Master the moves of krav maga— the international self-defense and physical fitness sensation Increasingly popular around the world, krav maga is the renowned hand-to-hand Martial Arts defense fighting designed by the Israeli military forces. Swift, powerful, and simple, it is an effective method for fending off any kind of attacker—and it is also an amazing workout. Regardless of size, strength, and fitness level, anyone can master the essentials of krav maga— and reap the rewards of incre...
Data de lançamento: 2004-09-06 R$ 72,90
Not a comprehensive instructional guide, this book rather aims to serve as an introductory primer that educates the general public and traditional martial arts enthusiasts about the Krav Maga system of self defense, fighting and fitness. The purpose of this book is to serve an invaluable complementary resource to the excellent instructional Krav Maga self defense books and DVDs out there. Here's a small sampling of what you will learn from this book: • What Krav Maga is and why it is the ultim...
Data de lançamento: 2013-09-17 R$ 17,90
If you’re reading these words, chances are that you, like me, are a fan of the great sport we call MMA. And if you’re a fan, then you probably recognize my face. Yeah, that’s right—I’m that guy you see at every UFC match, spinning around and roaring into the microphone and getting up in fighters’ grills. Okay, so I might not be the most subtle or refined announcer in the business. But I hope I communicate my passion for the sport in a way no other announcer does. I...
Data de lançamento: 2013-05-14 R$ 19,90
The third installment in the bestselling series—now featuring live-action video content. "The first volume in the 100 Deadly Skills series delivered clandestine hacks to help you escape and evade threats at home and abroad. The second book, Survival Edition, provided a blueprint for surviving fatal disasters. Now, with the Combat Edition, I've created the most comprehensive on-the-ground combat manual ever assembled—helping good people defeat evil, fight for their lives, and survive another ...
Data de lançamento: 2021-01-26 R$ 19,90
Destinado aos iniciantes na prática do judô e, por isso mesmo, escrito em uma linguagem de fácil compreensão e amplamente ilustrado, este livro apresenta os fundamentos do esporte, descreve todas as técnicas de projeção (nage waza), que constituem o tema central do presente volume, bem como explica os principais gestos de arbitragem
Data de lançamento: 2017-07-03 R$ 62,90
Inspirational teachings on fearlessness, compassion, and nature by the founder of the Japanese martial art of Aikido The real way of the warrior is based on compassion, wisdom, fearlessness, and love of nature. So taught the great Morihei Ueshiba (1883–1969), founder of the Japanese martial art of Aikido. Aikido is a mind-body discipline Ueshiba called the “Art of Peace.” It offers a nonviolent way to victory in the face of conflict, and Ueshiba believed that Aikido principles could be app...
Data de lançamento: 2002-12-03 R$ 49,90
Este es un volumen con una nueva concepción, muy ilustrado y escrito con un lenguaje sencillo. En él encontrará fácilmente las posiciones fundamentales (naturales. defensivas. de ataque): las técnicas de desplazamiento, las formas de presa, la técnica para desequilibrar al adversario, etc., siempre con fotografías muy claras para entenderlas de verdad. Después encontramos las numerosas técnicas de proyección según la clasificación del método Kodokan de Tokio. Finalmente, las técnic...
Data de lançamento: 2016-07-15 R$ 34,90
Saulo Ribeiro—six-time Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu World Champion—is world-renowned for his functional Jiu-Jitsu knowledge and flawless technique. In Jiu-Jitsu University , Ribeiro shares with the public for the first time his revolutionary system of grappling, mapping out more than 200 techniques that carry you from white to black belt. Illuminating common Jiu-Jitsu errors and then illustrating practical remedies, this book is a must for all who train in Jiu-Jitsu. Not your run-of-the-mill techniqu...
Data de lançamento: 2008-11-17 R$ 49,90
Este volume 2 da coleção Judô traz ao leitor o katame waza, conjunto de técnicas para treinamento de chão, que inclui imobilizações, estrangulamentos, chaves e torções. Traz, também, algumas defesas, passagens de guarda e sugestões voltadas para o judô competitivo. Procura-se transmitir ao leitor a maneira mais prática de executar cada técnica. Além disso, leva-se em conta que existem técnicas que podem ser aplicadas em posição de defesa ou de ataque, bem como que certos golpes...
Data de lançamento: 2018-03-05 R$ 57,90
Karate is not just a sport or a hobby—it’s a lifetime study toward perfection of character. Here, Dave Lowry, one of the best-known writers on the Japanese martial arts, illuminates the complete path of karate including practice, philosophy, and culture. He covers myriad subjects of interest to karate practitioners of all ages and levels, including: • The relationship between students and teachers • Cultivating the correct attitude during pra...
Data de lançamento: 2009-01-13 R$ 84,90
A foremost scholar of samurai texts approaches this martial arts classic as a meditation on the Zen concept of “death of the ego”—offering a fresh translation unlike any other. Discover what it takes to be a samurai with the 18th-century martial arts treatise that delves into minds of legendary Japanese warriors. Living and dying with bravery and honor is at the heart of Hagakure , a series of texts written by an eighteenth-century samurai, Yamamoto Tsunetomo. It is a window in...
Data de lançamento: 2012-05-15 R$ 69,90
El bushido era el código de conducta de los samuráis, la clase guerrera aristocrática que surgió durante las guerras del siglo XII, que a través de sus siete preceptos –justicia, coraje, benevolencia, cortesía, sinceridad, honor y lealtad– conforma un sistema de creencias que es único en la cultura japonesa y que permanecen vivos aún hoy en día. Este libro, a modo de guía, permite comprender, con ejemplos paralelos de la historia y la literatura europeas, porqué ciertas ideas y co...
Data de lançamento: 2005-10-10 R$ 27,90
The first volume in a two-part series that explores the theory of Wing Chun—a style of kung fu and self-defense—from a technical, lifestyle, and philosophical perspective Written by Wayne Belonoha—a certified Ving Tsun Instructor and National Certified Coach, 7th Level, Master Degree— The Wing Chun Compendium offers hundreds of tips and techniques specifically designed to help readers advance to the next stage. The Wing Chun Compendium is divided into eight sections, includ...
Data de lançamento: 2005-12-15 R$ 74,90
Sun Tzu's The Art of War is an acknowledged masterpiece--for the general reader. Yet the deeper truths of strategy and mind manipulation have been, until now, known only to true scholars dedicated to deciphering illegible scrolls and mastering the nuances of lost languages. Now, Dr. Haha Lung has at last gathered and fully translated these teachings from the shadows of history--the truly dangerous wisdom of the lesser-known masters--and presents them here for those daring, perhaps unwisely, to a...
Data de lançamento: 2011-10-24 R$ 32,90
Get in the best shape of your life and master real fighting techniques with Advanced Krav Maga Based on the principles of enhancing natural instincts and using appropriate force for self-protection and weapons defense, anyone can master the moves of krav maga – the international self-defense Martial Arts and physical fitness sensation designed by the Israel Defense Forces. This follow up to Krav Maga: An Essential Guide to the Renowned Method - for Fitness and Self-Defense , explores essential...
Data de lançamento: 2008-09-16 R$ 67,90
Este volume 3 da coleção Judô objetiva apresentar todos os detalhes dos kata mais praticados pelos estudantes de judô: o nage no kata, composto pelas técnicas de mão, de quadril, de perna, de autossacrifício frontal e de autossacrifício lateral; e o katame no kata, composto pelas técnicas de imobilização, de estrangulamento e de chaves e torções. O livro traz, ainda, as técnicas de gokyō no waza, compostas por cinco grupos de oito projeções, cujo aprendizado é exigido para que ...
Data de lançamento: 2019-08-05 R$ 62,90
Teoria e prática do treinamento para MMA vem preencher uma lacuna ainda existente na literatura nacional, apresentando aspectos teóricos e metodológicos da preparação esportiva de lutadores de diferentes modalidades, com base em evidências científicas recentes. O livro traz, por meio de uma linguagem simples e acessível, assuntos relacionados ao treinamento físico, técnico e tático, com exemplos práticos recorrentes no dia a dia da preparação de inúmeros lutadores da American Top ...
Data de lançamento: 2017-07-29 R$ 69,90
Aikido is the "Art of Peace," a discipline that emphasizes harmony and the peaceful resolution of conflict. Far more than a self-defense technique, Aikido is a physical and spiritual discipline that aims at unifying the body and spirit with the natural forces of the universe, fostering compassion, wisdom, and fearlessness. This book introduces the basic principles and practices of this popular martial art and includes: • The biography of the Founder of Aikido, Morihei U...
Data de lançamento: 1996-07-09 R$ 74,90
A martial arts biography of the legendary founder of judo, Jigoro Kano, and the colorful coterie of disciples who wanted to carry on his legacy Kodokan judo, one of the most well-known martial arts in the world today, was originated by Jigoro Kano (1860–1938), a martial artist and career educator who developed the art after studying several types of jujutsu, sumo, and Western wrestling. Openness and refinement were hallmarks of his personal and professional style, and he relentlessly se...
Data de lançamento: 2013-08-13 R$ 89,90
El aikido es un arte marcial de origen japonés creado por el maestro Morihei Ueshiba. Es un deporte exigente desde el punto de vista mental y espiritual. Su práctica no está orientada a la lucha o la competición, sino al entrenamiento del equilibrio del cuerpo y la mente, un aspecto necesario para alcanzar la seguridad y paz interior. Tal como revela su propio nombre, que deriva de tres ideogramas japoneses -ai, «armonía», ki, «energía vital», y do, «vía»-, esta disciplina puede ent...
Data de lançamento: 2016-07-15 R$ 34,90
An Approach to Ip Man Style Wing Chun is a practical new beginner's guide to Wing Chun by a certified instructor in the Ip Man lineage. Pan American Triple Gold Medalist Wayne Belonoha provides the fundamentals of the art as a comprehensive mind/body training program. Written in accessible language and including more than 400 full-color photos, the book emphasizes benefits including weight reduction, stress management, personal defense and safety, and self-discipline through meditation.
Data de lançamento: 2015-07-21 R$ 64,90
In this second volume, a martial arts expert continues his study of Wing Chun, a popular system of kung fu, demonstrating how it can be used to improve your mental and physical health Wing Chun, also called Ving Tsun, is a popular system of kung fu designed centuries ago by a Buddhist nun and Shaolin master. Together, the two volumes of The Wing Chun Compendium offer a complete guide to the discipline, from theory and philosophy to drills and forms. In this second volum...
Data de lançamento: 2009-07-21 R$ 74,90
Your go-to illustrated guide to the practices, history, and philosophy of the popular Yang style of taijiquan Fu Zhongwen's classic guide offers the best documentation available of the Yang style of taijiquan. The superbly detailed form instructions and historic line art drawings are based on Fu’s many years as a disciple of Yang Chengfu, taijiquan’s legendary founder. Also included are concise descriptions of fixed-step, moving-step, and da lu push hands practices. Additional comment...
Data de lançamento: 1999-09-07 R$ 64,90
An illustrated guide to 100 essential techniques and movements used in the Brazilian martial art of capoeira—with photographs and no-nonsense tips for practitioners of all skill levels Capoeira 100 is a step-by-step guide to one hundred techniques and one hundred exercises for training in the art of capoeira. In Part One of the book, easy-to-follow instructions and photographs guide you through defensive movements, groundwork, flying kicks, escapes, floreios, and acrobatics of capoeira,...
Data de lançamento: 2007-01-09 R$ 74,90
This complete guide to "street smart" self-defense covers a wide range of subjects including: rapid assessment of potentially dangerous situations, fast and simple response to an attack, continuous flow of defensive techniques, vital strike points, first strike advantage, fighting techniques and body weapons, specific attack responses, grappling and ground fighting, defending against weapons, and home training exercises. 185 photographs. Introduction. Index.
Data de lançamento: 2000-10-01 R$ 17,90
Esta obra contiene una gran información para los amantes del Wushu de Wudang y el Kung Fu tradicional, su alquimia, sus métodos de entrenamientos, historia de maestros, escuelas, formas de la escuela de Zhang San Feng, etc. Esperamos que esta obra sirva a los practicantes del wushu de Wudang y los interesados en la cultura (China de Wuxia), como herramienta complementaria a las técnicas de mano vacía.
Data de lançamento: 2023-02-26 R$ 34,90
Una guía completa para dominar el arte del kung fu ¿Es un novato tratando de aprender las katas básicas? ¿Tiene problemas con los movimientos y formas avanzadas de kung fu? ¿Su entrenamiento regular como Shaolín parece no llevarle a ninguna parte? Este libro resolverá todos sus dilemas sobre las artes marciales, responderá a todas sus preguntas sobre el wushu y le ayudará a convertirse en un maestro del kung fu en el menor tiempo posible. En este libro, usted podrá: Descubrir nuevas t...
Data de lançamento: 2022-05-09 R$ 32,90
Extended Edition with 'My Dojo', 'My Karate Journal, 'Waza Notes' and 'My Goals' pages to make it your own personal Karate journal and instruction book. Karate Basics for Kids and Adults. Introduction to basic techniques, related vocabulary, and Dojo etiquette with clear illustrations and explinations. This booklet will make the start of your Karate journey a little bit easier and make you feel more at home at the Dojo from the start. All, and much more you need to know to start and keep record ...
Data de lançamento: 2021-12-13 R$ 54,90
Aprenda todo lo que necesita saber sobre este arte marcial ! A Io largo de su lectura, la guia ofrece los beneficios de los ejercicios preparatorios, las técnicas y las diferentes formas de combate. Establece un vinculo con las otras culturas marciales conocidas. La ilustraci6n, el texto y el uso de los cédigos QR para cargar los videos sobre su celular, permite al lector descubrir y practicar las técnicas. Una guía práctica y eficaz para dominar el arte del bastón egipcio.
Data de lançamento: 2021-10-29 R$ 10,90
A comprehensive guide to the fundamentals, sequences, and applications of Baguazhang. Baguazhang is unquestionably one of the most esoteric disciplines in martial arts. Based on the eight trigrams ( bagua ) of the Yi Jing , it emphasizes the importance of maneuverability, evasion, and change to deflect an aggressor's attacks. Unlike martial arts systems that employ overt punches, kicks, and grappling techniques, most of the bodily weapons of the baguazhang arsenal are well concealed, agile, and ...
Data de lançamento: 2021-03-16 R$ 69,90
“Darren Levine has my unqualified support and gratitude for his contributions to Krav Maga.” –Imi Lichtenfeld, founder of Krav Maga THE TOP-SELLING GUIDE TO KRAV MAGA IN AN UPDATED AND EXPANDED EDITION All the defense moves in Complete Krav Maga—from beginner Yellow Belt to advanced Black Belt—are described in depth and illustrated with step-by-step photos: • BEGINNER: Punches, kicks, knee strikes and defense movements • INTERMEDIATE: Counterattacks against knives, guns and sticks ...
Data de lançamento: 2016-06-14 R$ 99,90
The sniper is a battlefield threat second to none. Mastering the art of marksmanship is critical but is only part of what makes a Navy SEAL sniper. Snipers must be able to apply the craft in an urban environment or alone on a hostile mountain top with equal effectiveness. Today’s sniper must not just leverage technological advances but also have the foreknowledge to select the best rifle and gear for the mission. Increasingly, he must have the mental toughness to adapt to a constantly changing...
Data de lançamento: 2013-03-08 Gênero:Esportes e atividades ao ar livre R$ 62,90
Wing Chun is the most popular form of Chinese Kung Fu in the world today, with over four million practitioners. The art as it is presently understood has been handed down from teacher to student for more than three hundred years. Until now, no one has ever stepped back and taken a critical look at why this art’s techniques are presented and performed the way they are. This book, by Wing Chun master Danny Xuan and martial-arts authority John Little, is the first to decipher these techniques tha...
Data de lançamento: 2015-07-21 R$ 62,90
The classic text on the mystical traditions of the ninja now decoded in English • The path of the ninja as an authentic spiritual discipline • Details the art of concealment and espionage, including methods of disguise, survival techniques, and face reading • A ninja response to the Samurai Bushido and the way to mind-body harmony Experts in disguise, infiltration, espionage, and counterintelligence, the ninja had spiritual values and magical traditions that distinguished them from the sol...
Data de lançamento: 2010-08-13 R$ 62,90
The embodiment of the ancient knowledge that underlies the dedication-to-perfection philosophy of Japan • How mastering these specific movement sequences known as katas provides a way to deepen one’s martial arts practice spiritually • Explores the psychological and social importance of the katas in martial arts and Japanese society, including their role in seppuku (ritual suicide) • Includes many examples from the lives of famous masters, from the legendary samurai Miyamoto Musashi to 2...
Data de lançamento: 2010-09-03 R$ 52,90
Challenging timeworn conventions of karate training and revealing the original intent of classical kata —or forms—through detailed descriptions of self-defense applications known as bunkai , this is a crucial addition to any martial-arts library. Containing more than 265 photos, the book is divided into chapters that illuminate each of the ten classical kata of Goju-ryu. Drawing on more than forty years of experience in the martial arts, Giles Hopkins Sensei takes us on a journey into...
Data de lançamento: 2018-02-06 R$ 84,90
Questo libro è frutto di una passione, un amore profondo che nutro verso la disciplina che pratico ed insegno. Durante il mio cammino di formazione ho trovato molti praticanti ed insegnanti di Krav Maga che non vi erano a conoscenza di cosa stessero insegnando o praticando. La cosa che ho trovato ancora più sconcertante è che molti erano ignari della storia del fondatore e del sistema stesso. In questo libro l'autore intende riportare serietà al Krav Maga e stila un piccolo decalogo per rico...
Data de lançamento: 2017-02-01 R$ 3,90
An essential guide for T’ai Chi practitioners of all skill levels—with an overview of basic principles and commentary on three classic internal martial arts texts According to Master Liao, the great power of T’ai Chi cannot be realized without knowing its inner meaning. T’ai Chi Classics presents the inner meaning and techniques of T’ai Chi movements through translations of three core classics of T’ai Chi, often considered the “T’ai Chi Bible”. Divided into three ...
Data de lançamento: 1990-11-27 R$ 74,90
How To Jiu Jitsu For Beginners is oriented toward teaching basic jiu-jitsu techniques for self-defense. The book shows the user how to control stand up aspects of a fight as well as ground aspects. Over 200 photos are combined with step-by-step instructions to illustrate effective application of jiu-jitsu moves. The accompanying text offers further insight in the various techniques and principles of jiu-jitsu. From a standing perspective, the e-book will explain how to keep the distance in a fig...
Data de lançamento: 2016-10-24 R$ 52,90
A fascinating, eclectic collection of writings—spanning four hundred years—on samurai ethos, training, and education, from premier translator Thomas Cleary Through the ages, the samurai have been associated with honor, fearlessness, calm, decisive action, strategic thinking, and martial prowess. Their ethos is known as bushido , the Way of the Warrior-Knight. Here, premier translator Thomas Cleary presents a rich collection of writings on bushido by warriors, scholars, political...
Data de lançamento: 2008-05-13 R$ 89,90
This collection of historical writings by martial arts masters—from Miyamoto Musashi to Takuan Soho—is an essential primer on the history, philosophy, and practice of samurai swordsmanship There is perhaps no more potent symbol of the samurai era than the sword. By the seventeenth century in Japan, the art of swordsmanship had begun to take on an almost cult-like popularity. Swordsmanship was more than a mastery of technique; it was a path toward self-mastery. The Swordsm...
Data de lançamento: 2014-04-29 R$ 94,90
A study of the ethical and philosophical principles of Aikido, as envisioned by its founder Morihei Ueshiba, and how this unique martial art can deepen our connection to nature Here is a unique approach to the teachings of the Founder of Aikido, Morihei Ueshiba, as interpreted by his direct student of fifteen years. Mitsugi Saotome examines the spiritual philosophy of the Founder, the warrior ideals of feudal Japan as the basis of his martial arts philosophy, and the scientific principles underl...
Data de lançamento: 1993-10-19 R$ 84,90
Neste livro o autor relata fatos verdadeiros da história da capoeira no Brasil, são fatos pesquisados em livros de história, conhecimentos adquiridos através de cursos em mais de vinte anos de treinamentos, desta forma, o autor relata a sua própria experiência no mundo da capoeira. Este livro nos traz uma parte da história da capoeira e de seus instrumentos, suas lendas e mitos, sua origem, a escolha do nome capoeira , seus golpes, famosos e antigos Mestres que venceram o preconceito e qu...
Data de lançamento: 2010-05-18 Gênero:Esportes e atividades ao ar livre R$ 22,90
Este libro muestra cómo el estudio y el conocimiento del Ju Jitsu (guardias, caídas, paradas y técnicas de esquiva, palancas y torsiones articulares, proyecciones y estrangulaciones) para pasar seguidamente a detalladas secuencias fotográficas de técnicas de defensa de mano vacía contra ataques con o sin armas.
Data de lançamento: 2016-07-15 R$ 34,90
The first complete translation of the ultimate Ninja manual—a comprehensive guide to the arts of the ninja, including espionage, warfare, assassination, and more In 1676, a ninja named Fujibayashi collected and combined information from the ninja clans of Iga—regarded to be the homeland of the ninja—and compiled it into an authoritative book. Known as The Bansenhukai , Fujibayashi's book has now been translated into English by the Historical Ninjutsu Research Team and is ...
Data de lançamento: 2013-10-03 R$ 79,90
CHIVALRY is a flower no less indigenous to the soil of Japan than its emblem, the cherry blossom; nor is it a dried-up specimen of an antique virtue preserved in the herbarium of our history. It is still a living object of power and beauty among us; and if it assumes no tangible shape or form, it not the less scents the moral atmosphere, and makes us aware that we are still under its potent spell.
Data de lançamento: 2014-12-31 R$ 17,90
Grandmaster Wong is a fourth-generation successor of the renowned Southern Shaolin monastery in Putian, China. Living in Malaysia, he travels the world spreading the "greatness of kung fu" throughout the world through the Shaolin Wahnam institute. Learn about the masters Sifu Wong studied under and hear stories of how he trained and how he has been working to improve kung fu teaching methods to share his art with the world. In this book we talk about how Qi Gong can help to heal today's modern s...
Data de lançamento: 2013-02-27 R$ 17,90
Miyamoto Musashi es la historia de un guerrero excepcional pero también la de las artes marciales, en una sociedad japonesa que estaba viviendo una nueva página de su historia. La vida aventurera de Miyamoto Musashi ha hecho de éste inevitablemente una figura mítica de la cultura japonesa. Famoso por sus combates, maestro en el arte del sable, este guerrero fue también calígrafo, pintor, escultor y autor de una obra escrita importante por su influencia. A partir de la nueva traducción com...
Data de lançamento: 2008-01-18 R$ 47,90
Sotai -reeducación postural integral- es un tratamiento natural de origen japonés basado en los conocimientos de la medicina tradicional china y japonesa, combinados con estudios y experiencias de la medicina occidental para la sincronización muscular y articular. En este libro, el autor, en los ocho capítulos en que se divide la obra, explica los principios básicos de esta terapia, analiza las posturas del cuerpo humano y sus movimientos, presenta el funcionamiento y el campo de aplicació...
Data de lançamento: 2011-07-18 R$ 27,90
En el Japón del siglo XVIII, Tsunetomo Yamamoto, un poderoso samurái, creó el Hagakure, un documento que recogía sus pensamientos acerca de los valores y conducta de los samuráis. Durante los siguientes 200 años, el Hagakure circuló secretamente entre los samuráis "despiertos", una elite samurái. El libro estuvo disponible por primera vez para el público japonés en 1906, y hasta 1945, sus principios influyeron enormemente en la clase dirigente japonesa, en particular a los que...
Data de lançamento: 2010-09-08 R$ 27,90