Livro prefaciado por Adenor Leonardo Bachi (TITE), Paulo Autuori e Renê Simões. Em um mundo em constante mutação, como é o do futebol, só a inteligência pode ajudar verdadeiramente, uma vez que, além de saber agir com eficácia, torna-se fundamental saber pensar acerca do modo como se age. Por isso, nos mais recentes anos do futebol moderno, a componente tática vem sendo cada vez mais valorizada e difundida. No Brasil, especialmente, essa dimensão do desempenho desportivo tem sido estu...
Data de lançamento: 2020-05-15 R$ 27,90
Una crònica íntima de Guardiola al Bayern de Munic: els èxits, els problemes i les claus del nou equip d’en Pep. Martí Perarnau ha tingut accés al vestidor, a l’entrenador i als jugadors, des del fitxatge de Guardiola i fins al final de la temporada oficial, i ens ofereix un relat minuciós de la vocació pel treball de Pep Guardiola, la seva obssessió pels detalls i la seva tossuderia a la recerca de l’excellència. Una descripció detallada de tot el que ha succeït a la rebotiga d...
Data de lançamento: 2014-09-04 R$ 37,90
La respiración es sin duda la función biológica más importante. Aunque no le concedamos siempre la importancia que se merece, constituye el elemento que nos posibilita los procesos energéticos del cuerpo. Junto a la relajación, pues no entendemos una sin la otra, nos ayudan a reequilibrar la economía de nuestro cuerpo para remediar entre otros: los malos hábitos corporales, la tensión muscular, las secreciones químicas (hormonales), los pensamientos negativos, el dolor, etc. Se hace ne...
Data de lançamento: 2007-01-01 R$ 37,90
During his storied career as head coach of the Chicago Bulls and Los Angeles Lakers, Phil Jackson won more championships than any coach in the history of professional sports. Even more important, he succeeded in never wavering from coaching his way, from a place of deep values. Jackson was tagged as the “Zen master” half in jest by sportswriters, but the nickname speaks to an important truth: this is a coach who inspired, not goaded; who led by awakening and challenging the better angels of ...
Data de lançamento: 2013-05-21 R$ 59,90
A Análise de Desempenho no Futebol é um assunto muito estudado na atualidade. A dificuldade por materiais de estudo relacionados a essa área foi a maior motivação para criação desta obra, que pode auxiliar todos os interessados a aumentar o conhecimento desse tema. O futebol está cada vez mais dependente da tecnologia e estudar os detalhes desse jogo pode ser primordial no resultado final. Neste livro, mostraremos diversas maneiras de se trabalhar, estudar e aplicar a Análise de Desempe...
Data de lançamento: 2018-05-23 R$ 17,90
Esta obra vem para esclarecer algumas dúvidas sobre a verdadeira maneira de se trabalhar o treinamento no Futebol de forma específica. Trata-se do resultado de 10 anos de estudo teórico e prático no âmbito da preparação física no Futebol, buscando-se, a cada dia de trabalho, entender qual a melhor forma de se trabalhar a parte física nessa modalidade e evoluir constantemente nesse conhecimento.
Data de lançamento: 2010-12-14 R$ 37,90
O Seattle Sounders FC, equipe de futebol de Seattle que vem batendo seguidos recordes de público em seu estádio, é o mais recente fenômeno esportivo e comercial no ambiente das grandes ligas nos Estados Unidos: um caso de amor entre uma cidade e um time, e uma história de sucesso corporativo meteórico – sem paralelos no futebol profissional do século XXI. O início dessa história, no entanto, não apontava para um final tão feliz. Podia fazer lembrar, inclusive, a introdução para um...
Data de lançamento: 2016-03-21 R$ 34,90
O problema não é que, neste livro, Marcelo Dunlop tenha reunido várias frases que eu gostaria de ter dito. O que eu queria era ter feito este livro! Ruy Castro _______ O poeta Fernando Pessoa dizia que o sujeito de bom senso é ateu ao sol do meio-dia, mas acredita em todos os deuses e espíritos quando cai a noite profunda. Tenho uma inveja danada dessa frase, porque gostaria de ter dito algo parecido, mas em referência ao futebol. Quando o árbitro trila o apito e a partida come...
Data de lançamento: 2023-01-04 R$ 34,90
Há quem defenda a tese de que por trás de todo gênio existe certa dose de loucura. No caso de Marcelo Bielsa, foram doses nada moderadas dessa condição que moldaram a sua forma de enxergar o futebol e ajudaram a compor a aura que cerca El Loco, um dos técnicos mais intrigantes do nosso tempo. Em A virtude da loucura: a vida de Marcelo Bielsa, o autor britânico Tim Rich reconstrói toda a trajetória do treinador argentino desde o núcleo familiar, que nele imprimiu seus valores — transm...
Data de lançamento: 2021-09-30 R$ 44,90
With a new introduction, Phil Jackson's modern classic of motivation, teamwork, and Zen insight is updated for a whole new readership "Not only is there more to life than basketball, there's a lot more to basketball than basketball." --Phil Jackson Eleven years ago, when Phil Jackson first wrote these words in Sacred Hoops , he was the triumphant head coach of the Chicago Bulls, known for his Zen approach to the game. He hadnt yet moved to the Los Angeles Lakers, with whom he would bring his tot...
Data de lançamento: 2012-10-09 R$ 57,90
The late Rinus Michels was named FIFA Coach of the Century. He was the creator of 'Total Football', a brand of creative attacking soccer epitomized by his Dutch National Team and his club sides at Ajax and FC Barcelona. He was truly one of the giants of world soccer. Michels called upon all his knowledge and experience to write this book, a 'soccer bible' for coaches, trainers and managers throughout the world as a source of inspiration. All facets of the team building process, including t...
Data de lançamento: 2011-07-30 R$ 32,90
"Take a minute to slip into the mind of one of the world's greatest soccer players and imagine a stadium around you. Picture a performance under the lights and mentally play the perfect game." Technique, speed and tactical execution are crucial components of winning soccer, but it is mental toughness that marks out the very best players - the ability to play when pressure is highest, the opposition is strongest, and fear is greatest. Top players and coaches understand the importance of sport psy...
Data de lançamento: 2012-12-01 R$ 52,90
Bielsa desde todos los ángulos posibles, que es lo mismo que decir que lo retrata desde el único flanco que realmente lo desvive: la locura por el fútbol. Nunca se puede abandonar una competencia de esta magnitud sin tristeza, frustración o decepción. Es muy difícil asumir que esto ya no nos pertenece. Las palabras las pronunció cuando Chile se quedó afuera del Mundial Sudáfrica 2010, pero sirven para demostrar cómo es de complejo y de frontal Marcelo Bielsa. Un tipo que vive, juega y ...
Data de lançamento: 2012-02-01 R$ 37,90
"I know that I'll be evaluated in Seattle with wins and losses, as that is the nature of my profession for the last thirty-five years. But our record will not be what motivates me. Years ago I was asked, 'Pete, which is better: winning or competing?' My response was instantaneous: 'Competing. . . because it lasts longer.'" Pete Carroll is one of the most successful coaches in football today. As the head coach at USC, he brought the Trojans back to national prominence, amassing a 97-19 record ove...
Data de lançamento: 2010-07-13 R$ 44,90
Bienvenidos a la masterclass de Ruud Gullit. Desde su inmejorable perspectiva como jugador, entrenador y comentarista, la leyenda del fútbol holandés nos enseña cómo observar correctamente un partido de fútbol durante noventa minutos, desde las formaciones iniciales y las decisiones tácticas hasta las cualidades individuales de cada jugador y los momentos más trascendentales de cada partido. Ruud Gullit nos desvela los patrones secretos del fútbol. Un libro lleno de agudeza y astucia, co...
Data de lançamento: 2017-02-16 R$ 32,90
El libro abarca varios aspectos de lo que significa la construcción táctica defensiva de un equipo, sin perder la perspectiva de la conexión con el juego de ataque y enfatizando mucho el sentido de las transiciones en fútbol. Así mismo, consta de un prólogo escrito por Chema Sanz y un capítulo escrito por Tito Ramallo, precursor de la Intensidad Táctica, aplicada a la defensa y que supone un aspecto innovador en la cuantificación del entrenamiento.
Data de lançamento: 2014-12-15 R$ 39,90
In his quest to define ‘sporting greatness’, double Olympic champion Alistair Brownlee has spent nearly 4 years interviewing and training with some of the greatest minds in sport to discover what it takes to become – and remain – a champion. Featuring: Ian Botham • Mark Cavendish • Alastair Cook • Alex Danson • Richard Dunwoody • Donna Fraser • Chris Froome • Anna Hemmings • Denis Irwin • Michael Johnson • Kílian Jornet • Stuart Lancaster • AP McCoy • Ronnie O...
Data de lançamento: 2021-07-08 Gênero:Esportes e atividades ao ar livre R$ 82,90
Este libro presenta un catálogo de ejercicios para desarrollar un método integral de entrenamiento . Las 221 situaciones de entrenamiento que se desarrollan se agrupan en función del recurso de entrenamiento principal al que atienden, de esta forma, los ejercicios se dividen en nueve apartados –utilización del espacio, número de jugadores, restricción técnica, restricción temporal, juego con desventaja técnica, finalización, funciones, porterías y situaciones globales–. Dentro de ...
Data de lançamento: 2008-01-15 R$ 27,90
Esta obra foi criada pensando em servir como base para formação e aperfeiçoamento tanto dos profissionais iniciantes, quanto daqueles que já iniciados buscam alternativas de orientação, não para copiar algo que já foi feito, mas sim para sua própria criação. O trabalho é fruto de 30 anos de experimentos, dando assim um atalho a ser trilhado, mostrando os acertos e evidenciando os erros para que não sejam repetidos. Mostra o caminho percorrido com relativo sucesso entre as categorias...
Data de lançamento: 2016-08-16 R$ 9,90
How does an underdog become a champion? One of the most innovative, gutsy, and dynamic head coaches in the NFL reveals the strategies behind building the Eagles team that shocked the world by winning the Super Bowl. Doug Pederson is the very definition of an underdog. He was an undrafted rookie free agent who would go on to play fourteen years in the NFL as a backup quarterback. He was cut five times, yet kept getting back up and into the fray. He would win one Super Bowl, with the Green Bay Pac...
Data de lançamento: 2018-08-21 R$ 14,90
What makes a coach great? How do great coaches turn a collection of individuals into a coherent “us”? Seth Davis, one of the keenest minds in sports journalism, has been thinking about that question for twenty-five years. It’s one of the things that drove him to write the definitive biography of college basketball’s greatest coach, John Wooden, Wooden: A Coach’s Life . But John Wooden coached a long time ago. The world has changed, and coaching has too, tremendously....
Data de lançamento: 2018-03-06 R$ 34,90
Este libro desarrolla bajo la metodología de Periodización Táctica cuatro semanas de entrenamiento de un equipo de categoría infantil, cadete, juvenil o aficionado, utilizando como hilo conductor un Modelo de Juego determinado. Al tratarse de una aplicación práctica puede ayudar al lector a entender la Periodización Táctica.
Data de lançamento: 2016-10-25 R$ 32,90
When it comes to building successful soccer teams, pre-season is a critical time. It’s the perfect time for the coach to create a team identity, set standards, develop effective training habits, and reinforce winning behaviors. Get it right and you can set the foundation required to catapult your team towards an excellent season. Get it wrong, however, and your season might never recover. This book looks at how pre-season has changed over the past 10 years, and offers ways for coaches to adapt...
Data de lançamento: 2016-06-27 R$ 49,90
Originally developed by Vitór Frade, at the University of Porto, Tactical Periodization is a methodology - popularized by coaches such as José Mourinho and Andre Villas Boas - that trains soccer players through a logical process that focuses on four moments of the game. These four moments are: Offensive Organisation, the Transition from Defence to Attack, Defensive Organisation, and the Transition from Attack to Defence. Through Tactical Periodization, the aim is to develop players to rapidly ...
Data de lançamento: 2015-04-16 R$ 49,90
This book examines the offensive and defensive phases of the popular 3-4-1-2 and 4-2-3-1 systems of play. Starting with a discussion of the characteristics of the players at each position, it builds into a comprehensive tactical overview complete with build-up options and attacking schemes in the attack phase and marking responsibilities and zonal movements in defense. Finally, the author suggests strategies for countering specific formations out of both the 3-4-1-2 and the 4-2-3-1.
Data de lançamento: 2011-11-06 R$ 32,90
Overload Games The practices are designed to inspire and motivate players in real game situations that give them freedom of choice and movement both in and out of possession. The basic techniques of passing, dribbling, shooting, tackling and heading will all be used but with the aim of solving a match problem rather than simply constant repetition. The sessions have objectives for both the attacking and defending players in order to aid the tempo, competition and enjoyment of the practice. Finis...
Data de lançamento: 2011-06-01 R$ 32,90
ESTA EDICIÓN INCLUYE UNA NUEVA INTRODUCCIÓN DEL AUTOR. Un recuento de cómo Alemania cambió al entrenador del Manchester City. Por el autor del best seller internacional Herr Pep . Guardiola vivió en Alemania una metamorfosis que le cambió en numerosos aspectos. Si bien conserva los atributos fundamentales de su fútbol (el juego de posición como modelo y la competitividad insaciable como motor), incorporó nuevos rasgos aportados por la experiencia en Múnich. Esta obra es una pieza singu...
Data de lançamento: 2021-10-21 R$ 42,90
El épico recorrido de Marcelo Bielsa al mando del Leeds United durante la campaña 2018-2019, en la que intentó devolver al equipo a la Premier League, la primera división del fútbol inglés, y luego su consagración en la temporada siguiente, narrado por uno de sus testigos y colaboradores más cercanos: su intérprete y asistente Salim Lamrani. ¿Cómo logró Marcelo Bielsa que Leeds United propusiera uno de los desempeños más hermosos de Europa mientras aún peleaba el ascenso en la lig...
Data de lançamento: 2021-08-01 R$ 47,90
Win the Day, written by Dr. Jerry Lynch, is a book about the power of connection, caring, and core values in a successful team culture. It is a book that will help you to create, model, and sustain what championship teams, like the Seahawks and Warriors, do on a daily basis. To achieve success in sports, one must believe a team s culture has to be connective, caring, and authentic, one way or another. It must come from the heart and soul of the coach and the athletes. Jerry captures that importa...
Data de lançamento: 2019-07-06 R$ 82,90
Manejar la presión es una habilidad. Este libro accesible e inspirador te enseñará a cultivar una mentalidad sin límites para para potenciar el desempeño y producir lo mejor de ti, en el trabajo, en el deporte y en casa.
Data de lançamento: 2016-08-15 R$ 32,90
Whether you are a first-year coach or a lifelong learner... this the book for you. Hone your craft with lessons from top coaches and professional players. Topics include Principles, Mindset, Motor Learning, Culture, and so much more. Based on the hit coaching podcast, this book is an essential guide to leaders in any sport. Get it now!
Data de lançamento: 2019-09-07 R$ 42,90
Tim Grover began training Michael Jordan in 1989, and since then hundreds of elite athletes have turned to Grover to become stronger, faster, and more powerful, both physically and mentally. From increasing Michael Jordan's vertical leap to keeping Kobe Bryant and countless other superstars in peak physical shape, Grover's methods have made the best even better, year after year. In Jump Attack, Grover shares his revolutionary fitness bible. This three-phase, twelve-week programme has been comple...
Data de lançamento: 2014-06-01 R$ 32,90
Si pudieras reunir a más de 40 de los mejores entrenadores de vóleibol del mundo, ¿Crees que podrían tener algunas cosas interesantes que decir? Descubre qué entrenadores con decenas de miles de victorias y cientos de campeonatos en los diferentes niveles piensan en cosas como: - Desarrollar una cultura y buena química de equipo - Hacer que quienes no comienzan en campo se sientan importantes - Aprovechar al máximo a tus mejores jugadores - Planificación de entrenamientos altamente efect...
Data de lançamento: 2018-12-17 R$ 39,90
Small-sided games are the epicentre of soccer improvement. Done right, they can play a huge role in the development of players. The environment created through these games makes it possible not just to ‘let the game be the teacher,’ but also to improve specific skills and tactics - all in the context of the real game. We do this by manipulating the secondary rules of the game, by either adding elements or constraining players in various ways. The ultimate alternative to the ‘drill,’ smal...
Data de lançamento: 2017-04-06 R$ 49,90
La mayor parte de los conflictos que surgen en un equipo tienen su origen en el hecho de que todos sus integrantes no tienen un nivel de compromiso equivalente: no se esfuerzan igual, no se sacrifican de la misma manera y no se juegan lo mismo en la actividad colectiva que desarrollan juntos. A menudo ocurre que unos cuantos pasan de todo, otros se limitan a cumplir y unos pocos se dejan la piel. En este libro se ofrecen diferentes estrategias para igualar el nivel de implicación de todos los m...
Data de lançamento: 2017-02-06 R$ 39,90
«La gente discute si Pelé o Maradona. Di Stéfano ha sido el mejor de la historia. Un jugador mucho más completo.» Pelé «Di Stéfano ha sido el más grande de todos los tiempos.» Diego Armando Maradona «Uno de los mejores de la historia.» Sir Alex Ferguson «Sin duda, el mejor de los mejores.» Michel Platini Todo el mundo ha escuchado hablar de Pelé, Cruyff y Maradona, pero para los verdaderos conocedores del fútbol, Alfredo Di Stéfano, el mago detrás de las cinco Copas de Europa c...
Data de lançamento: 2017-04-27 R$ 32,90
A soccer player is more than the sum of his parts: endurance, speed, shooting technique, passing technique, and many more. All of these factors need to be turned into one system to create good players. Traditional training theory doesn't achieve that because each skill is trained individually. This is why the concept of Tactical Periodization has become the preferred training theory for many of the current most successful soccer coaches: Pep Guardiola, José Mourinho, Diego Simeone, André V...
Data de lançamento: 2016-08-29 R$ 67,90
What is an elite NFL QB and what separates that player from the others? One answer is the coach they share. In the recent history of the biggest game on earth, one man is the common thread that connects several of the very best in the sport: Peyton Manning; Ben Roethlisberger; Andrew Luck; and the resurgent Carson Palmer. That coach is Bruce Arians. A larger than life visionary who trained under the tutelage of Bear Bryant, Arians has had a major impact on the development and success of each of ...
Data de lançamento: 2017-07-11 R$ 79,90
Coaching a team at this level also means facing daily difficulties, confronting others, produce ideas, take decisions on many fronts, dictate rules and ensure that those rules are followed. Players themselves, during the season, will acknowledge that compliance with the rules and discipline represent the basic requirements for working well and achieving results. I believe, therefore, that the best way to enforce the concept of democracy in a group is to impose the respect of roles and hierarchy....
Data de lançamento: 2016-10-10 R$ 2,90
Have you tried and failed to will your short body to dunk a basketball? Learn how even the most vertically challenged players can slam the ball home with ease. Have you been told you're far too short to touch the rim, let alone throw the ball down? Having trouble increasing your vertical leap no matter how much weightlifting you do? Author James Wilson is a 30-year veteran of basketball coaching in 20 different countries. He's cracked the scientific code to allow players of any height to dunk li...
Data de lançamento: 2014-01-17 R$ 19,90
An “excellent sports history” ( Publishers Weekly ) in the tradition of Michael Lewis’s Moneyball , award-winning historian S.C. Gwynne tells the incredible story of how two unknown coaches revolutionized American football at every level, from high school to the NFL. Hal Mumme spent fourteen mostly losing seasons coaching football before inventing a potent passing offense that would soon shock players, delight fans, and terrify opposing coaches. It all began at a tiny, overlooked college c...
Data de lançamento: 2016-09-20 R$ 67,90
The instant New York Times bestseller Remarkable lessons in leadership and team building from one of the greatest football coaches of our time. Urban Meyer has established himself as one of the elite in the annals of his sport, having lead his players to three national championships. In Above the Line , he offers readers his unparalleled insights into leadership, team building, and the keys to empowering people to achieve things they might never have thought possible. Meyer shares hi...
Data de lançamento: 2015-10-27 R$ 54,90
This new, enhanced iBook edition is packed full of touch slides and diagrams, game film, and interactive note-taking with the ability to draw and share your own plays. 101 No-Huddle Spread Offense Plays is a great resource for any football coach on either side of the ball. This book will provide coaches with a detailed explanation of how to install, practice, teach, and run the no-huddle spread offense. Coach Eckley's consistent success is a by-product of the staggering numbers his offenses have...
Data de lançamento: 2014-12-30 R$ 82,90
Give Your Basketball Practices a Shot in the Arm! Use one of the 50 drills in Coaching Basketball to: - Increase practice intensity! - Build great basketball habits in your players! - Emphasize the little details of the game! - Never have a stale, boring practice! - Teach your players to have focused, controlled intensity when they play! Eight time Coach of the Year Kevin Sivils shares 50 drills designed to inject intensity to any practice. Illustrated with 108 diagrams to help clarify how the d...
Data de lançamento: 2014-12-08 R$ 17,90
Una crònica íntima de Guardiola al Bayern de Munic: els èxits, els problemes i les claus del nou equip d'en Pep. Martí Perarnau ha tingut accés al vestidor, a l’entrenador i als jugadors, des del fitxatge de Guardiola i fins al final de la temporada oficial, i ens ofereix un relat minuciós de la vocació pel treball de Pep Guardiola, la seva obssessió pels detalls i la seva tossuderia a la recerca de l’excellència. Una descripció detallada de tot el que ha succeït a la rebotiga del...
Data de lançamento: 2014-09-04 R$ 37,90
Edition1 had 7300+ readers. Edition 2 has been re-designed with more detailed information for soccer coaches, analysts and students. It focuses on the individual analysis of a player and the contribution that analysis can play within a purposeful coaching programme. Performance analysis has made the authors better coaches and we expect it will do the same for you. Produced by coaches for coaches it has been designed to allow the reader to interact with 35 videos, 22 illustrations and diagrams, 1...
Data de lançamento: 2014-07-01 R$ 3,90
Updated 2013 ebook version As a competition shooter you can control many things, but you cannot control the wind conditions. To excel in any outdoor shooting sport you will need to learn how to compensate for the effects of the wind. Written by Master Sergeant Jim Owens, his 20+ years of Marine Corps Shooting Team experience will give you the knowledge of how to read, judge and adjust for the wind - in any type of rifle competition. Jim’s book presents a simple system for judging the spe...
Data de lançamento: 2013-12-28 Gênero:Esportes e atividades ao ar livre R$ 32,90
Coaching soccer is demanding. Impossible to perfect, it requires a broad knowledge of many performance areas including technique, tactics, psychology and the social aspects of human development. The first two components are covered in detail in many texts – but Soccer Brain uniquely offers a comprehensive guide to developing the latter two – player mindsets and winning teams. The environment that a coach creates, and the relationships formed with players, is the bedrock of performance and ac...
Data de lançamento: 2013-09-11 R$ 52,90
Noted authors, coaches, and consultants Tom House, Gary Heil, and Steve Johnson present this update on objective medical, exercise, and coaching pitching research, and also provide current information on skills and drills for coaches, players, and parents. The book contains four sections: pitching biomechanics; building skills with drills; pitching goals, strategies, and tactics for competition; and functional fitness, mental/emotional management, nutrition, and arm care for health and performan...
Data de lançamento: 2006-07-19 R$ 52,90
Now with a new chapter on the Wildcats' legendary comeback in the 2014 Final Four John Calipari, one of the most successful coaches in NCAA history, presents the world of college basketball from the coach's chair, unvarnished and straight from the heart. Players First is Calipari's account of his first six years coaching the University of Kentucky men's team, leading it to a national championship in 2012 and the championship game in 2014, all while dealing with the realities of the "one-an...
Data de lançamento: 2014-04-15 R$ 59,90