<p><b>Autor do best-seller <i>As Cruzadas vistas pelos árabes</i> revisita o século XX e demonstra, neste livro altamente oportuno, como as civilizações se lançaram à deriva e se encontram, agora, diante de um iminente naufrágio.</b></p><p>Os Estados Unidos, embora continuem sendo a única superpotência, estão perdendo toda a auto...
Data de lançamento: 2020-07-29 R$ 47,90
As rotas da seda "O coração que mudou a história do mundo", diz Peter Frankopan, pesquisador da Universidade de Oxford e um dos maiores expoentes da historiografia contemporânea, "está nas terras da Eurásia por onde passava a Rota da Seda". Foi naquela região, composta pelos continentes europeu e asiático, que surgiram os grandes impérios da antiguidade e as grandes religiões de alcance universal. Lá se desenvolveram as maiores batalhas da história: das cruzadas às conquistas de Ale...
Data de lançamento: 2019-11-14 R$ 109,90
A Questão Social e Política no Brasil - 1919 Com a morte de Rodrigues Alves, que deveria assumir a Presidência em novembro de 1918, novas eleições são convocadas. A grande imprensa indica o nome de Ruy Barbosa e Nilo Peçanha tenta articular o apoio dos partidos ao candidato. Mas, defendendo intransigentemente a revisão constitucional como ponto fundamental de seu programa, Rui desagrada as principais lideranças políticas, que irão reunir-se em torno de Epitácio Pessoa. Diante desse q...
Data de lançamento: 2020-07-30 R$ 1,90
Não há mercado tão rentável quanto o da cocaína. Nem investimento financeiro de retorno mais rápido. A partir dessa constatação aterradora, Roberto Saviano mapeia o tráfico internacional da droga, mostra quem são seus personagens e revela suas conexões com a economia formal e o mercado financeiro. Zero Zero Zero é a mais fina, pura e cara farinha de trigo, bem como a gíria pela qual os traficantes europeus se referem à cocaína de melhor qualidade. Em seu livro mais recente, Robert...
Data de lançamento: 2014-09-18 R$ 37,90
Trinta anos depois da publicação do célebre artigo em que cunhou o conceito de presidencialismo de coalizão, Sérgio Abranches realiza um agudo balanço da história republicana ao revisitar suas crises para entender os processos que encurtaram governos federais e abalaram a estabilidade institucional. Em Presidencialismo de coalizão, o sociólogo Sérgio Abranches radiografa as entranhas da política na ainda frágil democracia brasileira, formulando soluções renovadoras para a correçã...
Data de lançamento: 2018-09-14 R$ 39,90
Com grande fôlego narrativo e acesso a amplo repertório de fontes inéditas, Fabio Victor reconstitui a atuação política dos militares desde a reabertura democrática até o Brasil de Bolsonaro. As eleições de 2018 assistiram a uma crescente onda fardada: quase mil candidatos de diferentes patentes se lançaram ao pleito eleitoral, e 73 deles se elegeram aos parlamentos nacionais e estaduais. Desde então, graças à aliança entre o chefe do Executivo e representantes do Exército, da Ma...
Data de lançamento: 2022-10-26 R$ 44,90
A nova edição de um clássico contemporâneo, que se mostra atual como nunca O mundo vem passando por uma série de transformações cada vez mais vertiginosas e relevantes. Potências hegemônicas como os Estados Unidos têm de lidar, cada vez mais, com limitações em sua atuação, e as grandes companhias agora enfrentam a crescente ameaça dos pequenos empreendimentos. O poder, na política, nos negócios e até mesmo nos campos de batalha, está se tornando mais fragmentado e mais difíci...
Data de lançamento: 2019-08-16 R$ 39,90
De modo franco, transparente e incisivo, Kishore Mahbubani esclarece os riscos e erros estratégicos da disputa China-Estados Unidos Com sólida carreira acadêmica e diplomática, Kishore Mahbubani avalia os dois lados do embate e mostra como a China tem pensado em escala global, lançando iniciativas ambiciosas junto aos líderes mais pragmáticos e competentes do mundo. A sociedade chinesa, repleta de inovação e dinamismo, recuperou sua confiança cultural. Enquanto isso, os Estados Unidos ...
Data de lançamento: 2021-07-21 R$ 37,90
História social e literária, antropologia urbana, crítica cultural, análise política: o historiador atravessa todos esses campos para reconstruir de forma original, a partir do imaginário e do cotidiano político nacional, os impasses de uma República que nascia. 1888: Abolição do trabalho escravo. 1889: Proclamação da República. Neste livro, José Murilo de Carvalho convida-nos a revisitar o Rio de Janeiro em suas primeiras encenações como Capital Federal. Cidade Maravilhosa, se a...
Data de lançamento: 2019-02-05 R$ 37,90
Oliver Stone realizou uma série de entrevistas com o presidente russo Vladimir Putin, que vieram a se tornar o documentário The Putin Interviews. Neste livro, o leitor terá a oportunidade inédita de saber um pouco mais sobre o homem por trás do cargo de presidente, sobre suas responsabilidades, suas preocupações — das mais banais até aquelas que têm impacto na vida de milhares de cidadãos ao redor do planeta —, suas relações familiares, seu passado como agente da KGB e mesmo suas...
Data de lançamento: 2017-11-10 R$ 42,90
The defining geopolitical contest of the twenty-first century is between China and the US. But is it avoidable? And if it happens, is the outcome already inevitable? China and America are world powers without serious rivals. They eye each other warily across the Pacific; they communicate poorly; there seems little natural empathy. A massive geopolitical contest has begun. America prizes freedom; China values freedom from chaos.America values strategic decisiveness; China values patience.America ...
Data de lançamento: 2020-03-31 R$ 62,90
From the bestselling author of The Silk Roads comes an updated, timely, and visionary book about the dramatic and profound changes our world is undergoing right now—as seen from the perspective of the rising powers of the East. "All roads used to lead to Rome. Today they lead to Beijing." So argues Peter Frankopan in this revelatory new book. In the age of Brexit and Trump, the West is buffeted by the tides of isolationism and fragmentation. Yet to the East, this is a moment of opt...
Data de lançamento: 2019-03-26 R$ 59,90
An extraordinary behind-the-scenes portrait of the court of Vladimir Putin, the oligarchs that surround it, and the many moods of modern Russia that reads like a "real House of Cards "(Lev Lurie). All the Kremlin's Men is a gripping narrative of an accidental king and a court out of control. Based on an unprecedented series of interviews with Vladimir Putin's inner circle, this book presents a radically different view of power and politics in Russia. The image of Putin as a strongman is dissolve...
Data de lançamento: 2016-09-06 R$ 62,90
In 1957, Ryszard Kapuscinski arrived in Africa to witness the beginning of the end of colonial rule as the first African correspondent of Poland's state newspaper. From the early days of independence in Ghana to the ongoing ethnic genocide in Rwanda, Kapuscinski has crisscrossed vast distances pursuing the swift, and often violent, events that followed liberation. Kapuscinski hitchhikes with caravans, wanders the Sahara with nomads, and lives in the poverty-stricken slums of Nigeria. He wrestles...
Data de lançamento: 2001-04-17 R$ 47,90
An urgent analysis of the battle between Russia and the West and an exposé of Putin’s Russia, by a former Kremlin insider. "I'm a fairly calm fellow; I don't usually get wound up about things. But I was, let's say, concerned when I tuned into the Moscow Echo radio station and heard that the Kremlin had put a price on my head. The announcement didn't quite say 'dead or alive'. But it came close..." —Mikhail Khodorkovsky, March 2021 Mikhail Khodorkovsky has seen behind the mask of Vladimir Pu...
Data de lançamento: 2022-10-04 R$ 82,90
Where is the line between digital utopia and digital police state? Surveillance State tells the gripping, startling, and detailed story of how China’s Communist Party is building a new kind of political control: shaping the will of the people through the sophisticated—and often brutal—harnessing of data. It is a story born in Silicon Valley and America’s “War on Terror,” and now playing out in alarming ways on China’s remote Central Asian frontier. As ethnic minorities in a border ...
Data de lançamento: 2022-09-06 R$ 82,90
Michel Temer e o fascismo comum, completa a trilogia em que o autor e psicanalista de Tales Ab'Sáber descreve os possíveis processos psíquicos que deram sustentação aos três últimos presidentes, Lula, Dilma e Temer, compondo assim uma análise da política brasileira sob um ponto de vista inovador.Nas palavras do autor "Temer faz parte da estirpe dos homens medíocres do poder brasileiros. Nada nele é especial, fascinante ou criativo. Nada nele nunca surpreende, brilha ou dá esp...
Data de lançamento: 2018-08-21 R$ 22,90
The Strange Death of Europe is the internationally bestselling account of a continent and a culture caught in the act of suicide, now updated with new material taking in developments since it was first published to huge acclaim. These include rapid changes in the dynamics of global politics, world leadership and terror attacks across Europe. Douglas Murray travels across Europe to examine first-hand how mass immigration, cultivated self-distrust and delusion have contributed to a continent in th...
Data de lançamento: 2018-06-14 R$ 54,90
From the former New York Times Asia correspondent and author of China's Second Continent, an incisive investigation of China's ideological development as it becomes an ever more aggressive player in regional and global diplomacy. For many years after its reform and opening in 1978, China maintained an attitude of false modesty about its ambitions. That role, reports Howard French, has been set aside. China has asserted its place among the global heavyweights, revealing its plans for pan-Asian do...
Data de lançamento: 2017-03-14 R$ 54,90
Cartazes, bandeiras, balas de borracha, máscaras e vinagre servem de matéria-prima para os trabalhos reunidos neste livro. O engajamento nos protestos que tomaram as ruas do país em junho de 2013 se combina aqui, no entanto, com um esforço de reflexão abrangente, que faz da mobilização popular um ponto de partida para repensar a constituição da sociedade brasileira, seus atuais rumos e dilemas. Feitas a quente, essas análises dispensam o fechamento das explicações definitivas em favo...
Data de lançamento: 2014-12-01 R$ 29,90
Padraig O'Malley is the subject of the new acclaimed documentary The Peacemaker “A thoughtful autopsy of the failed two-state paradigm . . . Evenhanded, diplomatic, mutually respectful, and enormously useful.” — Kirkus, starred review Disputes over settlements, the right of return, the rise of Hamas, recognition of Israel as a Jewish state, and other intractable issues have repeatedly derailed peace negotiations between Israel and Palestine. Now, in a book that is sure to spark contr...
Data de lançamento: 2015-07-28 R$ 29,90
Wilhelm Liebknecht, (born March 29, 1826, Giessen, Hesse [Germany]—died Aug. 7, 1900, Berlin), German socialist, close associate of Karl Marx, and later cofounder of the German Social Democratic Party. In this brief but fascinating account, Liebknecht relates his involvement with Karl Marx, mainly during his exile in England.
Data de lançamento: 2022-06-14 R$ 0,90
This book is a study of Melchizedek, which will give you every information about Melchizedek, especially about his order. Through this book, we will see who the ten Melchizedekian priests were, and how the order was broken up into three parts until the Messiah would come to earth to reinstate the order in its fullness. Most importantly, we will see how that reinstatement affects Christian theology and practical applications to our Christian walk today. This book also shows the difference between...
Data de lançamento: 2022-01-18 R$ 27,90
El sociólogo y periodista Pedro Brieger advierte que el libro no es sobre Medio Oriente en general, sino sobre el enfrentamiento palestino-israelí en particular. En este punto, lo principal en la región es saber si ambos pueblos pueden convivir en paz más allá de una serie de problemas que existen en el mundo árabe e islámico que los involucra de manera directa. La historia de israelíes y palestinos tiene una complejidad creciente y este libro es una oportunidad para intentar comprenderl...
Data de lançamento: 2020-01-08 R$ 42,90
O México entra na onda progressista em um momento em que o resto do continente vive a sua ressaca. Como explicar esta contradança, em que o México parece ir para a esquerda, quando a maior parte da América do Sul vai para a direita? Este livro é expressão de um processo coletivo: ao longo de 2018, um grupo de estudantes e professores de distintas universidades de São Paulo se reuniu para discutir o México. Foi a quinta edição do programa de extensão universitária "Realidade Latin...
Data de lançamento: 2019-09-01 R$ 42,90
"Ed Husain has become one of the most vital Muslim voices in the world. The House of Islam could very well be his magnum opus." -Reza Aslan, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Zealot "This should be compulsory reading." -Peter Frankopan, author of the international bestseller The Silk Roads Today, Islam is to many in the West an alien force, with Muslims held in suspicion. Failure to grasp the inner workings of religion and geopolitics has haunted American foreign policy for...
Data de lançamento: 2018-06-19 R$ 112,90
The untold story of how restrictive policies are preventing China from becoming the world’s largest economy Dexter Roberts lived in Beijing for two decades working as a reporter on economics, business and politics for Bloomberg Businessweek . In The Myth of Chinese Capitalism , Roberts explores the reality behind today’s financially-ascendant China and pulls the curtain back on how the Chinese manufacturing machine is actually powered. He focuses on two places: the village of Binghuacun in t...
Data de lançamento: 2020-03-10 R$ 82,90
WITH SUBSTANTIAL MATERIAL NOT INCLUDED IN THE DOCUMENTARY Academy Award winner Oliver Stone was able to secure what journalists, news organizations, and even other world leaders have long coveted: extended, unprecedented access to Russian President Vladimir Putin. The Putin Interviews are culled from more than a dozen interviews with Putin over a two-year span—never before has the Russian leader spoken in such depth or at such length with a Western interviewer. No topics are off limits in the ...
Data de lançamento: 2017-06-16 R$ 67,90
Historical Facts: IPOB – Indigenous People of Biafra- Population world-wide – 80 million plus Popular proverb – Egbe bere Ugo bere nke si ibeya eberena nku kwaaya (live and let live; if you refuse others to live, may your life be taken) Land Mass – 29,848 square miles (77,310 km 2 ) of land, with terrestrial borders shared with Nigeria to the north and west, and with Cameroon to the east. Location – Eastern and Southeastern Nigeria, which is inhabited primarily by the Igbo, is the most...
Data de lançamento: 2018-11-18 R$ 39,90
A seminal introduction to the rise of Central Asia following the collapse of Tsarist Russia, this book has been out of print for two decades and is now more relevent than ever. The Resurgence of Central Asia is Ahmed Rashid’s seminal study of the states that emerged in the aftermath of the breakup of the Soviet Union: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. All have Muslim majorities and ancient histories but are otherwise very different. Rashid’s book, now with a n...
Data de lançamento: 2017-08-29 R$ 64,90
Ce travail est une histoire du « chavisme » et constitue une lecture sociale, anthropologique et politique des vingt-cinq dernières années de l’histoire vénézuélienne. Ce livre examine la nature politique du régime qui gouverne le Venezuela depuis 1998. S’agit-il d’une démocratie ? En effet, ce régime néo populiste est souvent évoqué comme réfèrent pour les projets politiques alternatifs à la démocratie libérale et au néolibéralisme. Les analyses contenues dans ce livre...
Data de lançamento: 2017-03-02 R$ 37,90
This is a Summary of Simon Sebag Montefiore’s The Romanovs 1613 - 1918 The Romanovs were the most successful dynasty of modern times, ruling a sixth of the world’s surface for three centuries. How did one family turn a war-ruined principality into the world’s greatest empire? And how did they lose it all? This is the intimate story of twenty tsars and tsarinas, some touched by genius, some by madness, but all inspired by holy autocracy and imperial ambition. Simon Sebag Montefiore’s grip...
Data de lançamento: 2016-08-06 R$ 22,90
" Wake Up America is a HUGE book. It will help to Make America Great Again." --Donald J. Trump The Instant New York Times Bestseller, by President-elect Donald Trump's National Security Adviser. A war is being waged against us by radical Islamists, and, as current events demonstrate, they are only getting stronger. Al-Qaeda has morphed into a much more dangerous, menacing threat: ISIS. Lt. General Michael T. Flynn is blunt and urgent. This book aims to inform the American people of the grave dan...
Data de lançamento: 2016-07-12 Gênero:Política e atualidades R$ 67,90
August 21, 2013: a chemical weapons attack on the suburbs of Damascus reminds the world of the existence of the Syrian war. Hundreds of journalists from every corner of the world rush to the frontier only to leave disappointed when Obama decides not to bomb. They leave behind 200,000 estimated victims, and more than half of a population of 22 million people dispersed or refugeed in nearby countries: the worst humanitarian crisis since WWII according to the UN. Francesca Borri is one of them. But...
Data de lançamento: 2016-04-19 R$ 69,90
A transporting, good-humored, and revealing account of Greece’s dire troubles, reported from the mountain villages, idyllic islands, and hardscrabble streets that define the country today In recent years, small Greece, often associated with ancient philosophers and marble ruins, whitewashed villages and cerulean seas, has been at the center of a debt crisis that has sown economic and social ruin, spurred panic in international markets, and tested Europe’s decades-old project of forging a clo...
Data de lançamento: 2015-06-02 R$ 27,90
A landmark manifesto issuing a bold call for a one-state solution to the Israeli-Palestine conflict. The reigning consensus in elite and academic circles is that the United States must seek to resolve the Palestinians' conflict with Israel by implementing the so-called two-state solution. Establishing a Palestinian state, so the thinking goes, would be a panacea for all the region’s ills. In a time of partisan gridlock, the two-state solution stands out for its ability to attract s...
Data de lançamento: 2014-03-04 R$ 59,90
Drawing from Hoover Institution archival documents, Paul Gregory sheds light on how the world's first socialist state went terribly wrong and why it was likely to veer off course through the tragic story of Stalin's most prominent victims: Pravda editor Nikolai Bukharin and his wife, Anna Larina.
Data de lançamento: 2013-09-01 R$ 5,90
This important report from the American National Intelligence Council (NIC) was released in December 2012. Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds is the fifth installment in the National Intelligence Council's series aimed at providing a framework for thinking about the future. This report is intended to stimulate thinking about the rapid and vast geopolitical changes characterizing the world today and possible global trajectories during the next 15-20 years. As with the NIC's previous Global Tr...
Data de lançamento: 2012-12-11 R$ 47,90
Una selección de las mejores columnas del autor en el diario La Nación sobre el gobierno de los Kirchner. Cada una de sus columnas fue una crónica a la vez que un análisis lúcido acerca del proceso político que permitió transformar a un hombre votado por apenas el 22% de los argentinos en un fenómeno de concentración de poder pocas veces visto en la breve historia democrática argentina. Pero más allá de la crónica y el análisis, Morales Solá supo ver -para enojo del matrimonio Kir...
Data de lançamento: 2012-07-01 R$ 32,90
Featuring a large collection of up-to-date official documents and publications on the Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST), also known as the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), this unique ebook provides valuable information as the treaty is considered for ratification by the United States Senate in the coming months. The treaty text, analysis, and discussion as transmitted to the Senate is included, along with supporting documents, statements by government officials, and testimony by Obama...
Data de lançamento: 2012-05-24 R$ 57,90
The story of global cooperation between nations and peoples is a tale of dreamers goading us to find common cause in remedying humanity’s worst problems. But international institutions have also provided a tool for the powers that be to advance their own interests and stamp their imprint on the world. Mark Mazower’s Governing the World tells the epic story of that inevitable and irresolvable tension—the unstable and often surprising alchemy between ideas and power. From the beg...
Data de lançamento: 2012-09-13 R$ 52,90
Comprehensive and unique information with professional analysis of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) politics and history, economic, social, military, and national security systems and institutions, written by the experts at the Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress. This Country Study and Country Profile is an exceptional review of the UAE, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, and the members of the Emirates. Books in the Country Studies series describe and analyze "political, economic, social, and na...
Data de lançamento: 2011-02-11 R$ 44,90
From the New York Times bestselling author of The Romanovs —and one of our pre-eminent historians—comes “a meticulously researched, authoritative biography” ( The New York Times ), the companion volume to the prize-winning Stalin , and essential reading for anyone interested in Russian history. This revelatory account unveils how Stalin became Stalin, examining his shadowy journey from obscurity to power—from master historian Simon Sebag Montefiore. Based on ten years of r...
Data de lançamento: 2007-10-16 R$ 64,90
Comprehensive and unique information with professional analysis of Turkey - its politics and history, economic, social, military, and national security systems and institutions, written by the experts at the Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress. This Country Study and Country Profile is an exceptional review of Turkey and related issues, Istanbul, Ataturk, Islamists, and the Armenian Genocide. Books in the Country Studies series describe and analyze "political, economic, social, ...
Data de lançamento: 2011-02-10 R$ 44,90
Comprehensive and unique information with professional analysis of Oman politics and history, economic, social, military, and national security systems and institutions, written by the experts at the Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress. This Country Study is an exceptional review of Oman and its history. Books in the Country Studies series describe and analyze "political, economic, social, and national security systems and institutions, and examin[e] the interrelationships of th...
Data de lançamento: 2011-02-08 R$ 44,90
Comprehensive, unique, and up-to-date information and professional analysis of North Korean political, economic, social, military, and national security systems and institutions, written by the experts at the Federal Research Division.
Data de lançamento: 2010-12-03 R$ 57,90
An incomparable public servant and internationalist offers a new vision for international cooperation. In The Unfinished Global Revolution , former United Nations deputy secretary general Mark Malloch- Brown diagnoses the central global predicament of the twenty-first century-as we have become more integrated, we have also become less governed. National governments are no longer equipped to address complex global issues, from climate change to poverty, and international organizations have not ye...
Data de lançamento: 2011-02-17 R$ 59,90
A leading expert explains why we fail to understand Iran and offers a new strategy for redefining this crucial relationship For more than a quarter of a century, few countries have been as resistant to American influence or understanding as Iran. The United States and Iran have long eyed each other with suspicion, all too eager to jump to conclusions and slam the door. What gets lost along the way is a sense of what is actually happening inside Iran and why it matters. With a new hard-line Irani...
Data de lançamento: 2006-10-03 R$ 67,90