Malala Yousafzai quase perdeu a vida por querer ir para a escola. Ela nasceu no vale do Swat, no Paquistão, uma região de extraordinária beleza, cobiçada no passado por conquistadores como Gengis Khan e Alexandre, o Grande, e protegida pelos bravos guerreiros pashtuns – os povos das montanhas. Foi habitada por reis e rainhas, príncipes e princesas, como nos contos de fadas. Malala cresceu entre os corredores da escola de seu pai, Ziauddin Yousafzai, e era uma das primeiras alunas da class...
Data de lançamento: 2015-04-27 R$ 19,90
Zlata tem onze anos e vive em Sarajevo. Mantém um diário, no qual vai registrando seu cotidiano. Mas a guerra eclode na ex-Iugoslávia e irrompe no diário da menina. As preocupações do dia-a-dia desaparecem diante do medo, da raiva, da perplexidade. O universo de Zlata desmorona. "Domingo, 5 de abril de 1992 Dear Mimmy, Estou tentando me concentrar nos deveres (um livro para ler), mas simplesmente não consigo. Alguma coisa está acontecendo na cidade. Ouvem-se tiros nas colinas. [...] Sent...
Data de lançamento: 1994-04-20 R$ 27,90
Elas mudaram (e estão mudando) a nossa história. Mas você conhece a história delas? Dandara foi uma guerreira fundamental para o Quilombo dos Palmares. Niède Guidon descobriu os registros rupestres mais importantes do nosso território. Indianara Siqueira é uma das lideranças mais atuantes da comunidade trans. Essas e muitas outras brasileiras impactaram a nossa história e, indiretamente, a nossa vida, mas raramente aparecem nos livros. Este volume, resultado de uma extensa pesquisa, che...
Data de lançamento: 2017-11-17 R$ 14,90
An introduction to Leonardo da Vinci's genius focusing on his famous notebook sketches and the modern inventions they predicted. In 1781, Thomas Paine came up with a model for a single-span bridge; in 1887, Adolf Eugen Fick made the first pair of contact lenses; and in 1907, Paul Cornu built the first helicopter. But Leonardo da Vinci thought of all these ideas more than five hundred years ago! At once an artist, inventor, engineer, and scientist, da Vinci wrote and drew detailed descriptions of...
Data de lançamento: 2009-08-04 R$ 49,90
O canal mais divertido do Youtube virou livro! E não pense que é um livro comum, não? São páginas pra lá de coloridas que reúnem toda a história do canal Crescendo com Luluca. Mais que demais, né? Embarque nesse sonho e descubra como nasceu a ideia do canal; dicas para quem sonha em ser youtuber; os segredos dos bastidores; curiosidades sobre a vida da Luluca e muuuuito mais. Você vai rir de montão e encarar desafios incríveis junto da youtuber mais fofa do pedaço. Um livro onde a d...
Data de lançamento: 2018-03-10 R$ 17,90
In 1940, after Germany invaded the Netherlands, Anne and her family couldn't leave the country, so they decided to hide in a warehouse in an attempt to escape the persecution of Jews by the Nazis. For over two years, Anne wrote in her diary with an awareness that was extremely mature for her age. She detailed her experiences and insights while she and her family were in hiding, living in a constant fear of being arrested. The Diary of Anne Frank' is a record of her understanding...
Data de lançamento: 2020-02-24 R$ 9,90
Para quem já é fã do RezendeEvil, esta é a oportunidade de conhecer o garoto por trás do ídolo, de se identificar com seus medos e suas travessuras, e também de se inspirar com sua confiança para correr atrás dos sonhos e sua recusa em desistir daquilo que realmente deseja. Antes de ser RezendeEvil, um fenômeno do Youtube com mais de dezesseis milhões de seguidores, quatrocentos mil livros vendidos, peças teatrais de sucesso e um fã-clube gigantesco, o Rezende era apenas... Pedro. N...
Data de lançamento: 2018-07-31 R$ 24,90
Que Paulo Rezzutti gosta de contar histórias do Brasil, todo mundo já sabe, mas agora ele se dirige ao público infanto-juvenil, revelando a todos nós que as Princesinhas e os Principezinhos da história brasileira foram crianças muito mais parecidas conosco do que podíamos imaginar. Quem já não se surpreendeu e se divertiu ao descobrir a foto da mãe, do pai ou dos avós quando crianças? Melhor ainda quando ouvimos as histórias das suas infâncias, tomadas de travessuras e aventuras. N...
Data de lançamento: 2021-10-08 R$ 32,90
In her amazing diary, Anne Frank revealed the challenges and dreams common for any young girl. But Hitler brought her childhood to an end and forced her and her family into hiding. Who Was Anne Frank? looks closely at Anne’s life before the secret annex, what life was like in hiding, and the legacy of her diary. Black-and-white illustrations including maps and diagrams provide historical and visual reference in an easy-to-read biography written in a way that is appropriate and accessible for y...
Data de lançamento: 2007-01-18 R$ 22,90
CHARLI D'AMELIO ES LA ESTRELLA DE TIKTOK. En este libro descubrirás sus secretos para que brilles siendo tú. ***El regalo perfecto para esta Navidad*** #1 en TikTok Más de 85 millones de followers Conocida en todo el mundo Pero ¿quién es realmente Charli D'Amelio detrás de las cámaras? Por primera vez, Charli está preparada para compartirlo TODO: qué significa para ella su familia, cómo le ha afectado la fama, quiénes son sus verdaderos amigos... ¡y cómo ha conseguido pasar de los h...
Data de lançamento: 2020-12-03 R$ 42,90
Get ready for the electrifying biography of Nikola Tesla--part creative genius, part mad scientist, and 100% innovator. When Nikola Tesla arrived in the United States in 1884, he didn't have much money, but he did have a letter of introduction to renowned inventor Thomas Edison. The working relationship between the two men was short lived, though, and the two scientist-inventors became harsh competitors. One of the most influential scientists of all time, Nikola Tesla is celebrated for his exper...
Data de lançamento: 2018-12-04 R$ 22,90
O mineiro Marco Túlio sempre foi apaixonado por games. Tão apaixonado que decidiu enfrentar a timidez e criar um canal no YouTube para falar dos jogos de que gostava. Com seu jeito simples e engraçado, Marco Túlio transformou o AuthenticGames em ponto de encontro para quase 4 milhões de crianças e adolescentes. É lá que eles trocam ideias, aprendem estratégias secretas sobre Minecraft e acompanham as séries exclusivas. Neste livro, os fãs vão saber como surgiu o projeto do canal, que...
Data de lançamento: 2016-02-15 R$ 27,90
Juliana Baltar e as histórias mais malucas que você já leu! Quem conhece a youtuber Juliana Baltar já sabe que com ela tudo é possível, ainda mais se estiver acompanhada da irmã Rafaella e do cunhado Luiz Phelippe. Com eles até o mais simples acontecimento do dia a dia pode ser transformado em uma incrível aventura – e neste livro eles deram asas à imaginação em quatro histórias inéditas de ficção que são impossíveis de esquecer. Sucesso de público em seu canal do YouTube, J...
Data de lançamento: 2016-08-30 R$ 22,90
An inspiring, acclaimed picture book about family and music that details the electric moment with Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones first picked up a guitar, illustrated by his daughter, Theodora Richards. Long before there was a band, there was a boy: a young Keith Richards, who was introduced to the joy of music through his beloved granddad, Theodore Augustus Dupree, affectionately known as "Gus," who was in a jazz big band and is the namesake of Keith's daughter, Theodora Dupree Richards. ...
Data de lançamento: 2014-09-09 R$ 52,90
Conheça neste livro grandes personalidades femininas que enfrentaram todo tipo de desafio e dificuldade para conquistar seu espaço no mundo e deixar seu legado. São incríveis histórias de perseverança, força e superação que vão inspirar você a encontrar e a lutar pela sua própria causa.
Data de lançamento: 2020-03-10 R$ 14,90
O ano de 2013 mudou não apenas a vida dos sete membros do BTS ao debutarem pela Big Hit, mas também a de todos aqueles que um dia entraram em contato com as músicas, os clipes, os shows e as histórias de cada um dos garotos que fazem o BTS ser um absoluto sucesso. Neste livro, os fãs ficarão por dentro das curiosidades mais divertidas do grupo que já conquistou não apenas a Coreia do Sul como todo o mundo e descobrirão quem curte acordar cedo para fazer o café da manhã do grupo, quem ...
Data de lançamento: 2019-11-12 R$ 22,90
Aos 19 anos, Kevin Breel tornou-se um fenômeno mundial com sua TED Talk. O mundo nunca tinha visto um garoto dessa idade falar sobre um tema tão pesado quanto a depressão suicida e com tamanha leveza, inteligência e consciência. Ele conta como um adolescente saudável e supostamente feliz, passou a lutar diariamente contra a depressão e o desejo de se matar. Este livro é um guia para sobreviver à depressão ou entender melhor quem a enfrenta na adolescência, escrito por alguém que atra...
Data de lançamento: 2017-05-15 R$ 34,90
Uma garota como todas. Estudou, jogou, divertiu-se... Até que, aos 18 anos, teve diagnosticado um câncer que, em pouco tempo, lhe ceifou a vida. Ela, porém, vivenciou a última etapa de sua existência intensamente. Sua atitude transtorna. Passados mais de 20 anos de sua morte, ela fascina jovens do mundo inteiro. A Igreja Católica reconhece-a como um exemplo de realização, beatificando-a. O que há de tão especial em Chiara Luce? É o que o Autor quer entender, buscando o sentido de tudo...
Data de lançamento: 2013-01-01 R$ 19,90
Com sensibilidade e ilustrações delicadas, o livro mostra ao leitor como era Cecília quando criança, e depois, quando mocinha. Uma garota inteligente, que gostava de música, histórias e, claro, de poemas. Não foi por acaso que ela escreveu coisas tão bonitas!
Data de lançamento: 2006-01-01 R$ 19,90
This fascinating addition to the best-selling Who Was...? series does not settle questions of theology. Instead, it presents young readers with a biography that covers what is known historically about Jesus and places in his life in the context of his world when Jerusalem was part of the Roman Empire. In an even-handed and easy-to-read narrative, this title—illustrated with eighty black-and-white drawings—also explains the early origins of Christianity and how it became a major religion.
Data de lançamento: 2015-02-05 R$ 22,90
Stanley Lieber was just seventeen when he got his first job at Timely Comics in 1939. Since then, the man now known as Stan Lee has launched a comic book empire, made Marvel Comics a household name, and created iconic superheroes such as Iron Man, Spider-Man, and the Fantastic Four. Stan Lee is still dreaming up caped crusaders and masked vigilantes in his nineties. Who Is Stan Lee? tells the story of a New York City kid with a superhero-sized imagination.
Data de lançamento: 2014-12-26 R$ 22,90
Perfect for newly independent readers—discover the amazing life of one of America’s top ballerinas, Michaela DePrince, whose story is soon to be told in a major motion picture directed by Madonna. At the age of three, Michaela DePrince found a photo of a ballerina that changed her life. She was living in an orphanage in Sierra Leone at the time, but was soon adopted by a family and brought to America. Michaela never forgot the photo of the dancer she once saw, and quickly decided to m...
Data de lançamento: 2014-10-14 R$ 22,90
Everyone has heard of Albert Einstein-but what exactly did he do? How much do kids really know about Albert Einstein besides the funny hair and genius label? For instance, do they know that he was expelled from school as a kid? Finally, here's the story of Albert Einstein's life, told in a fun, engaging way that clearly explores the world he lived in and changed.
Data de lançamento: 2002-02-18 R$ 22,90
Steve Jobs, adopted in infancy by a family in San Francisco, packed a lot of life into fifty-six short years. In this Who Was…? biography, children will learn how his obsession with computers and technology at an early age led him to co-found and run Apple, in addition to turning Pixar into a ground-breaking animation studio. A college dropout, Jobs took unconventional steps in his path to success and inspired the best and the brightest to come with him and “change the world.”
Data de lançamento: 2012-03-29 R$ 22,90
Walt Disney always loved to entertain people. Often it got him into trouble. Once he painted pictures with tar on the side of his family's white house. His family was poor, and the happiest time of his childhood was spent living on a farm in Missouri. His affection for small-town life is reflected in Disneyland Main Streets around the world. With black-and-white illustrations throughout, this biography reveals the man behind the magic. This book is not authorized, licensed or endorsed by the Wal...
Data de lançamento: 2009-04-16 R$ 22,90
Claude Monet is considered one of the most influential artists of all time. He is a founder of the French Impressionist art movement, and today his paintings sell for millions of dollars. While Monet was alive, however, his work was often criticized and he struggled financially. With over one hundred black-and-white illustrations, this book unveils a true portrait of the artist!
Data de lançamento: 2009-07-23 R$ 22,90
The littlest readers can learn about Rosa Parks in this board book version of the New York Times bestselling Ordinary People Change the World biography. This friendly, fun biography series focuses on the traits that made our heroes great--the traits that kids can aspire to in order to live heroically themselves. In this new board book format, the very youngest readers can learn about one of America's icons in the series's signature lively, conversational way. The short text focuses on drawing in...
Data de lançamento: 2020-06-02 R$ 27,90
A Step 3 biography of esteemed lawyer and former First Lady of the United States Michelle Obama! Michelle Obama is a lot like YOU! She grew up on the South Side of Chicago with her brother, Craig. She rode her bike and played freeze tag with her friends. And she and her family ate dinner together every night! Michelle's parents taught her to work hard and not let anyone or anything stand in her way. That work ethic has propelled her through her whole life—through her magnet high school, her co...
Data de lançamento: 2018-09-04 R$ 22,90
Boys can be anything they want to be! This timely book joins and expands the gender-role conversation and gives middle-grade boys a welcome alternative message: that masculinity can mean many things. You won't find any stories of slaying dragons or saving princesses here. In Stories for Boys Who Dare to Be Different, author Ben Brooks-with the help of Quinton Wintor's striking full-color illustrations-offers a welcome alternative narrative: one that celebrates introverts and innovators, sensitiv...
Data de lançamento: 2018-09-25 R$ 52,90
The True Story of a Man Who Risked It All for God With over 15 million sold, this modern-day classic is now available in a new edition especially for young readers ages 9 to 12, complete with 30 illustrations that bring the story to life. This riveting story follows the young David Wilkerson--then a simple country preacher--as he risks everything, including his life, to go to the heart of New York City to bring the gospel to the violent gangs and drug users who were taking over the streets. The ...
Data de lançamento: 2018-06-19 R$ 2,90
How did an Irish schoolboy become the lead singer of a world-famous rock band and the founder of several humanitarian groups? Track Bono's rise to fame in this exciting addition to the Who Was? series. By age 16, Paul David Hewson was such a good singer that he had earned the nickname "Bono Vox," a Latin phrase that translates to "good voice." When he became the frontman of the newly formed rock band U2 in 1976, he adopted part of the nickname and "Bono" was introduced to the world. Today, U2 ha...
Data de lançamento: 2018-10-02 R$ 22,90
Imagine reunir toda a diversão de um canal pra lá de animado e colocar em páginas lindas e coloridas? Pois foi assim que surgiu este livro que tem a carinha das irmãs mais fofas da internet: Melissa e Nicole, do Planeta das Gêmeas. Elas são alegres, inteligentes, talentosas e adoram conversar com os amigos e amigas que acompanham suas aventuras. E claro que aqui vai ser igual! Você vai adorar se sentir bem pertinho das gêmeas e participar desse planeta, onde a diversão é sempre em dobr...
Data de lançamento: 2017-08-04 R$ 32,90
Louis Pasteur was a scientist. When he tried to convince the medical establishment that germs caused disease, he was laughed at. Louis never accepted defeat. He discovered how to kill germs in liquids in a process we call “pasteurization”. He developed vaccines and encouraged the use of antiseptics and disinfectants. But he wasn’t always honest. He claimed credit for work that wasn’t his and sometimes lied about his results. Find out more about this man who discovered many facts about ge...
Data de lançamento: 2017-03-08 R$ 3,90
Amelia Earhart believed a woman could do anything a man could. She encouraged women to follow their dreams. When Amelia first saw an airplane, she was not impressed. A few years later, she knew she had to fly. Amelia set many flying records. Her dream was to be the first person to fly around the world along the equator. In 1937, she set off on her dream. Find out more about this woman of many firsts in this short 15-minute children's biography. Ages 10 and up. Reading Level: 7.0 LearningIsland.c...
Data de lançamento: 2016-12-22 R$ 3,90
Além de criar os famosos personagens infantis - Emília, Narizinho, Visconde de Sabugosa, Dona Benta e tantos mais -, Monteiro Lobato brigou por suas idéias e opiniões, marcando sua presença no cenário brasileiro. Neste livro, que faz parte da coleção Crianças Famosas, os autores contam como foi a infância do escritor.
Data de lançamento: 2010-05-20 R$ 19,90
Nascido em Vila Velha, atual cidade de Ouro Preto, na época em que o Brasil ainda era colônia de Portugal, Antônio Francisco Lisboa, mulato, filho de uma escrava e de um famoso arquiteto português, viveu sua infância cercado pela escravidão, pelo gosto pela arquitetura e pelos santos que tanto observava nos oratórios da cidade. Este livro apresenta um pouco da infância de Aleijadinho, o maior expoente da arte colonial no Brasil que, ultrapassando as fronteiras brasileiras, é considerado...
Data de lançamento: 1993-01-01 R$ 19,90
Learn how Lady Diana Spencer became the People's Princess as she takes her place in the ranks of the Who Was? series. A shy twenty-year-old girl stepped out of a horse-drawn coach and into the world spotlight, capturing the imagination of millions as a real life fairytale princess. Although the storybook marriage didn't have a happy ending, Diana learned to use her fame as a way to champion charitable causes near to her heart. She became the People's Princess by humanizing the image of the royal...
Data de lançamento: 2017-04-04 R$ 22,90
This Step 4 leveled reader about Nelson Mandela, the Nobel Prize–winning activist for racial equality in South Africa, is as spellbinding a biography as you can find. His journey from student to revolutionary to inmate to president of South Africa will inspire and engage kids of all ages. As conversations about race, prejudice, and injustice pervade classrooms and homes, teachers and parents need books that can bring those discussions within the grasp of kids. Nelson Mandela’s story, ...
Data de lançamento: 2016-06-14 R$ 22,90
The must-have Christmas gift for all 1D fans, don’t miss the year’s only official book from the world’s favourite band… Harry, Liam, Louis and Niall have had one busy year – from touring the world to writing their new album and racking up even more awards to add to their trophy cabinets, they have lots to share! With tonnes of never-before-seen photos, the latest news and goss from their on- and off-tour adventures, plus buckets of exclusive interviews, get to know One Direction on a w...
Data de lançamento: 2015-08-27 R$ 32,90
Now a Netflix film starring and directed by Chiwetel Ejiofor, this is a gripping memoir of survival and perseverance about the heroic young inventor who brought electricity to his Malawian village. When a terrible drought struck William Kamkwamba's tiny village in Malawi, his family lost all of the season's crops, leaving them with nothing to eat and nothing to sell. William began to explore science books in his village library, looking for a solution. There, he came up with the idea that would ...
Data de lançamento: 2015-02-05 R$ 34,90
If you are looking for an inspirational, true-life hero to introduce your children to, Bill Gates is definitely a good choice! "Meet Bill Gates" was written for children age 6 to 8. With many colorful illustrations, this biography focuses on Bill Gates’ life as a boy in Seattle, Washington, and the values he learned from his parents. Bill was a gifted child with a visionary mind. He was excited about technology and correctly predicted how developing technology would affect the world. Children ...
Data de lançamento: 2013-09-04 R$ 9,90
You can always recognize a painting by Kahlo because she is in nearly all--with her black braided hair and colorful Mexican outfits. A brave woman who was an invalid most of her life, she transformed herself into a living work of art. As famous for her self-portraits and haunting imagery as she was for her marriage to another famous artist, Diego Rivera, this strong and courageous painter was inspired by the ancient culture and history of her beloved homeland, Mexico. Her paintings continue to i...
Data de lançamento: 2013-12-26 R$ 22,90
Born into a close knit family in Chicago, Michelle Robinson was a star student who graduated from Princeton and Harvard Law. Then in 1992, she married another promising young lawyer and the rest, as they say, is history. It is undeniable that President Barack Obama has changed the United States but so has Michelle Obama, the self proclaimed "Mom in Chief." This compelling, easy-to-read biography is illustrated by New Yorker artist John O'Brien.
Data de lançamento: 2013-08-15 R$ 22,90
As a child he dreamt of changing South Africa; as a man he changed the world. Nelson Mandela spent his life battling apartheid and championing a peaceful revolution. He spent twenty-seven years in prison and emerged as the inspiring leader of the new South Africa. He became the country’s first black president and went on to live his dream of change. This is an important and exciting addition to the Who Was...? series.
Data de lançamento: 2013-12-14 R$ 22,90
Secrets and surprises from Roald Dahl! Feast your eyes on a secret! Between these covers is a long-lost chapter—and the original ending—from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and other delicious never-before-seen tidbits from Mr. Wonka's factory. Then slip into some tasty tales from Roald Dahl's life to discover more about the world's No. 1 storyteller. No Roald Dahl collection is complete without this splendiferous treat!
Data de lançamento: 2010-09-02 R$ 29,90
*** As a boy, famed scientist Edward O. Wilson spent his happiest days outdoors hunting for fish, snakes, and bugs in Florida and Alabama. Drawing from Wilson’s autobiography Naturalist, author Sara van Dyck shows how the shy boy who loved ants grew into the man who became a world leader in nature conservation. He believes that there is always more to discover and has dedicated himself to promoting biodiversity and protecting habitats around the globe. Written for ages 7 and up, the book inclu...
Data de lançamento: 2011-09-21 R$ 3,90
The #1 bestselling chapter book series of all time celebrates 25 years with new covers and a new, easy-to-use numbering system! Getting the facts behind the fiction has never looked better. Track the facts with Jack and Annie! When Jack and Annie got back from their adventure in Magic Tree House Merlin Mission #19: Abe Lincoln at Last!, they had lots of questions. What was it like to grow up in a log cabin? How did Lincoln become president? What was his family like? Why did the US fight the Civi...
Data de lançamento: 2011-12-27 R$ 27,90
“Young women looking for inspiration will surely find it” ( Booklist ) in these profiles of forty-six movers and shakers who made their mark before they turned twenty. This fun and inspiring collection of influential stories provides forty-six illustrated examples of strong, independent female role models, all of whom first impacted the world as teenagers or younger. Originally published in two volumes over a decade ago, this fully updated and expanded edition of Girls Who Rocked the World s...
Data de lançamento: 2012-10-30 R$ 42,90
HE STARTED LEARNING to play the piano when he was three years old in Shenyang, China. Today he is one of the world’s most outstanding pianists. In this engrossing life story, adapted by Michael French, Lang Lang not only recounts the difficult, often thrilling, events of his early days, but also shares his perspective on his rapidly changing homeland. He thoughtfully explores the differences between East and West, especially in the realm of classical music and cultural life. Shining through hi...
Data de lançamento: 2008-07-08 R$ 27,90
In 1789, George Washington became the first president of the United States. He has been called the father of our country for leading America through its early years. Washington also served in two major wars during his lifetime: the French and Indian War and the American Revolution. With over 100 black-and-white illustrations, Washington's fascinating story comes to life - revealing the real man, not just the face on the dollar bill!
Data de lançamento: 2009-01-08 R$ 22,90