Rugged, sexy, and too di...
Data de lançamento: 2012-11-27 Gênero:Romance R$ 34,90
New York Times bestselling author Jodi Thomas takes readers to the Old West, where an emotionally wounded man and woman discover the true nature of love and marriage in the first romance in the Wife Lottery series. Thrown off a wagon train with two other women and trying to avoid jail for a murder they committed, Bailee Moore agrees to enter a “Wife Lottery”—a ploy concocted by the Cedar Point sheriff to secure wives for the men in the small Texas town. For the sensible Bailee, however, ma...
Data de lançamento: 2002-10-29 R$ 10,90
Scorching Romances from Mills & Boon One Night Rancher Maisey Yates It started with one simple favour Now one night together has the promise of more… No one knows tough-as-nails bar owner Cara better than her best friend and rancher Jace. And when Cara needs someone to stay with her at a historic, and possibly haunted, hotel to purchase it, Jace is the man for the job – even when the room has just one bed. A seductive night melts away years of restraint. As the sun rises, can the two sta...
Data de lançamento: 2023-01-05 Gênero:Romance R$ 72,90
From friends to lovers to… having a baby? Maverick is a man who knows his own mind – and he knew from the beginning that a fling with long-time friend Sapphire would be more than just mind-blowing sex. That is, until she says they should go back to being just friends… before announcing she’s pregnant with his child and her father expects her to marry someone else! Nothing will stop Maverick from claiming what’s his… About the author Brenda Jackson is a New York Times bestselling auth...
Data de lançamento: 2022-10-13 Gênero:Romance R$ 22,90
This ranching heir wants it all, including the woman who stands in his way. Alaskan businessman Cash Outlaw has inherited almost all of his late mother’s Wyoming ranch…except the fifty acres left to her former caretaker. But she’ll only sell him the property, if he gives her a baby! Cash’s counteroffer? That the mother of his child will need to also be his wife. Let the intimate negotiations begin… About the author Brenda Jackson is a New York Times bestselling author of more than one ...
Data de lançamento: 2021-03-04 Gênero:Romance R$ 22,90
Kit Lancaster havia voltado há pouco tempo para Cutthroat, Montana, para alavancar sua carreira de organizadora de eventos. Depois de uma vida cheia de dificuldades familiares, ela poderia, finalmente, ver a luz da prosperidade adiante. Mas quando a dona da empresa apareceu morta em casa, Kit se viu perdendo o trabalho e sendo investigada como a principal suspeita. Nix Knight era o verdadeiro cavalheiro em armadura prateada. Detetive da cidade, ele reencontrou o alvo de seus sonhos eróticos do...
Data de lançamento: 2020-03-19 R$ 32,90
From the New York Times bestselling author of the Marked Men series comes an irresistible and suspenseful romance between a doctor who plays by the rules and the outlaw who breaks them in order to protect her. Dr. Presley Baskin has always lived a quiet, calm life. Unfortunately, nothing about her life in Loveless, Texas -- especially not the wild, rowdy, and impossibly close-knit Lawton family who've claimed her -- is quiet or calm. Which is how loner Presley finds herself roped into patching u...
Data de lançamento: 2020-10-27 R$ 32,90
Settling down and starting a family is something Diesel has considered, regardless of his one-night stand reputation. However, he just might be single forever since who he wants is off-limits—his best friend’s little sister. He’s been in love with her for years, but betraying his friendship could ruin everything. Rowan Bishop is over men, especially after finding out her boyfriend cheated and left her heartbroken. After graduating from college, she’s back home and has to face the one guy...
Data de lançamento: 2020-03-24 R$ 24,90
From the New York Times bestselling author of the Marked Men series comes an irresistible and suspenseful romance between a tough Texas Ranger and his first love--a woman in danger who insists she doesn't need his protection. Hill Gamble is a model lawman: cool and collected, with a confident swagger to boot. Too bad all that Texas charm hasn't gotten him anywhere in his personal life, especially since the only girl he ever loved has always been off-limits. But then Hill is assigned to investiga...
Data de lançamento: 2020-02-25 R$ 32,90
Keeping Him is filled with intense chemistry, slow-burn tension, and plenty of angst! Let Kennedy Fox take you to the South for an explosive hot adventure that’ll surely leave your eReaders on fire! Jackson Bishop is your typical playboy. Unpredictable, charming, and overly confident. Growing up in Texas, the ranch life is all he’s ever known. Horses and late night partying are his lifestyles, and all the local girls know it too. Riding lessons aren’t the only things taught at ...
Data de lançamento: 2017-09-18 R$ 24,90
Needing Him is a full-length 100k+ words standalone novel that's filled with hilarious banter, forbidden office relations, and plenty of enemies-to-lovers drama! Let Kennedy Fox take you to the south for a fun, steamy adventure that'll surely leave your eReader on fire! Evan Bishop is your typical hotshot doctor. H*****s, brooding, and all business. Instead of working on the family ranch, Evan broke the mold and became an ER doctor. He’s good with his hands—in more wa...
Data de lançamento: 2018-04-18 R$ 24,90
Drew Paresky runs smack into a large cowboy at the hardware store where she's buying supplies in her desperate attempt to restore the most derelict B&B in the world. To her surprise, the cowboy, Ray Malory, apologizes and helps her haul the stuff home. Drew isn't from Riverbend–at least, she's never been there, even if her grandfather owned the B&B he left her in his will. If she doesn't fix up the place and turn it around within the year, she'll lose not only the land but the mon...
Data de lançamento: 2019-08-06 R$ 17,90
Kyle Malory, champion bull rider, falls on his butt in the ring, to be pulled to his feet by a rodeo clown with a beautiful face. He recognizes Anna Lawler, the local vet, who has moved back to Riverbend to take over the large-animal practice. Kyle has witnessed huge bulls and mean cowboys back down from the petite young woman. Kyle's fall injures him enough to take him out of the season. The only fun he has while convalescing is calling Anna to come an look after the animals–any animal–on t...
Data de lançamento: 2019-05-09 R$ 17,90
A swoon-worthy romance from USA Today Bestselling Author J.H. Croix! A hotshot firefighter & a heroine who favors overalls to lipstick battle wills in this frenemies to lovers romance. Levi Where there’s smoke there’s fire, and hate can always turn into love. Lucy hates me. She especially hates how much I want her. And holy smokes do I want her. But she can’t be bothered to even give me the time of day. I should give up the chase, but I can’t. It’s more than a spark between us. It...
Data de lançamento: 2018-01-18 Gênero:Romance R$ 24,90
Megan Harrison is the owner of Kinky Spurs. She’s mortgaged up to her eyeballs and works long days and nights, but she’s living life on her terms, not on her wealthy father’s. She’s done being in the cattle rancher’s shadow. She’s got it all figured out, except for the part that involves Nash Blackshaw. He’s a sexy as hell cowboy whose smile can easily charm her out of her tight jeans. The only problem is—their fathers were business rivals, and Megan and Nash have been taught to ...
Data de lançamento: 2019-02-05 R$ 22,90
Forbidden love… As she heads west to join her cavalry officer father at his Kansas outpost, Kristina Bogard eagerly anticipates new adventures—and her first glimpse of wild Indians. She has long dreamed of flashing black eyes, skin-covered lodges and buckskin and leather. What she finds in Fort Leavenworth, though, is a far cry from her Indian nanny’s thrilling stories. What few natives are left are crushed, brokenhearted shadows of their proud past. Except for one, a handsome warrior who ...
Data de lançamento: 1994-11-01 R$ 19,90
Tyler Campbell is rescued from having his butt handed to him by Jessica, a courageous biker bartender with gorgeous ink. Jess is a single mom, her life taken up by raising a son and keeping away from her ex. Tyler is the first man who's truly looked at her in a long, long time, the first to make her remember what passion is. Though she recognizes that Tyler's a playboy, she sees something else in him, a pain he's kept hidden from all, even his close-knit family. Jessica do...
Data de lançamento: 2017-04-19 R$ 17,90
Five years ago, Judd Dunn, a hard-edged Texas Ranger, put Christabel Gaines's father behind bars–where he belonged. But Judd's involvement in Crissy's life was far from over. With their jointly owned ranch on the verge of bankruptcy, Judd wed her in name only, promising to save their land and vowing to ignore the sexual tension between them. Now, just when Judd decides to release Crissy from their sham of a marriage, he is blindsided by a bloodthirsty foe who is setting the stage for unspeakab...
Data de lançamento: 2014-05-01 Gênero:Romance R$ 22,90