The Old Man and the Sea is a Pulitzer prize winning short novel by Ernest Hemingway, often ranked as one of his most famous works, it tells the story of Santiago, an aging Cuban fisherman who struggles with a giant marlin far out in the Gulf Stream off the coast of Cuba
Data de lançamento: 2020-06-27 R$ 7,90
★掀起話題新世代網遊鉅作,在作者個人網站連載時創高瀏覽記錄。 ★多采多姿的遊戲世界引人入勝,於2012年動畫化。在謎樣次世代線上遊戲「SAO刀劍神域」裡,GAME OVER就等於真正的「死亡」── SAO玩家‧桐人,以完全攻略為目標,在遊戲舞台「艾恩葛朗特」城堡裡展開一連串嚴酷的冒險。 途中與女劍士‧亞絲娜的相遇,也為桐人帶來命中注定的契機──
Data de lançamento: 2016-10-12 R$ 17,90
★創台灣影史新紀錄,日片票房No.1的新海誠最新力作《你的名字。》小說版! ★附《你的名字。》製作人、《如果這世界貓消失了》作者川村元氣解說,揭露本書創作源起。未曾相識的兩人, 不可解的相遇, 讓命運的齒輪開始轉動── 家住深山的女高中生三葉,每天過著鬱鬱寡歡的生活。 身為鎮長的父親參與的選舉、家中神社的古老習俗、狹小的村莊──在莫名在意四周眼光的年...
Data de lançamento: 2016-12-14 R$ 19,90
Introduction: The legend of the Devil Dragon has always been spread on the mainland of Casesi. It is said that the evil dragon is extremely fierce. It is said that the evil dragon caused the destruction of life on the mainland. It is said that the evil dragon sleeps in a corner of the mainland. It is said that His Highness Prince Ruhr was skeptical about this: does the evil dragon really exist in the world? The next second, the evil dragon captured the only prince of the Ambrose Empire. - When A...
Data de lançamento: 2022-11-09 R$ 79,90
William Boot, a young man who lives in genteel poverty, far from the iniquities of London, contributes nature notes to Lord Copper’s Daily Beast, a national daily newspaper. He is dragooned into becoming a foreign correspondent, when the editors mistake him for John Courtney Boot, a fashionable novelist and a remote cousin. He is sent to Ishmaelia, a fictional state in East Africa, to report on the crisis there. Lord Copper believes it “a very promising little war” and proposes “to give ...
Data de lançamento: 2020-06-29 R$ 12,90
Things are heating up between the secretary and her hero at long last! Separated from the rest of their party in the Ancient Ruins, Aki and Elias finally have time to define their relationship. But a deadly trap set by the Shadow Tribe pushes them both to awaken powers that demand a price. Meanwhile, Leo and Johann are facing an equally dangerous threat that puts everything they believe in to the test. Will the Hero Party be able to regroup before it’s too late?!
Data de lançamento: 2019-12-31 R$ 37,90
The Seven Deadly Sins—a legendary order that once served the Kingdom of Liones as the mightiest of its Holy Knights—stand accused of treason and have fled the realm. Princess Margaret and young Gilthunder, the slain commander Zaratras’ son, know the terrible truth about the betrayal but dare not speak of it, not even to each other. The aftermath of the event that shook Britannia comes to life in seven prose chapters that provide a superb introduction to the rich world of the original comic...
Data de lançamento: 2017-05-30 R$ 29,90
★以精靈、謎樣怪物、世界災難等王道題材,加入一點點萌要素。 ★輕小說史上最快速宣布動畫化的作品。轉學到高中就讀的十香,每天都與同班同學折紙爭吵不休。 每次都得介入兩人之間勸架的士道在放學途中,與第二名精靈相遇了。 在下個不停的雨勢中,少女沒有撐傘,左手戴著兔子形狀的手偶, 愉悅地在馬路上碰碰跳跳──然後滑了一大跤。 少女表現出膽怯的樣子,對著出手...
Data de lançamento: 2016-08-31 R$ 17,90