Quando o livro dos espíritos chegou pelas mãos de Allan Kardec, ele veio de diversas partes, escrito por diversos médiuns, em diversos lugares, cidades, continentes e países... Ele assustou naquela época. Em Barcelona foi realizado um Auto de fé, que foi uma expressão notabilizada por Allan Kardec para se referir à queima, em praça pública, de trezentos livros espíritas, realizada no dia 9 de outubro de 1861, O livro dos Espíritos foi um dos livros que foi queimado em praça pública...
Data de lançamento: 2018-08-01 R$ 24,90
O homem eterno é a resposta a uma obra de H. G. Wells sobre a origem do mundo. Chesterton ilustra de forma ambiciosa a jornada espiritual da humanidade, principalmente da civilização ocidental, e as principais transformações após se tornar cristã. Este clássico da literatura cristã impactou profundamente o autor C. S. Lewis, foi decisivo para sua conversão e influenciou suas obras.
Data de lançamento: 2021-03-05 R$ 14,90
Have you ever thought about praying for your future husband? Will it make a difference? There's only one way to find out… From when we were small girls, most of us dream of “The One,” our future husband. We think about what it would be like to be a bride. We wonder who that special guy is and when we'll find him. The great news is that what you do now can make a difference in your life and the life of your future husband! Authors and good friends Robin Jones Gunn (Christy Mil...
Data de lançamento: 2011-05-03 R$ 47,90
Seguir em frente é uma tomada de decisão que não significa que superamos o que passou e sim que estamos mais fortes. Abrir mão de algumas coisas para prosseguir é fundamental e isso depende exclusivamente de nós e de mais ninguém. Existem situações ou pessoas que marcam as nossas vidas, mas nada pode nos impedir de avançar. Essas marcas estão ai como experiências, como aprendizados que carregamos por toda vida e que simplesmente estão dentro de nós. Através desta obra construída ...
Data de lançamento: 2019-07-22 R$ 22,90
A história da Bíblia é uma obra bem escrita, extremamente interessante para quem não conhece o Cristianismo. Nas palavras de Hendrik Willem van Loon, o autor, talvez haja histórias mais interessantes que a de Jesus, mas eu nunca li nenhuma. Por isso fiz para vocês um relato muito simples da vida de Jesus tal como o vejo, sem uma só palavra a mais ou a menos. Pois esse é, estou certo, o modo como Ele gostaria que eu a contasse
Data de lançamento: 2020-01-19 R$ 14,90
Seguindo sua fé e suas vivências, Cecília Sfalsin nos dá, em sua obra, um ombro amigo e divide conosco apontamentos de uma alma sedenta pelas coisas do alto. Nos presenteia com lições de vida e conselhos que nos impulsionam a enxergarmos não somente a nossa essência, mas o quanto somos amados pelo Senhor. Em seu segundo livro, ela nos direciona à maturidade e sabedoria, exortando-nos sobre a necessidade de olharmos para as nossas batalhas com coragem e perseverança. 'Minha Vontade ...
Data de lançamento: 2019-07-22 R$ 22,90
Guys Aren’t the Only Ones Fighting a Battle for Purity. The world you live in promotes sex as the answer to just about everything. The pressure to go along with the crowd is greater than ever before, and it’s easy to compromise in little ways that are a lot more harmful than they seem. You and your friends may become caught up in destructive relationships or sexual activities without even knowing how you got there. You just want to be normal–to fit in, to be liked, to look attractive to th...
Data de lançamento: 2004-07-20 R$ 54,90
ECPA BESTSELLER • Discover a movement of Christian young people who are rebelling against the low expectations of their culture by choosing to “do hard things” for the glory of God. Foreword by Chuck Norris • “One of the most life-changing, family-changing, church-changing, and culture-changing books of this generation.”—Randy Alcorn, bestselling author of Heaven Combating the idea of adolescence as a vacation from responsibility, Alex and Brett Harris weave together bi...
Data de lançamento: 2008-04-15 R$ 29,90
Você gosta de acompanhar a turma ou de destacar na multidão? A Bíblia ensina que os cristãos devem ser agentes transformadores e enfatiza que não devem viver como "as pessoas deste mundo"! Quer saber como? Está interessado? Quer impactar os que estão ao seu redor com os valores do Reino de Deus? Você tem em suas mãos mais um incentivo para ler a Bíblia todos os dias e explorar os tesouros que Deus quer revelar a cada um do Seus seguidores. Não fique parado! Mergulhe nas págin...
Data de lançamento: 2018-01-01 R$ 17,90
Neste mundo materialista e dessacralizado, não é muito bem aceita a ideia de se falar sobre Deus. Friederich Nietzsche, o filósofo maldito da Filosofia firmou que "Deus está morto!". Não há mais lugar para Deus na pós-modernidade. Atualmente já é possível extrair parte do DNA de qualquer espécie, desenhar esse gene arrancado, fabricá-lo e em seguida, colocá-lo no locar faltante e germinar. Assim, podemos ter "uma vaca com cabeça de porco" ou qualquer outra monstruos...
Data de lançamento: 2020-07-31 R$ 27,90
In this youth edition of his bestselling book Intercessory Prayer , Dutch Sheets speaks to the curious minds of young people, addressing their tough questions and offering practical advice. With relatable stories, proven prayer strategies, and study questions, this is a great gift for young believers.
Data de lançamento: 2016-07-19 R$ 14,90
"A mulher de valor, quem a encontrará? Ela é muito mais preciosa do que as joias" (Pr 31,10). Muitas mulheres especiais passaram pela vida da autora, muitas delas a ensinaram, a educaram, a formaram na fé católica e foram testemunhas do amor de Deus na sua vida. Você já parou pra pensar em quantas mulheres de valor estão ao seu redor? Marina Adamo, neste seu novo livro, resgata valores há muito tempo esquecidos para ajudar as mulheres a se redescobrirem como preciosa criação do...
Data de lançamento: 2015-01-21 R$ 14,90
¿Has deseado entender los planes de Dios y su propósito para tu vida? Si has dicho que sí a estas preguntas… entonces este libro es el correcto para ti. En él descubrirás el lugar donde las pasiones dadas por Dios y tus fortalezas se encuentran para revelar la forma en que has sido diseñado para servir. Con ejercicios interactivos y preguntas para contestar, aprenderás acerca de tus dones espirituales, tu corazón, tus habilidades, tu personalidad, y sobre experiencias que te ayudarán ...
Data de lançamento: 2011-06-21 R$ 14,90
There’s proof a man named Jesus of Nazareth once walked the earth, but opinions on exactly who he was can vary widely. Was he really the Son of God, or was he a nice guy who did some positive things on earth, or was he possibly an unstable man? And how can you know for sure what is true and what is false when it comes to what you’ve read or been told? Lee Strobel decided to investigate the real, historical Jesus and gather irrefutable evidence on everything connected to him so you can discov...
Data de lançamento: 2009-08-01 R$ 14,90
É difícil viver sem se amar. É impossível alguém ser feliz sem conhecer o verdadeiro sentido do amor. Quando aprendemos a nos amar de verdade, nos tornamos doadores de afetos e aprendemos que sentimentos inteiros e bonitos não devem ser cobrados de ninguém. Em seu terceiro livro, a autora Cecilia Sfalsin, ancorada na fé cristã, sinaliza-nos como o amor primeiro está vinculado ao amor a Deus. O amor-próprio é gerado em nós pelo que recebemos do Senhor através do seu cuidado, ensinam...
Data de lançamento: 2020-06-16 R$ 22,90
Del principal editor de la Biblia del mundo llega la Guía de exploradores de la Biblia, personas y lugares, el recurso perfecto para los niños curiosos sobre personas y lugares de la Biblia. Repleto de datos divertidos y fotos, ilustraciones y mapas a todo color, este libro da vida a personajes y lugares bíblicos clave como: • Las primeras personas: Adán y Eva • Reyes y reinas: el rey Salomón y la reina de Saba • Guerreros: Débora y Sansón • Profetas: Elías y Eliseo • El g...
Data de lançamento: 2021-03-02 R$ 19,90
Go for the Goal! World Cup–winning soccer player Julie Ertz inspires kids to lead a life of faith and virtue as she shares her own stories and the lessons she has learned in childhood and now in her illustrious playing career. Each chapter focuses on a character trait essential to success on and off the playing field. Children will discover the value of sacrifice, hard work, and having a good attitude. They will gain a trusted mentor in Julie, who encourages them through pe...
Data de lançamento: 2019-07-02 R$ 24,90
Il faut réécrire l’histoire de l’humanité ! (et remettre en discussion l'interprétation de la Bible !) Il n’existe aucune divinité, tel qu’on l’entend au sens spirituel, dans l’Ancien Testament. La Bible, en particulier, ne parle ni de Dieu ni d’un culte qui lui serait dédié . C’est la raison pour laquelle j’ai intitulé cet ouvrage La Bible n’est pas un livre sacré ! Mais qui donc est intervenu au fil des siècles pour interpoler le Livre ? Sommes-nous tous victimes ...
Data de lançamento: 2019-05-17 R$ 49,90
Guía de Exploradores de la Biblia, les permite a los niños conocer de cerca la vida cotidiana durante los tiempos bíblicos. Los pequeños pueden explorar la Biblia a través de fotos, mapas e ilustraciones, destacando personas, lugares, objetos y edificios interesantes. ¿Cómo era realmente el arca de Noé? ¿Quién fue David y contra quién peleó? ¿Cómo vivían los ciudadanos del siglo I en Jerusalén? Cada página doble desplegada, está repleta de imágenes que reviven la historia, y d...
Data de lançamento: 2019-10-22 R$ 12,90
Este livro é de jovens falando para jovens. São eles os protagonistas! Você já perguntou o que um jovem pensa sobre Deus? Fé? Espiritualidade? Ecologia? Vocação? Doutrina social? Comunicação? Políticas públicas? Esses e muitos outros temas são abordados nesta obra por jovens presbíteros, religiosos, seminaristas e líderes de diversas expressões juvenis de nossa Igreja. O subtítulo do livro chama atenção para o cuidado que todos na comunidade devem ter para com os jovens, fortal...
Data de lançamento: 2019-01-23 R$ 27,90
Share the wisdom of Jesus with little ones with Jesus Says . . . In the pages of this sweet book you’ll find short explanations of Jesus’s most important ideas. Simple teachings such as, “Jesus says . . . be a good friend” and “Jesus says . . . be kind to everyone,” are helpful reminders that small children can use to honor Christ’s most important teachings. The sturdy pages of this board book are perfect for toddlers during playtime, bedtime, or anytime! The cheerful pages will de...
Data de lançamento: 2017-06-20 R$ 47,90
Marriage is one of the greatest gifts God ever created for mankind, besides His son Jesus. In the Garden of Eden, God said that it was not good that man was alone, so He created Eve out of Adam's side (Genesis 2). Desiring a counterpart and oneness with another person is built into the deepest and oldest parts of our human nature. God also tells us in His Word to present all of our requests to Him (Philippians 4:6). We want to encourage you and your desire for marriage by urging you to pray for ...
Data de lançamento: 2016-11-21 R$ 32,90
Help the kids in your life see that the whole Bible speaks to them. Halley’s Bible Handbook for Kids uncovers important life lessons from Genesis to Revelation. With summaries of almost every chapter and information about major people, places, and customs, this guide helps nine- to twelve-year-old readers grasp and apply unchanging truths. Open the pages of this engaging handbook along with your Bible and see how reading God’s Word can be a fun and exciting adventure for the entire family....
Data de lançamento: 2016-02-01 R$ 9,90
Do you wonder if God exists? Do you wonder if life even has any meaning at all? Do you wonder if Christian faith has answers to these and other difficult questions? An intelligent faith begins with hard questions. In On Guard for Students William Lane Craig tackles such questions with reason and precision. He invites you to join him on a quest for ultimate reality. This unique book takes you on an extraordinary journey of exploration as you probe for answers to life's deepest questions: why anyt...
Data de lançamento: 2015-06-01 R$ 9,90
No matter what you see when you look in the mirror, God sees something better. That's because God sees you as the person you can become. Discover how to break free of negative thoughts and discover the joy of being a child of God.
Data de lançamento: 2008-06-02 R$ 17,90
The New York Times bestseller shows students that discovering who Jesus is will change who they are! In Jesus Is _______. Student Edition, popular speaker, author, and former youth pastor Judah Smith reveals the character of Jesus and the importance of Christ’s message. Adapted for a student’s age and life experience, this compelling book will get younger readers thinking about what Jesus means to them. Judah Smith, pastor of the City Church in Seattle, Washing...
Data de lançamento: 2014-10-07 R$ 19,90
El origen de este libro es un importante acontecimiento en el cual el entonces cardenal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, hoy papa Francisco, tuvo un rol fundamental: la V Conferencia General del Episcopado Latinoamericano que se llevó a cabo en el santuario de Aparecida, Brasil, en mayo de 2007. No resulta aventurado afirmar que precisamente en Aparecida se oculta en parte el secreto de la elección de Bergoglio al solio pontificio. El filósofo uruguayo Alberto Methol Ferré ha contribuido al debate de ...
Data de lançamento: 2013-12-30 R$ 32,90
In Undaunted: Student Edition, Christine Caine uses her dramatic life story to show teens how God rescued her from a life where she was unnamed, unwanted, and unqualified. She tells how she overcame abuse, abandonment, fears, and other challenges to go on a mission of adventure, fueled by faith and filled with love and courage. Her personal stories inspire teens to hear their name called, just as Christine heard her own—“You are beloved. You are the hope. You are chosen”—to go into a dar...
Data de lançamento: 2013-09-22 R$ 12,90
Teens really do want to make a difference, but sometimes their attitudes get in the way! Today’s teens are faced with some big issues, and their attitudes can sometimes create even more struggles for their own lives and those around them. But best-selling author Max Lucado wants to teach teens that life is a gift and that gratitude is critical. With a little perspective, teens will see that God can help them overcome their ungrateful days, their stressed-out days, and even their catastrophic d...
Data de lançamento: 2012-01-09 R$ 24,90
Pop culture and psychobabble tell us to make ourselves the center of the universe in order to be happy. Churches have communicated the false idea that God exists to give us all that we selfishly want. In this book, Max Lucado reminds us that it's not about us, it's all about God. It is through this shift in thinking that we can truly live an unburdened, happy life.
Data de lançamento: 2005-02-27 R$ 24,90
Okay, it's a fact. God made guys and girls different in more ways than just the physical. But how different could we really be? After all, we are all made in His image, right? Well, yes, but let’s just say that guys and girls view the world in such different ways, that it’s a miracle we communicate at all. What’s worse is that girls this age often think they know what makes guys tick. That couldn’t be more wrong! Chad Eastham tells it like it is . . . to girls . . . from a guy’s perspe...
Data de lançamento: 2012-01-09 R$ 19,90
Lideres modelos te desafía a vivir una vida que impacte a la nueva generación, y a que desarrolles un servicio efectivo por medio de un factor determinante: EL MENTOREOPara que sea efectiva tu compañía espiritual es esencial que te preguntes qué transmitió Jesús y cómo podemos vivir de acuerdo con sus enseñanzas.Este libro te dará las herramientas necesarias para lograr credibilidad, confiabilidad, compromiso, integridad y frescura espiritual. Además, podrás entender a tus jóvenes y...
Data de lançamento: 2011-11-08 R$ 14,90
You know her--the good girl. She's the reliable one who shows up every week at youth group wearing a purity ring and a smile. She gets good grades, makes the team, and doesn't need to be told to come home on time. But deep down she is crushed by the weight of the responsibility to be the good one, the smart one, the one who never messes up. With the same candor and gentle spirit she showed women in Grace for the Good Girl , Emily Freeman now gives young women what they need to be free on the ins...
Data de lançamento: 2012-09-01 R$ 14,90
Christian application on peer pressure, identity, success, etc. from the wildly popular Disney movie High School Musical from a youth expert and his daughter.
Data de lançamento: 2007-08-01 R$ 14,90
What does it mean to be a girl who follows God? That's the question bestselling author and teen mentor Hayley DiMarco helped teens answer in the bestseller God Girl . And now in this 365-day devotional, she guides girls ages 14-18 on a daily journey of learning more about who God is and who he created them to be. Each one-page devo contains a scripture verse of the day along with a brief reflection that unpacks spiritual truths about becoming a woman of God. And in each entry Hayley challenges g...
Data de lançamento: 2010-10-01 R$ 17,90
A Favorite Author Among Teen Girls Most young women yearn to be chosen, to be called out from the crowd and loved for who they are. In The Divine Dance , Shannon Kubiak Primicerio acknowledges this desire and likens teen girls to dancers, constantly performing to please the "audiences" in their lives. But in family, peers, teachers, and others, young women forget that they were created to perform for God alone. Promicerio provides readers with guidance and encouragement to stop dancing for the w...
Data de lançamento: 2006-09-01 R$ 14,90
In this world you’re surrounded by sexual images that open the door to temptation. They’re everywhere–on TV, billboards, magazines, music, the internet–and so easy to access that it sometimes feels impossible to escape their clutches. Yet God expects his children to be sexually pure. So how can you survive the relentless battle against temptation? Here’s powerful ammunition. Steve Arterburn and Fred Stoeker, the authors of the hard-hitting best-seller Every Man’s Battle, now focus on...
Data de lançamento: 2002-03-19 R$ 34,90
Engaging, accessible, and thought-provoking, No god but God is a persuasive, elegantly written, and accessible introduction for young readers to a faith that for much of the West remains shrouded in ignorance and fear. Adapted for young readers from No god but God: The Origins, Evolution, and Future of Islam , this exploration of Islam by Reza Aslan, internationally acclaimed scholar of comparative religion, delves into the rituals and traditions of a religion that is largely misunderstoo...
Data de lançamento: 2011-02-08 R$ 19,90
You want to do hard things. But you don’t know where to start. You are changing the world around you. But you are tired and burned out. You feel called to do the extraordinary for God. But you feel stuck in the ordinary. Do Hard Things inspired thousands of young people around the world to make the most of the teen years. Now Alex and Brett Harris are back and ready to tackle the questions that Do Hard Things inspired: How do I get started? What do I do when I get discoura...
Data de lançamento: 2010-03-16 R$ 22,90
“If I only had known what could happen, I would have made a different choice!!!” A decade in a crisis pregnancy center, counseling both Christian and non-Christian teens…speaking to millions of students through the years…counseling and answering the letters of thousands of teens…Pam Stenzel has heard this statement over and over and over again. From kids like you. Sex Has a Price Tag rejoices that, indeed, sex is glorious. Sex is God-given. But sex outside of God’s boundary is behavi...
Data de lançamento: 2010-08-03 R$ 22,90
In the Wisdom On … series, you’ll find case studies, personal inventories, interactive activities, and helpful insights from the book of Proverbs, which will show you what wise living looks like.Wisdom On … Friends, Dating, and Relationships shows how wisdom plays a part in nearly every decision we make. In this book students will learn how to gain more wisdom and apply it to every aspect of their relationships—from being a good friend to dating relationships to handling conflict. They...
Data de lançamento: 2009-08-30 R$ 12,90
Are you confused about who you are or where you’re headed? Does your life seem cluttered and chaotic? Do you wish you understood God’s plan and purpose for your life? Do you want to uncover your God-given strengths? If you said yes to any of these questions, you’ve come to the right book.The first step is to know who you are. Remember, you’re a child of God—created by him with your own unique heart, abilities, personality, and spiritual gifts. God brought all those elements together in...
Data de lançamento: 2009-08-01 R$ 6,90