Os pais de Hans vieram da Alemanha para montar uma ONG em Manaus, capital do Amazonas, para ensinar música para crianças e jovens. Durante sua adaptação ao novo país, o garoto irá se deparar com uma cultura bastante diferente da sua e ficará encantado com a biodiversidade da vida na floresta. No entanto, chamará sua atenção o fato de que diversas espécies de animais estão correndo o risco de extinção. Com a ajuda de seus novos amigos, Hans vai descobrir que há muito a ser feito pa...
Data de lançamento: 2017-10-30 R$ 32,90
O guia perfeito para os jovens leitores que desejam desvendar os segredos do Universo — e entender um pouco mais sobre como chegamos até aqui. Como a vida na Terra começou? Do que o nosso planeta é feito? Afinal, existe vida em algum outro lugar do Universo? E o que você faria se os robôs assumissem o controle do mundo? O físico Stephen Hawking e sua filha Lucy reuniram em um único volume as respostas para essas e muitas outras perguntas. Com diversos artigos assinados por cientistas, p...
Data de lançamento: 2021-11-06 R$ 39,90
Begin a fantastic journey through your amazing body systems! Discover everything you need to know about your body with this brilliant book. One hundred facts, fantastic illustrations and hilarious cartoons give you an insight into how your body works, while fun quizzes test your knowledge. So what are you waiting for? Get reading!
Data de lançamento: 2011-03-24 R$ 10,90
Millions and millions of BIG FAT NOTEBOOKS sold! Pre-Algebra & Algebra 1? No Problem! The BIG FAT NOTEBOOK covers everything you need to know during a year of Pre-Algebra and Algebra 1 class, breaking down one big fat subject into accessible units. Including: The number system, ratios, and proportions, scientific notation, introduction and equations, functions, graphing a line, square roots and cube roots, polynomial operations, quadratic functions, and more. Study better with: -Mnemo...
Data de lançamento: 2021-10-05 R$ 62,90
A Leishmaniose é doença grave. De Norte a Sul do Brasil ela destrói o ser humano e é de difícil diagnóstico. Uma mesma espécie de leishmania pode causar qualquer forma da doença: cutânea, visceral e mucocutânea. A doença é provocada por protozoário, que utiliza os animais para garantirem reservatórios repletos de parasitas. Nas cidades, há dois animais importantes como reservatórios: os ratos e os cachorrinhos, a quem dedicamos sentimentos profundos. As informações contidas nos...
Data de lançamento: 2022-05-13 R$ 24,90
Haverá água potável suficiente num futuro próximo? O que será feito com tanto lixo? Como acabar com a poluição? Como será o clima do planeta? As florestas e os animais poderão desaparecer? Esses e muitos outros questionamentos sobre o futuro da Terra são discutidos neste livro. Os jovens de hoje vão enfrentar, certamente, diversas mudanças ambientais causadas pela ação humana. No entanto, este Guia para cuidar bem do planeta vai mostrar a você, leitor, que pequenas atitudes do di...
Data de lançamento: 2014-01-20 R$ 24,90
"Descobre, Explora, Aprende e Diverte-te com o conteúdo interativo do livro" + de 30 modelos 3D Tudo o que um astronauta júnior precisa saber sobre o espaço que nos rodeia de uma forma simples, didática e divertida Experiência de leitura interativa a ser partilhada por pais e filhos, com ilustrações interativas 3D do Nosso Sistema Solar, dos Planetas e das Máquinas da Aventura Espacial. Música e sons para uma atmosfera mais envolvente. Informação simples e precisa, ideal para criança...
Data de lançamento: 2013-10-29 R$ 19,90
In this amazing eBook you can find more than one hundred facts about space. Separated into sections such as our solar system, the moon, the sun, space travel and many more, you will find some fascinating information inside! Whether you are working on an astronomy project or you just want to know more about our incredible universe, this is an excellent addition to your bookshelf. Find the information you need, fast!
Data de lançamento: 2013-08-06 R$ 3,90
In this amazing eBook you can find more than one hundred facts about the human body. Separated into sections such as the brain, vision, bones and many more you will find some fascinating information inside! Whether you are working on a human biology project or you just want to know more about how your body works, this is an excellent addition to your bookshelf.
Data de lançamento: 2013-05-07 R$ 3,90
Here is a highly motivating book for grade-school students that will introduce them to many of the world's most popular (and historically significant) scientific experiments. They'll learn about gravity simply by following the acrobatic antics of an ordinary coin. By trying to blow an egg out of a cup, they'll discover the principles of air pressure. Dancing soap bubbles will help them understand the effects of static electricity, and by dropping quarters into a full glass of water without causi...
Data de lançamento: 2012-07-31 R$ 4,90
Por que a ciência e a educação são tão importantes? Como sabemos que a Terra é redonda? A África é um país? Por que eu sempre sinto frio quando saio do banho? É mesmo possível saber quando vai chover? O certo é bolacha ou biscoito? Como as calopsitas vieram parar no nosso país? Em seu primeiro livro, João Luiz Pedrosa explica a fundo, e de uma forma nada convencional, como a geografia está presente em nossas vidas. Afinal, o que a geografia tem a ver com a sua vida? Bom... TUDO! I...
Data de lançamento: 2022-01-17 R$ 29,90
From acids to alloys and equations to evaporation, this guide makes complex topics easy to grasp at a glance. Perfect support for coursework, homework, and exam revision. Each topic is fully illustrated, to support the information, make the facts crystal clear, bring the science to life and make studying a breeze. A large central image explains the idea visually and each topic is summed up on a single page, helping children to quickly get up to speed and really understand how chemistry works. Fo...
Data de lançamento: 2020-05-14 R$ 37,90
El reino vegetal mostrado como nunca antes. Botanicum es un libro que combina la divulgación científica con el arte. Imitando los manuales de botánica de los siglos XVIII y XIX (pero con información actual), la obra invita al lector a adentrarse en un sorprendente museo imaginario. Cada capítulo es una sala de exhibición distinta, donde el visitante conoce selvas, bosques y otros espacios naturales con el fin de conocer, con gran detalle, algunas de las especies vegetales que hay en nuestr...
Data de lançamento: 2017-05-01 R$ 102,90
An illustrated tour of the planet exploring ecosystems large and small, from reefs, deserts, and rainforests to a single drop of water—from the New York Times bestselling author of Women in Science . Making earth science accessible and entertaining through art, maps, and infographics, The Wondrous Workings of Planet Earth explains how our planet works—and how we can protect it—from its diverse ecosystems and their inhabitants, to the levels of ecology, the importance of biodiversity...
Data de lançamento: 2018-09-18 R$ 19,90
Every raindrop, lake, underground river and glacier is part of a single global well. Discover the many ways water is used around the world, and what kids can do to protect it.
Data de lançamento: 2007-02-01 R$ 49,90
Did you know that animals can often sense when a volcano is going to erupt? Or that the force of an eruption is measured on the VEI, or Volcanic Explosivity Index? What is the difference between a shield volcano and a stratovolcano? And what were the largest eruptions in human history? All of these facts and more can be found in this fantastic guide to volcanoes, separated into sections for easy reading. This book is perfect for those studying volcanoes at school, or even if you are just interes...
Data de lançamento: 2014-06-18 R$ 3,90
An approachable introduction to what chemistry is, how it works and why it is vital to everyday life. Topics include: the periodic table, atom structure, radiation and the scientific method, all illustrated with humorous illustrations and diagrams. Simple experiments are provided to aid learning and internet links to recommended websites are provided so readers can find out more. This is a highly illustrated ebook that can only be read on the Kindle Fire or other tablet.
Data de lançamento: 2014-08-01 R$ 5,90
If you are homeschooling (or if you are just trying to get extra practice for your child), then you already know that science workbooks and curriculum can be expensive. HomeSchool Brew is trying to change that! We have teamed with teachers and parents to create books for prices parents can afford. We believe education shouldn’t be expensive. This book is taken from “Third Grade Science” by the same author.
Data de lançamento: 2014-06-06 R$ 9,90
If you are homeschooling (or if you are just trying to get extra practice for your child), then you already know that science workbooks and curriculum can be expensive. Homeschool Brew is trying to change that! We have teamed with teachers and parents to create books for prices parents can afford. We believe education shouldn’t be expensive. This book is taken from “Sixth Grade Science” by the same author.
Data de lançamento: 2014-06-05 R$ 9,90
This workbook, with over 40 experiments, covers the following topics: Scientific Investigation, Changes In Matter, Electricity In Matter, Organisms, Light Human Body, Life Cycle and Reproduction, Weather, Earth and How It Changes If you are homeschooling (or if you are just trying to get extra practice for your child), then you already know that science workbooks and curriculum can be expensive. HomeSchool Brew is trying to change that! We have teamed wi...
Data de lançamento: 2014-04-28 R$ 9,90
If your child is struggling with science, then this book is for you; the short book covers the topic and also contains 5 science experiments to work with, and ten quiz questions. The book covers the following: The Five Questions Every Biologist Must Ask All Living Things Have A Family Families Within The Kingdom Insects Reptiles Fish Amphibians Birds Mammals The Most Special Mammals Of All Living Things Working Together No Matter What Kingdom They Belong To Experiments With Living Things T...
Data de lançamento: 2013-12-10 R$ 9,90
If your child is struggling with science, then this book is for you; the short book covers the topic and also contains 5 science experiments to work with, and ten quiz questions. The book covers the following: The Sun Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto More Than Just Planets Experimenting With The Solar System This subject comes from the book “Fourth Grade Science (For Home School or Extra Practice)”; it more thoroughly covers more fifth grade topics to help y...
Data de lançamento: 2013-12-10 R$ 9,90
If your child is struggling with science, then this book is for you; the short book covers the topic and also contains 5 science experiments to work with, and ten quiz questions. The book covers the following: What’s The Difference What Are Gemstones What Are Crystals Rocks Are A Natural Resource The Mohs Scale Cold, Hard, Fun Facts About Rocks, Minerals And Crystals Experiments With Rocks And Minerals This subject comes from the book “Fourth Grade Science (For Home School or Extra Pra...
Data de lançamento: 2013-12-10 R$ 9,90
If your child is struggling with science, then this book is for you; the short book covers the topic and also contains 5 science experiments to work with, and ten quiz questions. The book covers the following: The First Link In The Chain Who And What Makes A Food Chain How It All Works Our Food Chain The Food Chain Is The Circle Of Life Food Chain Experiments This subject comes from the book “Fourth Grade Science (For Home School or Extra Practice)”; it more thoroughly covers more fift...
Data de lançamento: 2013-12-10 R$ 9,90
If your child is struggling with science, then this book is for you; the short book covers the topic and also contains 5 science experiments to work with, and ten quiz questions. The book covers the following: What Is Sound How Sounds Are Heard Music To Your Ears Listen To The Songs On The Radio Noise Pollution Sound…More Than Meets The Ears The Oldest Question Experiments In Sound This subject comes from the book “Fourth Grade Science (For Home School or Extra Practice)”; it more th...
Data de lançamento: 2013-12-10 R$ 9,90
If your child is struggling with science, then this book is for you; the short book covers the topic and also contains 5 science experiments to work with, and ten quiz questions. The book covers the following: The Power Behind Energy What’s Matter All About What’s In An Atom Energy’s Job Is To Make Matter Work Understand The Power Of Energy Putting It All Together Experiments In Matter And Energy This subject comes from the book “Fourth Grade Science (For Home School or Extra Pract...
Data de lançamento: 2013-12-04 R$ 9,90
If your child is struggling with science, then this book is for you; the short book covers the topic and also contains 5 science experiments to work with, and ten quiz questions. The book covers the following: Tundra Desert The Grassland Tropical Rainforest Forests Experiments With Ecosystems This subject comes from the book “Fourth Grade Science (For Home School or Extra Practice)”; it more thoroughly covers more fifth grade topics to help your child get a better understanding of fift...
Data de lançamento: 2013-11-30 R$ 9,90
If your child is struggling with science, then this book is for you; the short book covers the topic and also contains 5 science experiments to work with, and ten quiz questions. The book covers the following: The Water Cycle Air Land The Earth Is Our Home Experiments In Earth Science Quiz This subject comes from the book “Fourth Grade Science (For Home School or Extra Practice)”; it more thoroughly covers more fifth grade topics to help your child get a better understanding of fifth g...
Data de lançamento: 2013-11-27 R$ 9,90
One of America's most prominent popular science writers presents simple instructions for using common household items to illuminate scientific principles. Simple enough to be understood by an 11-year-old but informative enough for adults, 100 illustrated experiments cover subjects from astronomy, chemistry, physiology, psychology, mathematics, topology, probability, acoustics, and other areas.
Data de lançamento: 2013-03-15 R$ 14,90
Within every drop of pond water lurks an invisible world, alive with an amazing variety of microscopic animals. And with the help of this book and a microscope, you can bring these tiny creatures into focus and discover the ways in which they live. You'll trace the path of a blob-like amoeba as it stretches out its pseudopods to hunt and gobble up its prey, and you'll see the life-or-death water ballet of a slipper-shaped paramecium as it swims away from its mortal enemy, the pincushion-shaped s...
Data de lançamento: 2013-04-09 R$ 4,90
Hurricanes are one of the most destructive natural disasters known to man--but what makes them tick? In this book (just for kids), you will learn about how hurricanes start, different types, and what the life cycle of a hurricane is. This easy to understand book will help you understand hurricanes in no time at all. KidCaps is an imprint of BookCaps; each month we are adding more history books (just for kids!) to our library. Stop by our website to learn more.
Data de lançamento: 2013-01-04 R$ 9,90
The book for children— Flowers from the educational series The World Around Me tells children about wonderful flowers. Flowers have been grown since ancient times; many beautiful stories and legends are connected to them. Children will read about many myths and legends about origin of flowers, find out about the role of flowers in people’s life such as their use in medicine and cooking.
Data de lançamento: 2013-01-10 R$ 14,90
Seventy-three easy experiments — requiring only materials found at home or easily available, such as candles, coins, steel wool, etc. — illustrate basic phenomena like vacuum, simple chemical reactions, and more. All safe. Modern, well-planned.
Data de lançamento: 2012-05-24 R$ 19,90
Clearly illustrated, well-written text invites youngsters to perform experiments dealing with chemistry, astronomy, magnetism and electricity, weather, water, the body, sound and light, measurement and more. Young scientists are encouraged to find answers to such questions as "Why Can’t We See Stars in the Daytime?" "How Large Can You Make Soap Bubbles?" "How Can We See Sound Vibrations?" and much more.
Data de lançamento: 2013-02-06 R$ 19,90
"As gripping as a good thriller." -- The Washington Post Unpack the science of secrecy and discover the methods behind cryptography--the encoding and decoding of information--in this clear and easy-to-understand young adult adaptation of the national bestseller that's perfect for this age of WikiLeaks, the Sony hack, and other events that reveal the extent to which our technology is never quite as secure as we want to believe. Coders and codebreakers alike will be fascinated by history's most me...
Data de lançamento: 2002-03-12 R$ 39,90