One of today’s premier biographers has written a modern, comprehensive, indeed ultimate book on the epic life of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. In this superlative volume, Jean Edward Smith combines contemporary scholarship and a broad range of primary source material to provide an engrossing narrative of one of America’s greatest presidents. This is a portrait painted in broad strokes and fine details. We see how Roosevelt’s restless energy, fierce intellect, personal magnetism, and ability t...
Data de lançamento: 2007-05-15 R$ 59,90
“If you read one book about Lincoln, make it A. Lincoln .”— USA Today NAMED ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY The Washington Post • The Philadelphia Inquirer • The Christian Science Monitor • St. Louis Post-Dispatch. NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER WINNER OF THE CHRISTOPHER AWARD Everyone wants to define the man who signed his name “A. Lincoln.” In his lifetime and ever since, friend and foe have taken it upon themselves to characterize Lincoln ...
Data de lançamento: 2009-01-13 Gênero:Biografias e memórias R$ 59,90
San Martín, Perón, Jesús, el Che, Alejandro Magno, Evita, Borges, Napoleón, Alfonsín y Kirchner son los diez pacientes que el doctor Daniel López Rosetti examina en este libro. A través de sus historias clínicas, los lectores podrán viajar en el tiempo para adentrarse en la historia de estos seres humanos que hicieron Historia. Lejos del bronce y del mármol, estos personajes de carne y hueso padecieron enfermedades que marcaron sus trayectorias. "La historia clínica es un modo de abor...
Data de lançamento: 2011-07-26 R$ 17,90
Today, as liberty and truth are increasingly challenged, the figures of Churchill and Orwell loom large. Exemplars of Britishness, they preserved individual freedom and democracy for the world through their far-sighted vision and inspired action, and cast a long shadow across our culture and politics. In Churchill & Orwell , the Pulitzer Prize-winning author Thomas E. Ricks masterfully argues that these extraordinary men are as important today as they ever were. Churchill and Orwell st...
Data de lançamento: 2017-06-15 Gênero:Biografias e memórias R$ 37,90
Es ist das Buch, das die Präsidentschaft von Donald Trump erschüttert: Michael Wolffs «Feuer und Zorn» ist ein eindrucksvolles Sittengemälde der amerikanischen Politik unter Trump. Im Mittelpunkt ein Präsident, den seine Mitarbeiter wie ein kleines Kind behandeln und der umgeben ist von Inkompetenz, Intrigen und Verrat. Der Bestsellerautor Wolff beschreibt das Chaos, das in den ersten Monaten im Weißen Haus geherrscht hat, er enthüllt, wie nah die Russland-Verbindung an Trump herangerüc...
Data de lançamento: 2018-02-16 R$ 67,90
Este libro es una guía práctica y accesible para saber más sobre Franklin Roosevelt, que le aportará la información esencial y le permitirá ganar tiempo. En tan solo 50 minutos usted podrá: • Profundizar en la biografía de Franklin Roosevelt, enmarcada en una época convulsa que ve sucederse dos guerras mundiales y una gran crisis económica, la Gran Depresión • Examinar la carrera política de Roosevelt y las acciones que lleva a cabo antes y después de colocarse a la cabeza...
Data de lançamento: 2017-05-19 Gênero:Biografias e memórias R$ 9,90
Keen to learn but short on time? Get to grips with the life of Winston Churchill in next to no time with this concise guide. provides a clear and engaging analysis of the life of Winston Churchill. In May 1940, with Europe under threat from Adolf Hitler’s Germany, Winston Churchill became the British Prime Minister. His tenacity and inspiring speeches are credited with helping to lead the Allies to victory over the Nazis, and he is considered by many to be one of the greatest Bri...
Data de lançamento: 2017-03-01 Gênero:Biografias e memórias R$ 9,90