Para estimular os jovens leitores a se aventurarem pelo passado, a Globo Livros lança a nova edição juvenil de 1808 . O texto original de Laurentino Gomes é adaptado por Luiz Antonio Aguiar e ilustrado pela artista plástica gaúcha Rita Bromberg Brugger. 1808 – Como uma rainha louca, um príncipe medroso e uma corte corrupta enganaram Napoleão e mudaram a História de Portugal e do Brasil mostra como a disputa entre ingleses e franceses influenciou a decisão de D. João VI de evita...
Data de lançamento: 2015-12-13 R$ 44,90
Um dia Dona Benta recebe pelo correio o clássico "Child’s history of the world", de V. M. Hillyer. Depois de folhear o livro, decide contar aos netos a história do mundo, que, segundo ela, daria um verdadeiro romance. Com a turma toda reunida, começa a narrar os fatos de um jeito fácil de entender e encantador, que fazia todo mundo querer mais. É assim que Monteiro Lobato apresenta aos pequenos "A História do mundo para crianças". A avó de Narizinho expõe os acontecimentos de forma cr...
Data de lançamento: 2015-02-23 R$ 32,90
Depois da Primeira Guerra Mundial, a família Loibl deixou a Alemanha, devastada pela guerra, e veio para o Brasil. Em 1938 os Loibls resolveram retornar ao seu país, encantados com as promessas do partido de Hitler, que chegara ao poder. Entretanto, não poderiam jamais imaginar as agruras que sofreriam em seu país de origem. Rudolf, o filho nascido no Brasil, sofria constantes agressões na escola, por ser considerado inimigo do Estado alemão. Não havia trabalho, uma hiperinflação afetav...
Data de lançamento: 2017-11-14 R$ 29,90
Enquanto exigia sacrifícios do povo alemão por uma guerra que poucos no círculo interno de Hitler acreditavam que podiam ganhar, os líderes nazistas levavam vidas de incrível devassidão, privilégio e poder. Eram roubos e assassinatos na maior das escalas.O ex-fazendeiro Heinrich Himmler usou sua influência como chefe da SS e da Gestapo para surrupiar as posses de milhões de vítimas. Joseph Goebbels, o “anão peçonhento” e manipulador da opinião pública, explorou sua posição co...
Data de lançamento: 2018-02-27 R$ 19,90
Perfect for middle grade readers and history enthusiasts, New York Times bestselling author Steve Sheinkin presents the fascinating and frightening true story of the creation behind the most destructive force that birthed the arms race and the Cold War in Bomb: The Race to Build — and Steal--the World's Most Dangerous Weapon . A Newbery Honor book A National Book Awards finalist for Young People's Literature A Washington Post Best Kids Books of the Year title In December of 1938, a chemist in ...
Data de lançamento: 2012-09-04 R$ 57,90
O que acontece quando sua orientação sexual pode se tornar sua sentença de morte? Quando os nazistas subiram ao poder na Alemanha, a vida dos homossexuais mudou. De um cenário de liberdade sexual, vivido principalmente na Alemanha até o início da década de 1930, para o medo, prisões e campos de concentração. Ken Settrington uniu sua importante pesquisa a relatos de sobreviventes homossexuais que viveram os horrores dos campos de concentração para resgatar sua história e cravar nas p...
Data de lançamento: 2017-11-14 R$ 29,90
BEFORE HE COULD FORGE A BAND OF ELITE WARRIORS… HE HAD TO BECOME ONE HIMSELF. Brandon Webb's experiences in the world's most elite sniper corps are the stuff of legend. From his grueling years of training in Naval Special Operations to his combat tours in the Persian Gulf and Afghanistan, The Making of a Navy SEAL provides a rare and riveting look at the inner workings of the U.S. military through the eyes of a covert operations specialist. Yet it is Webb's distinguished second career as a lea...
Data de lançamento: 2015-08-25 R$ 57,90
O livro foca os aproximadamente 300 anos do período colonial brasileiro, desde a passagem dos primeiros navegadores portugueses pelo nosso território até a expansão das nossas fronteiras para além do definido pelo Tratado de Tordesilhas. Como recurso de linguagem, os desenhos de Vallandro Keating e o texto do jornalista e historiador Ricardo Maranhão se complementam, proporcionando uma ótica inesperada do espaço e ângulos novos de visão para antigos mapas e representações, estimuland...
Data de lançamento: 2019-02-11 R$ 32,90
A middle-grade adaptation of Laurence Bergreen's adult bestseller, about Magellan's historic voyage around the globe. On September 6, 1522, a horribly battered ship manned by eighteen malnourished, scurvy-ridden sailors appeared on the horizon near a Spanish port. They were survivors of the first European expedition to circle the globe. Originally comprised of five ships and 260 sailors, the fleet's captain and most of its crew were dead. How did Ferdinand Magellan's voyage to circle the world...
Data de lançamento: 2017-05-23 R$ 67,90
The truth about America is revealed in this first of four volumes of the young readers’ edition of The Untold History of the United States , from Academy Award–winning director Oliver Stone and Peter Kuznick, adapted by Susan Campbell Bartoletti. There is history as we know it. And there is history we should have known. Complete with photos, illustrations, and little-known documents, this first of four volumes covers crucial moments in American history from the late nineteenth century to the...
Data de lançamento: 2014-12-09 R$ 47,90
“Much like The Boy In the Striped Pajamas or The Book Thief ,” this remarkable memoir from Leon Leyson, one of the youngest children to survive the Holocaust on Oskar Schindler’s list, “brings to readers a story of bravery and the fight for a chance to live” ( VOYA ). This, the only memoir published by a former Schindler’s list child, perfectly captures the innocence of a small boy who goes through the unthinkable. Leon Leyson (born Leib Lezjon) was only ten years old when the Nazis ...
Data de lançamento: 2013-08-27 R$ 47,90
Chama-se genericamente de Oriente Médio a duas grandes regiões: a Ásia Ocidental e a Península Arábica, cujos principais pontos em comum são a língua, a religião e as tradições islâmicas. Esses países, em sua maioria, têm sua economia baseada na exportação de petróleo. A leste do Mediterrâneo, há uma região com um formato semelhante ao de uma lua crescente, conhecida desde a antiguidade como o Crescente Fértil. Essa região abriga uma das mais antigas civilizações do mundo,...
Data de lançamento: 2022-02-11 R$ 0,90
Os símbolos ultrapassam as fronteiras das artes, pois seu poder reside no conceito que a figura transmite para o homem. Isso condicionou o cérebro humano a procurar e encontrar referências da experiência cotidiana na natureza, por isso vemos rostos de santos em manchas nas vidraças ou num borrão de tinta ou nuvem que tomam a forma de animais ou objetivos conhecidos.
Data de lançamento: 2018-10-29 R$ 19,90
Esta História do Rio Grande do Sul para crianças e adolescentes visa a proporcionar uma fonte de consulta acessível e agradável para o conhecimento da nossa história. Os meninos e as meninas que, tão sérios e garbosos, vestem as roupas tradicionais dos gaúchos e dançam suas danças, podem agora saber onde procurar o significado desses rituais. Mesmo os adultos, cujo tempo e preocupações não permitem um maior aprofundamento na história, poderão, entre um mate e outro, satisfazer a c...
Data de lançamento: 2018-04-06 R$ 29,90
This series of nonfiction readers will grab a student's interest from the very first page! Designed with struggling readers in mind, these riveting 92-page books offer short chapters on significant disasters. Each chapter is its own mini-book, which includes a timeline, key terms, and interesting facts. Fascinating black and white photographs keep the pages turning. A bibliography encourages further topical reading. Disasters are inherently frightening, riveting, and involving. Grabbed straight ...
Data de lançamento: 2012-09-01 R$ 39,90
La Guerra Civil española contada de forma escueta, objetiva y rigurosa, sin clichés partidarios ni etiquetas fáciles, en textos de Arturo Pérez-Reverte e ilustrada de forma espléndida por Fernando Vicente. Edición escolar que incluye una Guía de lectura para trabajar el libro en el aula. «Hace casi ochenta años, entre 1936 y 1939, en tiempos de nuestros abuelos y bisabuelos, una espantosa guerra civil tuvo lugar en España. Causó miles de muertos, destruyó hogares, arruinó el país y...
Data de lançamento: 2016-09-08 R$ 42,90
What can you expect to learn about Henry Ford and the invention of the automobile in this book? First, you will learn a little more about Henry Ford himself. You will see what he was like as a kid and when it was that he first got interested in machines and in building cars. Did you know that Henry Ford was actually raised as a farmer, and not as an engineer? We will also learn how the Ford Motor Company came to be established. Find out more in this exciting book. KidCaps is an imprint of BookCa...
Data de lançamento: 2013-01-22 R$ 9,90
"Máquinas de guerra são vistas com pesar por causa de seu intenso poder de devastação, mas não há como negar que os aviões de guerra são fascinantes pela sua beleza estética e pela aura de romantismo que conservam, graças ao cinema e à literatura que destacaram a ação dessas charmosas [porém mortais] máquinas e o heroísmo de seus pilotos, alguns deles alçados à condição de mitos, como o Barão Vermelho, da I Guerra Mundial. Leia nesta publicação sobre as guerras, mas muito ...
Data de lançamento: 2019-02-21 R$ 19,90
Jules Archer begins with laws that opened up America—public lands and homesteading—and continues with banking, the Bill of Rights, subversion and sedition, foreign policy. Natural resources, labor, business, education and welfare, farming, Prohibition, the New Deal, the draft and G. I. Bills, slavery and civil rights. Archer chronicles the history of laws in America. Each chapter opens with a dramatic incident, and then develops the laws relating to it. Brisk up-to-date, authoritative, infor...
Data de lançamento: 2017-06-27 R$ 52,90
“A truly inspiring read.” — Booklist (starred review) “A solid account of women’s contributions as aviators during World War II.” —Kirkus Reviews In the tradition of Hidden Figures , debut author Patricia Pearson offers a beautifully written account of the remarkable but often forgotten group of female fighter pilots who answered their country’s call in its time of need during World War II. At the height of World War II, the US Army Airforce faced a desperate need for skilled pil...
Data de lançamento: 2018-02-06 R$ 42,90
Operating behind enemy lines takes nerve, courage, and skill. Above all, it requires the knowledge of how to stay undetected and how to escape if need be. These are the lessons of Escape and Evasion. The book covers all the essential skills of an undercover soldier. Infiltration by land, sea, and air are described in detail. The unique physical demands of night fighting are explained. Tracking techniques are also revealed, showing how the elite soldier can tell where the enemy is from broken twi...
Data de lançamento: 2014-09-02 R$ 47,90
At the outset of World War II, Denmark did not resist German occupation. Deeply ashamed of his nation's leaders, fifteen-year-old Knud Pedersen resolved with his brother and a handful of schoolmates to take action against the Nazis if the adults would not. Naming their secret club after the fiery British leader, the young patriots in the Churchill Club committed countless acts of sabotage, infuriating the Germans, who eventually had the boys tracked down and arrested. But their efforts were not ...
Data de lançamento: 2015-05-12 R$ 67,90
Les étudiants et lycéens connaissent tous cet aphorisme : "La Propriété c'est du vol !" Dans quel contexte et après quels développements, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon - polémiste, journaliste, philosophe sociologue et économiste, socialiste libertaire et révolutionnaire du XIXème siècle - en arrive-t-il à cette conclusion ? Mutualiste avant l'heure, Proudhon dans un texte clair et historiquement référencé, nous livre un certain nombre de réponses toujours d'actualités, à lire sous to...
Data de lançamento: 2014-09-28 R$ 14,90
“[A] superb history.... In these thrilling, highly readable pages, we meet Rasputin, the shaggy, lecherous mystic...; we visit the gilded ballrooms of the doomed aristocracy; and we pause in the sickroom of little Alexei, the hemophiliac heir who, with his parents and four sisters, would be murdered by the Bolsheviks in 1918.” — The Wall Street Journal Here is the tumultuous, heartrending, true story of the Romanovs—at once an intimate portrait of Russia's last royal family and a ...
Data de lançamento: 2014-07-08 R$ 27,90
An astonishing World War II military story of civil rights from New York Times bestselling author and Newbery Honor recipient Steve Sheinkin. A National Book Award Finalist A YALSA Award for Excellence in Nonfiction Finalist A School Library Journal Best Book of the Year On July 17, 1944, a massive explosion rocked the segregated Navy base at Port Chicago, California, killing more than 300 sailors who were at the docks, critically injuring off-duty men in their bunks, and shattering windows up t...
Data de lançamento: 2014-01-21 R$ 57,90
This adaptation for young readers of The Finest Hours: The True Story of the US Coast Guard's Most Daring Sea Rescue by Michael J. Tougias and Casey Sherman tells the story of the shipwreck of two oil tankers and the harrowing Coast Guard rescue when four men in a tiny lifeboat overcame insurmountable odds and saved more than 30 stranded sailors. Now a major motion picture from Disney, starring Chris Pine and Casey Affleck. On the night of February 18, 1952, during one of the worst winter storms...
Data de lançamento: 2014-01-14 R$ 44,90
Take a gruesome trip through time in this grisly compendium of death! From the best ways to test a witch, to making a mummy in 8 simple steps, and with fascinating facts about botched beheadings, greedy royals and the plague, Dreadfully Deadly History looks at the most gruesome facts from the past.
Data de lançamento: 2012-09-10 R$ 9,90
Matha, sur un des promontoires de la baie Nord, la pointe de Vanssay, se livre avec Rallier du Baly à la mensuration exacte et très minutieuse d’une base. Turquet empaille, met en bocaux, étiquette tout ce qu'il trouve ou ce qu'on lui apporte ; Gourdon classe ses cailloux, Rey vérifie ses instruments, et Pléneau, toujours gaiement, avec un entrain et une verve intarissables, aide à tout, donne un coup de main à chacun, tantôt à l'état-major, tantôt à l'équipage.
Data de lançamento: 2012-08-08 R$ 22,90
When the Navy sends their elite, they send the SEALs. When the SEALs send their elite, they send SEAL Team Six—a secret unit made up of the finest soldiers in the country, if not the world. This is the dramatic tale of how Howard Wasdin overcame a tough childhood to live his dream and enter the exciting and dangerous world of Navy SEALS and Special Forces snipers. His training began with his selection for Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL (BUD/S)—the toughest and longest military training in ...
Data de lançamento: 2012-04-24 R$ 57,90
The New York Times bestselling chronicle of one of the most famous moments in American military history--the raising of the U. S. flag at Iwo Jima during World War II--now adapted for young adults. Read the true story behind the immortal photograph that has come to symbolize the courage and strength of America and its armed forces. This is a penetrating, epic look at a generation at war, told with keen insight and enormous honesty —also a major motion picture directed by Clint Eastwood. In Feb...
Data de lançamento: 2001-05-08 R$ 27,90
It began with the best of intentions. Worried about the effects of alcohol on American families, mothers and civic leaders started a movement to outlaw drinking in public places. Over time, their protests, petitions, and activism paid off—when a Constitional Amendment banning the sale and consumption of alcohol was ratified, it was hailed as the end of public drunkenness, alcoholism, and a host of other social ills related to booze. Instead, it began a decade of lawlessness, when children smug...
Data de lançamento: 2011-05-24 R$ 57,90
Swift, Silent & Deadly tells the story of Recon Marine heroes in Vietnam. Many of the men covered in the book are no longer with us. Some were casualties of war. Others just haven’t survived the years that have passed since the end of the war. There are still plenty around to tell their story, however, and some of those are included in this book.
Data de lançamento: 2011-05-19 R$ 22,90
A testament to the enduring strength of the human spirit, family, and, above all, hope, this “vivid memoir of a woman who lost her youth and family to the Nazis” ( Kirkus Reviews , starred review) is a Holocaust survival story that will be remembered for generations. As long as there is life, there is hope… After Riva’s mother was taken away by the Nazis, Riva and her younger brothers were left to cling to their mother’s brave words to help them endure life in the Lodz ghetto. Then the...
Data de lançamento: 2008-06-30 R$ 42,90